it begins....pastor says romney is not a christian

It would be foolish to deny that Flip Flop Romney has an Evangelical problem. He had it in 2008 and he's going to have it now. The question is, will his Mormonism be enough to keep Evangelicals from voting for him. Most of the Evangelicals probably see President Obama as a Muslim Kenyan so will Mormonism be the "lesser of two evils" that they can use to justify holding their noses and voting for the magic underpants? Where else are they gonna go?

I prefer Romneys Mormanism to the Evangelical Christianity of Perry, Cain and Bachmann. Romney keeps his religious beliefs to himself and does not preach. The others have an in your face view of Christianity

Can you show the links with the Republican candidates with their "in your face view of Christianity?"
Other Mormons in politics:

Orrin Hatch -Utah

Ralph Harding Democrat - Nevada 1961-1965

John Huntsman - Republican candidate for president

Jim Hansen - Utah

Jim Gibbons - Republican -Nevada

Muliufi Francis - Mayor of Hawaii

John Doolittle - California

And others past and present
The Texas pastor who introduced Gov. Rick Perry at Friday's Values Voters Summit in Washington told reporters that he does not believe that former Massachusetts Mitt Romney is a Christian, and called Romney's Mormon faith a "cult."

Well, Perry's paster's not a real Christian pastor to publicly, must less privately, pass judgement on someone else's faith like that. And I say that as someone who is not a fan of Romney.

I wouldn't waste my time in Pastor Jeffer's church. Sounds like a very judgmental pastor to me. Sort of Unchristian. Who needs that in church???
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It would be foolish to deny that Flip Flop Romney has an Evangelical problem. He had it in 2008 and he's going to have it now. The question is, will his Mormonism be enough to keep Evangelicals from voting for him. Most of the Evangelicals probably see President Obama as a Muslim Kenyan so will Mormonism be the "lesser of two evils" that they can use to justify holding their noses and voting for the magic underpants? Where else are they gonna go?

I prefer Romneys Mormanism to the Evangelical Christianity of Perry, Cain and Bachmann. Romney keeps his religious beliefs to himself and does not preach. The others have an in your face view of Christianity

Can you show the links with the Republican candidates with their "in your face view of Christianity?"

BY the looks of Perry's choice of who he had introduce him, Rick Perry.
It would be foolish to deny that Flip Flop Romney has an Evangelical problem. He had it in 2008 and he's going to have it now. The question is, will his Mormonism be enough to keep Evangelicals from voting for him. Most of the Evangelicals probably see President Obama as a Muslim Kenyan so will Mormonism be the "lesser of two evils" that they can use to justify holding their noses and voting for the magic underpants? Where else are they gonna go?

I prefer Romneys Mormanism to the Evangelical Christianity of Perry, Cain and Bachmann. Romney keeps his religious beliefs to himself and does not preach. The others have an in your face view of Christianity

Can you show the links with the Republican candidates with their "in your face view of Christianity?"

You don't need links. How often do Rick Perry or Michelle Bachmann talk about their Christian faith? How often does Romney talk about his Mormonism? Did Romney hold a huge prayer vigil and invite all the polygamists and Mormon leaders to pray for rain?
It would be foolish to deny that Flip Flop Romney has an Evangelical problem. He had it in 2008 and he's going to have it now. The question is, will his Mormonism be enough to keep Evangelicals from voting for him. Most of the Evangelicals probably see President Obama as a Muslim Kenyan so will Mormonism be the "lesser of two evils" that they can use to justify holding their noses and voting for the magic underpants? Where else are they gonna go?
That's a very rational analysis. :thup:

The evangelicals don't like either Romney or Obama, so who would they think is the lesser of two evils? Or would they go third party? I know little first hand of their demographics, but what I know second hand, I would bet they will, indeed, hold their noses and go Romney. Just a guess, though, but I agree.

Hopefully your rational analysis will give posters, right or left, pause to start another annoying and idiotic thread of this type.
If this is such a pressing issue for conservatives, how come I never see any threads about this coming from conservatives on the board?

We have all types of conservatives here, none of which are shy, but I never see threads about the so-called main underlying issue in this primary. I do see the left spending a lot of time on this though.
If this is such a pressing issue for conservatives, how come I never see any threads about this coming from conservatives on the board?

We have all types of conservatives here, none of which are shy, but I never see threads about the so-called main underlying issue in this primary. I do see the left spending a lot of time on this though.

I think it's because where a candidate worships is not a pressing issue for conservative, especially at a time like this. It's economics we are concerned about. The country is in need of a strong leader not a clergyman.
If this is such a pressing issue for conservatives, how come I never see any threads about this coming from conservatives on the board?

