Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[Mainly, the ones being killed are Hamas terrorists. And the civilians they use as Human Shields. But let us call it a genocide in Gaza]

A CBC News primer aiming to introduce children to the complexities of the Hamas-Israel conflict failed to acknowledge that the current war began with Hamasā€™ terrorist attack on October 7.

CBC Kids Newsā€™ article entitled: ā€œLooking at history to understand the latest Israel-Hamas war: It can be hard making sense of whatā€™s happening today,ā€ published on October 30, introduced readers to the war between Israel and Hamas, writing that ā€œSince this conflict began on Oct. 7, more than 8,300 Palestinians have been killedā€¦In Israel, about 1,400 people have been killed, mostly civilians.ā€

While it is true, strictly speaking, that this current war ā€œbegan on Oct. 7,ā€ it completely whitewashed Hamasā€™ murderous terrorist attack which slaughtered 1,400 innocent people in southern Israel.

With the current phrasing, a child would assume that on October 7, a conflict simply broke out spontaneously.

While it is understood that an article geared towards children would avoid mentioning some of the more gruesome and horrific acts of terrorism perpetrated by Hamas against innocent Israelis, there is no justification for completely omitting the catastrophic Hamas attack ā€“ the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust ā€“ which was the undisputed catalyst of the current war.

To their credit, the articleā€™s authors did acknowledge that Hamas has stated that ā€œtheir cause is to destroy the state of Israel and create a fundamentalist Islamic state in its place,ā€ adding that ā€œCanada considers Hamas a terrorist organization.ā€

More fundamentally, however, what the CBC Kids News article failed to point out in crystal clear language is that, given Hamasā€™ repeatedly stated goal of destroying Israel through violent means, there is no possible road of negotiation, mediation or middle ground that could ever quench Hamasā€™ thirst for Jewish blood.

Following CBC Newsā€™ indefensible policy of refusing to use the word terrorist in relation to Hamas, the CBC Kids News article described Hamas as a ā€œPalestinian militant group,ā€ adding that ā€œa militant group often uses aggressive or violent actions in support of a cause.ā€

This milquetoast description of Hamas is ultimately worse than if the article had said nothing at all. To describe Hamas as using ā€œaggressive or violent actions in support of a causeā€ is akin to describing the September 11 terrorist attacks as a series of airplane crashes ā€“ true, but exceptionally misleading.

Hamas doesnā€™t just use ā€œaggressive or violent actions;ā€ by design, it intentionally targets innocent Israeli men, women and children, marking them for death and injury. Hamas leaders see no difference whatsoever between military and civilian targets, and on October 7, Hamas didnā€™t just kill innocent civilians; extensive evidence, including footage and testimonials have confirmed that the group brutally tortured, raped and even mutilated the bodies of Israelis.

While an article meant for children would clearly not engage in a detailed description of Hamasā€™ crimes against humanity, by failing to even mention the groupā€™s initial terrorist attack, let alone the innocent people it purposefully targeted, and Hamasā€™ longtime murder of innocent civilians, CBC News Kids did a tremendous disservice to the next generation of young Canadians.

This, of course, is not an isolated incident. HonestReporting Canada previously critiqued a CBC Kids News report of spreading misinformation against Israel in 2021.

With respect to this report on October 30 and by way of selective omission, CBC Kids News not only failed to educate young readers on the true face of Hamas or its methods, the article effectively whitewashed the genocidal Islamist terrorist organization.

On October 30, CBC News published an article entitled: ā€œIsraeli forces attack from 2 directions in Gaza as WHO calls war ā€˜disaster on top of disaster'ā€.

Within the article, the report said that ā€œHamas has released four hostages and said 50 have been killed in retaliatory Israeli strikes.ā€

However, this claim has not been verified by outside sources, and this is only an allegation made by Hamas terrorists. By not including this context in CBCā€™s report, it gave unfair heft to Hamasā€™ allegations which have not been proven.

Hamas is a terror organization that has no qualms about spreading lies and propaganda to further their destructive and nefarious goals, and itā€™s important for Canadians to be aware that these claims have only been made by Hamas, the veracity of which has not be proven.

HRC lodged a complaint with CBC News, asking that our public broadcaster acknowledge that it cannot verify Hamasā€™ claims and we are pleased to note that CBC has updated its article, which now says the following:


We thank the CBC for adding clarity and context to this story for their readerā€™s benefit and we take note of this important precedent that has been set.

