it begins....pastor says romney is not a christian

The left is creating this big brewhaha to try to make conservatives look bad..The fact is hardly any conservative gives a shit, it's only the libs that are talking about it.

Barry44sucks does not get it if anyone buys his nonsense. The GOP is in an uproar as the party moderates and responsible conservatives fight against the far right nominees. Each election cycle will see the decreasing power of the social values right, as these denominations grow fewer in % of the population and the GOP base. As for now, they still have some incredible pop, but is weaker than in 2008. When Romney wins in NH and FL, the weakness of the Social Values crowd will be seen for what it is.

And when Obama beats Romney like a red-headed stepchild, they'll realize that you can't win without them.

It's like you people never fucking learn. You are like little puppies, trying to get the approval of the pundits and the liberal press, hoping they will pat you on the head for nominating a nice sensible "moderate".

Whom they will then proceed to rip to shreds.

Remember the whole McCain thing. Remember how the press just coooed whenever McCain stabbed President Bush in the back? When he criticized evangelicals. And then he got the nomination, and it was absolutely amazing how quickly the media turned on him.

He was Uncle McCrazy after that.

They will do the same thing to Romney. Except Romney, it will be even easier, because he belongs to this whackjob cult that thinks people of color are cursed by God.
The left is creating this big brewhaha to try to make conservatives look bad..The fact is hardly any conservative gives a shit, it's only the libs that are talking about it.

Barry44sucks does not get it if anyone buys his nonsense. The GOP is in an uproar as the party moderates and responsible conservatives fight against the far right nominees. Each election cycle will see the decreasing power of the social values right, as these denominations grow fewer in % of the population and the GOP base. As for now, they still have some incredible pop, but is weaker than in 2008. When Romney wins in NH and FL, the weakness of the Social Values crowd will be seen for what it is.

And when Obama beats Romney like a red-headed stepchild, they'll realize that you can't win without them.

It's like you people never fucking learn. You are like little puppies, trying to get the approval of the pundits and the liberal press, hoping they will pat you on the head for nominating a nice sensible "moderate".

Whom they will then proceed to rip to shreds.

Remember the whole McCain thing. Remember how the press just coooed whenever McCain stabbed President Bush in the back? When he criticized evangelicals. And then he got the nomination, and it was absolutely amazing how quickly the media turned on him.

He was Uncle McCrazy after that.

They will do the same thing to Romney. Except Romney, it will be even easier, because he belongs to this whackjob cult that thinks people of color are cursed by God.

JoeB remains incredibly ignorant. The social values crowd's power is lessening every election cycle. Romney will beat Obama if the sv crowd votes. If it does not, then it gets what it deserves, nothing. And its power grows weaker.
JoeB remains incredibly ignorant. The social values crowd's power is lessening every election cycle. Romney will beat Obama if the sv crowd votes. If it does not, then it gets what it deserves, nothing. And its power grows weaker.

Guy, once again, you didn't address my point.

Why do you always do that.

Frankly, I don't give a flip about the Social Values crowd one way or the other. Don't care that much about the gays and as a practical matter, it would be impossible to ban abortion, anyway.

But they are a critical part of the GOP coalition, and they don't like Mormons. The problem is, no one else really likes Mormons, either.

Romney will be a disaster as a nominee because he just alienates more people than he brings in. The only way the GOP beats Obama is if 1) They get everyone who voted for McCain to show up and 2) if they get people who voted for Obama last time to change sides.

How does Romney do that?

How does he do that if 44% of evangelicals say they won't vote for a Mormon?

How does he improve on McCain's 39% Hispanic vote when he's been caught race-baiting on immigration, exploiting illegals on his property and belongs to a cult that thinks that they were cursed by God with brown skin because their Lamanite ancestors killed the Nephites?

How does he working people to vote for him when he made his fortune moving their jobs to China or busting their unions?

