It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.

So do lots of other couples. That doesn't make them any less of a parent(s).

I never said anything about them being lesser parents, did I?

The point is they cannot naturally reproduce. Gays raising childrenis a different thread
^^ I'm saying they are lesser parents though... vv

You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.

More to the point, they can't be either the missing mother or father to the children. With a gay marriage contract they actually legally BAN outside help in this vital component to parenting.
You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.

So do lots of other couples. That doesn't make them any less of a parent(s).

I never said anything about them being lesser parents, did I?

The point is they cannot naturally reproduce. Gays raising childrenis a different thread

I didn't say you did.
^^ I'm saying they are lesser parents though... vv

You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.

More to the point, they can't be either the missing mother or father to the children. With a gay marriage contract they actually legally BAN outside help in this vital component to parenting.

I have mixed feelings on it mainly because I'm aware of the foster care system. A lot to be desired
^^ I'm saying they are lesser parents though... vv

You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.

More to the point, they can't be either the missing mother or father to the children. With a gay marriage contract they actually legally BAN outside help in this vital component to parenting.

Are you a lesser parent b/c a father doesn't exist in your household?
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.

So do lots of other couples. That doesn't make them any less of a parent(s).

I never said anything about them being lesser parents, did I?

The point is they cannot naturally reproduce. Gays raising childrenis a different thread

I didn't say you did.

Now don't get testy with me :happy-1:
I have mixed feelings on it mainly because I'm aware of the foster care system. A lot to be desired

Sil would rather children languish in the system until they age out than have a loving gay parent(s) raise them.
Homosexuality is a perfectly legal activity and people who are homosexual are allowed to become teachers, run for public office, adopt children, serve in the military and get married

Public schools are entitled to teach that

All of which only goes to show how corrupt and degenerate our society is becoming.
I think LeftWinger just admitted Sil's main point... That faggotry is a behavior and should not be considered a protected class because of this.

LeftWinger said "Homosexuality is a perfectly legal activity".

Thanks for that slip up, LW.

It is perfectly legal
Didn't used to be
I have mixed feelings on it mainly because I'm aware of the foster care system. A lot to be desired

Sil would rather children languish in the system until they age out than have a loving gay parent(s) raise them.
Dems would rather they be killed in the womb. It's in their platform.

But as a strong supporter of heteros, I prefer the hetero agenda.
I have mixed feelings on it mainly because I'm aware of the foster care system. A lot to be desired

Sil would rather children languish in the system until they age out than have a loving gay parent(s) raise them.

In my husband's firm there is a gay who has a partner. They have an older teen, around 15 I think. They seem like good parents and the child seems well adjusted.

With that said in a perfect world a child would have a mother and father...but the world isn't perfect
What's funny is you want to indoctrinate children in a god that has killed tens of millions of people in genocides, promotes slavery and has held back science for thousands of years.

What's worse? I'd say the christian god is.

Except that is prohibited in public schools.

Try again

If teaching religion is banned in public schools, why is teaching the LGBT sexualized religion not only legal but mandated in some states? I think we really need to decide on a legal basis of LGBT is inborn or behavioral. Because if it's behavioral, it's a religion or cult of sorts. And as such cannot be taught in school at all.

It is PIVOTAL to recognize LGBT as behaviors. Because as behaviors it is a religion, not a static class like race or gender or country of origin.
The faggotry community's political power will be easier to take down than it was for the left to take down Christianity, even in a more secular nation than we have currently. Science says this stuff is nothing more than disease spreading filth, and the activists in the medical community will not be able to hide the truth forever.

I don't care if someone is gay but I do care when it's being forced on our children. i won't have it and I don't give two shits who whines about it

Nobody is forcing children to be gay

I never said anyone is you stupid son of a bitch.

Keep the agenda away from our children. I dont give a damn what you clowns do as long as you stay far away from children

Which "agenda"??

Letting them know that there are homosexuals in our society?
Telling them that harassment or bullying of homosexual students will not be tolerated?
If teaching religion is banned in public schools, why is teaching the LGBT sexualized religion not only legal but mandated in some states? I think we really need to decide on a legal basis of LGBT is inborn or behavioral. Because if it's behavioral, it's a religion or cult of sorts. And as such cannot be taught in school at all.

