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Israels Greatest Days

Are you serious or crazy? She's a Christian, get over it......:cuckoo::cool:

No Christian says this:

This Connecticut crap is making me sick, all that sorrow over 20 children

After all Jesus said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:31)

This is not love, it is hate and it is not Christian.

I don't know what she meant to infer in that statement, maybe she was saying people value their lives more than others. Such as an American life being more valuable than another nationality. I don't think she personally was speaking of those children. I don't know, but we don't decide who's a Christian.

When "they" profess to be Christian "we" do decide by their words and deeds.
no mind to think and reason with, as always!

Sherri, please clear up again the following: are you a Christian or a Muslim and who employs you as a full time clerk, is it Hamas or the Palestinian Authority?

The problem is that I am using my brain to compensate that you are not using any... what leads me to believe that you have no brains at all.

Are you serious or crazy? She's a Christian, get over it......:cuckoo::cool:

Nah...Too much hate to be a real Christian
No Christian says this:

After all Jesus said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:31)

This is not love, it is hate and it is not Christian.

I don't know what she meant to infer in that statement, maybe she was saying people value their lives more than others. Such as an American life being more valuable than another nationality. I don't think she personally was speaking of those children. I don't know, but we don't decide who's a Christian.

When "they" profess to be Christian "we" do decide by their words and deeds.

You could of used a verse better suited for your case lol, I'm not into that whole debate.
Sherri, please clear up again the following: are you a Christian or a Muslim and who employs you as a full time clerk, is it Hamas or the Palestinian Authority?

The problem is that I am using my brain to compensate that you are not using any... what leads me to believe that you have no brains at all.

Are you serious or crazy? She's a Christian, get over it......:cuckoo::cool:

Nah...Too much hate to be a real Christian

You're jewish you wouldn't know.....:cool:
I don't know what she meant to infer in that statement, maybe she was saying people value their lives more than others. Such as an American life being more valuable than another nationality. I don't think she personally was speaking of those children. I don't know, but we don't decide who's a Christian.

When "they" profess to be Christian "we" do decide by their words and deeds.

You could of used a verse better suited for your case lol, I'm not into that whole debate.

Whether on a philosophical, spiritual or religious level her statement does not jibe with Christian principles. Nevertheless, I agree about not debating there is no useful purpose, it is for sherri to reconcile.
Connery---my take on sherri is that she VERY
DELIBERATELY presents herself as PARAGON
JESUS" as a device to attract naive christians
to the idea that christians SHOULD despise
Israel and -----lets face it----jews. She resorts
to citing old libels that no decent christian has
mentioned for decades. She is a version of a
KKK person exhorting people regarding the old
time libel that blacks are hungry for "white
girls" She USES christianity as a tool to incite
for her jew-hate agenda
No Christian says this:

After all Jesus said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:31)

This is not love, it is hate and it is not Christian.

I don't know what she meant to infer in that statement, maybe she was saying people value their lives more than others. Such as an American life being more valuable than another nationality. I don't think she personally was speaking of those children. I don't know, but we don't decide who's a Christian.

When "they" profess to be Christian "we" do decide by their words and deeds.

I am a Christian and I thank you for your Hate of me because Jesus tells me I will be hated by the likes of you because of my faith. You confirm I am doing exactly as Jesus calls me to do with my life. Such a precious gift you are giving me, I reap Blessings from your hate of me, thank you for your hate. Haters include any person choosing to be Zionists like you, I do not hold only Jewish or American childrens lives as having value before God like your ilk does. Which is what that comment you took out of context was about. Baby killing scum is who you are, the ones doing the baby killing as Zionists in Palestine and their staunch Zionist defenders, the ones just like you who so vigorously defend the cold blooded murders of Palestinian children in Palestine! How many babies have you killed? Anyone defending Israels child massacres as you have deserves to be asked that very specific question.Have you served in the IDF and killed babies there, in Palestine or Lebanon? When you defend Zionist baby killing as vigourously as you have done, you embrace that baby killing as if you were doing it all yourself.Your blood lust for the lives of Palestinian children shines through so very brightly and defines the essence of who you are! Connery and baby killer/Zionist baby killer defender(two acts that are one and the same), two words etched together forever in my mind!
I don't know what she meant to infer in that statement, maybe she was saying people value their lives more than others. Such as an American life being more valuable than another nationality. I don't think she personally was speaking of those children. I don't know, but we don't decide who's a Christian.

When "they" profess to be Christian "we" do decide by their words and deeds.

You could of used a verse better suited for your case lol, I'm not into that whole debate.

Let my words and deeds define me, I stand against child killing and human rights abuses of Zionists in Palestine, I stand against the cold blooded murders of over 522 children in Palestine by Israel in the past 5 years! Jesus calls me to speak against these atrocities against humanity!
When "they" profess to be Christian "we" do decide by their words and deeds.

You could of used a verse better suited for your case lol, I'm not into that whole debate.

