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Israels Greatest Days

Sherri, please clear up again the following: are you a Christian or a Muslim and who employs you as a full time clerk, is it Hamas or the Palestinian Authority?

The problem is that I am using my brain to compensate that you are not using any... what leads me to believe that you have no brains at all.

Are you serious or crazy? She's a Christian, get over it......:cuckoo::cool:

No Christian says this:

This Connecticut crap is making me sick, all that sorrow over 20 children

After all Jesus said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:31)

This is not love, it is hate and it is not Christian.

"Hell is for baby killing Zionists who are still rejecting Jesus as Messiah even after their ancestors murdered Him!" - SherriM

I know what kind of "Christian" says that. The kind who busies herself selling hate. She surely wasn't talking about Zionists. I leave to you to decide who she was talking about. :cool:
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Are you serious or crazy? She's a Christian, get over it......:cuckoo::cool:

Nah...Too much hate to be a real Christian

You're jewish you wouldn't know.....:cool:

Please... I know a lot more about real Christians than you or Sherri knows about Jews. I grow up with Christians, most of my friends are Christian. I'm from an old polish Christian neighborhood in Detroit, I've been to Christian churches many...many times. Sherri is no Christian unless you consider the white supremacists KKK version real Christianity
Are you serious or crazy? She's a Christian, get over it......:cuckoo::cool:

No Christian says this:

This Connecticut crap is making me sick, all that sorrow over 20 children

After all Jesus said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:31)

This is not love, it is hate and it is not Christian.

"Hell is for baby killing Zionists who are still rejecting Jesus as Messiah even after their ancestors murdered Him!" - SherriM

I know what kind of "Christian" says that. The kind who busies herself selling hate. She surely wasn't talking about Zionists. I leave to you to decide who she was talking about. :cool:

She hates Jews, not Zionist. As there are plenty of Christian Zionists and a lot of Jews who are not Zionists
Fellow posters-----Sherri's exploitation of the FACTUAL STATISTIC ---
that more "palestinian" children have died as a consequence of
the conflict between jews and muslims SPECIFICALLY in Palestine,
aka Israel/judea IN RECENT YEARS never fails to remind
me of a word I learned in
Junior High school (during the bronze age) the word is
GERRYMANDERING it is the shifting of voting districts for
advantage of this or that political party. Playing with stats is
very important to lots of manipulators ------people who tout
the dangers of "depleted uranium" or "agent orange"
or even various artificial sugars ----do it all the time.

what is significant about sherri's use of this single VERY
TIME specific and PLACE specific stat----is that other
propagandaists just like her use the SAME STAT----ie---it
is a standard in the islamo nazi literature. I have seen others
like her use the SAME STAT. It is important to note that any
time anyone cites facts of ---THE PAST (ie no her specific
time period) or facts of --"OTHER PLACES" -----she
INSISTS that there is some basic COSMIC principle that
disallows discussion of anything that is not within the
specific parameters of time and place that SHE has

Meanwhile here is what is happening in our own lifetimes :

Suspected Islamist extremists have killed 15 Christians by slitting their throats in an attack on a village in Nigeria's volatile northeast, residents and a relief source say.

Suspected Islamist extremists have killed 15 Christians by slitting their throats in an attack on a village in Nigeria's volatile northeast, residents and a relief source said Sunday.

The gruesome violence was the latest to be blamed on Islamist extremist group Boko Haram, though thisChristmas season has been notably less bloody than in 2011, when attacks on churches and other locations left scores dead.

"From the information we gathered, the attackers broke into selected homes and slaughtered 15 people in their sleep," the relief official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak publicly.
Authorities had previously confirmed the predawn Friday attack in Musari, but gave few details and said "only five were killed".

Musari is located on the outskirts of Maiduguri, Boko Haram's base.
Lieutenant Colonel Sagir Musa, spokesman for a military task force in the area, told AFP on Sunday that he stood by the toll of five dead, adding that some were shot and others attacked with machetes.

Nigerian authorities tend to under-report death tolls however, and the relief official's information matched up with that of residents, who spoke of 15 people having their throats slit.

Speaking of the victims, the relief official said "they included one traffic warden and 14 civilians. The victims were selected because they were all Christians, some of whom had moved into the neighbourhood from other parts of the city hit by Boko Haram attacks."

