it begins....pastor says romney is not a christian

He's responsible for all the views of anyone who introduces him as his own?

Yes. His remarks should be reviewed by the candidate before he speaks. He wants to be president of the US, Anyone who speaks on his behalf should have his remarks closely reviewed because it is an extension of the person he is introducing.or working for.

As a result, Perry's entire message was lost yesterday because the pastor's remark took the headlines.

Perry had an ad that came out yesterday that was especially well done attacking Romney on his Health Care Reform and it was intended to be a highlight of the news programs that evening. It didn't make on most news shows because the pastor's remarks made the headlines instead. Free advertising down the drain because the pastor and he were not on the same page. Rookie mistake.

Can you show me who this standard is ever applied to other then Conservative Republicans?

It's not a liberal or conservative thing. It's just a practical application of using a mouthpiece for yourself. How many times has a candidate, liberal or conservative has had to distance themselves from someone who was talking "for" them? It may have been an associate, underling or even a press advisor.
The Texas pastor who introduced Gov. Rick Perry at Friday's Values Voters Summit in Washington told reporters that he does not believe that former Massachusetts Mitt Romney is a Christian, and called Romney's Mormon faith a "cult."
I called it a long time ago, before I ever signed up here, that Romney is not electable, solely due to his religious beliefs. I have to give Romney props for sticking to his beliefs, even when the popular thing to do would be switching to an "acceptable" religion. Is he right for America? I don't know yet, but I have a feeling he'd be a pretty good leader, simply based on his conviction to what he believes in, instead of trading in his faith for a popular model, just to appeal to hardline Protestants.

"Mitt Romney's a good moral person but he's not a Christian.
The real question is, why the fuck should that even matter?

Perry's campaign quickly distanced itself from the words of the pastor. The Texas governor, according to campaign spokesman Mark Miner, does not believe Mormonism is a cult.
Well that's good for him, but I'd never vote for Perry, simply because he is my governor, and I know the kind of crap he pulls. He's a crooked, conniving son of a bitch. I have no doubts that Perry arranged this stunt to slander Romney, and make himself out to be the "bigger man" by 'distancing' himself from this pastor.

if we have learned anything ....its that one cannot distance themselves from their ministers

the religious destruction of romney has began....and will continue
It began a long time ago, and it's still retarded.
"it begins....pastor says romney is not a christian"

And it doesn't matter to this voter, one way or another, regarding a candidates position on religion.
Doesn't matter at all to most Americans, and the evangelicals will have to decide if they want to vote for Romney or Obama, because that will be their choice.
Romney's biggest issue with conservatives isn't that he's a Mormon, it's that he's not a conservative.

Let's be honest. He is a conservative, just not libertarian. He is Mormon, not evangelical.

That is liberal, not "honest." No, he's not a conservative. He has no record of conservatism in Massachusetts, starting with government control of healthcare.

Eliminated a large debt, left with a large surplus.

That's conservative, but you are not: merely a reactionary libertarian not qualified to discuss these matters.
The question is, will his Mormonism be enough to keep Evangelicals from voting for him

Romney's biggest issue with conservatives isn't that he's a Mormon, it's that he's not a conservative.

Funny, when he took office as governor there was a massive multi billion dollar deficit. When he left there was a 2 billion surplus.
And you claim that is not conservative.

That's a gross simplification of the situation. Can you be more specific then that as to why he is conservative? I gave you a great one that he isn't, State controlled access to health care. That and social security are the two most purely evil socialist attacks on freedom in that they make every American a dependent on government for their basic needs. You live in Massachusetts, you follow his plan, period. Just buy being.
i dont see evangelicals voting for a mormon.....but i could be wrong about that....but that would really go against what they stand for

You are wrong about that. Most evangelical churches vote for any conservative candidate. I'm not an evangelical, but my wife and family are.

I'll tell you another thing, I went to theologically liberal churches and I've heard more political speech in the left wing churches by a factor of 100. Conservatives churches seldom mention politics at church. Liberal churches discuss it openly and freely. I've lived in 8 States across the country and gone to a lot of both with my wife and my views. It's true everywhere I've been.

My problem is I'm a liberal Christian but a political libertarian. The churches are right/right or left/left. But I wish they'd shut up about politics in liberal churches. It's endless.
Of course Romney has an evangelical problem. Most evangelicals are like most blacks. They vote their kind.

I like how non-evangelicals are constantly the ones speaking for them and their evidence is the bias they hear in the media. Why do you suppose that is?
Yes. His remarks should be reviewed by the candidate before he speaks. He wants to be president of the US, Anyone who speaks on his behalf should have his remarks closely reviewed because it is an extension of the person he is introducing.or working for.

As a result, Perry's entire message was lost yesterday because the pastor's remark took the headlines.

Perry had an ad that came out yesterday that was especially well done attacking Romney on his Health Care Reform and it was intended to be a highlight of the news programs that evening. It didn't make on most news shows because the pastor's remarks made the headlines instead. Free advertising down the drain because the pastor and he were not on the same page. Rookie mistake.

Can you show me who this standard is ever applied to other then Conservative Republicans?

It's not a liberal or conservative thing. It's just a practical application of using a mouthpiece for yourself. How many times has a candidate, liberal or conservative has had to distance themselves from someone who was talking "for" them? It may have been an associate, underling or even a press advisor.

Deflection. When has that standard been applied to anyone but a conservative Republican? BTW, I'm neither, I'm a libertarian independent. I do not want the media to be easier on Republicans, I'd be thrilled if they just held the Democrats to the same standard. At this point I'd be thrilled if the media held Democrats to ANY standard...
Can you show me who this standard is ever applied to other then Conservative Republicans?

It's not a liberal or conservative thing. It's just a practical application of using a mouthpiece for yourself. How many times has a candidate, liberal or conservative has had to distance themselves from someone who was talking "for" them? It may have been an associate, underling or even a press advisor.

Deflection. When has that standard been applied to anyone but a conservative Republican? BTW, I'm neither, I'm a libertarian independent. I do not want the media to be easier on Republicans, I'd be thrilled if they just held the Democrats to the same standard. At this point I'd be thrilled if the media held Democrats to ANY standard...

Libertarianism is the weak mind's way out of the maze into the dark wilderness of moral negation. America will not follow you there.
It's not a liberal or conservative thing. It's just a practical application of using a mouthpiece for yourself. How many times has a candidate, liberal or conservative has had to distance themselves from someone who was talking "for" them? It may have been an associate, underling or even a press advisor.

Deflection. When has that standard been applied to anyone but a conservative Republican? BTW, I'm neither, I'm a libertarian independent. I do not want the media to be easier on Republicans, I'd be thrilled if they just held the Democrats to the same standard. At this point I'd be thrilled if the media held Democrats to ANY standard...

Libertarianism is the weak mind's way out of the maze into the dark wilderness of moral negation. America will not follow you there.

You support voting for someone to solve your problems for you. I support politicians staying out of my way so I can do it for myself. And that makes "me" of weak mind. Suurrreeee Jake....

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