In an October 30 editorial by The McGill Daily entitled: ā€œAgainst Violence in Israel and Gaza,ā€ the student newspaperā€™s editorial board wrote that ā€œall governments should be calling for a ceasefireā€ between Israel and Hamas, and that Canada should cease its sale of military equipment to Israel.

While the concept of a cessation of hostilities may sound appealing, in reality, a ceasefire would be a tremendous gift to Hamas, and a body blow to any cause of long-term peace, both for Israelis and Palestinians.

Hamas, the Gaza-based Islamist terrorist organization, is more than just a terrorist organization. Since taking over Gaza in 2007, it has ruled the coastal enclave with an iron fist, effectively transforming the small strip of land into a terrorist statelet used to fire thousands of rockets into Israel, and to carry out its heinous attack on October 7, the worst massacre against Jews since the Holocaust ended in 1945.

Since Hamasā€™ unprecedented and unprovoked mega-terrorist attack on southern Israel in early October, where the group massacred 1,400 Israelis in cold blood, Israel has sought to destroy Hamasā€™ capabilities by targeting its leaders, weapons caches and rockets.

Hamas, which in its founding charter spelled out explicitly its goal to destroy Israel through violent means, and replace it with a theocratic Islamic State-style caliphate, is a close ideological cousin of Nazism, which sought to murder every Jew in the world.

Videos, images and testimonials from Hamasā€™ October 7 massacre demonstrate the level of Hamasā€™ inhumanity and cruelty, and show that Hamas cannot be reasoned with, negotiated with, or met halfway.

Against an enemy who is so fanatically and ideologically committed to Israelā€™s total destruction as Hamas, what alternatives does the Jewish State have but to pursue the terrorist groupā€™s dismantling?

No policy change on Israelā€™s part can possibly satisfy Hamasā€™ bloodlust, and the only obstacle standing between Hamas and the deaths of literally millions of Israelis, is the Israel Defense Forces.

Seemingly oblivious to Hamasā€™ ideology or its stated goals, the editorial continues by writing that ā€œThe rhetoric that Israel has a ā€˜right to self-defenseā€™ has been used to justify the Israeli militaryā€™s continued assault on the civilian population of Gaza.ā€

Despite the remarkable claim that Israel is intentionally assaulting the civilian population in Gaza, the Israeli military has exercised remarkable focus, targeting only terrorist infrastructure, and ā€“ unlike Hamas ā€“ not innocent civilians.

Incredulously, Hamas has also shown zero interest in protecting Gazaā€™s civilians. Whether by basing its terrorist headquarters under Gaza Cityā€™s Shifa Hospital, putting thousands of patients and staff at direct risk, or physically preventing residents of Gaza City from fleeing areas of fighting, Hamas has shown that it will eagerly sacrifice the lives of its own people, with no concern for human life on either side.

If the Editorial Board at The McGill Daily was concerned about the loss of life in Israel and the Gaza Strip, it would be calling for the immediate elimination of Hamas as a terrorist entity. A ceasefire does nothing but embolden Hamas, and show the terrorist group that it can carry out mass murder, and then continue governing Gazaā€™s 2.3 million people, and threatening Israel, without any long-term consequences.

Calling for a ceasefire is worse than no solution at all; it represents a total capitulation to a demonic terrorist organization whose fanaticism means it will stop at literally nothing in its quest to carry out a genocide against Jews.

Less than 80 years after the end of the Holocaust, Israel cannot possibly tolerate an ongoing threat to its people. Once and for all, Hamas must be destroyed.

  • Official PA news agency and top PA official continue to claim that Israel, and not Islamic Jihad, bombed the hospital
Donā€™t confuse us with the facts because lying to the international community serves us well.

The above statement seems to be what motivates the PA to continue libeling Israel as deliberately targeting civilians in Gaza. Although solid evidence has proven that Israel did not bomb the Al-Ahli Al-Mamadani Hospital in the Gaza Strip on Oct. 17, but that an errant Islamic Jihad rocket fell on the hospital, the PA has embraced this lie.

Nothing upsets the international community more than the killing of innocents, and to win the propaganda war, the PA needs to focus ā€“ and invent - civilian casualties in Gaza to be able to make the world forget the atrocities committed against Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists in Israel on October 7.

