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Issues that conservatives suddenly don't care about ..


If you were truly interested on how the debt got there, you would investigate & find that very little of the added debt was die to actions taken under Obama. .

We hear this silly shit from you stupid Moon Bats all the time. You voted for the asshole and he added ten trillion to the debt and you blame that on somebody else. "Ma baby didin du nutin".

Then you wonder why we ridicule you shitheads so much.
You are clueless. I have news, Obama did not start the Afghanistan & Iraq Wars. Obama did not do the Bush tax cuts, Obama did not create the Bush recessions that cost trillions, Obama did not push an unfunded Medicare expansion.

This is why we got stuck with Trump - uneducated, uninformed whiners like you.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & he led us to nearly killing America. Your oragnge know-nothing buddy will do the same.
WTF does oragnge mean?
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .
Republicans blocked infrastructure investment for eight years

We couldn't afford it and couldn't have Obama get credit for all those jobs.
Now, it is a cornerstone of Trumps agenda
Yep.....infrastructure investment.....a.k. STIMULUS? Shovel-ready Jobs?

Obama had no intention of INVESTING in infrastructure.

BTW, Investment = Raising Taxes

When Obama spoke of Transforming America, what he really meant was flooding the country with brown skinned foreigners and putting blacks in jobs they didn't qualify for.
When Obama spoke of Social Justice, what he really meant was organizing protests all over the country and giving blacks the idea that shooting cops is socially acceptable.

It's become pretty damned clear that all of those despicable White Crackers were right about what happens when you put a Black Man in the White House. Obama did exactly what they warned us he would do. I wish it wasn't the case, because I wanted a black to eventually get there, but Obama has ruined that. I don't think enough people would trust the next guy to do the right thing and I especially don't trust any black that's a Democrat. I know, that sounds racist, but it's really a sad commentary on the state of things today.
Yep.....infrastructure investment.....a.k. STIMULUS? Shovel-ready Jobs?

Obama had no intention of INVESTING in infrastructure.

BTW, Investment = Raising Taxes
Wow...this thread is stimulating!
There's more 'just the facts' actually being addressed,
rationally, by more posters, on one thread,
then I'm accustomed to...how refreshing!

Anyhoo...I couldn't agree more!

The only ones, shovel ready jobs were intended for, were these guys...


I live on a busy street, not a residential street.
Walking to the bus stop one morning,
I see that sign, alongside another sign,
with information for when & where the project will begin and end.

I'm thinking to myself... are you fucking kidding me?!
They're spending money on signs
to tell me what they're spending money on


Wtf...everyone in america works in construction or at a sign shop now?
Putting america to work, my ass...
working over the idiot majority, is more like it!

Why should we need to 'invest' money in anything,
that already has an assigned spending budget for said dept. projects?

Furthermore, why did the dems find it necessary
to waste more money on signs, touting,
'this project made possible by Obama's stimulus initiative'?

I'll tell ya why! The dems knew these signs weren't a waste of money,
but, the next phase after their 'depression era' fearmongering blitz.
A clever investment to make people buy the shit they were selling...
by the power of suggestion, through repetition and duration.

In the entire history of man,
no one has ever been brainwashed and realized,
or believed, that he had been brainwashed.
Last edited:
its not our fault if you cant understand how building the wall and getting rid of the democrats illegal pets will save billions every year.
Education is free for the first 12 years, don't blame others because you failed to make the most of it.

Show us the math on how the Great Wall pays for itself.

You're the one who doesn't understand immigration.

Why do we have to repeatedly explain this to you Timmy?
I mean Holy Shit, this'll be like the hundredth time!!!

a past head injury may explain it
You have no idea how many times he's going to Manhattan or where his wife is going to live. Everything is talk now.
How many trips before you're pissed off about it?

Why would I care how many trips he makes? Why would you? Oh, that's right, because he's not a member of the Democrat club, huh? No problems with DumBama flying all over the country (and world) half of the time to play golf though.
Wow Ray. So you won't care if Trump travels to NYC every weekend, travels to gold everywhere. But hey. you certainly had a freakin fit when Obama did it.
Trump isn't president yet, so he's using his own money for travel.
But we are paying for his protection while he travels.
Well, he's not taking his pay while he's president....so don't worry about it. Consider it already paid for.
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .
Republicans blocked infrastructure investment for eight years

We couldn't afford it and couldn't have Obama get credit for all those jobs.
Now, it is a cornerstone of Trumps agenda
Yep.....infrastructure investment.....a.k. STIMULUS? Shovel-ready Jobs?

