It Begins: Stricter Travel Restrictions on FL than Mexico.

The Democrat Party is goosestepping towards Fascism.
Hopefully enough Voters will wake-up and the GOP will take the House in 2022 and stop the madness.

Do you know we have lost nearly a half million Americans to this pandemic?
What was that about “unity”?
The Xiden Regime is already trying to punish Red States:

Strange. Florida's infection rate is not significantly higher that a lot of "blue" states including NY.
You have no way of knowing that. And anyone who say they do just doesn't understand medical science.
Florida is 28th in infections per capita and 26th in deaths, both below the US average.....
That "unity" bullshit was exactly that: Bullshit. I didn't buy that for one second and besides, I don't want to be one with those Democrat cocksuckers. No way, no how.
My sentiments, exactly.

The entire history of the democratic party is one atrocity against mankind after another and constant assaults on liberty.
The Democrat Party is goosestepping towards Fascism.
Hopefully enough Voters will wake-up and the GOP will take the House in 2022 and stop the madness.

Do you know we have lost nearly a half million Americans to this pandemic?

Over 60,000 since Biden took office, and you asshats are running a phony post-facto "impeachment" circus instead of doing anything about it.
The Democrat Party is goosestepping towards Fascism.
Hopefully enough Voters will wake-up and the GOP will take the House in 2022 and stop the madness.

Do you know we have lost nearly a half million Americans to this pandemic?

Over 60,000 since Biden took office, and you asshats are running a phony post-facto "impeachment" circus instead of doing anything about it.

Why didn't Trump magically stop the corona virus?
The Democrat Party is goosestepping towards Fascism.
Hopefully enough Voters will wake-up and the GOP will take the House in 2022 and stop the madness.

Do you know we have lost nearly a half million Americans to this pandemic?

Over 60,000 since Biden took office, and you asshats are running a phony post-facto "impeachment" circus instead of doing anything about it.

Why didn't Trump magically stop the corona virus?
Pinochijoe swore he had a plan to end it in 100 days....what he meant was set a death total record in 100 days. The man has other things to worry about like destroying jobs, raising gas prices, and eliminating women's sports.
The Democrat Party is goosestepping towards Fascism.
Hopefully enough Voters will wake-up and the GOP will take the House in 2022 and stop the madness.

Do you know we have lost nearly a half million Americans to this pandemic?

Should I fucking care? Almost a half-million dead Americans because of a virus generously given to us by the Communist Chinese and yet, you elected an administration that's either on the take from, or sympathetic with the CHICOMs.

Half a million? One Million? Two million?

At this point, it's just numbers.
What was that about “unity”?
The Xiden Regime is already trying to punish Red States:


And that is going to stop this regime?

Stealing an election is unconstitutional, yet they did it. When the government has enough corrupt sycophants in it, our “rights” are forfeit.

Time will tell.
Q. Should every Illegal Immigrant quarantine in San Francisco for a month?

A. Yes
B. Fuck Yes!
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Good. I don't want to get sick by Florida Man. buncha old weirdos who don't wear masks down in that state anyhow.

The surest way to die from Covid is to live in a state or city run by DemoKKKrats.

It's not the Wuhan virus that kills you; it's the motorcycle accidents, heart attacks, strokes, drownings, and head trauma that kill so many from Covid....

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