And I know, we'll hear the tired, "Everyone will hate Obama so much by then..." speil, but that would be true no matter who the GOP nominates, so that's not a compelling case for Romney, either.
While everyone is discussing whether Romney is a Christian or a member of a cult, may I remind you all that the person behind this incredible blunder is Rick Perry.

What does this say about a candidate for president when he could be president and he has to select cabinet members and a slew of advisors in his administration. He could not select a pastor to introduce him at an event without getting into trouble!

Didn't he go over his remarks ahead of time? Did he tell the good pastor that Romneys religion was off limits and no judgement would be made? Or was that alright with Perry?
Was this supposed to be an undercut type of mudslinging attempt on the part of Perry?

Perry had new ad come out today that was very costly which was very effective comparing Obama's Health Care Reform to Romney's Health Care Reform. It wasn't headline news because the "cult" comment made the headline time instead.

Another blunder for Perry. Too many fatal flaws. He's done.

And if he tried to censor this pastor, you'd have accused him of being a would-be dictator.

Fact is, 44% of Evangelicals consider Mormonism to be a cult.

Mormonism is a cult. Deal with it.

FLDS is the cult. It is the off shoot cult that came from the Mormon church. Perry tried to make hay with this pastor. It was a poor choice. Just got him in trouble. The mormon church is NOT a cult. It's fine not to like Romney for your candidate, just use a valid reason. His religion just isn't it.
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While everyone is discussing whether Romney is a Christian or a member of a cult, may I remind you all that the person behind this incredible blunder is Rick Perry.

What does this say about a candidate for president when he could be president and he has to select cabinet members and a slew of advisors in his administration. He could not select a pastor to introduce him at an event without getting into trouble!

Didn't he go over his remarks ahead of time? Did he tell the good pastor that Romneys religion was off limits and no judgement would be made? Or was that alright with Perry?
Was this supposed to be an undercut type of mudslinging attempt on the part of Perry?

Perry had new ad come out today that was very costly which was very effective comparing Obama's Health Care Reform to Romney's Health Care Reform. It wasn't headline news because the "cult" comment made the headline time instead.

Another blunder for Perry. Too many fatal flaws. He's done.

And if he tried to censor this pastor, you'd have accused him of being a would-be dictator.

Fact is, 44% of Evangelicals consider Mormonism to be a cult.

Mormonism is a cult. Deal with it.

What makes Mormonism a cult and not Christianity?
While everyone is discussing whether Romney is a Christian or a member of a cult, may I remind you all that the person behind this incredible blunder is Rick Perry.

What does this say about a candidate for president when he could be president and he has to select cabinet members and a slew of advisors in his administration. He could not select a pastor to introduce him at an event without getting into trouble!

Didn't he go over his remarks ahead of time? Did he tell the good pastor that Romneys religion was off limits and no judgement would be made? Or was that alright with Perry?
Was this supposed to be an undercut type of mudslinging attempt on the part of Perry?

Perry had new ad come out today that was very costly which was very effective comparing Obama's Health Care Reform to Romney's Health Care Reform. It wasn't headline news because the "cult" comment made the headline time instead.

Another blunder for Perry. Too many fatal flaws. He's done.

And if he tried to censor this pastor, you'd have accused him of being a would-be dictator.

Fact is, 44% of Evangelicals consider Mormonism to be a cult.

Mormonism is a cult. Deal with it.

FLDS is the cult.

LDS is every bit as much of a cult.

Oh, but as long as you bring it up, betcha we'll hear a lot more about these whacky splinter groups with the plural marriages and the blood atonement... because the MSM will figure that people won't tell the difference between them and the Disneyfied folks in SLC that Romney belongs to.
Article VI of the Constitution (last line): " .... no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
The left is creating this big brewhaha to try to make conservatives look bad..The fact is hardly any conservative gives a shit, it's only the libs that are talking about it.