Eleven days after the bombing of the hospital - and after detailed proof was presented by Israel and others that refutes the Palestinian lie - the official PA news agency still claims that Israel carried out the bombing, committing ā€œa massacre.ā€ It also still repeats the false and exaggerated number of ā€œ500 Martyrsā€ that allegedly died in the hospital bombing, although a senior European intelligence source has estimated that the true death count was no more than 50 people:

ā€The massacre that the occupation (i.e., Israel) committed when it bombed the Al-Ahli Al-Mamadani Hospital where more than 500 Martyrs ascended to Heaven and thousands were wounded.ā€
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Oct. 28, 2023]​
Palestinian Media Watch exposed that PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh was likewise repeating the libel as late as a week after the bombing, while PA Chairman Abbasā€™ advisor Al-Habbash maintained it was a joint Israeli-American bombing.

Still, almost two weeks later, Al-Habbash continues to spread the lie, claiming Israel intentionally aimed at killing civilians in general, and specifically at the Al-Ahli Hospital:

PA Chairman Abbasā€™ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash: ā€œIsrael, the occupation state... targeted civilians, it even targeted the civilian centers of shelter where the people fled from the bombs. Afterwards, it targeted the hospitals, the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City (sic., refers to a failed rocket launch by Islamic Jihad terrorists that hit the hospital; see note below on this libel).ā€
[PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbasā€™ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Facebook page, Oct. 26, 2023]​
Libel on Baptist Hospital Bombing in Gaza City, October 2023 - A failed rocket launch by Islamic Jihad terrorists fell short of Israel and hit the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in the Gaza Strip on Oct. 17, 2023, during Hamas' terror war on Israel. The PA and Hamas rushed to libel Israel as being responsible for the bombing and claimed approximately 500 people had been killed, and global media outlets including Reuters and the BBC picked up the Palestinian libel without confirming it. Israel proved with video evidence, including from Al-Jazeera TV, that it was an errant Islamic Jihad rocket that fell on the hospital during a barrage of rocket fire. Israel further published audio recording of a phone conversation between two Hamas terrorists intercepted by Israel on Oct. 17, 2023, in which the terrorists discussed how an Islamic Jihad rocket caused the damage and the shrapnel was "local shrapnel" and not Israeli. Having seen the Israeli evidence, the US later confirmed the Israeli assessment that an Islamic Jihad rocket had caused the damage. A senior European intelligence source estimated that the true death count from the bombing was no more than 50 people.

The following are longer excerpts of the statements cited above:

ā€œToday, Saturday [Oct. 28, 2023], the PLO Executive Committee held a meeting led by [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas, who began the meeting by reading the Al-Fatiha Sura [from the Quran] for the souls of the Martyrs. [Abbas] directed attention to the severity of the situation that our national cause is in, and reviewed the intensive contacts on the regional and international levels to stop the [Israeli] aggression and war crimes against our people (refers to Hamasā€™ terror war on Israel and Israelā€™s defense; see note below -Ed.).
The executive committee welcomed our peopleā€™s united position against the aggression, and the campaigns of Arab and international solidarity with our people. It called to expand them and to preserve our peopleā€™s national unity.
The executive committee emphasized that the heart of the conflict ā€“ which the occupation state and its partners are striving to intensify ā€“ is the occupation, the settlement enterprise, the [territorial] expansion, the siege, and closing off any prospect of peace by the occupation governments. It added that the basis for achieving security and peace is the implementation of the relevant UN resolutions and realizing the Palestinian peopleā€™s rights to freedom and independence.
The executive committee reviewed the war of annihilation, the daily massacres, and the destruction that the occupation is committing against all our people in the Gaza Strip and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank and Jerusalem... which as of now have caused the ascent to Heaven of more than 7,500 Martyrs, the wounding of more than 18,000 people, the destruction of homes, institutions, and towers, and the targeting of mosques, churches, and hospitals, as happened in the massacre that the occupation committed when it bombed the Al-Ahli Al-Mamadani Hospital where more than 500 Martyrs ascended to Heaven and thousands were wounded (sic., refers to failed rocket launch by Islamic Jihad terrorists that hit the hospital, killing no more than 50 people according to experts; see note below on this libel)...
The executive committee also emphasized its firm opposition to uprooting our people by force, whether in the Gaza Strip or outside of it, in the West Bank and Jerusalem, as the goal of this uprooting that the occupation is attempting to advance is a new Nakba (i.e., ā€œthe catastrophe,ā€ the Palestinian term for the establishment of the State of Israel) for our people (refers to Israel warning Gazans to flee south away from combat zone -Ed.). Therefore, our people will continue to stand firm on its land, and it has the right to resist and fight for its freedom and independence...
The executive committee said that it is important... to emphasize that our main argument is with the occupation far from any secondary argument (i.e., with Hamas), and to firmly adhere to rejecting any attempt to divert the compass from the main point and to create strife and a rift. It also emphasized that it is important to take care of this through a united national position in order to fight the occupation and its settlers...
In conclusion, the executive committee conveyed all its blessings to the resolve and resistance of our people against the aggression, and also to our heroic prisoners.ā€
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Oct. 28, 2023]​