We have all types of conservatives here, none of which are shy, but I never see threads about the so-called main underlying issue in this primary. I do see the left spending a lot of time on this though.

I think it's because where a candidate worships is not a pressing issue for conservative, especially at a time like this. It's economics we are concerned about. The country is in need of a strong leader not a clergyman.

Thats what i'm saying...

The left is always bringing this up to create a division among consevatives, and to paint us as bigots.
If this is such a pressing issue for conservatives, how come I never see any threads about this coming from conservatives on the board?

We have all types of conservatives here, none of which are shy, but I never see threads about the so-called main underlying issue in this primary. I do see the left spending a lot of time on this though.

I think it's because where a candidate worships is not a pressing issue for conservative, especially at a time like this. It's economics we are concerned about. The country is in need of a strong leader not a clergyman.

That's why you condemn Jeffers' and others who try to make hay from Romney and Huntsman's religions. Yep, Jeffers is a liberal.

You guys are as moronic as Jeffers. Run along, please.
I prefer Romneys Mormanism to the Evangelical Christianity of Perry, Cain and Bachmann. Romney keeps his religious beliefs to himself and does not preach. The others have an in your face view of Christianity

Can you show the links with the Republican candidates with their "in your face view of Christianity?"

BY the looks of Perry's choice of who he had introduce him, Rick Perry.

He's responsible for all the views of anyone who introduces him as his own?
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I prefer Romneys Mormanism to the Evangelical Christianity of Perry, Cain and Bachmann. Romney keeps his religious beliefs to himself and does not preach. The others have an in your face view of Christianity

Can you show the links with the Republican candidates with their "in your face view of Christianity?"

You don't need links. How often do Rick Perry or Michelle Bachmann talk about their Christian faith? How often does Romney talk about his Mormonism? Did Romney hold a huge prayer vigil and invite all the polygamists and Mormon leaders to pray for rain?

You seriously see those statements as synonymous? Seriously? Talking about their faith is preaching and in your face? Seriously? Yes, you need a link they did that.
Interesting discussion to be sure, but one thing apparently lost in all this debate is that Mormonism is indeed a cult. But since there is no religious litmus test for holding office in the United States, it doesn't preclude Romney from holding the office of POTUS, should he get the necessary votes.

Oh, and good luck with that. :lol:
Can you show the links with the Republican candidates with their "in your face view of Christianity?"

BY the looks of Perry's choice of who he had introduce him, Rick Perry.

He's responsible for all the views of anyone who introduces him as his own?

Yes. His remarks should be reviewed by the candidate before he speaks. He wants to be president of the US, Anyone who speaks on his behalf should have his remarks closely reviewed because it is an extension of the person he is introducing.or working for.

As a result, Perry's entire message was lost yesterday because the pastor's remark took the headlines.

Perry had an ad that came out yesterday that was especially well done attacking Romney on his Health Care Reform and it was intended to be a highlight of the news programs that evening. It didn't make on most news shows because the pastor's remarks made the headlines instead. Free advertising down the drain because the pastor and he were not on the same page. Rookie mistake.
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The question is, will his Mormonism be enough to keep Evangelicals from voting for him

Romney's biggest issue with conservatives isn't that he's a Mormon, it's that he's not a conservative.

Let's be honest. He is a conservative, just not libertarian. He is Mormon, not evangelical.

That is liberal, not "honest." No, he's not a conservative. He has no record of conservatism in Massachusetts, starting with government control of healthcare.
BY the looks of Perry's choice of who he had introduce him, Rick Perry.

He's responsible for all the views of anyone who introduces him as his own?

Yes. His remarks should be reviewed by the candidate before he speaks. He wants to be president of the US, Anyone who speaks on his behalf should have his remarks closely reviewed because it is an extension of the person he is introducing.or working for.

As a result, Perry's entire message was lost yesterday because the pastor's remark took the headlines.

Perry had an ad that came out yesterday that was especially well done attacking Romney on his Health Care Reform and it was intended to be a highlight of the news programs that evening. It didn't make on most news shows because the pastor's remarks made the headlines instead. Free advertising down the drain because the pastor and he were not on the same page. Rookie mistake.

Can you show me who this standard is ever applied to other then Conservative Republicans?
The question is, will his Mormonism be enough to keep Evangelicals from voting for him

Romney's biggest issue with conservatives isn't that he's a Mormon, it's that he's not a conservative.

Funny, when he took office as governor there was a massive multi billion dollar deficit. When he left there was a 2 billion surplus.
And you claim that is not conservative.
i dont see evangelicals voting for a mormon.....but i could be wrong about that....but that would really go against what they stand for

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