It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.
So because people love each other that is as bad as raping your daughters, owning slavery and slaughtering entire cities full of people like god ordered. Did you realize that in the bible it says that you can beat your slaves and take the females of cities that you razed to the ground???

If we're going to discuss morality then we need to be fair as the bible is evil. It isn't moral in the least.
. So now you know the reasoning behind Gods punishments in which he had placed upon man for his various rebellions or sinfulness through out time ?? Do you know that Moses who had led the slaves out of Egypt, and for whom received the ten commandments had came down to find that they (the former slaves) had went astray, and began to worship worldly things in which they had created instead of worshiping the Holy one for whom had delivered them ?? When Moses had seen this, he broke the tablets for his anger was swift after all that was done for them. Cherry picking the Bible, and then attempting to interpret it for your own evil intent is a game many like you have tried and failed miserably at for centuries. Don't expect many to follow along with you, because the boat (your philosophy) that has many holes in it for which you are riding in has since sailed many years ago.
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.
. And majority rule is a good thing for the majority in which makes sense (not perfect of course), but that is why we create laws that help to keep a majority from abusing the minority. Of course the laws are usually created and agreed upon by that same majority who have the compassionate side and moral side of the groups humanity covered. A majority can go astray at times yes, but the laws usually bring them back into remaining as the righteous majority, but only if those laws were created out of the belief in a higher athority for whom we know as God. Laws created out of evilness are not to be considered as righteous or just ever.
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.
. And majority rule is a good thing for the majority in which makes sense (not perfect of course), but that is why we create laws that help to keep a majority from abusing the minority. Of course the laws are usually created and agreed upon by that same majority who have the compassionate side and moral side of the groups humanity covered. A majority can go astray at times yes, but the laws usually bring them back into remaining as the righteous majority, but only if those laws were created out of the belief in a higher athority for whom we know as God. Laws created out of evilness are not to be considered as righteous or just ever.
There are no laws that prevent the minority from abusing the majority. There are machetes, though.
I wonder if they will use this guy's story in their curriculum? I mean, they warn you about the dangers of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes in school.... Might as well get the dark side of faggotry out there so the kids are fully informed on the issue, right? It's all about educating the next generation, not indoctrination of the next generation..right?*sarcasm off*

Surviving Gay…Barely

***Warning*** ***Graphic Language***
Surviving Gay…Barely

Marble Torso of a God or Athlete, Roman Imperial, circa 1st/2nd Century A.D.

In 1989, I walked into the world famous Castro District of San Francisco as a disaffected young man of almost nineteen years of age. I had grown up bullied and lonely, and I was looking to finally belong. Almost since I was a child nearing adolescence, the other boys at school instinctively rejected me. While they made the decisive testosterone fueled jump to more masculine pursuits, such as aggressive schoolyard play and sports, I was timid and unsure. While their voices deepened and sounded increasingly confident, mine remained high-pitched but strangely muted. While they grew taller and filled-out, I just became thinner and ganglier. The pre-macho boys were typically the best at playing kick-ball and inevitably turn out to be recess and PE team captains. Focusing on my embarrassing apparent lack of skill, they were always quick to ridicule and loudly point out my utter worthlessness. No one ever wanted me on their team. After even the smaller girls got picked, I was always the default last man standing.

There were a few other unathletic boys in my class, either overweight or exceedingly short, who also got similarly passed-over. But they could turn rejection into an advantage through comical self-deprecation or by poking fun at me or someone else. I couldn’t do that. I tended to take everything to heart. I froze at the merest slight. The often cruel unthinking banter of boys seemed deliberately vicious. Yet, the more they rejected and taunted me, the more I wanted to belong. My childhood fantasies began to center around a benevolent superhero who would adopt me as his sidekick. In the afternoon, I would rush home to see after-school reruns of “Batman” and imagine myself as Burt Ward. To this day, it’s highly significant that homoerotic fantasies about Batman and Robin are pervasive in gay male culture.

When I arrived in San Francisco, I was still tall, thin, and uncoordinated, but I quickly discovered that men wanted to be with me. Here, a boyish stick frame was a distinct advantage. That first night, as I crept into my first gay bar, I was the same insecure and desperately shy kid. I didn’t know what to do. My only experience with the world of male-on-male sexuality was through watching gay porn. And, in those images I was fascinated. There was a fundamental order and a ritual to everything portrayed: old with young, big over small, the experienced and the naive. The mature and supremely masculine always ushered into manhood the fresh-faced and less physically impressive youthful rookies.

From porn, I sort of knew what to expect; I had seen such ominous similarly titled films like: “Daddy It Hurts,” “Stop It Hurts,” and “Its Gonna Hurt.” I imagined my transition to masculinity as an initiation rite. And at the near height of the AIDS crisis, like male youths in tribal cultures, who had to endure some sort of physical torment or trial in order to join the community of men, I was willing to suffer anything in the process; even to die.