Posted text: ā€œ[PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbasā€™ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud] Al-Habbash to the second Algerian radio channel: The The [Israeli] aggression against the Gaza Strip will be a disaster on the entire world (refers to Hamasā€™ terror war on Israel; see note below -Ed.).ā€

The video contains audio of a radio interview with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbasā€™ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbasā€™ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash: ā€œIsrael, the occupation state, did not leave anything in the Gaza Strip that it did not target. It targeted homes on the heads of their residents, it bombed mosques and churches, and killed people who found shelter in them. It targeted civilians, it even targeted the civilian centers of shelter where the people fled from the bombs. Afterwards, it targeted the hospitals, the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City (sic., refers to a failed rocket launch by Islamic Jihad terrorists that hit the hospital; see note below on this libel).ā€
[PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbasā€™ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Facebook page, Oct. 26, 2023]​
Mahmoud Al-Habbash also serves as Supreme Shariā€™ah Judge and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Shari'ah Justice.

Palestinian Media Watch
[ Just an example of the child abuse occurring in the PA and Gaza, which keep leading so many Arabs and Muslims to want to kill Jews. With brainwashing like this, it is not impossible to understand what is happening around the world against the Jews ]

[ From 2 weeks ago]

Ministers have been pressing for Egypt to open the Rafah crossing to allow Britons to flee Gaza and to reduce the ā€œalmost inevitableā€ impact on civilians of the conflict with Israel.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Monday that the Israeli military operation must focus on Hamas as he raised concerns about a ā€œregional escalationā€.

Defence minister James Heappey warned that combat in Gaza as Israel is expected to launch an offensive by sea, air and land is likely to be ā€œhorrendousā€.

Palestinian journalist Wafa Al-Udaini refuses to answer TalkTVā€™s Julia Hartley-Brewer's question of what a ā€œproportionate responseā€ from Israel would be.Wafa: "You are just looking to the Israeli side."Julia: "No I'm not! I'm asking you a reasonable question."

[ Martyrdom is the goal. This is the education given by the PA and Hamas. The only children who are taught to die for a land which does not belong to them. But Muslims insist it belongs to Islam ]

Last month, 15-year-old Sadil Ghassan Naghnaghiya Turkeman ā€“ a female Palestinian terrorist and member of the Islamic Jihad terror organization ā€“ was killed during an Israeli counter-terror operation in Jenin.

Naghnaghiya was reportedly filming the exchanges of fire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian terrorists when she was shot. Israeli army officials said it was unlikely she was shot by Israeli forces.

Naghnaghiya's Facebook profile picture showed her holding an M16 assault rifle, and one of her posts read:

"We do not love Martyrdom-death, rather Martyrdom-death loves us...

[Website of The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center,
Israeli research institute, June 27, 2023]​

[Sadil Ghassan Naghnaghiya Turkeman, Facebook page,
accessed July 12, 2023]​


[Website of The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center,
Israeli research institute, June 27, 2023]​

Two days later, her 8-year-old cousin Jana ā€œcongratulated her 1,000 times on her Martyrdomā€ on Fatah TV, and expressed how ā€œhappyā€ she is for her dead cousin:

Click to play

Posted text on Telegram channel: ā€œJana Bilal Naghnaghiya, 8,speaks about her good friend and cousin Sadil [Naghnaghiya]ā€
Jana Bilal Naghnaghiya: ā€œSadil was very beloved by the people, very very much, by the children and adultsā€¦ Now, she is- congratulations on the Martyrdom, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. I want to tell you congratulations with my whole heart, 1,000 times congratulationsā€¦Today I was happy for her, I was very very happy. Congratulations on the Martyrdom.ā€
[Fatah-run Awdah TV, Telegram channel, June 21, 2023]​
The fact that 8-year-old and 15-year-old girls hold the view that ā€œMartyrdom-deathā€ is something to be happy about is the result of decades of PA brainwashing of Palestinian children to seek death in violent confrontations against Israel.

