it begins....pastor says romney is not a christian

well who will they vote for? if its come to romney or obama?

Tough call.

Usually they don't have to choose between a Christian and a white guy. A conundrum indeed.

True. Wonder how many conservatives won't vote for the Christian? ;)

Interestingly enough, last night the preacher was on Chris Matthew's show. When he was asked about Romney, he doubled down on his statement that Mormonism is a cult. Chris then asked him about Obama being a Christian, and he stated that he believes that Obama is a Christian.

When asked about a possible showdown between Romney and Obama? He stated that he would vote for the cult leader over the Christian.
Tough call.

Usually they don't have to choose between a Christian and a white guy. A conundrum indeed.

True. Wonder how many conservatives won't vote for the Christian? ;)

Interestingly enough, last night the preacher was on Chris Matthew's show. When he was asked about Romney, he doubled down on his statement that Mormonism is a cult. Chris then asked him about Obama being a Christian, and he stated that he believes that Obama is a Christian.

When asked about a possible showdown between Romney and Obama? He stated that he would vote for the cult leader over the Christian.

Shows the effects of extreme right-wing ideology :(
Tough call.

Usually they don't have to choose between a Christian and a white guy. A conundrum indeed.

True. Wonder how many conservatives won't vote for the Christian? ;)

Interestingly enough, last night the preacher was on Chris Matthew's show. When he was asked about Romney, he doubled down on his statement that Mormonism is a cult. Chris then asked him about Obama being a Christian, and he stated that he believes that Obama is a Christian.

When asked about a possible showdown between Romney and Obama? He stated that he would vote for the cult leader over the Christian.

That's hilarious.

In the evangelical movement, everyone would tell you that God must take first place among all things -- even before family.

But when that philosophical axiom is actually put to the test in the political arena, politically active preachers will invariably vote against (and urge their flock to do so, as well) a Christian Democrat in favor of a cultist (so-labeled) who's perceived to be a conservative Republican.

Try explaining that to St Peter (assuming he makes it to the pearly gates in the first place)!
Deflection. When has that standard been applied to anyone but a conservative Republican? BTW, I'm neither, I'm a libertarian independent. I do not want the media to be easier on Republicans, I'd be thrilled if they just held the Democrats to the same standard. At this point I'd be thrilled if the media held Democrats to ANY standard...

Libertarianism is the weak mind's way out of the maze into the dark wilderness of moral negation. America will not follow you there.

You support voting for someone to solve your problems for you. I support politicians staying out of my way so I can do it for myself. And that makes "me" of weak mind. Suurrreeee Jake....

Libertarianism is the opposite of the coin from marxism. One suppresses the people in the name of the soviet, the other in concept of "a society of free equals."

Suuurreeee Kaz. . .
Libertarianism is the weak mind's way out of the maze into the dark wilderness of moral negation. America will not follow you there.

You support voting for someone to solve your problems for you. I support politicians staying out of my way so I can do it for myself. And that makes "me" of weak mind. Suurrreeee Jake....

Libertarianism is the opposite of the coin from marxism. One suppresses the people in the name of the soviet, the other in concept of "a society of free equals."

Suuurreeee Kaz. . .

How is giving people free choice "suppressing" them? People are too stupid to take care of themselves, your beloved Democratic party is just removing personal choice because gosh darn it, they just care about us. Makes me want to cry, thanks Jake, for removing my choice because you just care so darned much...
Libertarianism is the weak mind's way out of the maze into the dark wilderness of moral negation. America will not follow you there.

You support voting for someone to solve your problems for you. I support politicians staying out of my way so I can do it for myself. And that makes "me" of weak mind. Suurrreeee Jake....

Libertarianism is the opposite of the coin from marxism. One suppresses the people in the name of the soviet, the other in concept of "a society of free equals."

Suuurreeee Kaz. . .

how is free and equal suppressing anyone? Unless you mean suppressing the elite statist
You support voting for someone to solve your problems for you. I support politicians staying out of my way so I can do it for myself. And that makes "me" of weak mind. Suurrreeee Jake....

Libertarianism is the opposite of the coin from marxism. One suppresses the people in the name of the soviet, the other in concept of "a society of free equals."

Suuurreeee Kaz. . .

how is free and equal suppressing anyone? Unless you mean suppressing the elite statist

He doesn't know what he means. He's a Republican who is in love with a Marxist. I'm not a Republican, but I'm a partisan Republican. Or I'm a partisan Democrat, he's not sure. He's still working out the details...
The Texas pastor who introduced Gov. Rick Perry at Friday's Values Voters Summit in Washington told reporters that he does not believe that former Massachusetts Mitt Romney is a Christian, and called Romney's Mormon faith a "cult."
I called it a long time ago, before I ever signed up here, that Romney is not electable, solely due to his religious beliefs. I have to give Romney props for sticking to his beliefs, even when the popular thing to do would be switching to an "acceptable" religion. Is he right for America? I don't know yet, but I have a feeling he'd be a pretty good leader, simply based on his conviction to what he believes in, instead of trading in his faith for a popular model, just to appeal to hardline Protestants.