Obama had no intention of INVESTING in infrastructure.

BTW, Investment = Raising Taxes

When Obama spoke of Transforming America, what he really meant was flooding the country with brown skinned foreigners and putting blacks in jobs they didn't qualify for.
When Obama spoke of Social Justice, what he really meant was organizing protests all over the country and giving blacks the idea that shooting cops is socially acceptable.

It's become pretty damned clear that all of those despicable White Crackers were right about what happens when you put a Black Man in the White House. Obama did exactly what they warned us he would do. I wish it wasn't the case, because I wanted a black to eventually get there, but Obama has ruined that. I don't think enough people would trust the next guy to do the right thing and I especially don't trust any black that's a Democrat. I know, that sounds racist, but it's really a sad commentary on the state of things today.
Yep.....infrastructure investment.....a.k. STIMULUS? Shovel-ready Jobs?

Obama had no intention of INVESTING in infrastructure.

BTW, Investment = Raising Taxes
Wow...this thread is stimulating!
There's more 'just the facts' actually being addressed,
rationally, by more posters, on one thread,
then I'm accustomed to...how refreshing!

Anyhoo...I couldn't agree more!

The only ones, shovel ready jobs were intended for, were these guys...


I live on a busy street, not a residential street.
Walking to the bus stop one morning,
I see that sign, alongside another sign,
with information for when & where the project will begin and end.

I'm thinking to myself... are you fucking kidding me?!
They're spending money on signs
to tell me what they're spending money on


Wtf...everyone in america works in construction or at a sign shop now?
Putting america to work, my ass...
working over the idiot majority, is more like it!

Why should we need to 'invest' money in anything,
that already has an assigned spending budget for said dept. projects?

Furthermore, why did the dems find it necessary
to waste more money on signs, touting,
'this project made possible by Obama's stimulus initiative'?

I'll tell ya why! The dems knew these signs weren't a waste of money,
but, the next phase after their 'depression era' fearmongering blitz.
A clever investment to make people buy the shit they were selling...
by the power of suggestion, through repetition and duration.

In the entire history of man,
no one has ever been brainwashed and realized,
or believed, that he had been brainwashed.
Couldn't have said better myself.
Obama's entire presidency is nothing but a series of frauds on the taxpayer.
They have to sell this shit or it blows up in their faces.
Last edited:

You are clueless. I have news, Obama did not start the Afghanistan & Iraq Wars. Obama did not do the Bush tax cuts, Obama did not create the Bush recessions that cost trillions, Obama did not push an unfunded Medicare expansion.

This is why we got stuck with Trump - uneducated, uninformed whiners like you.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & he led us to nearly killing America. Your oragnge know-nothing buddy will do the same.

You are confused Moon Bat.

That asshole Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years and then managed to lose it and create ISIS as a consequence. . You know about the war in Iraq don't you? The one that Crooked Hillary, John Kerry, Dirty Harry and other Democrats supported. Obama also escalated the war in Afghanistan. You do remember that, don't you? That was before he went off and bombed Libya that had nothing to do with the security of the US. By the way, how did that fucking up Libya work out for Obama?

Obama economic failures are even worse than his dismal economic growth and increased poverty when you realize the economy was doing OK until that infamous 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over and increased the debt and screwed up the economy.

Obama had eight years and didn't do anything. He was more interested in playing golf and picking out the basketball playoff brackets than he was interested in simulating the economy. He is a worthless affirmation action dumbass that was never qualified or had the work ethic to be President. You stupid Moon Bats elected him only because he was a Negro and had a "D" by name. Look what we got for your stupidity.

