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It can happen here, and it has!!

Which of the 14 do you believe characterize Trump's Presidency, during the first 100 days

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While Trump is a disaster, in every sense of the word, I don't think he will do permanent harm to the nation. Anyone who watches TV 6 hours per day, tweets an hour per day, and golfs all of each and every weekend can't do lasting harm. Since he is his own worst enemy, all the press has to do is to keep making him angry, in order to divert him from his agenda and use that time to pick petty public fights with public people.

Good points but the harm he has already done will continue to cause side effects for a couple of generations.

If he gets his way and guts the constitution, how long before we have a SCOTUS who will put it right?

Yeah, let's hope he just keeps up the constant vacations, tweets, weekly vacations, yelling at the TV, golfing vacations and so on.

My bet is, Melania hopes for the same thing!
You libs seem to ignore the fact that we have checks on presidential powers, Congress and the Judicial branch you remember the other 2 branches of the 3 but equal branches of government. Your stupid argument is that somehow, president Trump, a man even the GOP leadership hates is going to somehow subvert both congress and the courts? Get real.

CNN has told them that he is a dictator like Hitler, so obviously they believe that.

Dictators govern by fiat, Trump by EO's ....think about that.
But when Obama did it liberals gloated. Think about that...

Its okay when liberals do it /sarcasm
No Blaylock, there was not post for the reason you response was thoughtless. A condition, it seems, is very familiar to you.

In what language was that supposed to be? The individual words appear English, but the combination and order of them does not appear to convey any coherent meaning. But then that is probably just the drugs talking. Perhaps you should try posting again when you are sober, assuming you ever achieve that condition.

A typo, something only a captious person would comment upon. Easily looked over, but just for you I'll make a change so you feel relevant and self important.

"No Blaylock, there was no post because your post was thoughtless".
You libs seem to ignore the fact that we have checks on presidential powers, Congress and the Judicial branch you remember the other 2 branches of the 3 but equal branches of government. Your stupid argument is that somehow, president Trump, a man even the GOP leadership hates is going to somehow subvert both congress and the courts? Get real.

CNN has told them that he is a dictator like Hitler, so obviously they believe that.

Dictators govern by fiat, Trump by EO's ....think about that.
But when Obama did it liberals gloated. Think about that...

There is a distinction between the two. Obama faced open opposition, Trump fired the first salvo without attempting to allow Congress to act. Think about THAT.
During the first hundred days, which of the following points can be attributed to Trump and his surrogates:


Link to image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C3d19m0UYAAwq7j.jpg:large
Did Trump hurt your feelings?

Nope, stupid people like you embarrass me though. People from around the world read your posts and wonder, are all Americans as stupid as Rustic.
It's best if you stay on your safe place:itsok:
As for Foreign Nations, When they see liberals posts or statements anywhere they laugh at the dimshit party supporters proving what idiots they have become. The ideas you put up in the list are ludicrous. Like all liberal shitpiles you have a self assured opinion of your intellect all the while with your petty fabrications of incorrect, and distorted parallels you prove that you are unable to actually grasp the FACTS about who you in fact are and how lacking in actual intellect and historic knowledge you and all like you are. It is a sad commentary on the education system in this country that it has become no more than a BAD curriculum of social inference and rules. Facts, Real history, and actual mutiplanic thought are discouraged and punished, and monoplanic socialistic conformity and subjugation are rewarded. That is why we voted for Trump, he has more intellectual capability in his toenail than any liberal on earth. So we can take your list and historically PROVE BEYOND ANY doubt that all of the numbers apply almost exclusively to LIBERALS, not Trump or ANY real conservatives.
Somehow there is the assumption that the first 100 days matter.

They don't.....and the health care bill shows it.

Trump only has about 1300 days left....then he'll get another 1400 days.
Most, all but the final one is questionable. Once the Russian Question has been litigated, it maybe all.

The MSM is controlled by the progressives, dude. In other words your thread is an epic FAIL.
During the first hundred days, which of the following points can be attributed to Trump and his surrogates:
OK, I will start this off in all honesty. I voted for a conservative Republican candidate as a hedge against Democratic liberalism and that ilk. NOT for TRUMP, the man. Definitely NOT for TRUMP as a human being. I had to hold my nose when I pulled the lever for this ...person. That's how bad I hold liberalism right now. We had better choices, of either party, but that's water under the bridge. But liberals better beware of who they call "fascist", because they aren't to far from it the way they have been acting lately.

Really? Let's play a game and not use the word fascist, and then read over the list of the 14 points without that bias:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services
  5. Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose is unseemly and sexist, as was his behavior self admitted in "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room
  6. Trumps attack on the media, a free press and broadcasters is an effort to censor the truth. Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters
  7. Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens is once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens he would have put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities
  8. His recent EO giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic is IMO a violation of the first amendment and once again something never done by even our most pious presidents
  9. Corporate Power Protected, obvious to all paying attention. Cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country will do nothing but benefit the few, not the many. Taxes will increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform.
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact the working men and women. If his first choice was any indication, labor will suffer, as the will if the GOP is able to pass a health care "Reform" which all indications suggest will harm the people who voted for him
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood.
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, and one which foreshadows future behavior
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious, Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial and claims that fraud is widespread will once again dominate the election of 2018 - expect voter suppression on steroids this time around.
To address few of these points…

Really? Let's play a game and not use the word fascist, and then read over the list of the 14 points without that bias:
  • Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  • Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose is unseemly and sexist…

There is no more essential human right than the right to life itself. You are not fooling anyone when you speak of “Women who march for their Right to choose”; you know damn well, as does everyone else, that what you are speaking of here is the “right” to slaughter innocent children in cold blood. Yes, here is an instance where Mr. Trump is very firmly on the side of human rights, while, you hypocritically, are very solidly against human rights. What is truly sexist here is the notion that most women would want or demand the “right” to murder their own children—a premise which ought to be deeply offensive to any decent woman.