Residents said they suspected the attackers were from Boko Haram.
"The attackers came in and silently went into homes whose residents were all Christians and slit the throats of their victims. They killed 15 people," one resident said.

An earlier military statement on the attack had said "unknown gunmen sneaked into Musari community ... and secretly carried out selective killings of five people including a serving Nigerian police traffic warden."

Residents said that a number of people have moved into the Musari area to flee violence in Maiduguri, which has faced incessant bombings and shootings blamed on Boko Haram. Violence linked to Boko Haram's insurgency in northern and central Nigeria has left some 3,000 people dead since 2009, including killings by the security forces.

Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation and largest oil producer, is roughly divided between a mainly Muslim north and predominately Christian south.
While Boko Haram's victims have often included Muslims, the group has also specifically targeted Christians, including bombings of churches. There have previously been instances of victims having their throats slit in attacks.
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has accused the group of seeking to ignite a religious crisis in the nation of some 160 million people.

During a Christmas Eve service last week, gunmen attacked a church in northeastern Yobe state, killing six people, including the pastor, before setting the building ablaze.

Boko Haram has claimed to be fighting for the creation of an Islamic state in Nigeria, though its demands have repeatedly shifted and it is believed to include a number of factions with varying aims. Nigeria's military has also been accused of major abuses in its response to Boko Haram's attacks, including killings of civilians and the burning of homes.

Human Rights Watch recently alleged that Nigerian security forces as well as Boko Haram may both be guilty of crimes against humanity.

AFP (http://s.tt/1xNhA)g in our own lifetimes:
When "they" profess to be Christian "we" do decide by their words and deeds.

You could of used a verse better suited for your case lol, I'm not into that whole debate.

Let my words and deeds define me, I stand against child killing and human rights abuses of Zionists in Palestine, I stand against the cold blooded murders of over 522 children in Palestine by Israel in the past 5 years! Jesus calls me to speak against these atrocities against humanity!

Yes and you clearly stand against Mourning the deaths of 20 children in Conneticut for even one day over time. ( in your mind ) By your own words, you are quite selective in what you stand "against", Sherri.

If you took everything you've said about others here and applied it to yourself you've have a good picture of the truth. It is a shame you insist on projecting it onto others rather than allowing the truth to penetrate your soul & bring you back to earth here.

I don't know who you are writing for right now but you couldn't be addressing the writers as they are speaking of your behavior towards Israelis and Americans. No one is questioning your standing against child killing and human rights. We only question why these rights are so selective in your mind - only afforded to terrorists and the Palestinian people and not the rest of the world. - Jeri
I hope no one is holding his breath of "hunger striking" waiting for
sherri to respond to the ongoing genocide against christians in
Nigeria -----for the record----numbers of dead in that particular genocidal
program have well exceeded one million CHILDREN since 1970. ---
that is more than one million children in approximately 42 years----
lets estimate something like at least 230,000 CHIILDREN in ten years---
--(be patient I am calculating) something like 23,000 per year
(as an arithmatic average) ----want to discuss that stat
I hope no one is holding his breath of "hunger striking" waiting for
sherri to respond to the ongoing genocide against christians in
Nigeria -----for the record----numbers of dead in that particular genocidal
program have well exceeded one million CHILDREN since 1970. ---
that is more than one million children in approximately 42 years----
lets estimate something like at least 230,000 CHIILDREN in ten years---
--(be patient I am calculating) something like 23,000 per year
(as an arithmatic average) ----want to discuss that stat

Alot of Christians being murdered there also churches burned to the ground. Alot of violence and it is spreading rapidly. I support a ministry that is supplying & assisting these 3rd world christians living in the 10/40 window and it is appalling what these muslims are doing to christians despite their claim to believe Jesus is a prophet. Why are they persecuting him then? Why are they persecuting Jesus? That is what I ask them when I get the opportunity. Or to those who defend such barbarism. Same question. What is going on? - J.
No Christian says this:

After all Jesus said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:31)

This is not love, it is hate and it is not Christian.

I don't know what she meant to infer in that statement, maybe she was saying people value their lives more than others. Such as an American life being more valuable than another nationality. I don't think she personally was speaking of those children. I don't know, but we don't decide who's a Christian.

