it begins....pastor says romney is not a christian


Thats what happens when you base vote-getting on relying on an Evangelical base :lol:
The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -
Article VI - Debts, Supremacy, Oaths

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.
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Republican Basers :lol:
The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -
Article VI - Debts, Supremacy, Oaths

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Is that preacher talking to the elephant or the guy on the elephant?
uh, kaz . . . libertarian, not librarian. We are talking about libertarians, which you are not.


You keep saying about views which are generic libertarian that I'm not libertarian. So why don't you compound the demonstration of your ignorance by being specific and telling me what I believe that is inconsistent with libertarianism.
uh, kaz . . . libertarian, not librarian. We are talking about libertarians, which you are not.

a dedicated libertarian would live off-of the grid for one right?

That's an "anarchist" dumb ass. As I keep telling JakeClueless, libertarians believe in limiting government, not eliminating it. Jake believes in eliminating intelligence and he's done a pretty good job of it. He seems to actually know nothing at all. Though he did catch me in a spelling mistake. Wow, imbecile turned to brainiac that was...
uh, kaz . . . libertarian, not librarian. We are talking about libertarians, which you are not.

a dedicated libertarian would live off-of the grid for one right?

Refusing to p ay taxes or your child support does not make you a libertarian. Just makes you a cheat or a scofflaw.

Refusing to pay taxes or child support aren't libertarian at all. Libertarians would limit taxes, but not paying them is not part of the ideology. Someone could not pay them in some sort of protest and be a libertarian, but they aren't being a libertarian when they don't pay it. As for child support, despite your utter stupidity in your belief that my believing in civil court makes me not a libertarian, libertarians actually do believe in civil court and they would believe a woman could sue a man for child support and the government could force him to pay it.

Basically what we're learning Jake is you're just a moron.
What I am saying is that libertarianism is a moronic form of anti-Americanism. Kaz, you are part of the social compact whether you wish to belong or not. You are part of it, have been since the day you were born here or immigrated here. That will never change.
What I am saying is that libertarianism is a moronic form of anti-Americanism

You keep making these idiotic statements and yet you refuse to explain what a single one means. Fill in the blank. Idiotic is the native language of an ____ .

My views are almost completely in line with the founding fathers, funny how that's anti-American. I look forward to another non-responsive post from you in your native tongue...
I have filled it in many times, but basically libertarianism is the flip side of communism: both oppress the citizen either in the name of the "many" or in the name of the "one."

Your views are not in line with the FF. They would turn your butt into the alley if you talked up.
I have filled it in many times, but basically libertarianism is the flip side of communism: both oppress the citizen either in the name of the "many" or in the name of the "one."

Your views are not in line with the FF. They would turn your butt into the alley if you talked up.

Basically you are full of crap and when pressed you'll belch a bunch of hot air. I keep stating views in line with libertarianism, and you keep saying OMG, that libertarian view makes you not libertarian. Then when I ask you WTF you are talking about, you keep repeating this 50,000 foot bull crap. I see why you love Obama so much, you and he speak the same language.
I have filled it in many times, but basically libertarianism is the flip side of communism: both oppress the citizen either in the name of the "many" or in the name of the "one."

Your views are not in line with the FF. They would turn your butt into the alley if you talked up.

Basically you are full of crap and when pressed you'll belch a bunch of hot air. I keep stating views in line with libertarianism, and you keep saying OMG, that libertarian view makes you not libertarian. Then when I ask you WTF you are talking about, you keep repeating this 50,000 foot bull crap. I see why you love Obama so much, you and he speak the same language.

I love America, I don't love Obama, I don't love the Left, and I believe libertarianism is anti-American, period. Give an argument for it, and I will demolish it for you. Go ahead.
I have filled it in many times, but basically libertarianism is the flip side of communism: both oppress the citizen either in the name of the "many" or in the name of the "one."

Your views are not in line with the FF. They would turn your butt into the alley if you talked up.

Basically you are full of crap and when pressed you'll belch a bunch of hot air. I keep stating views in line with libertarianism, and you keep saying OMG, that libertarian view makes you not libertarian. Then when I ask you WTF you are talking about, you keep repeating this 50,000 foot bull crap. I see why you love Obama so much, you and he speak the same language.

I love America, I don't love Obama, I don't love the Left, and I believe libertarianism is anti-American, period. Give an argument for it, and I will demolish it for you. Go ahead.

So you can make the statement it's "anti-american" but you can't come up with a single specific example on your own? Again, you're just a bunch of hot air. Then again what Obamanaut isn't? Since you made the assertion, I expect you to a least feign the ability to back it up with the best tripe you can muster.
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Basically you are full of crap and when pressed you'll belch a bunch of hot air. I keep stating views in line with libertarianism, and you keep saying OMG, that libertarian view makes you not libertarian. Then when I ask you WTF you are talking about, you keep repeating this 50,000 foot bull crap. I see why you love Obama so much, you and he speak the same language.

I love America, I don't love Obama, I don't love the Left, and I believe libertarianism is anti-American, period. Give an argument for it, and I will demolish it for you. Go ahead.

So you can make the statement it's "anti-american" but you can't come up with a single specific example on your own? Again, you're just a bunch of hot air. Then again what Obamanaut isn't? Since you made the assertion, I expect you to a least feign the ability to back it up with the best tripe you can muster.

Give an argument for it, Kaz. Stop jabbering and give an argument for it.
I love America, I don't love Obama, I don't love the Left, and I believe libertarianism is anti-American, period. Give an argument for it, and I will demolish it for you. Go ahead.

