Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15

Let's focus on solutions.

I think the future of Gaza lays with influence of Arab- Muslim recognized leaders, and further integration into the Arab world and the economy of the neighborhood - which definitely has a lot options to offer.

Some may have heard about the Palestinian Emirate solution I've mentioned a couple of times.

Can you expand on the Palestinian Emirate? I might have missed it or, don't recall it.
please provide proof it is Israeli policy to directly target civilians
so a sniper shot a civilian---this does not show Israeli policy

From the guys doing the shooting...

Rank: First Sergeant
unit: Armored Corps
area: Deir al-Balah area
period: 2014

“Anything you see in the neighborhoods you’re in, anything within a reasonable distance, say between zero and 200 meters – is dead on the spot. No authorization needed.” We asked him: “I see someone walking in the street, do I shoot him?” He said yes. “Why do I shoot him?” “Because he isn’t supposed to be there.

"...anyone located in an IDF area, in areas the IDF took over – is not [considered] a civilian."

"The instructions are to shoot right away. Whoever you spot – be they armed or unarmed, no matter what. The instructions are very clear. Any person you run into, that you see with your eyes – shoot to kill. It’s an explicit instruction."

Here's another one...

(Gaza) – Israeli forces in the southern Gaza town of Khuza’a fired on and killed civilians in apparent violation of the laws of war in several incidents between July 23 and 25, 2014. Deliberate attacks on civilians who are not participating in the fighting are war crimes.
And another...

There is so much out there, that you have to be deliberately not wanting to see any of this.
Let's focus on solutions.

I think the future of Gaza lays with influence of Arab- Muslim recognized leaders, and further integration into the Arab world and the economy of the neighborhood - which definitely has a lot options to offer.

Some may have heard about the Palestinian Emirate solution I've mentioned a couple of times.

Can you expand on the Palestinian Emirate? I might have missed it or, don't recall it.
In very short:

Palestinian Emirates Introduction

I myself still have lots of questions about this idea, and waiting for an answer from the prof.
Somehow this solution feels natural from my perspective, in light of the prosperity and calm of the Emirates in the gulf (even those without oil).

So before we go into tiny details, just give me Your opinion about the essence itself.
Dude You don't even realize how suicidal it is...just imagine what happens at the crucial moment when the Arab world decides to confront Iran. Believe me, although Gazans are my enemies - I don't wish for them what I see is coming.
That's your decision and your fault. Don't blame others for the things you decide to do.
Dude You don't even realize how suicidal it is...just imagine what happens at the crucial moment when the Arab world decides to confront Iran. Believe me, although Gazans are my enemies - I don't wish for them what I see is coming.
That's your decision and your fault. Don't blame others for the things you decide to do.

Of course Gazans are not even responsible for cleaning their nose
Dude You don't make sense. Reread what I wrote, and in relation to what.
If someone waved a Swastika at me and said "I wanna reap the hearts of Jews away on the way to Jerusalem"....that wouldn't leave much options.

Real danger -real response. Historic justice.
If that someone was a 4 year old girl with no legs, would you still feel threatened?
Of course Gazans are not even responsible for cleaning their nose
Dude You don't make sense. Reread what I wrote, and in relation to what.
You don't wish for them to see what is coming, is a result of a decision you made.
Of course Gazans are not even responsible for cleaning their nose
Dude You don't make sense. Reread what I wrote, and in relation to what.
You don't wish for them to see what is coming, is a result of a decision you made.

Gazans don't make decisions? Hamas clearly made one of big impact, in spite of numerous options proposed by the neighbors -all were rejected- their decision.
No one owes them anything.

Don't wanna port, don't wanna oil, don't wanna airport...why? Because Jews.
Let's focus on solutions.

I think the future of Gaza lays with influence of Arab- Muslim recognized leaders, and further integration into the Arab world and the economy of the neighborhood - which definitely has a lot options to offer.

Some may have heard about the Palestinian Emirate solution I've mentioned a couple of times.

Can you expand on the Palestinian Emirate? I might have missed it or, don't recall it.
In very short:

Palestinian Emirates Introduction

I myself still have lots of questions about this idea, and waiting for an answer from the prof.
Somehow this solution feels natural from my perspective, in light of the prosperity and calm of the Emirates in the gulf (even those without oil).

So before we go into tiny details, just give me Your opinion about the essence itself.

I looked it up and found an article - I find reading easier then video - so this is what I found: Palestinian Emirates Introduction

It is fascinating - in fact, it deserves it's own thread, so I will start one.
Let's focus on solutions.

I think the future of Gaza lays with influence of Arab- Muslim recognized leaders, and further integration into the Arab world and the economy of the neighborhood - which definitely has a lot options to offer.

Some may have heard about the Palestinian Emirate solution I've mentioned a couple of times.

Can you expand on the Palestinian Emirate? I might have missed it or, don't recall it.
In very short:

Palestinian Emirates Introduction

I myself still have lots of questions about this idea, and waiting for an answer from the prof.
Somehow this solution feels natural from my perspective, in light of the prosperity and calm of the Emirates in the gulf (even those without oil).

So before we go into tiny details, just give me Your opinion about the essence itself.

I looked it up and found an article - I find reading easier then video - so this is what I found: Palestinian Emirates Introduction

It is fascinating - in fact, it deserves it's own thread, so I will start one.

Sure cool, let's discuss...I'll come back tomorrow.

Edit: I've opened one moths ago, if You see fit please stat a new one
(I actually prefer if possible) from Your perspective.
Last edited:
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ Coyote, et al,

BLUF: I honestly do not know.

My feeling or guess → based on intuition → rather than known facts, is that it is not true.