In a recent post, Sherri wrote that Jesus didn't mean ALL children when he said Love children. I told her that she was mistaken that Jesus did mean ALL children. She said it wasn't possible ( in her mind ) as people would not feel love for all children, something to that effect. I thought it was very sad to hear someone say that and after learning what she said about the children in Conneticut ( I didn't know that before ) it is VERY sad to know she feels like this. - J.

I asked you once already to provide your source for your claim Jesus says "love all children." Still waiting!
I don't know what she meant to infer in that statement, maybe she was saying people value their lives more than others. Such as an American life being more valuable than another nationality. I don't think she personally was speaking of those children. I don't know, but we don't decide who's a Christian.

In a recent post, Sherri wrote that Jesus didn't mean ALL children when he said Love children. I told her that she was mistaken that Jesus did mean ALL children. She said it wasn't possible ( in her mind ) as people would not feel love for all children, something to that effect. I thought it was very sad to hear someone say that and after learning what she said about the children in Conneticut ( I didn't know that before ) it is VERY sad to know she feels like this. - J.

I asked you once already to provide your source for your claim Jesus says "love all children." Still waiting!

Didn't I give you some bible verses for that one? Are you serious, Sherri? You don't believe that Jesus loves all children? Which children doesn't he love? Which children doesn't he want you to love?

You know you remind me of this story about a guy who had a neighbor whose children were wearing rags to school and had no shoes! As the story goes the father was the town achoholic. So a man who was his neighbor and also a member of a local church ( as you claim to be ) said the bible says if a man won't work, neither will he eat. So I won't help those children even though they are my neighbors because the father is responsible and I can't stand him!

Now it was within the mans ability to assist these children. He could easily have done it but due to his hatred of these children ( because he didn't like the father ) he never lifted his hand to help them. He denied not one but both of the Lords commandments to love the Lord with all His mind, strength, soul & heart and to love his neighbor as himself ( YES, Sherri! Who is your neighbor would also include children!! ) Did the man love those children? No he did not. Did he go to heaven? No. I don't believe he did. You are still alive. Where there is life there is hope. The bible says if you don't love the person in front of you whom you can see how can you love God who cannot be seen? Wouldn't one be a liar?


Your attendance at church proves nothing. Sitting in your garage will not make you a car.
I don't know what she meant to infer in that statement, maybe she was saying people value their lives more than others. Such as an American life being more valuable than another nationality. I don't think she personally was speaking of those children. I don't know, but we don't decide who's a Christian.

In a recent post, Sherri wrote that Jesus didn't mean ALL children when he said Love children. I told her that she was mistaken that Jesus did mean ALL children. She said it wasn't possible ( in her mind ) as people would not feel love for all children, something to that effect. I thought it was very sad to hear someone say that and after learning what she said about the children in Conneticut ( I didn't know that before ) it is VERY sad to know she feels like this. - J.

I asked you once already to provide your source for your claim Jesus says "love all children." Still waiting!

sherri we have been down this road. Again, Jesus said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:31) This is all inclusive and not exclusionary.
I don't know what she meant to infer in that statement, maybe she was saying people value their lives more than others. Such as an American life being more valuable than another nationality. I don't think she personally was speaking of those children. I don't know, but we don't decide who's a Christian.

In a recent post, Sherri wrote that Jesus didn't mean ALL children when he said Love children. I told her that she was mistaken that Jesus did mean ALL children. She said it wasn't possible ( in her mind ) as people would not feel love for all children, something to that effect. I thought it was very sad to hear someone say that and after learning what she said about the children in Conneticut ( I didn't know that before ) it is VERY sad to know she feels like this. - J.

I asked you once already to provide your source for your claim Jesus says "love all children." Still waiting!

I'm guessing blacks and Jews are among those you don't love
In a recent post, Sherri wrote that Jesus didn't mean ALL children when he said Love children. I told her that she was mistaken that Jesus did mean ALL children. She said it wasn't possible ( in her mind ) as people would not feel love for all children, something to that effect. I thought it was very sad to hear someone say that and after learning what she said about the children in Conneticut ( I didn't know that before ) it is VERY sad to know she feels like this. - J.