You can do chickenshit denial all you want and be a pussy and try to blame Obama's failures on somebody else but the fact of the matter is that the asshole is the worst President ever to hold the office. He tremendously increased the debt, increased poverty, decreased family income, let the illegals flood in, kiss the ass of the Muslims, fucked up Iraq, got thousands killed in Afghanistan for nothing, created ISIS, created racial turmoil, fucked up health care and sent high paying jobs overseas leaving only jobs to flip burgers for Americans.
He won't be accepting the salary he is supposed to get. See not in office yet and is saving us money already.
That's $400,000. His commutes to Manhattan, plus security, will cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

You continue to be a dumbass Kool-Aid drinker.
The Blamer - 5 million dollar taxpayer-funded Hawaiian vacation every year.
Trump just cost taxpayers $7 Million for Thanksgiving alone.

His insistence on using Trump Tower is going to cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Secret Service is looking at using 2 floors of Trump Tower, paying Trump rent using taxpayer money to protect him.

But that's fine with the hypocrite Trumpanzees.
That's $400,000. His commutes to Manhattan, plus security, will cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

You continue to be a dumbass Kool-Aid drinker.

You have no idea how many times he's going to Manhattan or where his wife is going to live. Everything is talk now.
Shut the fuck up, fool.

Donald Trump's Thanksgiving feast features two dishes named after him, costs taxpayers $7 million in security

Donald Trump's Thanksgiving feast features dishes named after him
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .
He won't be accepting the salary he is supposed to get. See not in office yet and is saving us money already.
It will cost NYC alone a million a day when Melania stays in NYC instead of moving to DC.
Where do you get a million dollars a day from?
Protecting Donald Trump costs New York City more than $1 million a day
CNN? lol, Clinton news network. Please do better next time.
Another fucking moron.

Jeff Zucker’s singular role in promoting Donald Trump’s rise
He won't be accepting the salary he is supposed to get. See not in office yet and is saving us money already.
That's $400,000. His commutes to Manhattan, plus security, will cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

You continue to be a dumbass Kool-Aid drinker.
None of that mattered with obama, so take your fake outrage some where else.
Obama cost taxpayers less than Bush did. Because Obama didn't take as many vacation days as Bush or Reagan did.

If you evidence to the contrary, then step up, bitch.
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .
He won't be accepting the salary he is supposed to get. See not in office yet and is saving us money already.

Interesting! I did not know this. That's pretty cool.
I've never told you this before, but you're not too bright. $400,000 savings is nothing compared to what he has already cost taxpayers, and he hasn't even taken office yet.

Donald Trump's Thanksgiving feast features two dishes named after him, costs taxpayers $7 million in security

Donald Trump's Thanksgiving feast features dishes named after him
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .
He won't be accepting the salary he is supposed to get. See not in office yet and is saving us money already.
For a four year term, and in Trump's case let's hope it is not that long, a President makes 1.6 million. Almost two days the amount of money outlaid by New York City to protect his orange ass each day he sits there.
Security for a president isn't cheap. Wonder how much was spent on a day of golf for Obama?

Which is what the cons reminded us 24/7 . Hence the point of this thread .
Never cared about the cost of security, but you snowflakes are all a sudden caring about money. Of course you didn't care when it was Obama being taken care of.
Show us how much Obama cost taxpayers with his once per year vacations.

Get busy, bitch.
That's $400,000. His commutes to Manhattan, plus security, will cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

You continue to be a dumbass Kool-Aid drinker.

You have no idea how many times he's going to Manhattan or where his wife is going to live. Everything is talk now.
Shut the fuck up, fool.

Donald Trump's Thanksgiving feast features two dishes named after him, costs taxpayers $7 million in security

Donald Trump's Thanksgiving feast features dishes named after him

So what Trump eats is related to how much it cost taxpayers? What a complete idiot you are.
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .
Republicans blocked infrastructure investment for eight years

We couldn't afford it and couldn't have Obama get credit for all those jobs.
Now, it is a cornerstone of Trumps agenda

Eight years? Leftists are such ignorant simpletons, just regurgitating whatever they read off The Huffington Post with the memory and perspective of a damn goldfish. Democrats had complete control over congress and the White House for nearly the entire first term. Democrats could pass their agenda without any Republican votes. Obamacare was literally passed without a single Republican vote--and Obama claimed it was bi-partisan which was a bold faced lie.

Democrats passed their "shovel-ready" stimulus--and it was all bullshit. There was not shovel ready jobs!!!!!!!!!! All you can do is desperately try to rationalize and blame republicans for the countless lies and the disappointment that is Barack Hussien Obama.

