It doesn’t add up- who benefits from Israel invasion?

Roseanne Barr, who is Jewish and who has been a target for the far left wing is making some very informed points. She has family in Israel. And she like any God-fearing person is saying what about the children of all of these conflicts.

Roseanne was saying that tons of people in Iran have converted to Christianity. And there’s Muslims all over the world who have become westernized who are embracing the western values. Very phenomenal stuff from her. Everyone watch the video below just watch a little bit of it. Muslims all over the place are saying what we see in the west today is actually what we saw from the early Muslims in the seventh century and during the golden age of Islam

Roseanne, toward the end of the video, made a very interesting point that the Iranian people called her when she was in Israel. They somehow got her contact information and they told her they love Israel and the Israeli people and they don’t agree with the Iranian government.

Remember, there was a time when Iran was a monarchy and was an ally to countries like Israel.

One of the panelists further brought up that there are multiple videos of his IDF intelligence officials saying “ there is zero chance with our security that nobody knew that this was coming” 15:30 mark of the video 😳😳🧐

Roseanne brought up how Egypt warned Israel days ahead of this attack by hamas and Iranian agents… and Israel did nothing about that warning.

Because we have after all the fanatics like Lindsey, Graham and Nikki Haley saying let Israel do whatever it wants, let Ukraine do whatever it wants when it comes to those conflicts. So that should be a red flag for any God-fearing Christian, or any good person in general.

Of course, there’s no comparing Russia to Hamas. Of course, Russia is a civilized country and they had a very strong military certainly can’t even be compared to Hamas, which is nothing. Hamas has nothing except small arms. And some low level rockets.

“Let them do whatever they want”

Well, Ok that would put them into the same category as Al-Qaeda.

Hamas cannot exterminate the Jewish people. And nobody except for going back 75 years the “Nazis” including Ukrainian ones, had the ability or even desire to wipe out Jews.

The recent events in Israel could be used by bad players of the world to destroy the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Everyone should think about that. Think about who benefits from this war in Israel, ….the military industrial complex, of course. It also benefits extremists in Israel, who want to wipe off Palestine and take it over perhaps.

You ant rationalize with people hell bent on killing people just because they are Jewish
Still even with what you say it is Israeli intelligence officials on camera saying this Hamas/Iran attack could not have occurred without people in Israel knowing about it.

what you just written does not make sense.

There are stories which say that Egypt warned Israel and other sources which deny this.

Even if Israel was warned, would they believe that the system could be breached by a simple tactic of oversaturation. Also other than a preemptive strike , how could they stop it.

It doesn’t add up- who benefits from Israel invasion?'​

You’re trying to follow the money when it isn’t a money thing. Yes the arms dealers will do fine. But Iran and Hamas don’t give a shit about money. They will spend every dime they have and sacrifice their entire population to kill as many Jews as possible. Money and power mean nothing to them. Dead Jews is their entire game plan.
Hang on a second. This is a different topic you bring up. The point was it was a conservative Trump supporter who brought up the point that the Israeli intelligence officials said what they said. So there you go. Now to address your other completely different point happily .

That’s a myth created by anti-Americans attempting to tear us up. There’s also the MS St. Louis myth, the myth that Roosevelt turned back a ship of Jewish refugees back to Germany. Never happened. That ship was sent back safely to allied countries that were only later on taken over by the third Reich.

According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the United States did more for Jewish refugees than any other country of the world. And it’s of course Franklin Roosevelt he’s admired by every World War II veteran so I rest my case
Here are a few books you should read.

Emory University Professor Deborah E. Lipstadt wrote a book called, "Beyond Belief", about the media's self censorship during the Holocaust, describing it as a broadly institutional problem. She wrote that, "the press bears a great measure of responsibility for the public's skepticism and ignorance of the scope of the wartime tragedy of the Holocaust. The publics doubts were strengthened and possibly even created by the manner in which the media told the story. If the press did not help plant the seeds of doubt in readers' minds, it did little to erradicate them. During the war journalists frequently said that the news of deportations and executions did not come from eyewitnesses who could personally verify what had happened and they, as journalists, were obligated to treat it skeptically. This explanation is faulty because much of the information came from German statements, broadcasts, and newspapers. If anything, these sources would have been inclined to den, not verify, the news. Neutral sources also affirmed the reliability of reports. Moreover, even when the press did encounter witnesses, it often dismissed what the had to say because there were not considered 'reliable' or 'impartial'.

