Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

knew that everyone was convinced that he still had chicken. After that, he gave one of the restaurant owners in Rafah a bag containing more than 10 chickens to sell on the black market... Attached is a video showing how the shop owner smuggles chickens to sell them on the black market"

“We stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict”

1) I'm an atheist. I refute all organized religions. I still stand by the right of the Jewish state to exist in safety.

2) Occupation? In 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza. The Palestinians responded by electing Hamas, who immediately executed the opposition, kidnapped an Israeli soldier, and went on to fire over 15000 rockets at Israeli civilians. And that is before October 7th.

3) Jonathan Glazer and everyone who applauded him at the #Oscar2024 should learn a bit about the history of the conflict. I just finished making a whole series about it.

4. Also a Democrat.
Why do you ask me such stupid questions?

Even if Netanyahu wins this war, the hatred will continue. And not because of Gaza, but because of the deep rooted Jew hate handed down the generations. And Hamas is everywhere, like a virus.

Why do you give such a stupid and delusional answer to such a simple question?

Apologists for Netanyahu's genocidal agenda think Hamas headquarters is under their bed.

No, other than living in your head, rent-free, Hamas is not "everywhere, like a virus."

Before it was Hamas, genocidal Zionists constantly whined about the PLO upsetting their schemes for a Jews-only "Greater Israel".

So far, not one of Netanyahu's befuddled shills can name just one brutally occupied people in history who have not resisted attempts to exterminate them and steal their homes.

Can you?
Why do you give such a stupid and delusional answer to such a simple question?

Apologists for Netanyahu's genocidal agenda think Hamas headquarters is under their bed.

No, other than living in your head, rent-free, Hamas is not "everywhere, like a virus."

Before it was Hamas, genocidal Zionists constantly whined about the PLO upsetting their schemes for a Jews-only "Greater Israel".

So far, not one of Netanyahu's befuddled shills can name just one brutally occupied people in history who have not resisted attempts to exterminate them and steal their homes.

Can you?

Not interested.

It's been six months and thousands of deaths and we, the Arabs, have yet to sit down for a candid talk, debate what went wrong, what brought us here, how we can correct course.

What we have offered so far are lazy thinkers who found in Western attention a good way of declaring ourselves victims: Six months of showing pictures of Gazans as dead, hungry and helpless. That makes up for a great story for white guilt enthusiasts to use us, Arabs, as their props. The brown people who are victims of Western civilization -- liberty, democracy and capitalism.

The non lazy Arab thinkers know that the Gaza War is not the fault of others, but ours. We have failed in producing Arabs who can compete in the global economy, and therefore we blame globalization (capitalism, white man, Martians) for our failure.

There has been no population in history that has behaved the same way that we've been behaving over the past century. The region we live in has been colonized dozens of times since the dawn of history. People of the region always played along, learnt Greek, Latin, Arabic, whatever best served their interests. Their culture influenced the newcomers, and the local culture was influenced by the newcomers, who almost always settled and naturalized. The Quran itself is filled with Arabized words of non-Arab origin.

Palestine is not normal. Hamas is not normal. Violent resistance in perpetuity is not normal. White guilt should leave the Arabs alone. Non-Arabs settling scores with the West in Russia, China and Iran should leave the Arabs live. Hamas must surrender. Immediate and unconditional peace should be made now, and by now I mean yesterday.

Denying Israel's right to defend itself, and justifying Hamas' war crimes as legitimate resistance.

I challenge the Pro Palestine extremists to answer the following question: Why the Lebanon-based Hizbullah or "The Party of Allah" is at war with Israel?
When you really end up caring for the truth let us all know. The sooner the better.

No genocide. Only targeted killings and fighting with Hamas and two other militias who, wow, dress up as civilians and do not wear their uniforms to distinguish between the two.

No starvation. Gaza is getting more food and aid now than it ever did before 10/7.

It is all on Tweeter. Check it out.

Scripted, cherry picked and evasive Hasbara drivel is hardly " the truth".

So far, you have been completely unable to refute anything I've both written and supported proving the genocidal nature of the Netanyahu regime.