Barry44sucks does not get it if anyone buys his nonsense. The GOP is in an uproar as the party moderates and responsible conservatives fight against the far right nominees. Each election cycle will see the decreasing power of the social values right, as these denominations grow fewer in % of the population and the GOP base. As for now, they still have some incredible pop, but is weaker than in 2008. When Romney wins in NH and FL, the weakness of the Social Values crowd will be seen for what it is.

So how come it's always the lefties on this board making threads about Romneys making threads about Romney's religon?
Article VI of the Constitution (last line): " .... no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

Oooohhhh, that tired argument.

So, where is the part that says, "You MUST completely ignore religious considerations when casting your vote"...?

If Romney worshiped the Feathered Serpeant Quezacoatl and promised to sacrifice a virgin to him every day on the South Lawn until the economy got better, I don't think you'd be out there saying, "Well, gee, the constitution says we have to respect his religion!"

If he belonged to a doomsday cult that said that the Armageddon will come on June 6, 2013, I think you'd be worried if he had control of the nukes.

in short, yes, some religions are just whacky enough to where you should take that into consideration.

Mormonism is one of them.
What makes Mormonism a cult and not Christianity?

I wouldn't argue that Mormonism isn't "Christianity". There are a lot of Christian cults.

What makes it a cult, to my mind, is that the leadership exerts a pretty high level of control on the membership. - Tithes, missionary work, temple garments to be worn at all times, Testimony on demand, shunning people who leave the cult.

A leader in Salt Lake City who demands they support Prop 8 and people empty out their kid's college funds.

That's a cult.
And if he tried to censor this pastor, you'd have accused him of being a would-be dictator.

Fact is, 44% of Evangelicals consider Mormonism to be a cult.

Mormonism is a cult. Deal with it.

FLDS is the cult.

LDS is every bit as much of a cult.

Oh, but as long as you bring it up, betcha we'll hear a lot more about these whacky splinter groups with the plural marriages and the blood atonement... because the MSM will figure that people won't tell the difference between them and the Disneyfied folks in SLC that Romney belongs to.

You have no clue. FDLS are polygamists and marry cousins. They are a secretive group and cannot go into their gates or church without permission. The children are not allowed to attend public schools and all of the women wear long dresses similar to the prarie dress of the 1800's. The all wear their hair in a similar manner rolled in back and is never cut. The young girls (12, 13 years old) are married to the older men as old as 60 and can be one of 20 wives. The trial of their leader, Warren Jeff is in prison now for polygamy and marrying young girls.
FLDS is the cult. It is the off shoot cult that came from the Mormon church. Perry tried to make hay with this pastor. It was a poor choice. Just got him in trouble. The mormon church is NOT a cult. It's fine not to like Romney for your candidate, just use a valid reason. His religion just isn't it.

As far as I'm concerned it is.

Mormonism is the difference between voting for a loser while holding my nose (what I did in 1996 and 2008) and actually casting a vote for a Democrat for the first time in my life.

Not only is MOrmonism a cult but it's a fraud.
FLDS is the cult.

LDS is every bit as much of a cult.

Oh, but as long as you bring it up, betcha we'll hear a lot more about these whacky splinter groups with the plural marriages and the blood atonement... because the MSM will figure that people won't tell the difference between them and the Disneyfied folks in SLC that Romney belongs to.

You have no clue. FDLS are polygamists and marry cousins. They are a secretive group and cannot go into their gates or church without permission. The children are not allowed to attend public schools and all of the women wear long dresses similar to the prarie dress of the 1800's. The all wear their hair in a similar manner rolled in back and is never cut. The young girls (12, 13 years old) are married to the older men as old as 60 and can be one of 20 wives. The trial of their leader, Warren Jeff is in prison now for polygamy and marrying young girls.

FDLS is probably a lot close to the way Joseph Smith and Brigham Young practiced Mormonism than what Mitt Romney does.

