Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

The antisemites will see this picture and they’ll yell something dumb about Israelis being genocidal.

Other people, some of them Jews, will yell at me that the optics are bad and that I shouldn’t share such pictures because “What will the antisemites say?”

So why did I share this?

Because it makes me damn proud to see Jews, in this case Jewish heroines, doing what they need to do to protect themselves and their families.

I see this picture and I feel immense pride that, for the first time in modern history, Jews can fight back.

Let there be no mistake, that is what we do, we fight back. It’s called the Israel DEFENSE forces for a reason. Name one war that Israel started. I’ll wait.

Still waiting.

That’s right. There is not one war that Israel started.

These heroic woman realize that we are surrounded by barbaric enemies who foam at the mouth upon spotting a Jew.

They won’t have it. These two warriors won’t let Hamas do to them what they did to their sisters and daughters.

They’ve learned the depth of depravity of our enemies and refuse to let October 7th happen again.

So let the antisemites go crazy and let the others worry about the optics. I’m more concerned with the survival of the Jewish people, and I salute these two amazing and powerful Jewish women who are protecting me, so I can feel safe in my home.

I had a long conversation with an Iranian Academic in London about 2005 at an anti-blasphemy rally and he was frankly anti-terrorist of any sort AND anti-PLO. He was totally against the mullahs in Iran and I often wish that we'd kept in touch. Top bloke.


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