More revisionist history

Democrats had a filibuster proof majority for four months

You still don't get what "shovel ready" was. It was not a promise of jobs but a criteria states had to meet to qualify for federal funds. Only shovel ready projects could qualify.

Revisionist history? You sir are an idiot.

How the Stimulus Fell Short

I spent three years reporting on the $840 billion stimulus plan that the Obama administration pushed through Congress in 2009. My conclusion: government can create jobs — it just doesn’t often do it well.

The stimulus — a historic package of tax cuts, safety-net spending, infrastructure projects and green-energy investments — certainly did a lot of good. As the economists Alan S. Blinder and Mark Zandi have noted, it’s one of the key reasons the unemployment rate isn’t in double digits now.

But the stimulus ultimately failed to bring about a strong, sustainable recovery. Money was spread far and wide rather than dedicated to programs with the most bang for the buck. “Shovel-ready” projects, those that would put people to work right away, took too long to break ground. Investments in worthwhile long-term projects, on the other hand, were often rushed to meet arbitrary deadlines, and the resulting shoddy outcomes tarnished the projects’ image.

Stimulus failed because it was too small for the size of recovery that was needed

True, but I don't think it was a failure. It just didn't magically correct all of the Republican fuckups from 2001-2008.
That's $400,000. His commutes to Manhattan, plus security, will cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

You continue to be a dumbass Kool-Aid drinker.

You have no idea how many times he's going to Manhattan or where his wife is going to live. Everything is talk now.
Shut the fuck up, fool.

Donald Trump's Thanksgiving feast features two dishes named after him, costs taxpayers $7 million in security

Donald Trump's Thanksgiving feast features dishes named after him

So what Trump eats is related to how much it cost taxpayers? What a complete idiot you are.
You can't read an article and you call me an idiot? Fuck off, twerp.
The government makes no decisions for you.

You mean they're not now? They are making decisions for me. They decided that I have to now buy my own healthcare plan. They decide how much I can afford. They decide on what doctor or hospital I'm allowed to have. They decide what insurance companies I have to choose from.
Yes, you have to contribute to the healthcare system that has to treat you in the ER by law.

You know damn well you already had health insurance.

They decided when subsidies are to be offered. OMG OMG OMG. How do you think they should determine that?

YOU decide what hospitals & doctors when YOU choose your policy. There is NOTHING in the ACA that sets network coverages.

You are clueless. I have news, Obama did not start the Afghanistan & Iraq Wars. Obama did not do the Bush tax cuts, Obama did not create the Bush recessions that cost trillions, Obama did not push an unfunded Medicare expansion.

This is why we got stuck with Trump - uneducated, uninformed whiners like you.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & he led us to nearly killing America. Your oragnge know-nothing buddy will do the same.

You are confused Moon Bat.

That asshole Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years and then managed to lose it and create ISIS as a consequence. . You know about the war in Iraq don't you? The one that Crooked Hillary, John Kerry, Dirty Harry and other Democrats supported. Obama also escalated the war in Afghanistan. You do remember that, don't you? That was before he went off and bombed Libya that had nothing to do with the security of the US. By the way, how did that fucking up Libya work out for Obama?

Obama economic failures are even worse than his dismal economic growth and increased poverty when you realize the economy was doing OK until that infamous 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over and increased the debt and screwed up the economy.

Obama had eight years and didn't do anything. He was more interested in playing golf and picking out the basketball playoff brackets than he was interested in simulating the economy. He is a worthless affirmation action dumbass that was never qualified or had the work ethic to be President. You stupid Moon Bats elected him only because he was a Negro and had a "D" by name. Look what we got for your stupidity.

You can do chickenshit denial all you want and be a pussy and try to blame Obama's failures on somebody else but the fact of the matter is that the asshole is the worst President ever to hold the office. He tremendously increased the debt, increased poverty, decreased family income, let the illegals flood in, kiss the ass of the Muslims, fucked up Iraq, got thousands killed in Afghanistan for nothing, created ISIS, created racial turmoil, fucked up health care and sent high paying jobs overseas leaving only jobs to flip burgers for Americans.

