It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

What's funny is you want to indoctrinate children in a god that has killed tens of millions of people in genocides, promotes slavery and has held back science for thousands of years.

What's worse? I'd say the christian god is.

Except that is prohibited in public schools.

Try again

If teaching religion is banned in public schools, why is teaching the LGBT sexualized religion not only legal but mandated in some states? I think we really need to decide on a legal basis of LGBT is inborn or behavioral. Because if it's behavioral, it's a religion or cult of sorts. And as such cannot be taught in school at all.

It is PIVOTAL to recognize LGBT as behaviors. Because as behaviors it is a religion, not a static class like race or gender or country of origin.
The faggotry community's political power will be easier to take down than it was for the left to take down Christianity, even in a more secular nation than we have currently. Science says this stuff is nothing more than disease spreading filth, and the activists in the medical community will not be able to hide the truth forever.
Shouldn't sex Ed be an elective that has to come with parental consent ?? Shouldn't the parents be allowed to review the material and teaching/teacher credentials before consenting to their teenage children to be allowed to take the class ?

The lack of transparency, and the blatant usurpation and denial of the parents' authority, is proof that those responsible for this know that they are wrong, and that what they are trying to do would never fly without such abuses. If these policies were at all reasonable or just, then they wouldn't need to resort to such deception and force to carry them out.
What's funny is you want to indoctrinate children in a god that has killed tens of millions of people in genocides, promotes slavery and has held back science for thousands of years.

What's worse? I'd say the christian god is.

Except that is prohibited in public schools.

Try again

If teaching religion is banned in public schools, why is teaching the LGBT sexualized religion not only legal but mandated in some states? I think we really need to decide on a legal basis of LGBT is inborn or behavioral. Because if it's behavioral, it's a religion or cult of sorts. And as such cannot be taught in school at all.

It is PIVOTAL to recognize LGBT as behaviors. Because as behaviors it is a religion, not a static class like race or gender or country of origin.
The faggotry community's political power will be easier to take down than it was for the left to take down Christianity, even in a more secular nation than we have currently. Science says this stuff is nothing more than disease spreading filth, and the activists in the medical community will not be able to hide the truth forever.

I don't care if someone is gay but I do care when it's being forced on our children. i won't have it and I don't give two shits who whines about it
Q: So WTF is wrong with teaching kids to be tolerant of LGBT kids?
A: Nothing

Unless of course you think that kids should be taught to beat up kids they suspect might be gay after school (a probability)

But hey man, thanks for the awesome new consevo-blather website started just this year - as if we needed one more.

It's AWESOME! :)
Parents outraged that their teachings of hate are being contradicted

Only to corrupt, morally-depraved left wing-wing filth does basic morality and decency constitute “hate”. It is what happens when you choose to keep the company of sick sexual perverts, and allow your own mind and your own soul to be poisoned by their corrupting influence.

And now, that's what you want to be done to children, in public schools.

Homosexuality is a perfectly legal activity and people who are homosexual are allowed to become teachers, run for public office, adopt children, serve in the military and get married

Public schools are entitled to teach that
What's funny is you want to indoctrinate children in a god that has killed tens of millions of people in genocides, promotes slavery and has held back science for thousands of years.

What's worse? I'd say the christian god is.

Except that is prohibited in public schools.

Try again

If teaching religion is banned in public schools, why is teaching the LGBT sexualized religion not only legal but mandated in some states? I think we really need to decide on a legal basis of LGBT is inborn or behavioral. Because if it's behavioral, it's a religion or cult of sorts. And as such cannot be taught in school at all.

It is PIVOTAL to recognize LGBT as behaviors. Because as behaviors it is a religion, not a static class like race or gender or country of origin.
The faggotry community's political power will be easier to take down than it was for the left to take down Christianity, even in a more secular nation than we have currently. Science says this stuff is nothing more than disease spreading filth, and the activists in the medical community will not be able to hide the truth forever.

I don't care if someone is gay but I do care when it's being forced on our children. i won't have it and I don't give two shits who whines about it
I do care if someone is a faggot or not, the Left is probably going to get their Universal Health Care eventually and I don't want to pay to keep these pieces of shit alive.
What's funny is you want to indoctrinate children in a god that has killed tens of millions of people in genocides, promotes slavery and has held back science for thousands of years.

What's worse? I'd say the christian god is.

Except that is prohibited in public schools.

Try again

If teaching religion is banned in public schools, why is teaching the LGBT sexualized religion not only legal but mandated in some states? I think we really need to decide on a legal basis of LGBT is inborn or behavioral. Because if it's behavioral, it's a religion or cult of sorts. And as such cannot be taught in school at all.

It is PIVOTAL to recognize LGBT as behaviors. Because as behaviors it is a religion, not a static class like race or gender or country of origin.
The faggotry community's political power will be easier to take down than it was for the left to take down Christianity, even in a more secular nation than we have currently. Science says this stuff is nothing more than disease spreading filth, and the activists in the medical community will not be able to hide the truth forever.

I don't care if someone is gay but I do care when it's being forced on our children. i won't have it and I don't give two shits who whines about it

Nobody is forcing children to be gay
Before they were just suggesting it. Now, California parents have no choice: It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents


It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents
Warner Todd Huston
December 27, 2017
Despite their reputation for being the “Party of choice,” Democrats in California have ruled that parents are not allowed to opt their school-aged children out of the mandatory LGBT indoctrination in the state-sponsored school system.