With my back to the crowded dance floor, I joined a scattered line of men at the bar. The boy no one wanted on his team became the near favorite. Here, proficiency wasn’t a necessity, only budding vigor, stamina, and unquestioning willingness. Unlike during our lost childhood, there were men willing to coach and guide us. I looked to my left and to my right and met the cold hard stares of a few intense looking guys. Some gave off a knowing half smile. I glanced down at my drink. When I looked up they were still watching. A man in a tight thin t-shirt that showed off his pecs like Adam West suddenly asked me to dance. I was the first chosen. On the dance floor, he moved close and put his mouth to my ear. Over the loud music I could slightly make-out a muffled question. In the process, the one-day growth of hair on his chin brushed against my newly shaved face. In that accidental moment, I thrilled in the intimacy.

As a boy, I obsessed upon Sonny Crockett’s stubble, the mustache of Magnum PI, and the mere fact that the Six Million Dollar Man had a hairy chest. As a somewhat hairless and unsure initiate, I was immediately drawn to those men who fit my juvenile preconceptions of masculinity. This duality persists in committed and or married same-sex male couples where oftentimes, but not always, pairings involve a larger man, who conforms to certain traditional masculine traits, and a smaller partner who exhibits more effeminate characteristics. And, yet even in those matches which closely resemble each other, the slightest variations instigates a hierarchical rank, with minor differences in height, muscle mass, mannerisms, pitch of voice, and aggressiveness determining each person’s role. In a sense, it’s a return to the masculine pecking orders of the schoolyard. Towards the final years of the 1990s, when bareback sex roared back into popularity, men of lesser masculine attributes spoke of a gay urban legend whereby the infusion of semen from a virile male into a receptive male causes an increase in testosterone levels and secondary sex characteristics such as the growth of boy hair.

As someone new to the scene, the unrelenting subliminal fear is that you will remain in constant boyhood or worse still – permanently lapse into the humiliation of your former sissy persona. In the 1990s, the saddest cases were those men, now well into their 20s, that still sported bowl cuts and bleached blond hair. They starved to remain thin and described themselves as boys in gay-sex-adverts. As they got older, their age-range for a potential “daddy” similarly increased. However, typically almost everyone had a first lover that was older, experienced, and reassuring. In our minds, they are accompanying us into the world of men that we always felt alienated from. And, they apparently accomplished this feat through sex.

According to a 2015 HIV Surveillance Report from the CDC, 88.3% of HIV-negative men practiced anal sex in the last 12 months; the numbers were only slightly higher for HIV-positive men. Another study found that: 71.8% of MSM had anal sex and 28.2% reported oral sex at last encounter. Most significantly:

Over one-half (52.0%) of MSM aged 18–24 reported a recent male anal sex partner who was >5 years older…By contrast, only 7.9% of heterosexual men and 10.0% of heterosexual women in this age group reported a recent partner who was >5 years older.

In gay porn, the denouement is always the anal sex act. As an inexperienced eighteen year old, I found the aspirations of gay men to be strikingly similar. For an encounter that did not at least include the possibility of anal intercourse seemed incidental and quick. Anal sex lent male homosexuality a certain amount of intimacy. The possibility of that fusion was unbelievably alluring. But I was petrified by the ever-present likelihood of AIDS, thus I refused to risk my life even though I knew I would remain incomplete until I found the courage to submit. A frustrated boyfriend accepted a sort of second-best when I agreed to a form of frottage through which he would thrust his penis between my closed legs. It was an elaborate form of mutual masturbation. Years later, I would tragically discover that the longed for insertive form of this action was similarly shallow.

Only, fear could not squelch this persistent nagging feeling that something remained invariably incomplete within me. I thought about it, and then one day I calmly walked to the local drug-store. Near the gay mecca of the Castro, it was well-stocked with various over-the-counter laxatives and Fleet enemas. For the next hours, I ate very little and washed down a few ex-lax with plentiful amounts of water. The following morning, I had second thoughts when I took the enema out of the box. With its long pre-lubricated syringe, it looked like a quasi torture device. For a few minutes, I leaned against the bathroom sink with every muscle in my body clenched until I couldn’t stand it anymore. Looking back, it was like a ritual cleansing before a ceremony in some pagan temple. I was probing my body to initiate rebirth, except no matter how much I pumped myself full with water and salt, I became like the Dead Sea at Sodom. I floated for awhile, but there was nothing to sustain me. It existed for its own sake.