Name the bills the Democrats passed in the first 9 months of 2007 that created the Bush recession.

I laugh every time you asshats blame Democrats. The Bush recession started 4th quarter of of 2007.

Those wars were started by Bush & Bush couldn't finish them.

And Mr RACIST FUCK, claiming that the only way blacks can do anything is through Affirmative Action is racist.

You really are quite the Trump deplorable.
Republicans blocked infrastructure investment for eight years

We couldn't afford it and couldn't have Obama get credit for all those jobs.
Now, it is a cornerstone of Trumps agenda

Eight years? Leftists are such ignorant simpletons, just regurgitating whatever they read off The Huffington Post with the memory and perspective of a damn goldfish. Democrats had complete control over congress and the White House for nearly the entire first term. Democrats could pass their agenda without any Republican votes. Obamacare was literally passed without a single Republican vote--and Obama claimed it was bi-partisan which was a bold faced lie.

Democrats passed their "shovel-ready" stimulus--and it was all bullshit. There was not shovel ready jobs!!!!!!!!!! All you can do is desperately try to rationalize and blame republicans for the countless lies and the disappointment that is Barack Hussien Obama.

More revisionist history

Democrats had a filibuster proof majority for four months

You still don't get what "shovel ready" was. It was not a promise of jobs but a criteria states had to meet to qualify for federal funds. Only shovel ready projects could qualify.

Revisionist history? You sir are an idiot.

How the Stimulus Fell Short

I spent three years reporting on the $840 billion stimulus plan that the Obama administration pushed through Congress in 2009. My conclusion: government can create jobs — it just doesn’t often do it well.

The stimulus — a historic package of tax cuts, safety-net spending, infrastructure projects and green-energy investments — certainly did a lot of good. As the economists Alan S. Blinder and Mark Zandi have noted, it’s one of the key reasons the unemployment rate isn’t in double digits now.

But the stimulus ultimately failed to bring about a strong, sustainable recovery. Money was spread far and wide rather than dedicated to programs with the most bang for the buck. “Shovel-ready” projects, those that would put people to work right away, took too long to break ground. Investments in worthwhile long-term projects, on the other hand, were often rushed to meet arbitrary deadlines, and the resulting shoddy outcomes tarnished the projects’ image.

Stimulus failed because it was too small for the size of recovery that was needed

True, but I don't think it was a failure. It just didn't magically correct all of the Republican fuckups from 2001-2008.

Stimulus did what it was supposed to do

Stop an economic collapse, stimulate a recovery.

Problem was that Republicans insisted on the idiotic idea of austerity while you are in an economic collapse.
When people are out of work, it is not a time to pay off your debt

We had a perfect opportunity to invest in our infrastructure. Low wages, people needing work, historically low interest rates
The government makes no decisions for you.

You mean they're not now? They are making decisions for me. They decided that I have to now buy my own healthcare plan. They decide how much I can afford. They decide on what doctor or hospital I'm allowed to have. They decide what insurance companies I have to choose from.
Yes, you have to contribute to the healthcare system that has to treat you in the ER by law.

You know damn well you already had health insurance.

They decided when subsidies are to be offered. OMG OMG OMG. How do you think they should determine that?

YOU decide what hospitals & doctors when YOU choose your policy. There is NOTHING in the ACA that sets network coverages.

They should not be involved in forcing people to have healthcare in the first place.

Yes, government made that decision for you. Government made the decision on how much you can afford to buy healthcare via subsidies. They use adjusted income to make that determination. They don't ask how much your mortgage/ rent payments are, they don't know how much your automobile payments are, they don't ask how much you need to spend for gasoline every month to get to work and back, they don't ask how much you may be paying in child support, they don't ask what you are currently paying on medical expenses, they don't ask anything, and do you know why? Because government knows everything.

Now if you can't afford insurance because of your expenses, government comes along and takes your hard earned money away by keeping your income tax refund which a lot of people depend on. If you don't want that, you have to sell your home to afford insurance, sell your car and get a beater, stop saving for your retirement or your children's college, YOU DO THINGS THE WAY BIG BROTHER INSTRUCTS YOU TO DO! Our founders would be so ashamed of our people right now to allow this kind of federal government control over our lives.

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