In 2002 ā€“ over two decades ago ā€“ Palestinian Media Watch exposed the shocking words of two 11-year-old girls, Walla and Yussra. They told official PA TV that ā€œMartyrdom-deathā€ is ā€œa very, very beautiful thingā€ and ā€œsweet,ā€ and that what they desired was ā€œnot this world but the Afterlifeā€:

(full article online)

The danger seems closer here at home too. We trade stories and share outrages of the nascent ant-Zionism and antisemitism that weā€™ve taught ourselves to either minimalize or downright ignore. The friendships we thought weā€™d built on the political left have been disappearing, no match for the intersectionality that somehow links Palestinians to minority communities and other U.S.-based progressives. There are even fissures in our evangelical-fueled backers on the right, as the toxic combination of America First nationalism and outright prejudice are luring away small but growing numbers of conservatives.

We were just as unprepared for the isolation we are now facing in this country as we were for Hamasā€™s attack on innocent Israelis. Which is why a seemingly small victory at Los Angeles City Hall last week should serve as a reminder that we are not nearly as helpless or as friendless as we have been feeling.

Like most of you, I had never heard of Josh Androsky, a second-level Southland political consultant and city council staffer, until his recent online outburst. Androsky, who had been employed by Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez and is Jewish himself, unleashed a screed of hateful antisemitic and misogynistic online vitriol against actress Amy Schumer, whose only apparent offense was to post a cartoon criticizing pro-Hamas protestors on her Twitter account.

Androsky was harshly and widely vilified for his bigotry and misogyny, and quickly resigned his position. Mayor Karen Bass deserves special credit for her condemnation of Androsky, especially as it comes on the heels of her equally commendable statements in the wake of other recent anti-Semitic activity. But even Soto-Martinez, a member in good standing of the Democratic Socialists of America organization that has been a leader in the anti-Israel protests across the country over the last few weeks, referred to his former employeeā€™s messages as ā€œdisgusting.ā€

As a political centrist, I do not share a great deal in common with Soto-Martinez in terms of ideology or public policy. But he deserves our thanks and gratitude, too. Bass has consistently stood with the Jewish community throughout her career. In their own elections, both also relied on the support of voters who vilify Israel with ugly and hateful zeal. But neither of them hid. Neither equivocated. Neither sought refuge in false moral equivalence. They simply did the right thing.

This is an admittedly small win. Eradicating one foolish and hate-filled voice from city government will not make our existential threats disappear. But Androskyā€™s departure reminds us that we are not powerless. Each of us has the agency and the influence to help make change happen in our own communities, our own neighborhoods, our own workplaces and social circles. None of those win a war, either this fight against Hamas or the eternal battle against anti-Semitism and prejudice. But each one makes a difference.

The late Steve Jobs once talked about ā€œputting a dent in the universe.ā€ If each of us picks up a crowbar and leaves one small impression, then consider the collective impact of all those individual dents. Just because none of us can do everything doesnā€™t mean that none of us can do anything. Each of us can play a part in our own defenseā€”and each of us must.

(full article online)


The REAL humanitarian situation in Gaza as of 11/1, not Hamas propaganda

Israel's COGAT published a humanitarian status report on Monday where it describes the real situation in Gaza. (It is unfortunately not online.)


Hamas possesses fuel reserves, and it is continuing to take control of private fuel reserves as well. The Hamas fuel reserves are variously located around the Gaza Strip, and Hamas is controlling the supply of fuel to hospitals and other vital facilities according to its own interests in a way that creates pressure on the international discourse and leads the public to believe that the Gaza Strip has insufficient fuel.
With Hamas in control of fuel, the water, sewage, and hospital systems are all directly affected.


The vital facilities of the Gaza Strip depend on the fuel depots controlled by Hamas, which supplies a limited quantity every few days.

There is local energy production based on solar farms and on generators powered by private fuel reserves.
All the vital facilities ā€” hospitals, desalination plants, wells, and the like ā€” have alternative energy sources.