Whether on a philosophical, spiritual or religious level her statement does not jibe with Christian principles. Nevertheless, I agree about not debating there is no useful purpose, it is for sherri to reconcile.

Zionist Baby killing you defend is not a teaching of Christianity any Christian is called to defend, and this has been and will always be true, no matter how strenuously you keep defending it and implying baby murder of Zionists is a Christian value!
It's not 'threatening': it's just that the lies you continually vomit forth are so disgusting - even without the added smarminess and prancing about anointing yourself as a 'pacifist humanitarian'....... In between spitting 'baby killer' at everyone who doesn't support your pet terrorists.




sherri you are embodiment of delusional hatred by continuously citing half the facts from your sources and parading that as the absolute truth in an effort to garner a following in your march to hell.

Zionist war crimes kill the vast majority of the children in Palestine, the over 523 children killed that consists of at least 522 Palestinian children and 1 Israeli child, the truth you keep trying to cover up and lie about. Extrenuous matters, like the fact rocket attacks are war crimes too, changes none of that! Hell is for baby killing Zionists who are still rejecting Jesus as Messiah even after their ancestors murdered Him!



sherri you are embodiment of delusional hatred by continuously citing half the facts from your sources and parading that as the absolute truth in an effort to garner a following in your march to hell.

Zionist war crimes kill the vast majority of the children in Palestine, the over 523 children killed that consists of at least 522 Palestinian children and 1 Israeli child, the truth you keep trying to cover up and lie about. Extrenuous matters, like the fact rocket attacks are war crimes too, changes none of that! Hell is for baby killing Zionists who are still rejecting Jesus as Messiah even after their ancestors murdered Him!

:lol:Straight Jacket time she's losing it:cuckoo: She doesn't just hate Israel she hates all Jews
Connery---my take on sherri is that she VERY
DELIBERATELY presents herself as PARAGON
JESUS" as a device to attract naive christians
to the idea that christians SHOULD despise
Israel and -----lets face it----jews. She resorts
to citing old libels that no decent christian has
mentioned for decades. She is a version of a
KKK person exhorting people regarding the old
time libel that blacks are hungry for "white
girls" She USES christianity as a tool to incite
for her jew-hate agenda

That is exactly what is going on here. Although I believe Sherri's walk with G-d is only her walk and no one elses, ( I believe every individual has to work out their own salvation themselves, it is a private affair not a family one ) I am not so up about her using this christian relationship she speaks of to twist scripture, persuade weak-willed people, interject false teaching to support her agenda of anti semitism. It is not only a bad reflection on Jesus but reflects poorly on other christians. The only way to stop it is to answer it for what it is. - Jeremiah
can someone help me out here----I read the new testament----I do not recall
Jesus calling a "terrorist" "friend" Sherri is claiming that jesus liked her
comrades who slit the throats of infants?

Sherri is mistaken, Rosie.

You do not even know those of whom I speak, and it is more than one person I am speaking of, you obviously have not read the Gospels very closely! I would tell you but that might be casting pearls before swine so I will just stop where I am!

Not all but I do know of one who is starving himself in a jail cell and while you have already canonised this guy as a saint the fact remains, Sherri. He is: A terrorist.

So what is that? Do you see where people may have a point about your befriending those who slit the throats of infants because they classify them (falsely) as enemy combatants? People are known by the company they keep. Who are you keeping company with? - Jeremiah
Last edited:
Since when "non violent" means strapping bombs to your body and killing children and women in the process?

Jesus never committed suicide bombing like your Palestinian terrorists friends do all the time!

Robert Pape, the author of Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism, discusses the history of suicide attacks.

"The very first suicide attacks are the Jewish Zealots in Zakari (ph) in the first century AD. The Jewish zealots sought to foment a rebellion against Roman occupation by often walking up to a Roman soldier in a square and pulling out a knife and killing the soldier, often cutting his throat, knowing that there were other Roman soldiers standing right by that would immediately execute or kill the zealot."

A Look at the History of Suicide Attacks : NPR


Your argument has no logic whatsoever, so stop being so ridiculous!

You claim to be a Christian but as I have said before ...and you have continually ignored, the fact is that you are a disgraceful traitor to your profess religion!

Jesus would be aghast to your open support to Islam, which is the enemy of Christianity!

Shame on you for continue to promote your rubbish propaganda.