Certainly by 1943, wrote Lipstadt, "the Nazi threat to exterminate the Jews should have been understood as a literal one. There was little reason, in light of the abundance of evidence, to deny that multitudes were being murdered as part of a planned program and annihilation. But despite all the details there was a felling among some correspondents, New York Times reporter Bill Lawrence most prominent among them, that the reports that Hitler and his followers had conducted a systematic extermination campaign were untrue."

Lipstadt's research also found that for much of the war, the Roosevelt administration whitewashed or deemphasized the Nazi eradication of the Jews, and the mass media were compliant, regurgitating the government's propaganda or suppressing the evidence. Lipstadt explained that "the Office of War Information, working in tandem with the Roosevelt administration, tried to severely limit any public attention paid to the mass murder of the Jews. Despite the fact that the Final Solution was the prime illustration of the enemy's strategy and principles the Office of War Information wanted it to be avoided by the news agencies and not mentioned in war propaganda."

"Probably the most outrageous example of this explicit policy of ignoring the Jewish aspect of the tragedy occurred in Moscow in the fall of 1943. There, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met and affixed their signature to what is known as the Moscow Declaration, which warned:

"Germans who take part in the wholesale shooting of Italian officers or in the execution of the French, Dutch, Belgian, or Norwegian hostages or of the Cretan peasants, or who have shared in the slaughters inflicted on the people of Poland or in the territories of the Soviet Union..........will be brought back to the scene of their crimes and judged on the spot by the peoples whom they have outraged."

'Nowhere in the declaration were the Jews even obliquely mentioned", Lipstadt noted, "a phenomenon the press simply ignored."

Professor Laurel Leff of Northwestern University, who was formerly a journalist, also wrote a book about the same thing in her book "Buried by the Times" as she critiqued both the media and FDR who heavily influenced them. Leff wrote, "The government influenced the coverage by directing the flow of information, issuing statements about certain subjects, keeping quiet about others, playing up parts of the war, and downplaying others. A press corps that tended to define news as government actions would have gone along. The governments message that nothing special should be done to save the Jews also found a receptive journalistic audience. At the Times, the second most influential Timesman on political issues went a step further; Washington Bureau Chief and columnist Arthur Krock allied himself with the forces in the State Department working hardest to stifle any rescue efforts."

The U.S. immigration system severely limited the number of German Jews admitted during the Nazi years to about 26,000 annually — but even that quota was less than 25% filled during most of the Hitler era, because the Roosevelt administration piled on so many extra requirements for would-be immigrants. For example, starting in 1941, merely leaving behind a close relative in Europe would be enough to disqualify an applicant — on the absurd assumption that the Nazis could threaten the relative and thereby force the immigrant into spying for Hitler.

Why did the administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn’t the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president.

Every president’s policy decisions are shaped by a variety of factors, some political, some personal. In Roosevelt’s case, a pattern of private remarks about Jews, some of which I recently discovered at the Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem and from other sources, may be significant.

In 1923, as a member of the Harvard board of directors, Roosevelt decided there were too many Jewish students at the college and helped institute a quota to limit the number admitted. In 1938, he privately suggested that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were therefore to blame for provoking anti-Semitism there. In 1941, he remarked at a Cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. In 1943, he told government officials in Allied-liberated North Africa that the number of local Jews in various professions “should be definitely limited” so as to “eliminate the specific and understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany.”

There is evidence of other troubling private remarks by FDR too, including dismissing pleas for Jewish refugees as “Jewish wailing” and “sob stuff”; expressing (to a senator ) his pride that “there is no Jewish blood in our veins”; and characterizing a tax maneuver by a Jewish newspaper publisher as “a dirty Jewish trick.” But the most common theme in Roosevelt’s private statements about Jews has to do with his perception that they were “overcrowding” many professions and exercising undue influence.