Operations are adjusting their activities in order to preserve energy.


Food reserves are sufficient for the near term. There is no food shortage.

International organizations are permitted to bring food aid into the Gaza Strip.

There is hoarding of food ā€” purchasing at the groceries and hoarding by private parties.

Eight major bakeries operate in the southern Gaza Strip. During the past 24 hours, hundreds of tons of flour have been brought to the Gaza Strip's bakeries.


A number of options are being weighed, in coordination with representatives of the international community, for the establishment of field hospitals.

Hamas has resumed supplying diesel fuel once in 48 hours to the hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip. Not even the hospital directors know when they will receive fuel, or how much. The matter is kept secret among the inner circle of Hamas.

All the hospitals have alternative energy sources.

At the hospitals, work is affected by the high occupancy and by the weariness of medical staff. Uncertainty regarding fuel for operating the hospitals is also a factor.

The hospitals are very full but are functioning.

There are people sheltering at the hospitals and they add to the burdens of functioning.

The Gaza Strip has a stock of medical supplies available. Hamas manages the stock and decides how to allocate the medical supplies to the hospitals. It even keeps a some of the supplies for itself, while trying to give the false impression of a shortage. The international organizations are preparing a shipment of medicines, and we will give its entry priority.


There is no water shortage in the Gaza Strip as of this writing.

Most of the drinking water in Gaza was provided from within the Gaza Strip. Only about 10% of the water came from Israel. Over the past two weeks, we have opened two water lines from Israel ā€” Birkat Sa'id and Bani Suheila ā€” and they provide water to hundreds of thousands of residents in the central and southern Gaza Strip.

One of the water lines was damaged by a mortar shell from Hamas. The damage was repaired and the supply of water has been renewed.

How do we know that this is not propaganda? Because the information out of Gaza has consistently been shown to be lies. The health ministry has announced that hospitals are hours away from running out of fuel for weeks, and yet they still function.

Also, COGAT's information is consistent with what observers of Gaza have known for years. We know solar power generators that have been built in Gaza for years because of the inconsistent fuel supply. we know that huge water treatment plants have been built, that also rely on solar energy, tha have turned around the major water problems Gaza had years ago. We know that no one has ever starved in Gaza even after years of such warnings.

Israel has consistently provided accurate information. Hamas consistently lies. And news media consistently treats Israel's statements as suspect and Hamas' statements as gospel.

Israel-haters/antisemites often use an exceptionally effective method to win in the court of public opinion, known a "framing." When one sets the ground rules of what is and is not up for debate, they can create a playing field where the Zionist or Jewish side cannot win. Forcing Jews to argue within those parameters gives them a huge handicap.

One classic example is to pretend that the history of Israel starts with modern Zionism. If you exclude any talk about the history of the Jews in the Land of Israel before the 19th century, they look just like the foreign colonialists that the haters claim we are.

With Operation Iron Swords, the framing has been elaborate and very effective.

The false framework goes like this:

  • Telling civilians to move, whether within or without their territory, is a war crime.
  • Neighboring countries have no obligation to accept refugees.
  • Killing lots of civilians is a war crime by definition.
  • Limiting humanitarian aid to a war zone is a war crime.

All discussions of the war on TV is bound by this framework. These four "rules" are not always explicit, which makes it harder to go against them. Who wants to see dead civilians?

The framing statements are incorrect. But the framework is carefully created to ensure that Israel cannot achieve its military objective of destroying Hamas.

* In fact, in a war zone, the attacker is obligated to tell civilians to move out of the war zone - which Israel has done and Hamas has tried to stop.

* While I don't think that Egypt is legally obligated to open its border, it never had a problem with taking in hundreds of thousands of other refugees from elsewhere. It certainly has a moral obligation to do so.

* Targeting civilians is a war crime. Knowing that civilians will die during an attack on a legitimate military target is acceptable as long as the casualties are not excessive, and international law has a much more liberal view of what is excessive than what Israel does.

* Israel has every right to inspect and limit aid to ensure that Hamas does not get it.

But the first four rules are accepted as the framework on CNN and Al Jazeera. Most news shows don't bother explaining the truth about international law because nuance is not TV-friendly.