Not that anyone will tell the difference when the Media tars both with the same broad brush, which is EXACTLY what they are going to do.
Article VI of the Constitution (last line): " .... no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

Oooohhhh, that tired argument.

So, where is the part that says, "You MUST completely ignore religious considerations when casting your vote"...?

If Romney worshiped the Feathered Serpeant Quezacoatl and promised to sacrifice a virgin to him every day on the South Lawn until the economy got better, I don't think you'd be out there saying, "Well, gee, the constitution says we have to respect his religion!"

If he belonged to a doomsday cult that said that the Armageddon will come on June 6, 2013, I think you'd be worried if he had control of the nukes.

in short, yes, some religions are just whacky enough to where you should take that into consideration.

Mormonism is one of them.
Meh, I just go by the Constitution. Your mileage varies, obviously.

"Hannah Smith of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty puts it this way: "At the heart of the First Amendment is the freedom to participate in the political process regardless of faith," she says. "When people of any faith face retribution—either through violence or intimidation or loss of their livelihood—as a direct result of that participation, America has lost something." The Cult of Anti-Mormonism

Congrats for stunting the advancement of enlightened society, though. :thup:
It would be foolish to deny that Flip Flop Romney has an Evangelical problem. He had it in 2008 and he's going to have it now. The question is, will his Mormonism be enough to keep Evangelicals from voting for him. Most of the Evangelicals probably see President Obama as a Muslim Kenyan so will Mormonism be the "lesser of two evils" that they can use to justify holding their noses and voting for the magic underpants? Where else are they gonna go?
The left is creating this big brewhaha to try to make conservatives look bad..The fact is hardly any conservative gives a shit, it's only the libs that are talking about it.

Barry44sucks does not get it if anyone buys his nonsense. The GOP is in an uproar as the party moderates and responsible conservatives fight against the far right nominees. Each election cycle will see the decreasing power of the social values right, as these denominations grow fewer in % of the population and the GOP base. As for now, they still have some incredible pop, but is weaker than in 2008. When Romney wins in NH and FL, the weakness of the Social Values crowd will be seen for what it is.

So how come it's always the lefties on this board making threads about Romneys making threads about Romney's religon?

Nobody from the left has ever posted a thread criticizing Romneys religion. Show me one

What is posted are threads about internal GOP bickering of my religion is better than your religion. See Perry, Cain, Bachmann and Santorum
It would be foolish to deny that Flip Flop Romney has an Evangelical problem. He had it in 2008 and he's going to have it now. The question is, will his Mormonism be enough to keep Evangelicals from voting for him. Most of the Evangelicals probably see President Obama as a Muslim Kenyan so will Mormonism be the "lesser of two evils" that they can use to justify holding their noses and voting for the magic underpants? Where else are they gonna go?

I prefer Romneys Mormanism to the Evangelical Christianity of Perry, Cain and Bachmann. Romney keeps his religious beliefs to himself and does not preach. The others have an in your face view of Christianity
The Texas pastor who introduced Gov. Rick Perry at Friday's Values Voters Summit in Washington told reporters that he does not believe that former Massachusetts Mitt Romney is a Christian, and called Romney's Mormon faith a "cult."

Well, Perry's paster's not a real Christian pastor to publicly, must less privately, pass judgement on someone else's faith like that. And I say that as someone who is not a fan of Romney.
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Barry44sucks does not get it if anyone buys his nonsense. The GOP is in an uproar as the party moderates and responsible conservatives fight against the far right nominees. Each election cycle will see the decreasing power of the social values right, as these denominations grow fewer in % of the population and the GOP base. As for now, they still have some incredible pop, but is weaker than in 2008. When Romney wins in NH and FL, the weakness of the Social Values crowd will be seen for what it is.

So how come it's always the lefties on this board making threads about Romneys making threads about Romney's religon?

Nobody from the left has ever posted a thread criticizing Romneys religion. Show me one

Okie doke:

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