This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR’s views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular. In one 1920 interview, he complained about immigrants “crowding” into the cities and said “the remedy for this should be the distribution of aliens in various parts of the country.” In a series of articles for the Macon (Ga.) Daily Telegraph and for Asia magazine in the 1920s, he warned against granting citizenship to “non-assimilable immigrants” and opposed Japanese immigration on the grounds that “mingling Asiatic blood with European or American blood produces, in nine cases out of ten, the most unfortunate results.” He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had “blood of the right sort.”
No. He gets to "save" everyone from the terrorists.
This is Israel, they always debate and have division, it's cultural.and even part of religion which hasn't been as static as other religions tha ks to the Talmud and adapting to changes. He gets a short boost and then he and the far-right leaders have an uphill climb. The.citizems are united and angry but they also blame his government for failing them. Some even saying "if he wasn't so focused on uprooting our judicial system". 40 Weeks of protests before this terror attack.
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what you just written does not make sense.

There are stories which say that Egypt warned Israel and other sources which deny this.

Even if Israel was warned, would they believe that the system could be breached by a simple tactic of oversaturation. Also other than a preemptive strike , how could they stop it.
OK I have made the point this could’ve simply been a colossal failure by the Israeli intelligence operations. At best that’s what it was, which is also problematic for the Israeli military. I mean that is insane that one of the best intelligence agencies in the world or maybe they’re not but that’s what we’ve been told. But for something like this to occur is unbelievable. It’s not just oversaturation of the iron dome (but there’s also problems with the iron dome story). It’s all of these militants over 1000 of them breaking into Israel.

And that must be what the American government shd concentrate on. How could Israel let this happen. This is what the people of Israel are saying all over social media. You have to look at how this attack on Israel occurred in the first place. It’s the most important thing.

It is astonishing and appalling that there are people like Lindsey Graham, saying Israel should do whatever it wants. And Americans should not criticize Israel killing civilians. That is disgraceful behavior by American politicians. We were not attacked. Most people in Israel are appalled by that type of thinking from people like Lindsey Graham.

none of us can rule out that there could’ve been rogue elements within the IDF who allowed this to happen.

This much is on camera. pointed out to us by the conservative Trump supporter in the video in the original post. From the op,

One of the panelists further brought up that there are multiple videos of IDF intelligence officials saying “ there is zero chance with our security that nobody knew that this was coming” 15:30 mark of the video

So there you go that’s the point ….it does make sense because it’s on camera…. OK now that is just something to look at. That’s all I can say there nobody has proof of anything, but there are things to look at here.
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Roseanne Barr, who is Jewish and who has been a target for the far left wing is making some very informed points. She has family in Israel. And she like any God-fearing person is saying what about the children of all of these conflicts.

Roseanne was saying that tons of people in Iran have converted to Christianity. And there’s Muslims all over the world who have become westernized who are embracing the western values. Very phenomenal stuff from her. Everyone watch the video below just watch a little bit of it. Muslims all over the place are saying what we see in the west today is actually what we saw from the early Muslims in the seventh century and during the golden age of Islam

Roseanne, toward the end of the video, made a very interesting point that the Iranian people called her when she was in Israel. They somehow got her contact information and they told her they love Israel and the Israeli people and they don’t agree with the Iranian government.

Remember, there was a time when Iran was a monarchy and was an ally to countries like Israel.

One of the panelists further brought up that there are multiple videos of his IDF intelligence officials saying “ there is zero chance with our security that nobody knew that this was coming” 15:30 mark of the video 😳😳🧐

Roseanne brought up how Egypt warned Israel days ahead of this attack by hamas and Iranian agents… and Israel did nothing about that warning.

Because we have after all the fanatics like Lindsey, Graham and Nikki Haley saying let Israel do whatever it wants, let Ukraine do whatever it wants when it comes to those conflicts. So that should be a red flag for any God-fearing Christian, or any good person in general.

Of course, there’s no comparing Russia to Hamas. Of course, Russia is a civilized country and they had a very strong military certainly can’t even be compared to Hamas, which is nothing. Hamas has nothing except small arms. And some low level rockets.

“Let them do whatever they want”

Well, Ok that would put them into the same category as Al-Qaeda.

Hamas cannot exterminate the Jewish people. And nobody except for going back 75 years the “Nazis” including Ukrainian ones, had the ability or even desire to wipe out Jews.

The recent events in Israel could be used by bad players of the world to destroy the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Everyone should think about that. Think about who benefits from this war in Israel, ….the military industrial complex, of course. It also benefits extremists in Israel, who want to wipe off Palestine and take it over perhaps.