Spokespeople on TV must break the framework by saying that they do not accept these parameters and creating their own, accurate framework:

  • Hamas started this war with an unprecedented, horrific attack on Israel.
  • Hamss has made it clear that they will never change or reform. This is who they are.
  • The only moral choice is to utterly destroy them.
  • Hamas has turned the entire Gaza Strip into a huge human shield for its army and vast subterranean military complex.
  • Israel scrupulously follows international law even under these difficult constraints.
  • Therefore, while Israel tries to minimize casualties, every civilian death is purely Hamas' fault.

How many TV shows or newspaper articles have you read that accepts these accurate statements as their framework?

It's going to be a long war, and Israel needs to reframe the discussion.


A residential building in Buenos Aires was vandalized with antisemitic graffiti. Photo: Screenshot

The head of Argentinaā€™s Jewish community has warned that ā€œthis is just the beginningā€ after a residential building in Buenos Aires was daubed with a Star of David ā€” repeating a trend already seen in France, Germany, and other countries since the Hamas pogrom in southern Israel on Oct. 7 unleashed a wave of antisemitism around the world.

ā€œThis is not graffiti, it is a crime, and in Argentina being antisemitic is a crime,ā€ Jorge Knoblovitz ā€” president of the Jewish communityā€™s umbrella organization DAIA ā€” told local media outlets following the incident.

A large black Star of David painted on the glass door of the residential building in Guayaquil Street in the Caballito district of the Argentine capital was discovered on Tuesday and reported to the Buenos Aires Anti-Terrorism Division.

Knoblovitz emphasized that the adoption of a technique to identify Jews that became infamous in Nazi Germany had rung alarm bells among the countryā€™s Jews. ā€œIf someone is capable of painting a building where a Jew lives, as happened during the Holocaust, I consider that to be very serious,ā€ he said in an interview with the Telam news agency.

Jonathan Karszenbaum ā€” the director of the Holocaust Museum in Buenos Aires ā€” told the Popular news outlet that while antisemitic graffiti involving the Nazi swastika symbol was more common, the use of the Star of David evoked painful memories of ā€œthe use of the yellow star during World War II.ā€

Home to a Jewish community of more than 180,000, Argentina has a long history of antisemitism. During the 1990s, the bombings of the Israeli Embassy and the AMIA Jewish center by Iranian and Hezbollah operatives claimed the lives of more than 100 people.

Several incidents have been reported since the Hamas atrocities of Oct. 7. After a window was smashed at the Martin Buber Jewish School in Buenos Aires three weeks ago, Jewish educational institutions have introduced additional security measures, including suspending the requirement to wear school uniform, which marks the students out as Jewish. Last week, police arrested a man who had issued threats on the social media platform 4Chan to attack Jewish schools.

Israelis with relatives in Iran report that in recent days contact with them has been severed. According to a report on the Iran International website, following the government's threats in Iran against Israel, local Jews were forced to sever ties with their relatives in Israel, and block them in the digital space.

(full article online)

However, an unexpected yet pivotal factor bolstering the ground offensive is the intelligence gathered from the interrogation of captured terrorists by the Shin Bet. A revised assessment from the Southern Command indicates that on the morning of October 7, approximately 3,000 Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel at various points, a figure significantly higher than the initially estimated 1,500 to 2,000.
The ground offensive operates under a completely new offensive strategy, devised from the ground up just two and a half weeks into the conflict. This approach is independent of the operational plans for Gaza from the past two years, which had been developed, implemented and sanctioned by the IDF chief of staff over several months.

"Our forces are at the gates of Gaza City, and in these days, we have lost some very dear heroes of Israel," said Brig. Gen. Itzik Cohen in a statement to reporters at the Zikim Home Front Command base.

"We encountered dozens of anti-tank missiles launched toward our forces, and thanks to our effective systems, we managed to thwart any impact. The recent incident was complex and highlighted more than just the anti-tank missile element," he said.

This marks the IDF's second extensive action plan of this scale in the last decade following a plan to destroy around 30 offensive tunnels into Israel during 2014's Operation Protective Edge. Unlike the prior operation, which required on-the-spot improvisation by the forces, the current plan has been allocated substantial time and resources. It includes a significant expansion of forces and provides greater autonomy to the units on the front lines, confronting Hamas strongholds directly.