I think you really are a full time clerk employed by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.

well yes! Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction as they say.. could be. - J.
Connery---my take on sherri is that she VERY
DELIBERATELY presents herself as PARAGON
JESUS" as a device to attract naive christians
to the idea that christians SHOULD despise
Israel and -----lets face it----jews. She resorts
to citing old libels that no decent christian has
mentioned for decades. She is a version of a
KKK person exhorting people regarding the old
time libel that blacks are hungry for "white
girls" She USES christianity as a tool to incite
for her jew-hate agenda

That is exactly what is going on here. Although I believe Sherri's walk with G-d is only her walk and no one elses, ( I believe every individual has to work out their own salvation themselves, it is a private affair not a family one ) I am not so up about her using this christian relationship she speaks of to twist scripture, persuade weak-willed people, interject false teaching to support her agenda of anti semitism. It is not only a bad reflection on Jesus but reflects poorly on other christians. The only way to stop it is to answer it for what it is. - Jeremiah

The problem is it's because of people like her that we haft to have bomb sweeps in our Synagogue on the High holidays....Bomb sweeps! the local police haft to bring in Bomb dogs to our place of worship because of people like Sherri. She's not only delusional, she's dangerous. I have no doubt she has enough hate in her to at least have sympathies for anyone who were to blow up our synagogue and kill many Jews…. She's sick
Are you serious or crazy? She's a Christian, get over it......:cuckoo::cool:

No Christian says this:

This Connecticut crap is making me sick, all that sorrow over 20 children

After all Jesus said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:31)

This is not love, it is hate and it is not Christian.

I don't know what she meant to infer in that statement, maybe she was saying people value their lives more than others. Such as an American life being more valuable than another nationality. I don't think she personally was speaking of those children. I don't know, but we don't decide who's a Christian.

In a recent post, Sherri wrote that Jesus didn't mean ALL children when he said Love children. I told her that she was mistaken that Jesus did mean ALL children. She said it wasn't possible ( in her mind ) as people would not feel love for all children, something to that effect. I thought it was very sad to hear someone say that and after learning what she said about the children in Conneticut ( I didn't know that before ) it is VERY sad to know she feels like this. - J.



sherri you are embodiment of delusional hatred by continuously citing half the facts from your sources and parading that as the absolute truth in an effort to garner a following in your march to hell.

Zionist war crimes kill the vast majority of the children in Palestine, the over 523 children killed that consists of at least 522 Palestinian children and 1 Israeli child, the truth you keep trying to cover up and lie about. Extrenuous matters, like the fact rocket attacks are war crimes too, changes none of that! Hell is for baby killing Zionists who are still rejecting Jesus as Messiah even after their ancestors murdered Him!
sherri the truth lies here, from your source, B'tselem: "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians. Attacks aimed at civilians undermine all principles of morality and law. The intentional killing of civilians is classified as a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and therefore a war crime. Palestinians fire from within areas in which civilians live. International humanitarian law forbids attacks from inside civilian houses or from areas adjacent to civilian houses, and also prohibits using civilians as human shields. Palestinian organizations that fire rockets at Israeli communities from inside or near populated areas contravene this prohibition, too. In doing so, they show not only their desire to injure Israeli civilians, but also their indifference to the lives of Palestinian civilians."

Since you fail to tell the truth, you lie.
sherri you are embodiment of delusional hatred by continuously citing half the facts from your sources and parading that as the absolute truth in an effort to garner a following in your march to hell.

Zionist war crimes kill the vast majority of the children in Palestine, the over 523 children killed that consists of at least 522 Palestinian children and 1 Israeli child, the truth you keep trying to cover up and lie about. Extrenuous matters, like the fact rocket attacks are war crimes too, changes none of that! Hell is for baby killing Zionists who are still rejecting Jesus as Messiah even after their ancestors murdered Him!
sherri the truth lies here, from your source, B'tselem: "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians. Attacks aimed at civilians undermine all principles of morality and law. The intentional killing of civilians is classified as a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and therefore a war crime. Palestinians fire from within areas in which civilians live. International humanitarian law forbids attacks from inside civilian houses or from areas adjacent to civilian houses, and also prohibits using civilians as human shields. Palestinian organizations that fire rockets at Israeli communities from inside or near populated areas contravene this prohibition, too. In doing so, they show not only their desire to injure Israeli civilians, but also their indifference to the lives of Palestinian civilians."

Since you fail to tell the truth, you lie.

Fellow posters-----Sherri's exploitation of the FACTUAL STATISTIC ---
that more "palestinian" children have died as a consequence of
the conflict between jews and muslims SPECIFICALLY in Palestine,
aka Israel/judea IN RECENT YEARS never fails to remind
me of a word I learned in
Junior High school (during the bronze age) the word is
GERRYMANDERING it is the shifting of voting districts for
advantage of this or that political party. Playing with stats is
very important to lots of manipulators ------people who tout
the dangers of "depleted uranium" or "agent orange"
or even various artificial sugars ----do it all the time.

what is significant about sherri's use of this single VERY
TIME specific and PLACE specific stat----is that other
propagandaists just like her use the SAME STAT----ie---it
is a standard in the islamo nazi literature. I have seen others
like her use the SAME STAT. It is important to note that any
time anyone cites facts of ---THE PAST (ie no her specific
time period) or facts of --"OTHER PLACES" -----she
INSISTS that there is some basic COSMIC principle that
disallows discussion of anything that is not within the
specific parameters of time and place that SHE has

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