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Please choose all statements that you more closely agree with:

  • I want many and/or most and/or all undocumented immigrants deported

  • I want many and/or most and/or all undocumented immigrants to stay in the United States.

  • I want proof of citizenship and residency to be produced in order to register to vote

  • I do not want proof of citizenship and residency to be produced in order to register to vote

  • I want real photo ID to be produced in order to vote

  • I do not want any photo ID to be produced in order to vote

Results are only viewable after voting.
I have lived a long and active life. Long enough to know a lie when I see one. Long enough to be able to add and subtract. Long enough to know when my own eyes and checking account or other experience informs me I am being lied to. Long enough to read and understand blatant bias when I see it.

And I will not defend a lie just because I hate another political party or person.

So where is your evidence that the Border Patrol, ICE, etc. are all lying about the number of migrants who have been apprehended?
So where is your evidence that the Border Patrol, ICE, etc. are all lying about the number of migrants who have been apprehended?
Migrants who have been apprehended is immaterial. Migrants who have been allowed into the country at high cost and risk for American citizens is the problem. Try focusing on tha.
Migrants who have been apprehended is immaterial. Migrants who have been allowed into the country at high cost and risk for American citizens is the problem. Try focusing on tha.

Except we have figures on that as well... and it's not as big a number as you think it is.

In FY 2023, USCIS received 10.9 million filings and completed more than 10 million pending cases– both record-breaking numbers in the agency’s history. In doing so, USCIS reduced overall backlogs by 15%. Among USCIS’ record number of case completions in FY 2023, the agency administered the Oath of Allegiance to more than 878,500 new U.S. citizens, including 12,000 members of the military, effectively eliminating the backlog of naturalization applications . The median processing time for naturalization applicants decreased from 10.5 months to 6.1 months by the end of the fiscal year, achieving the agency’s longstanding goal and significantly reducing waiting times for most individuals seeking U.S. citizenship.

But, hey, the government is lying, right, because you have a feeling after you watched some edited footage from Fox News.
Except we have figures on that as well... and it's not as big a number as you think it is.

In FY 2023, USCIS received 10.9 million filings and completed more than 10 million pending cases– both record-breaking numbers in the agency’s history. In doing so, USCIS reduced overall backlogs by 15%. Among USCIS’ record number of case completions in FY 2023, the agency administered the Oath of Allegiance to more than 878,500 new U.S. citizens, including 12,000 members of the military, effectively eliminating the backlog of naturalization applications . The median processing time for naturalization applicants decreased from 10.5 months to 6.1 months by the end of the fiscal year, achieving the agency’s longstanding goal and significantly reducing waiting times for most individuals seeking U.S. citizenship.

But, hey, the government is lying, right, because you have a feeling after you watched some edited footage from Fox News.
Again you don't seem to differentiate against those invading the country and those using the legal immigration process to come here.
Again you don't seem to differentiate against those invading the country and those using the legal immigration process to come here.

Because we haven't as a country done the things to differentiate.

National ID and strict workplace enforcement, problem solved.

Most of the undocumented are either sent back or have legitimate asylum claims that should be processed.
Because we haven't as a country done the things to differentiate.

National ID and strict workplace enforcement, problem solved.

Most of the undocumented are either sent back or have legitimate asylum claims that should be processed.
Those seeking asylum should do so in the first country they come to. You can't tell me that those seeking asylum representing more than a hundred different countries all need to be in the USA. Why are we even considering asylum for at least 27,000 single military age Chinese men? Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Central America, Mexico are all a hell of a lot closer to Venezuela than Texas is. Require asylum seekers from Venezuela to go there. If Mexico is such a hell hole that people must seek asylum here, why are we doing business with Mexico?

Biden/Harris are deliberating flooding the country with migrants toward the end of making them citizens, all dutiful Democrat voters, and my gut tells me that is to so solidify their power that they will achieve the totalitarian government with former Democrats in charge that is the ultimate goal.

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