It is PIVOTAL to recognize LGBT as behaviors. Because as behaviors it is a religion, not a static class like race or gender or country of origin.
The faggotry community's political power will be easier to take down than it was for the left to take down Christianity, even in a more secular nation than we have currently. Science says this stuff is nothing more than disease spreading filth, and the activists in the medical community will not be able to hide the truth forever.

I don't care if someone is gay but I do care when it's being forced on our children. i won't have it and I don't give two shits who whines about it

Nobody is forcing children to be gay

I never said anyone is you stupid son of a bitch.

Keep the agenda away from our children. I dont give a damn what you clowns do as long as you stay far away from children

Which "agenda"??

Letting them know that there are homosexuals in our society?
Telling them that harassment or bullying of homosexual students will not be tolerated?
What kind of bullying will be tolerated?
I have mixed feelings on it mainly because I'm aware of the foster care system. A lot to be desired

Sil would rather children languish in the system until they age out than have a loving gay parent(s) raise them.
Dems would rather they be killed in the womb. It's in their platform.

But as a strong supporter of heteros, I prefer the hetero agenda.

I am unimpeachably pro-life. My agenda is pretty simple: Leave me be and I'll leave you be. It's wondefully effortless.
I have mixed feelings on it mainly because I'm aware of the foster care system. A lot to be desired

Sil would rather children languish in the system until they age out than have a loving gay parent(s) raise them.
Dems would rather they be killed in the womb. It's in their platform.

But as a strong supporter of heteros, I prefer the hetero agenda.

I am unimpeachably pro-life. My agenda is pretty simple: Leave me be and I'll leave you be. It's wondefully effortless.
I didn't say it was your platform.
You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.

More to the point, they can't be either the missing mother or father to the children. With a gay marriage contract they actually legally BAN outside help in this vital component to parenting.

I have mixed feelings on it mainly because I'm aware of the foster care system. A lot to be desired should we be less or more vigilant to a failed system when picking prospective parents to the kids?
You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.

More to the point, they can't be either the missing mother or father to the children. With a gay marriage contract they actually legally BAN outside help in this vital component to parenting.

I have mixed feelings on it mainly because I'm aware of the foster care system. A lot to be desired should we be less or more vigilant to a failed system when picking prospective parents to the kids?

I don't have the easy answer but the fact is the system is a mess and older children languish in it for years. Shuffled around and that can't be good.

We adopted our oldest adoptee when she was 11, she has a disability and I shudder to think how she would have fared in foster care
We had to learn about religion in our school, thank God they took it out of the curriculum..

There are certain things that should be addressed in the home. Religion is one, human sexuality is another.
Yeah well the christians want god back in school and the lack of sexual awareness and education is for those that never get any info from parents..

I think it's all or nothing. Teach about the basics of all religions or none of them. Personally, I want it left out of public school curriculum, and, it's not the school's job to determine whether parents are teaching their kids about human sexuality or not. I'm not and never was a proponent of sex ed either.
But this story is not about sex ed it's about inclusion of ghey folks in school studies which is no big deal except that they may announce their sexuality, but there is no significant determination to make school kids ghey..So the OP story is misleading because they think it's indoctrination..
I think a person's sexual orientation is irrelevant
I do also, but it's been an issue for a couple of thousand years..
Oh now your just masturbating to ghey sex..
And you're fantasizing about me again.

One of my biggest fans.
I bet you say that to all the cucumbers in the display at the store..
Still fantasizing about me I see.

You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm a woman.
I am sure you are, in the evenings with the lights low....I guess you are disappointed that I've been married three times and have four kids....Sorry you can't be ghey with me..

Grow up, will ya? You display the emotional maturity of a 6-year-old. THAT is why you have been married so many times. There is a common denominator there, and it is YOU. Lol. :D
You have no fucking idea what went on...It's more about money than any maturity level women profess..
^^ I'm saying they are lesser parents though... vv

You mean gay people can run for office?! Become teachers!? Rasing their children!? Oh, my word! Pass the smelling salts.
Fags don't have children.

Sure they do. I know quite a few myself and they are wonderful parents. You may not like them raising kids, but other than whining on the internet, there isn't shit you can do about it.

I think the point is a gay couple can't have children w/o outside help.

More to the point, they can't be either the missing mother or father to the children. With a gay marriage contract they actually legally BAN outside help in this vital component to parenting.

Are you a lesser parent b/c a father doesn't exist in your household?

He is a lesser parent because he teaches hatred in his household

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