I asked you once already to provide your source for your claim Jesus says "love all children." Still waiting!

I'm guessing blacks and Jews are among those you don't love

You really are misunderstanding me completely. All I am stating is there is not a command to love every person or every child in this world from Jesus. That does not mean God does not love every person and child, the issue I am addressing is an individual's inability to do that, love every person and child, as we do not know every person and child. And there is no command to do such a thing, it is not there.
try to cope fellow posters---do not bother sherri----she is saying that she loves all
"palestinian" children because she knows them-----but she does not know the
rest of the children of the world so that if they drop dead in the dust as did a
million children of biafra----it is ok with her and she is ok with 'jesus'
I asked you once already to provide your source for your claim Jesus says "love all children." Still waiting!

I'm guessing blacks and Jews are among those you don't love

You really are misunderstanding me completely. All I am stating is there is not a command to love every person or every child in this world from Jesus. That does not mean God does not love every person and child, the issue I am addressing is an individual's inability to do that, love every person and child, as we do not know every person and child. And there is no command to do such a thing, it is not there.

L'il sherrithing, in sherrispeech, the fact that you haven't denied the guess bolded above means that you admit that guess is accurate : )) That's the way you treated it when I didn't deny your accusations of being a 'paid shill'.......

Just one more example of sherrihypocrisy : ))
I'm guessing blacks and Jews are among those you don't love

You really are misunderstanding me completely. All I am stating is there is not a command to love every person or every child in this world from Jesus. That does not mean God does not love every person and child, the issue I am addressing is an individual's inability to do that, love every person and child, as we do not know every person and child. And there is no command to do such a thing, it is not there.

L'il sherrithing, in sherrispeech, the fact that you haven't denied the guess bolded above means that you admit that guess is accurate : )) That's the way you treated it when I didn't deny your accusations of being a 'paid shill'.......

Just one more example of sherrihypocrisy : ))

You just cannot stop putting words in the mouths of posters they never said, you are a lying whore, filled with deceit! I have not stated I hate anyone, you are not worth hating, just pity, and I even have to believe there is hope for whores like you who presently are whores for the prince of this world, spending your time defending child massacres. Sherri
In a recent positt, Sherri wrote that Jesus didn't mean ALL children when he said Love children. I told her that she was mistaken that Jesus did mean ALL children. She said it wasn't possible ( in her mind ) as people would not feel love for all children, something to that effect. I thought it was very sad to hear someone say that and after learning what she said about the children in Conneticut ( I didn't know that before ) it is VERY sad to know she feels like this. - J.

I asked you once already to provide your source for your claim Jesus says "love all children." Still waiting!

I'm guessing blacks and Jews are among those you don't love

You would be guessing wrong, there us no category of people I don't love.
I asked you once already to provide your source for your claim Jesus says "love all children." Still waiting!

I'm guessing blacks and Jews are among those you don't love

You really are misunderstanding me completely. All I am stating is there is not a command to love every person or every child in this world from Jesus. That does not mean God does not love every person and child, the issue I am addressing is an individual's inability to do that, love every person and child, as we do not know every person and child. And there is no command to do such a thing, it is not there.
Meanwhile, since Frau Sherri is concerned about children, I certainly hope she is contributing to UNICEF to help the children who have been affected by the war in Syria. Surely she wants to see these Muslim and Christian children being taken care of. UNICEF says there is a dire need for these children, and Frau Sherri will step up to the plate along with her Muslim friends to help.

Cold, Hungry, Suffering

After fleeing brutal conflict, the suffering of Syria's children has been compounded by the bitter cold, icy rains and snow, and howling winds of winter.

With thousands of refugees streaming across the border every day, UNICEF's emergency supplies are depleting quickly, and creating a shortage of the winter clothes, blankets, and shoes these kids desperately need right now.

Crises like these are why monthly donors to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF are critical to UNICEF's work. As a monthly donor your gift will help ensure that UNICEF has the money it needs, when it's needed most.

> Find out how UNICEF is helping the children of Syria

> You can help, too. Become a monthly donor today and your first three gifts will be MATCHED $1-for-$1, up to $10,000.
In a recent post, Sherri wrote that Jesus didn't mean ALL children when he said Love children. I told her that she was mistaken that Jesus did mean ALL children. She said it wasn't possible ( in her mind ) as people would not feel love for all children, something to that effect. I thought it was very sad to hear someone say that and after learning what she said about the children in Conneticut ( I didn't know that before ) it is VERY sad to know she feels like this. - J.

