It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

I am fine with fags being fags...I just don't want to foot the bill for their filth. They should only get AIDS and die anyway.

You should write greeting cards.
Let me give an honest try at that then.... My happy Caught The Bug Day Card poem:
Happy Bug Day To You
Happy Bug Day To You
You Caught The AIDS, Faggot
And You Wanted It Too!

But very limited in scope..
I am fine with fags being fags...I just don't want to foot the bill for their filth. They should only get AIDS and die anyway.

You should write greeting cards.
Let me give an honest try at that then.... My happy Caught The Bug Day Card poem:
Happy Bug Day To You
Happy Bug Day To You
You Caught The AIDS, Faggot
And You Wanted It Too!

I have one for the fag break's called "Love Is Like A Faggot's Prolapsed Asshole".
But that one is for paying customers.
Yeah well the christians want god back in school and the lack of sexual awareness and education is for those that never get any info from parents..

A child being raised by 2 heterosexual, loving parents who love and respect each other and their child is all the 'sexual awareness' needed. Government elementary schools have no business teaching 'sexual awareness' to well raised and well adjusted kids which most are.
But this story is not about sex ed it's about inclusion of ghey folks in school studies which is no big deal except that they may announce their sexuality, but there is no significant determination to make school kids ghey..So the OP story is misleading because they think it's indoctrination..

Why is it so important to you that kids be exposed to homosexuality? Who cares if (for instance) a historical figure was gay or had a particular sexual fetish?
If there is an actual gay person in history that accomplished something great (and I don't mean rumors about the person possibly being a gay person, but an ACTUAL gay person who admitted to such), then I wouldn't have a problem with them teaching us about that person. HOWEVER, when we talk about historical figures, we don't refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual because THAT is not the goddamn point!

It is a relevant point when you try to show that gays are not outcasts in our society and that they do contribute....helps erase the hate

It's not hate it's disgust at the thought of two men buggering each other. Keep it to yourself that's all. Just like normal heterosexuals keep their sexual desires private and to be enjoyed by like minded persons of the opposite sex.
Stop the Presses

Children are going to be told their are gay people and families out there and that it is not the end of the world

Parents outraged that their teachings of hate are being contradicted
. Children are going to be TOLD that there is something wrong with them by who "The School" ???

They need a public school to tell them that there is something wrong with them because they didn't know it until they went to the public school ??

So the parents nurture their children's biological male and female make up when raising them, but next it is then interpreted by school officials that the parents were teaching hate to their kids upon their arrival at public school, so the school has to then fix that ??

So if a parent teaches their child not to smoke cigarettes just because someone else does or that they don't have to be a goth person just because someone else is, and that they don't have to be a hippie just because someone else is or that they don't have to be a nerd/brainiac just because someone else is or they don't have to be a political figure just because someone else is, then the parents have done wrong by the child according to a public school board, official or officials ??

Uh freedom of choice should be allowed to flourish on any campus as long as one isn't committing a crime or abusing others. The school should only regulate and/or enforce laws against bullying or criminal activity found in students actions outside the classroom or inside a classroom on campus.

Inside the classroom the government should only be allowed to teach the children the skills needed to land a job in the workforce. Anything outside of such basic skill training should be considered electives in which a student of age is allowed to freely choose an elective, and not be forced to attend if doesn't want to. Anyone under the age of 18 should not be allowed to choose an elective without written parental consent.

Shouldn't sex Ed be an elective that has to come with parental consent ?? Shouldn't the parents be allowed to review the material and teaching/teacher credentials before consenting to their teenage children to be allowed to take the class ?

The schools are not teaching children to be gay
They are letting children know that there are some people in the country who are gay, that some marriages have partners of the same sex, that kids can be gay and that it is alright
They are teaching not to harass or bully someone who is homosexual

Parents are outraged because the hatred of gays they are teaching in the home are being contradicted
Not the governments role to teach the kids anything other than how to become educated enough to get a job period. How the government became a psychiatrist for the students is outright amazing, and how the parents allowed the government to take over the role of raising their children is even more amazing.
If teaching religion is banned in public schools, why is teaching the LGBT sexualized religion not only legal but mandated in some states? I think we really need to decide on a legal basis of LGBT is inborn or behavioral. Because if it's behavioral, it's a religion or cult of sorts. And as such cannot be taught in school at all.

It is PIVOTAL to recognize LGBT as behaviors. Because as behaviors it is a religion, not a static class like race or gender or country of origin.
The faggotry community's political power will be easier to take down than it was for the left to take down Christianity, even in a more secular nation than we have currently. Science says this stuff is nothing more than disease spreading filth, and the activists in the medical community will not be able to hide the truth forever.

I don't care if someone is gay but I do care when it's being forced on our children. i won't have it and I don't give two shits who whines about it

Nobody is forcing children to be gay

I never said anyone is you stupid son of a bitch.

Keep the agenda away from our children. I dont give a damn what you clowns do as long as you stay far away from children

Which "agenda"??

Letting them know that there are homosexuals in our society?
Telling them that harassment or bullying of homosexual students will not be tolerated?
. Not the governments job... We have law enforcement to stop criminal activity. Kids will be learned by their parents about anything in society, and if they are taught to engage in criminal activity against any innocent civilian, then law enforcement will deal with that activity. The same will be done at school when any criminal activity goes on. The teaching of sex shouldn't be the governments job or law enforcements job. Only when criminal violations occur, does athorities get involved.

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