Of course, the Netanyahu regime is committing genocide and deliberately starving its hostages (1) as well as Gaza's children.

No starvation. Gaza is getting more food and aid now than it ever did before 10/7.

What part of: “Israel must end its campaign of starvation and targeting of civilians.” (4) are you unable to understand?
Under normal conditions, people ate better in Auschwitz than today in Gaza.

EXCERPT "Dr. Russell Barton further testified that on entering the camp he had credited stories of deliberate starvation but decided such stories were untrue after inspecting the well equipped kitchens and the meticulously maintained ledgers, dating back to 1942, of food cooked and dispensed each day.

Despite noisily publicised claims and widespread popular notions to the contrary, no researcher has ever been able to document a German policy of extermination through starvation in the German camps.” CONTINUED (5)

The question is, rather, when are you going to start telling the truth because claiming that Palestinians are:

"...getting more food and aid now than it ever did before 10/7." is such an outrageous falsehood that any other claim you make is not credible.

It is all on Tweeter. Check it out.

I rely on a wide variety of sources that also including friends and relatives who have risen through the US Military ranks and worked with high ranking IDF and Mossad officers as well as the Iranians.

The last military unit to which I was assigned was an Airborne Rapid Deployment unit to aid Israel in the event of a conflict. During several briefings, we were advised not to trust IDF.
Later American G.I.s found out why:

EXCERPT "General R.H. Barrow charged that Israeli troops were deliberately threatening the lives of Marines serving as peacekeepers in Lebanon. There was, he wrote, a systematic pattern of harassment by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that was resulting in "life-threatening situations, replete with verbal degradation of the officers, their uniform and country."

Barrow's letter added: "It is inconceivable to me why Americans serving in peacekeeping roles must be harassed, endangered by an ally...It is evident to me, and the opinion of the U.S. commanders afloat and ashore, that the incidents between the Marines and the IDF are timed, orchestrated, and executed for obtuse Israeli political purposes."

If you really believe that "...Gaza is really getting more food and aid than it ever did before 10/7", you badly need better research sources than social media.

(1). "Israel starving thousands of Palestinian detainees in its prisons: NGO"

EXCERPT "A Palestinian organisation has accused Israel of starving more than 9,100 Palestinian detainees in its prisons, Anadolu Agency reports.

“Israeli prison authorities continue to starve more than 9,100 detainees, including women, children and sick,” the Palestinian Prisoner Society, a local NGO, said in a statement on Monday.

“Israel is also restricting their freedom to practice their religious rituals,” it said.

Tension has soared across the Occupied West Bank amid a deadly Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip following a Hamas attack last October.

According to Palestinian figures, more than 420 people have since been killed, 4,600 injured and more than 7,530 others detained." CONTINUED

(2). "In the ruins of Gaza, children are starving to death and there's no cease-fire in sight"

(3). " Newborns die of hunger and mothers struggle to feed their children as Israel’s siege condemns Gazans to starvation"

EXCERPTS "Health workers say they cannot offer life-saving treatment to malnourished Gazans because Israel’s bombardment and siege has crushed the medical system.

UN experts accused Israel of “intentionally starving” Palestinians in Gaza.

The babies of thousands of women “who are due to give birth in the next month in the Gaza Strip are at risk of dying,” the UNICEF State of Palestine Humanitarian Situation report said on Tuesday. At least 5,500 pregnant women “do not have access to prenatal or postnatal check-ups because of bombings and need to flee for safety,” the report said."CONTINUED

(4). UN experts condemn ‘flour massacre’, urge Israel to end campaign of starvation in Gaza​

EXCERPT “Israel has been intentionally starving the Palestinian people in Gaza since 8 October. Now it is targeting civilians seeking humanitarian aid and humanitarian convoys,” the UN experts said. “Israel must end its campaign of starvation and targeting of civilians.” CONTINUED

(5). “Allied Forensic Autopsies Confirm Disease, Not Gas”

(6). "Israel Charged With Systematic Harassment of U.S. Marines"

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