I don't think that in the end, it will matter as to whether or not the Israeli authorities assign enforcement or administer justice over Area "C" Israelis, the same way authorities assign enforcement or administer justice over Area "C" Arab Palestinians.

The Arab Palestinians have prosecuted the conflict for so long and in such a way that, like an old windshield wiper, it gradually builds up so many streaks that at some point the view is totally obscured. We all know what the clear view is suppose to look like, it just that it is opaque. Looking from one side to the other, we no longer recognize one another.

Well...let me ask you this then.

There have been Israeli extremists who have been found guilty of terrorism (two incidents come to mind - the firebombing of a Palestinian home, and the kidnapping, setting on fire and murder of a Palestinian youth. In the former, there had to have been knowledge and protection by the families, because it took considerable time to find the guilty youths.

Were any homes demolished?

There is probably no valid argument to be made that either side:

■→ one being the Arab Palestinians applying violence and coersion to achieve wealth and property for which a conflict has continue for more than a half-century; and

■→ the other being the Israelis that have been in the constant role of a establishing solid defensive gound and defensible bountries to protect and maintatin sovereignty ⇒ (again that either side) has not run afoul of Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL).​

Neither side is batting a thousand in being prefectly fair or rendering justice (undeclared wars are notorious for that).

Israeli Soveirenty is the key, and it embodied in decisions of the Allied Powers at San Remo (1920).

The Right of Return (RoR) millions of descendants of displaced Arabs during the 1948 War of Independence must be allowed to “return” to Israel. They want to grant the RETURN to those millions that never lived in Israel at all. The want to shift the demographics such that it will no longer be a Jewish National Home. They want to create another condition of exile for the Jews.

Descendent Claims and Survivor administration of the challenge to estate property pertaining to deceased persons.

It is probably not likely that the Israelis are going to compromise

Most Respectfully,
Let's focus on solutions.

I think the future of Gaza lays with influence of Arab- Muslim recognized leaders, and further integration into the Arab world and the economy of the neighborhood - which definitely has a lot options to offer.

Some may have heard about the Palestinian Emirate solution I've mentioned a couple of times.

Can you expand on the Palestinian Emirate? I might have missed it or, don't recall it.
In very short:

Palestinian Emirates Introduction

I myself still have lots of questions about this idea, and waiting for an answer from the prof.
Somehow this solution feels natural from my perspective, in light of the prosperity and calm of the Emirates in the gulf (even those without oil).

So before we go into tiny details, just give me Your opinion about the essence itself.

I looked it up and found an article - I find reading easier then video - so this is what I found: Palestinian Emirates Introduction

It is fascinating - in fact, it deserves it's own thread, so I will start one.

Sure cool, let's discuss...I'll come back tomorrow.

I started it :)
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ Coyote, et al,

BLUF: I honestly do not know.

My feeling or guess → based on intuition → rather than known facts, is that it is not true.

I don't think that in the end, it will matter as to whether or not the Israeli authorities assign enforcement or administer justice over Area "C" Israelis, the same way authorities assign enforcement or administer justice over Area "C" Arab Palestinians.

The Arab Palestinians have prosecuted the conflict for so long and in such a way that, like an old windshield wiper, it gradually builds up so many streaks that at some point the view is totally obscured. We all know what the clear view is suppose to look like, it just that it is opaque. Looking from one side to the other, we no longer recognize one another.

Well...let me ask you this then.

There have been Israeli extremists who have been found guilty of terrorism (two incidents come to mind - the firebombing of a Palestinian home, and the kidnapping, setting on fire and murder of a Palestinian youth. In the former, there had to have been knowledge and protection by the families, because it took considerable time to find the guilty youths.

Were any homes demolished?

There is probably no valid argument to be made that either side:

■→ one being the Arab Palestinians applying violence and coersion to achieve wealth and property for which a conflict has continue for more than a half-century; and

■→ the other being the Israelis that have been in the constant role of a establishing solid defensive gound and defensible bountries to protect and maintatin sovereignty ⇒ (again that either side) has not run afoul of Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL).​

Neither side is batting a thousand in being prefectly fair or rendering justice (undeclared wars are notorious for that).

Israeli Soveirenty is the key, and it embodied in decisions of the Allied Powers at San Remo (1920).

The Right of Return (RoR) millions of descendants of displaced Arabs during the 1948 War of Independence must be allowed to “return” to Israel. They want to grant the RETURN to those millions that never lived in Israel at all. The want to shift the demographics such that it will no longer be a Jewish National Home. They want to create another condition of exile for the Jews.

Descendent Claims and Survivor administration of the challenge to estate property pertaining to deceased persons.

It is probably not likely that the Israelis are going to compromise

Most Respectfully,

On the right of return - I agree. IMO, "right of return" would only apply to those surviving people, not all their descendents...but even then, I understand the demographic issue. The other side of it is - those forced to flee and refused return, are owed some sort of compensation for lost homes and property. Part of the injustice here is Israel's deliberate creation of absentee property laws designed to inhibit Palestinians from reclaiming property.
Gazans don't make decisions? Hamas clearly made one of big impact, in spite of numerous options proposed by the neighbors -all were rejected- their decision.
Israel hasn't proposed jack shit, asshole!

No one owes them anything.
No one owes you a fuckin' country, either. But you are owed an ass whipping.

Don't wanna port, don't wanna oil, don't wanna airport...why? Because Jews.
This issue has nothing to do with Judaism.

But since you wanna play the J-card, you don't even have that anymore.

"Devastating’ survey shows huge loss of Israel support among Jewish college students"

There is no longer nuance in campus conversations about Israel, ...Instead, the “atmosphere is oppressor versus victim. Israel is just another symbol of this.”

And so do Palestinians.

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