  • Trumps attack on the media, a free press and broadcasters is an effort to censor the truth. Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters

For decades, now, the mainstream press has openly abandoned legitimate journalism, in favor of partisan propaganda. Mr. Trump may be the first President to be so bold about calling them out for it, but he is not the least bit wrong for doing so.

  • Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens is once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens he would have put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities

Which of these functions fall within legitimate duties and responsibilities of the federal government, as enumerated in the Constitution. [Hint: It's not any of those that you want the President to make his priorities.]

  • His recent EO giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic is IMO a violation of the first amendment and once again something never done by even our most pious presidents

One of the most bizarre creations of the left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and even requires censorship and suppression of religious practice and expression, to the degree that as a condition of being free of direct government meddling in the form of taxation, a religious institution should be compelled to submit to restrictions on what it may teach and express. This is completely contrary to what the First Amendment establishes; and it is Mr. Trump's policy that upholds the First Amendment, while your position is an open attack on the First Amendment.

  • Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, and one which foreshadows future behavior

Mr. Trump's talk of law and order is a direct and appropriate response to the violence and lawlessness that we have recently seen from the left wrong. I don't expect you to get this, because as a LIbEral, you are openly on the side of violent criminals, and against that of law-abiding citizens. Your condemnation of law and order is not the least bit surprising nor out of character for your kind.

  • Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial and claims that fraud is widespread will once again dominate the election of 2018 - expect voter suppression on steroids this time around.

And it is no mystery why your side is so quick to cry ”voter suppression” at any effort to protect the integrity of the election process. Yours is the side that treasonously sides with invading foreign criminals, against your own country and against your own fellow Americans; yours is the side that has openly encouraged these invading foreign criminals to illegally vote, and yours is the side that expects and hopes to benefit from this and from other forms of voter fraud. You're not fooling anyone, here.
During the first hundred days, which of the following points can be attributed to Trump and his surrogates:
OK, I will start this off in all honesty. I voted for a conservative Republican candidate as a hedge against Democratic liberalism and that ilk. NOT for TRUMP, the man. Definitely NOT for TRUMP as a human being. I had to hold my nose when I pulled the lever for this ...person. That's how bad I hold liberalism right now. We had better choices, of either party, but that's water under the bridge. But liberals better beware of who they call "fascist", because they aren't to far from it the way they have been acting lately.

Really? Let's play a game and not use the word fascist, and then read over the list of the 14 points without that bias:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services
  5. Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose is unseemly and sexist, as was his behavior self admitted in "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room
  6. Trumps attack on the media, a free press and broadcasters is an effort to censor the truth. Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters
  7. Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens is once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens he would have put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities
  8. His recent EO giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic is IMO a violation of the first amendment and once again something never done by even our most pious presidents
  9. Corporate Power Protected, obvious to all paying attention. Cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country will do nothing but benefit the few, not the many. Taxes will increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform.
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact the working men and women. If his first choice was any indication, labor will suffer, as the will if the GOP is able to pass a health care "Reform" which all indications suggest will harm the people who voted for him
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood.
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, and one which foreshadows future behavior
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious, Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial and claims that fraud is widespread will once again dominate the election of 2018 - expect voter suppression on steroids this time around.

It has already been explained to you that the so-called 14 characteristics of fascism are nothing but leftwing propaganda.
Most, all but the final one is questionable. Once the Russian Question has been litigated, it maybe all.

The MSM is controlled by the progressives, dude. In other words your thread is an epic FAIL.

You will in the future address me as Mr. Catcher, or Sir.

FYI: Who Owns The TV Networks

Now, my question to you is, are you a damn liar or a fool who echoes the right wing meme?

You're the liar and fool, douche bag.
You're the liar and fool, douche bag.

I take issue with your calling Wry Catcher a “douche bag”.

A douche bag gets to come into close proximity to a woman's uncovered intimate parts, a privilege which I very much doubt any woman would grant to Wry Catcher.

How should I respond to you? I know how i would if you were in front of me and chose to make the comments you have. But I can assure you, you wouldn't have the balls to do so. You're an asshole and a punk. I spent a career in law enforcement, and only punks safely protected by bars and cages and cameras act in the manner you do, while hiding behind a keyboard.

If you have anything intelligent to offer, please do so. If you continue to act like an illiterate punk, all who read your posts - with the exception of miketx and other cowardly assholes will see you what you are, i.e., human excrement.
You're the liar and fool, douche bag.

I take issue with your calling Wry Catcher a “douche bag”.

A douche bag gets to come into close proximity to a woman's uncovered intimate parts, a privilege which I very much doubt any woman would grant to Wry Catcher.

How should I respond to you? I know how i would if you were in front of me and chose to make the comments you have. But I can assure you, you wouldn't have the balls to do so. You're an asshole and a punk. I spent a career in law enforcement, and only punks safely protected by bars and cages and cameras act in the manner you do, while hiding behind a keyboard.

If you have anything intelligent to offer, please do so. If you continue to act like an illiterate punk, all who read your posts - with the exception of miketx and other cowardly assholes will see you what you are, i.e., human excrement.

BTW, I read your post #76, and your simplified argument on abortion was pitiful. A fetish is not a child, and most fetish would not be subjected to an abortion if the conservative fools didn't oppose contraceptives, the morning after pill, age appropriate sex ed in a comprehensive health care curriculum in the schools, or support for ending domestic violence.

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