"Mitt Romney's a good moral person but he's not a Christian.
The real question is, why the fuck should that even matter?

Perry's campaign quickly distanced itself from the words of the pastor. The Texas governor, according to campaign spokesman Mark Miner, does not believe Mormonism is a cult.
Well that's good for him, but I'd never vote for Perry, simply because he is my governor, and I know the kind of crap he pulls. He's a crooked, conniving son of a bitch. I have no doubts that Perry arranged this stunt to slander Romney, and make himself out to be the "bigger man" by 'distancing' himself from this pastor.

if we have learned anything ....its that one cannot distance themselves from their ministers

the religious destruction of romney has began....and will continue
It began a long time ago, and it's still retarded.

Romney will win. I have been saying it for 2 years now.
Libertarianism is the opposite of the coin from marxism. One suppresses the people in the name of the soviet, the other in concept of "a society of free equals."

Suuurreeee Kaz. . .

how is free and equal suppressing anyone? Unless you mean suppressing the elite statist

He doesn't know what he means. He's a Republican who is in love with a Marxist. I'm not a Republican, but I'm a partisan Republican. Or I'm a partisan Democrat, he's not sure. He's still working out the details...

You are both loons. Kaz is the other side of totalitarianism from marxism, the elite of one. Idiot. Bigrebnc just wants to shoot weapons.
how is free and equal suppressing anyone? Unless you mean suppressing the elite statist

He doesn't know what he means. He's a Republican who is in love with a Marxist. I'm not a Republican, but I'm a partisan Republican. Or I'm a partisan Democrat, he's not sure. He's still working out the details...

You are both loons. Kaz is the other side of totalitarianism from marxism, the elite of one. Idiot. Bigrebnc just wants to shoot weapons.

I have no clue what you're talking about. I'm for limited government. I want to have police, civil and criminal courts, roads, military. I believe in having reasonable environmental regulations and I believe it is government's job to ensure that companies honestly disclose accurate information about their policies, products and services. But then I'd leave it up to consumers to make their own personal free choices and live with the consequences. If companies lie to them or cheat them, note there actually would be civil courts. I also support local government having more choice to go further where local taxpayers fund it. How is that "totalitarianism?" Choice of consumers is "totalitarianism?"
how is free and equal suppressing anyone? Unless you mean suppressing the elite statist

He doesn't know what he means. He's a Republican who is in love with a Marxist. I'm not a Republican, but I'm a partisan Republican. Or I'm a partisan Democrat, he's not sure. He's still working out the details...

You are both loons. Kaz is the other side of totalitarianism from marxism, the elite of one. Idiot. Bigrebnc just wants to shoot weapons.

How is free and equal suppressing anyone?
Where in the Constitution is the LITMUS TEST regarding religion in choosing a POTUS?

Anyone? Bueller? Frye?

There is no law against picking a President based on ignorance. Bigotry and prejudice against the Irish and Catholics has a long history in America.
You can not legislate the dumb ass.
He doesn't know what he means. He's a Republican who is in love with a Marxist. I'm not a Republican, but I'm a partisan Republican. Or I'm a partisan Democrat, he's not sure. He's still working out the details...

You are both loons. Kaz is the other side of totalitarianism from marxism, the elite of one. Idiot. Bigrebnc just wants to shoot weapons.

I have no clue what you're talking about. I'm for limited government. I want to have police, civil and criminal courts, roads, military. I believe in having reasonable environmental regulations and I believe it is government's job to ensure that companies honestly disclose accurate information about their policies, products and services. But then I'd leave it up to consumers to make their own personal free choices and live with the consequences. If companies lie to them or cheat them, note there actually would be civil courts. I also support local government having more choice to go further where local taxpayers fund it. How is that "totalitarianism?" Choice of consumers is "totalitarianism?"

You are not a libertarian then, just a confused conservative, of which there are many.

bigrebnc's opinion on this does not count. Just keep doing those loads, biggie.
You are both loons. Kaz is the other side of totalitarianism from marxism, the elite of one. Idiot. Bigrebnc just wants to shoot weapons.

I have no clue what you're talking about. I'm for limited government. I want to have police, civil and criminal courts, roads, military. I believe in having reasonable environmental regulations and I believe it is government's job to ensure that companies honestly disclose accurate information about their policies, products and services. But then I'd leave it up to consumers to make their own personal free choices and live with the consequences. If companies lie to them or cheat them, note there actually would be civil courts. I also support local government having more choice to go further where local taxpayers fund it. How is that "totalitarianism?" Choice of consumers is "totalitarianism?"

You are not a libertarian then, just a confused conservative, of which there are many.

bigrebnc's opinion on this does not count. Just keep doing those loads, biggie.

Aaaah, the old librarians are anarchists routine. You're a political vaudeville.

If I were an anarchist, I'd say I'm an anarchist.
uh, kaz . . . libertarian, not librarian. We are talking about libertarians, which you are not.

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