Naturally, far left-wing California has become the first state in the Union to force kids to use LGBT inclusive textbooks. But at the same time it left no legal way for parents to opt out from the propaganda.

The gay propaganda law supposedly requires a “‘fair, accurate, inclusive, and respectful’ treatment of homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and lesbian Americans despite the historical insignificance,” according to Truth Revolt.

State publisher Mark Jarrett cited several historical figures who *might* have been gay saying that his textbooks will essentially make these historical figures gay icons.

“We’re not trying to make anybody gay; we’re not saying there’s an agenda; we’re not saying that these people are better than other people; what we’re saying is this is another group of Americans and they face certain prejudices,” said state publisher Mark Jarrett, whose history textbooks include special mention of the sexual preferences of historical figures like Jane Adams, Emily Dickinson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, President James Buchanan, though it’s inconclusive if these prominent Americans were gay or not.

“I think we should say, ‘Buchanan, he never married. He had a very good friend who was living with him. He may have been gay,’” Jarrett added. “On the other hand, at that time, being gay was seen as something evil and wrong.”

It should be noted that men sharing expenses with other men and living together was an extremely common thing in our country’s history. Senators did it, Congressmen did it, and so do regular Americans all across the nation.

In Fact, it was extremely common even into the 20th century. It has only been since WWII that Americans developed a sense that living completely on alone with no co-habitating partners, whether platonic or romantic, was considered the thing to do.

As to President Buchanan, gay activists have tried to claim him as their own for decades but there is no direct proof of his sexual proclivities.

Gay activists have also ridiculously tried to make President Abraham Lincoln gay, as well.

The radical gay agenda is infused throughout California’s textbooks, Truth Revolt report:

California approved the textbooks written by Jarrett, a Ph.D, to be used in the 8th grade. Students will read that legendary stagecoach driver Charlie Parkhurst “was a woman who identified as a man,” according to Fox News. They will read that George Washington’s chief of staff Baron Von Steuben “may have been gay,” and that poet Walt Whitman “was drawn to young men… but denied his same sex preferences in public.”

Critics say much of these accounts are speculation, but California rejected any publisher that didn’t mention the homosexual preferences or claims against historical figures in their textbooks. In one textbook, the state forced the publisher to add “lesbian” to describe NASA astronaut Sally Ride.

So, to appease the radical gay lobby, California is now taking what are supposed to be factual school textbooks and filling them with “speculation” on the sexual leanings of historical figures despite the FACT that the facts are not known.

California is now officially indoctrinating, not educating, its children.​

If I lived in California (of course I never would) I’d scream bloody murder. On the other hand, I would send my kids to school, and make sure to discuss what they heard. I do support California’s right to do this, and would vehemently object to any federal government intervention either pro or con. Let the people deal with it as they see fit.
Sorry, but nobody is going to teach my kid about fudge_packing until they reach puberty. I don't want them all screwed up in the head and experimenting till they have pubes. Mkay?
Yes it worked with contradicting parental teachings on negros too

All those years of teaching your children who to hate being contradicted by the schools

Right. Because being a negro is exactly equivalent to being a degenerate, immoral sexual pervert.

That's not the least bit racist, is it?
Actually it is.....
What's funny is you want to indoctrinate children in a god that has killed tens of millions of people in genocides, promotes slavery and has held back science for thousands of years.

What's worse? I'd say the christian god is.

Except that is prohibited in public schools.

Try again

If teaching religion is banned in public schools, why is teaching the LGBT sexualized religion not only legal but mandated in some states? I think we really need to decide on a legal basis of LGBT is inborn or behavioral. Because if it's behavioral, it's a religion or cult of sorts. And as such cannot be taught in school at all.

It is PIVOTAL to recognize LGBT as behaviors. Because as behaviors it is a religion, not a static class like race or gender or country of origin.
The faggotry community's political power will be easier to take down than it was for the left to take down Christianity, even in a more secular nation than we have currently. Science says this stuff is nothing more than disease spreading filth, and the activists in the medical community will not be able to hide the truth forever.

I don't care if someone is gay but I do care when it's being forced on our children. i won't have it and I don't give two shits who whines about it

Nobody is forcing children to be gay

I never said anyone is you stupid son of a bitch.

Keep the agenda away from our children. I dont give a damn what you clowns do as long as you stay far away from children
Homosexuality is a perfectly legal activity and people who are homosexual are allowed to become teachers, run for public office, adopt children, serve in the military and get married

Public schools are entitled to teach that

All of which only goes to show how corrupt and degenerate our society is becoming.
Homosexuality is a perfectly legal activity and people who are homosexual are allowed to become teachers, run for public office, adopt children, serve in the military and get married

Public schools are entitled to teach that

All of which only goes to show how corrupt and degenerate our society is becoming.
I think LeftWinger just admitted Sil's main point... That faggotry is a behavior and should not be considered a protected class because of this.

LeftWinger said "Homosexuality is a perfectly legal activity".

Thanks for that slip up, LW.
You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.
You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.

So do lots of other couples. That doesn't make them any less of a parent(s).

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