I was horribly sore the rest of the day. As for the sex, unlike porn it didn’t take between twenty and thirty minutes. It was far quicker. And, despite the mythology of the power-bottom, this initiation required endurance, and pain, but also submission. The sensation of purposefully trying to relax the sphincter muscles, since their proper function relayed on a constant autonomic tension, was incredibly strange. I couldn’t do it. In the midst of an attempt, my lover shoved a popper bottle under my nose. I took a hesitant whiff and my heart began to thump out of my chest. The level of intimacy was intense or coldly distant depending upon position and eye-contact. I buried my face in a blanket and then dared to look into the face of the man on top of me. There was nothing reciprocal here. Fundamentally, it was a caricature of the marital act. But I wasn’t a woman, and I didn’t have a vagina. Nothing about my physiognomy could accommodate a penis; there was no natural lubrication and it hurt until I couldn’t feel anything. At times, the experience was stinging and fecal. In our wish to find a route into manhood, we become entrapped in a cruel return to the infantine and to the diaper. Almost two decades after stopping such behavior, the most vicious joke has been on me – as today I am sometimes forced into adult protective undergarments. The boy who wanted to be a man is stuck being a baby."
Stop the Presses

Children are going to be told their are gay people and families out there and that it is not the end of the world

Parents outraged that their teachings of hate are being contradicted

THERE. You see? This is what happens when schools concentrate on "social justice" issues instead of the learning!

Yes it worked with contradicting parental teachings on negros too

All those years of teaching your children who to hate being contradicted by the schools
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.

Republicans rule this country from a minority
We had to learn about religion in our school, thank God they took it out of the curriculum..

There are certain things that should be addressed in the home. Religion is one, human sexuality is another.
Yeah well the christians want god back in school and the lack of sexual awareness and education is for those that never get any info from parents..

I think it's all or nothing. Teach about the basics of all religions or none of them. Personally, I want it left out of public school curriculum, and, it's not the school's job to determine whether parents are teaching their kids about human sexuality or not. I'm not and never was a proponent of sex ed either.
But this story is not about sex ed it's about inclusion of ghey folks in school studies which is no big deal except that they may announce their sexuality, but there is no significant determination to make school kids ghey..So the OP story is misleading because they think it's indoctrination..
I think a person's sexual orientation is irrelevant
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.

Republicans rule this country from a minority
Tell it to the electoral college.
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.

Republicans rule this country from a minority
The majority of states are Republican.
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.

Republicans rule this country from a minority
The majority of states are Republican.

The majority of people are Democrats
I think a person's sexual orientation is irrelevant

Considering all the other more important issues screaming for attention such as; jobs, economy, war, immigration, right to privacy, voting rights, etc, I'd put LGBT issues on my low priority list.
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.

Republicans rule this country from a minority
The majority of states are Republican.

The majority of people are Democrats
Sucks we are a republic and not a direct democracy, doesn't it?
Stop the Presses

Children are going to be told their are gay people and families out there and that it is not the end of the world

Parents outraged that their teachings of hate are being contradicted
. Children are going to be TOLD that there is something wrong with them by who "The School" ???

They need a public school to tell them that there is something wrong with them because they didn't know it until they went to the public school ??

So the parents nurture their children's biological male and female make up when raising them, but next it is then interpreted by school officials that the parents were teaching hate to their kids upon their arrival at public school, so the school has to then fix that ??

So if a parent teaches their child not to smoke cigarettes just because someone else does or that they don't have to be a goth person just because someone else is, and that they don't have to be a hippie just because someone else is or that they don't have to be a nerd/brainiac just because someone else is or they don't have to be a political figure just because someone else is, then the parents have done wrong by the child according to a public school board, official or officials ??

Uh freedom of choice should be allowed to flourish on any campus as long as one isn't committing a crime or abusing others. The school should only regulate and/or enforce laws against bullying or criminal activity found in students actions outside the classroom or inside a classroom on campus.

Inside the classroom the government should only be allowed to teach the children the skills needed to land a job in the workforce. Anything outside of such basic skill training should be considered electives in which a student of age is allowed to freely choose an elective, and not be forced to attend if doesn't want to. Anyone under the age of 18 should not be allowed to choose an elective without written parental consent.

Shouldn't sex Ed be an elective that has to come with parental consent ?? Shouldn't the parents be allowed to review the material and teaching/teacher credentials before consenting to their teenage children to be allowed to take the class ?
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.

Republicans rule this country from a minority
The majority of states are Republican.

The majority of people are Democrats
The minority are gays.
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.
. And majority rule is a good thing for the majority in which makes sense (not perfect of course), but that is why we create laws that help to keep a majority from abusing the minority. Of course the laws are usually created and agreed upon by that same majority who have the compassionate side and moral side of the groups humanity covered. A majority can go astray at times yes, but the laws usually bring them back into remaining as the righteous majority, but only if those laws were created out of the belief in a higher athority for whom we know as God. Laws created out of evilness are not to be considered as righteous or just ever.
There are no laws that prevent the minority from abusing the majority. There are machetes, though.
. The weapon of choice used by specific minorities in order to abuse the majority has been the "activist judge".
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate
Minority rule is never a good path. Ask Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and South Africa.

Republicans rule this country from a minority
. You've been watching to much of a specific MSM for whom has pumped up the idea that the conservatives are in the minority. Try changing the channel sometimes.

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