Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

If anyone wants proof of how the Egyptians are "suffocating" the Strip and only sparingly allow Gazans to leave it, they should read the following data. The governor of North Sinai, Muhammad Abdel Fadil Shusha, said yesterday (Tuesday) that about 10,000 people have crossed the Rafah crossing from the Gaza Strip to the Egyptian side since the beginning of the war on October 7, some of them Gazans.

Shusha stated: "Since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, about 1,500 wounded and sick Palestinian residents of Gaza have passed through Rafah for treatment in hospitals in Egypt and in several sister and friendly countries. They were accompanied by about 2,000 relatives. In addition, about 2,400 foreigners and Palestinians with dual citizenship left, and about 4,000 Egyptians who were stuck in the Gaza Strip."

In other words, Egypt has only allowed about 3,500 Gazans to leave in more than four months of war."
Egypt doesn't want the bat$hit-crazy Gazans on their turf.

Besides... Egypt wins if dead Gazans make Israel look bad.... a way to bash Israel subtly by proxy without firing a shot...
“‘Why Doesn’t Hamas Go to Hell and Hide There?’: Other Voices from Gaza,” by Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute, February 12, 2024:

One can understand why Al-Jazeera and Arab media journalists are so anti-Israel that they do not want to provide a platform to any Palestinian to criticize Hamas. Yet, one cannot understand why the foreign media is turning a blind eye to the critical voices coming out from the Gaza Strip and Palestinians and Arabs living outside the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave.
Why? These journalists are busy searching for stories that reflect badly only on Israel.
“Anyone who questioned Hamas’s motives or objectives has been painted as a cowardly collaborator. To demand better living conditions or more political liberties was akin to treason…. Others are reluctant to speak out against Hamas for fear of seeming disloyal or pro-Israel. If people outside of Gaza find it difficult to question the forced conformity, imagine how much more challenging it is for many inside the coastal enclave.” — Ahmed Fouad Al-Khatib, X (Twitter), January 6, 2024….
“The destruction caused by Hamas to Gaza will not end even if Israel’s war on Gaza does stop. The destruction will continue, as is evident from the ‘glorious’ history of our [Palestinian] organizations.” — Majdi Abd Al-Wahhab, Elaph, January 9, 2024.

"You will die, your children will die, your grandchildren will die - there won't be a Palestinian state, there will never be," Knesset member Hanoch Milbitsky shouted at Arab member Ayman Odeh following the voting regarding the possible recognition of a Palestinian state, which was refused by 99 out of 120 members.

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