I asked you once already to provide your source for your claim Jesus says "love all children." Still waiting!

Didn't I give you some bible verses for that one? Are you serious, Sherri? You don't believe that Jesus loves all children? Which children doesn't he love? Which children doesn't he want you to love?

You know you remind me of this story about a guy who had a neighbor whose children were wearing rags to school and had no shoes! As the story goes the father was the town achoholic. So a man who was his neighbor and also a member of a local church ( as you claim to be ) said the bible says if a man won't work, neither will he eat. So I won't help those children even though they are my neighbors because the father is responsible and I can't stand him!

Now it was within the mans ability to assist these children. He could easily have done it but due to his hatred of these children ( because he didn't like the father ) he never lifted his hand to help them. He denied not one but both of the Lords commandments to love the Lord with all His mind, strength, soul & heart and to love his neighbor as himself ( YES, Sherri! Who is your neighbor would also include children!! ) Did the man love those children? No he did not. Did he go to heaven? No. I don't believe he did. You are still alive. Where there is life there is hope. The bible says if you don't love the person in front of you whom you can see how can you love God who cannot be seen? Wouldn't one be a liar?


Your attendance at church proves nothing. Sitting in your garage will not make you a car.

I do not think you know anything about Jesus.
I asked you once already to provide your source for your claim Jesus says "love all children." Still waiting!

Didn't I give you some bible verses for that one? Are you serious, Sherri? You don't believe that Jesus loves all children? Which children doesn't he love? Which children doesn't he want you to love?

You know you remind me of this story about a guy who had a neighbor whose children were wearing rags to school and had no shoes! As the story goes the father was the town achoholic. So a man who was his neighbor and also a member of a local church ( as you claim to be ) said the bible says if a man won't work, neither will he eat. So I won't help those children even though they are my neighbors because the father is responsible and I can't stand him!

Now it was within the mans ability to assist these children. He could easily have done it but due to his hatred of these children ( because he didn't like the father ) he never lifted his hand to help them. He denied not one but both of the Lords commandments to love the Lord with all His mind, strength, soul & heart and to love his neighbor as himself ( YES, Sherri! Who is your neighbor would also include children!! ) Did the man love those children? No he did not. Did he go to heaven? No. I don't believe he did. You are still alive. Where there is life there is hope. The bible says if you don't love the person in front of you whom you can see how can you love God who cannot be seen? Wouldn't one be a liar?


Your attendance at church proves nothing. Sitting in your garage will not make you a car.

I do not think you know anything about Jesus.

That's OK, l'il sherrithing: nobody here thinks you know anything about Jesus, either.
Didn't I give you some bible verses for that one? Are you serious, Sherri? You don't believe that Jesus loves all children? Which children doesn't he love? Which children doesn't he want you to love?

You know you remind me of this story about a guy who had a neighbor whose children were wearing rags to school and had no shoes! As the story goes the father was the town achoholic. So a man who was his neighbor and also a member of a local church ( as you claim to be ) said the bible says if a man won't work, neither will he eat. So I won't help those children even though they are my neighbors because the father is responsible and I can't stand him!

Now it was within the mans ability to assist these children. He could easily have done it but due to his hatred of these children ( because he didn't like the father ) he never lifted his hand to help them. He denied not one but both of the Lords commandments to love the Lord with all His mind, strength, soul & heart and to love his neighbor as himself ( YES, Sherri! Who is your neighbor would also include children!! ) Did the man love those children? No he did not. Did he go to heaven? No. I don't believe he did. You are still alive. Where there is life there is hope. The bible says if you don't love the person in front of you whom you can see how can you love God who cannot be seen? Wouldn't one be a liar?


Your attendance at church proves nothing. Sitting in your garage will not make you a car.

I do not think you know anything about Jesus.

That's OK, l'il sherrithing: nobody here thinks you know anything about Jesus, either.

What would you know about Jesus?

JESUS CHRIST, speaking to the Jews in the Gospel of St. John, VIII:44

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. - then answered the Jews - "

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