So you can make the statement it's "anti-american" but you can't come up with a single specific example on your own? Again, you're just a bunch of hot air. Then again what Obamanaut isn't? Since you made the assertion, I expect you to a least feign the ability to back it up with the best tripe you can muster.

Give an argument for it, Kaz. Stop jabbering and give an argument for it.

Post up Skippy!!! Tell me how I am unamerican. AND YOU BETTER BRING SOME GAME.
If this is such a pressing issue for conservatives, how come I never see any threads about this coming from conservatives on the board?

We have all types of conservatives here, none of which are shy, but I never see threads about the so-called main underlying issue in this primary. I do see the left spending a lot of time on this though.

Can you show me who this standard is ever applied to other then Conservative Republicans?

It's not a liberal or conservative thing. It's just a practical application of using a mouthpiece for yourself. How many times has a candidate, liberal or conservative has had to distance themselves from someone who was talking "for" them? It may have been an associate, underling or even a press advisor.

Deflection. When has that standard been applied to anyone but a conservative Republican? BTW, I'm neither, I'm a libertarian independent. I do not want the media to be easier on Republicans, I'd be thrilled if they just held the Democrats to the same standard. At this point I'd be thrilled if the media held Democrats to ANY standard...

Where in the Constitution is the LITMUS TEST regarding religion in choosing a POTUS?

Anyone? Bueller? Frye?

What you people seem to fail to realize is that this "attack" is coming from WITHIN the REPUBLICAN party.

I think you need to straighten out your own house first. Yes?

It's only the RWers that are overly obsessed with the religious affiliation of candidates. Seems that you people have created a monster you cannot control any more.
I love America, I don't love Obama, I don't love the Left, and I believe libertarianism is anti-American, period. Give an argument for it, and I will demolish it for you. Go ahead.

So you can make the statement it's "anti-american" but you can't come up with a single specific example on your own? Again, you're just a bunch of hot air. Then again what Obamanaut isn't? Since you made the assertion, I expect you to a least feign the ability to back it up with the best tripe you can muster.

Give an argument for it, Kaz. Stop jabbering and give an argument for it.

You're right about two things, there is something in my pants and there is nothing in yours. You have made the accusations that libertarianism is "totalitarian" and that it's "unamerican." When challenged to back it up you say make an argument and you'll tell me. I'm philosophically opposed to that I have to counter your accusation, you don't need to back it up. Prove me wrong is the sterile intelligence you consistently display.

Show again that you had an intellectual vasectomy and you're shooting intellectual blanks by again failing to back up YOUR assertion. If you make an actual argument, I'll join in. But just here's an assertion, prove me wrong? Homey don't play that game. Maybe you can find another spelling mistake. Wow, that was your finest moment...
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So you can make the statement it's "anti-american" but you can't come up with a single specific example on your own? Again, you're just a bunch of hot air. Then again what Obamanaut isn't? Since you made the assertion, I expect you to a least feign the ability to back it up with the best tripe you can muster.

Give an argument for it, Kaz. Stop jabbering and give an argument for it.

You're right about two things, there is something in my pants and there is nothing in yours. You have made the accusations that libertarianism is "totalitarian" and that it's "unamerican." When challenged to back it up you say make an argument and you'll tell me. I'm philosophically opposed to that I have to counter your accusation, you don't need to back it up. Prove me wrong is the sterile intelligence you consistently display.

Show again that you had an intellectual vasectomy and you're shooting intellectual blanks by again failing to back up YOUR assertion. If you make an actual argument, I'll join in. But just here's an assertion, prove me wrong? Homey don't play that game. Maybe you can find another spelling mistake. Wow, that was your finest moment...

I challenged your silly assertion, Kaz. I don't have to back it up until you make your case. Now walk the walk since you only, to this point, can talk the talk.

I will be surprised if you can offer anything more than a half-baked argument for libertarianism, the flip side of communism.
It's only the RWers that are overly obsessed with the religious affiliation of candidates

The Left can get stupid about religion, but the Hard Right goes far beyond stupidty ran along the delusion rail to Loonyville.

That anyone's religion is a major issue is a reflection of the weakness of the mind of the concerned, not the candidate's religion.
Give an argument for it, Kaz. Stop jabbering and give an argument for it.

You're right about two things, there is something in my pants and there is nothing in yours. You have made the accusations that libertarianism is "totalitarian" and that it's "unamerican." When challenged to back it up you say make an argument and you'll tell me. I'm philosophically opposed to that I have to counter your accusation, you don't need to back it up. Prove me wrong is the sterile intelligence you consistently display.

Show again that you had an intellectual vasectomy and you're shooting intellectual blanks by again failing to back up YOUR assertion. If you make an actual argument, I'll join in. But just here's an assertion, prove me wrong? Homey don't play that game. Maybe you can find another spelling mistake. Wow, that was your finest moment...

I challenged your silly assertion, Kaz. I don't have to back it up until you make your case. Now walk the walk since you only, to this point, can talk the talk.

I will be surprised if you can offer anything more than a half-baked argument for libertarianism, the flip side of communism.

Wow, from spelling mistakes to the playground! What you've got it, "I didn't make the assertion, you did, so there. Bam! Nanny nanny boo boo."

You made the assertion libertarianism was "totalitarian" and "un-american." Pretty clearly those are assertions. But no, that isn't the assertion, asking for you to back it up is. Again you shoot blanks. You have a whole room full of ammo and every fucking bullet it a blank. Maybe you should try looking in another closet, maybe you have some intelligence in one of those.

Your assertion, libertarianism is "totalitarianism" and it's "un-american." Back it up, Nancy.

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