(full article online)

JUST IN: Medical student Marie Andersen has been suspended from Warsaw University after she protested with a poster calling to "keep the world clean" with the Star of David thrown in the trash can.Andersen claims that her poster is being misinterpreted.ā€œNo, not Jews, of course not Jewsā€¦ We love everyone, we love Jews. My poster is about the Israeli governmentā€¦ and the ethnic genocide they are doing right now to the Palestinian people.ā€Andersen went on to downplay the Hamas terror attacks by saying they were simply ā€œresistingā€ which she said is their right.The school didn't buy it.ā€œThere is no place for any forms of hate speech or violence at the Medical University of Warsaw,ā€ rector Zbigniew Gaciong said.


Hamas terrorists raided their outpost, burned their ambulance and all the equipment inside; the small shelter quickly turned into a field operating room; Just weeks from discharge, Staff Sergeant Dor Ashkenazi, a Nahal Brigade medic, battled terrorists and strove to save the wounded with Sergeant Almog Oren and their small team​

(full article online)

Part 1

Two years ago, the novelist Dara Horn came out with a book titled, ā€œPeople Love Dead Jews.ā€

At a time of a dramatic surge of antisemitism in America and around the globe, Hornā€™s book was a major contribution to our understanding of what the focus on the Holocaust and the other stories of historic antisemitism ultimately means.

Without dismissing the importance of teaching the history of antisemitism and learning about it, Horn suggested that the obsession with the past tragedies was a way for people to show that they cared about Jews and Jewish suffering while absolving them from caring about or fighting against antisemitism in the present. Jews as victims are commemorated, Jews standing up for themselves today are to be condemned.

And then came October 7 and its ongoing aftermath. Hornā€™s insight, which we should still keep in mind as we move forward, was radically upended. In a word, the reaction to the atrocities in Israel revealed in many circles that in fact, not only did many people hate live Jews, as indicated by the surge in antisemitic incidents, but they hated dead Jews as well.

It started even before Israel had a chance to defend itself against the terrorists. Within a day of the massacre, signs at protests gleefully stated, ā€œResistance By Any Means Possible.ā€ In other words, killing Jews is a completely legitimate activity, and we are delighted by what happened ā€“ the killing of women, children and the elderly ā€“ because resistance against the devil, the Jew, is a legitimate and positive activity.

This was most blatantly expressed by a Cornell professor on video who screamed over and over that the Hamas massacre was ā€œexhilarating,ā€ suggesting that the murder of innocents was a blessing to shift the balance of power away from Israel.

In sum, Jews got their comeuppance. The message of those early demonstrators was explicit if not as explosive in rhetoric as the Cornell professor.

Soon, the open gleefulness about the dead Israelis took another form: stop the Israelis from defending themselves and finding some measure of justice for the barbaric murder of 1400 people. A ceasefire now was the call. While this is framed in more subtle terms, talking about civilian deaths as if Hamas ever gave a damn about either Israeli or Palestinian civilian deaths, the real point of this call was to resist any effort to legitimize Israeli retaliation because the Hamas murders were legitimate or acceptable. This is a more subtle version of ā€œhating dead Jews,ā€ but one canā€™t be sure whether the earlier or later version is worse.

Here, Hornā€™s illuminating insight took a direct beating. There was no effort even to hint that there was any human caring about murdered innocent Jews, rather the dead brought on their own demise and what happened on October 7 is a good thing.

Part 2

In this sense, the reaction by some is very similar to the Nazi justification for the Holocaust. Jews got what they deserved because they poison everything they touch and think how much better off we are with these dead Jews.

And then to top it off, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, in speaking before the Security Council, looking at what was happening in Israel and Gaza, essentially blamed Israel for the murder of its 1,400 civilians.

Repeating the long-held lies that have characterized the UNā€™s position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades ā€” simply blaming Israel for the situation, ignoring Palestinian rejectionism, terrorism and education of their youth to hate Israel and Jews ā€“ Guterres appeared to justify the murders on the grounds that Israelis have occupied the Palestinians for fifty-six years. The blood of 1,400 Israelis was hardly dry and the UN chief is glorifying in the massacre.

Guterres could only have reached that despicable level because the UNā€™s Human Rights Council has been demonizing Israel for decades. Under the guise of protecting rights, the Council has condemned Israel so many times over the years as compared to any other state that it seemed like a very bad joke being repeated over and over. The Secretary Generalā€™s shameful statement reminds us that the UN is no joke.

Dara Horn was right in saying that people love dead Jews. Until now.


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