Oh, sure... Boeing and Raytheon and General Dynamics et al set this up and pulled the trigger... not... puhhh-leeeeze !
I’m easy to persuade, but you believe Roseanne had intel on the attack against Israel. And you somehow think Israel benefits from these attacks.

You’re dumber than a box of hammers
You have the issue of making up People’s views, and being unable to follow what was sad. So most of your post are short and without any kind of critical thinking.
This is Israel, they always debate and have division, it's cultural.and even part of religion which hasn't been as static as other religions tha ks to the Talmud and adapting to changes. He gets a short boost and then he and the far-right leaders have an uphill climb. The.citizems are united and angry but they also blame his government for failing them. Some even saying "if he wasn't so focused on uprooting our judicial system". 40 Weeks of protests before this terror attack.
whaddya mean "uphill climb"? He's in charge, even though he's been indicted more often than tRump.
whaddya mean "uphill climb"? He's in charge, even though he's been indicted more often than tRump.
Yep. Ithink his nine lives are going to run out. I could be wrong obviously, but this was.on his watch. Israel is a small country, such a tragedy affect exponentially more people than just the raw numbers, be they dead, wounded, survivors,.witnesses to the horrors,.friends and family of these people are those called up for service. Sure,.revenge and justice is important, but even a million dead terrorists won't bring even one dead Israeli back and this war has just begun.
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You ant rationalize with people hell bent on killing people just because they are Jewish
It’s only a few thousand people in the Gaza Strip. And it’s mostly Iranian agents. But most of the people of Israel, Palestine, and Iran, have much in common.

Israel and Iran used to be allies when Iran was a monarchy. Hell the monarchy of Iran had close relations with Iraq under Saddam Hussain.

As Americans, we should be neutral on this thing. We don’t want World War III, we don’t want our economy to be ruined. We have astronomical prices of homes, an invasion of our southern border. 100,000 American people die a year from drugs, brought over the border. This war in Ukraine it’s not our issue.

We have invaded other countries and we might do it in the future…. so we need to think long and hard and properly how we handle when another country gets involved in war.

Our approach toward the Russia, Ukraine war is disgraceful. Russia did not supply Iraq with any weapons when we invaded them. They did not give Iraq billions of dollars.

Israel can fight for itself. They’re fighting against the Gaza Strip that has about a few thousand people armed with small arms. They don’t need our money.

Israel can wipe the floor with the Gaza Strip right now if it wanted to. But we need to also figure out how in the world Israel was invaded a few days ago. It doesn’t make sense… a country like Israel with a phenomenal intelligence agency that has paid agents and informants all around the world.
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Yep. Ithink his nine lives are going to run out. I could be wrong obviously, but this was.on his watch.
We both know he dropped the ball bigtime.

When he drives hamas back (they already have mostly) and demolishes a buncha stuff in Gaza as retribution they will love him. He will come outta this smelling like a rose, all past sins forgotten at least for a while.
Sure, junior. How old are you?

Have a good night partner. Why not just respond to people politely. Instead of making things up about them and engaging in personal attacks.

Doesn’t bother me either way
We both know he dropped the ball bigtime.

When he drives hamas back (they already have mostly) and demolishes a buncha stuff in Gaza as retribution they will love him. He will come outta this smelling like a rose, all past sins forgotten at least for a while.
The far right wing in Israel will like him. But a ton of people in Israel, including some people on the right do not agree with blowing up buildings left and right. Killing tens of thousands of people.

Most Palestinians, Iranian and Israeli’s want to live in peace, and have a good life.

Everybody knows there’s no way Israel can lose. This isn’t World War II anymore. There’s no more German or Ukrainian “Nazis” and they’re Allies trying to exterminate Jews. Sixties Fan soviet people, including soviet Jews stopped the holocaust. Show some respect for that.

At least there’s no more people with high powered weapons capability of doing the holocaust again.

1000 militants from Gaza they can’t do anything more than an invasion over Israel killing, unarmed hippies, and other civilians…., which they might have been allowed to get through by rogue elements of the IDF. An investigation hopefully we’ll get to the bottom of that.
The two players that have something to gain out of this?

Hamas and Iran.

Hamas felt forgotten and their fundraising efforts were military action before has always paid off handsomely....

Iran benefits now from the stalled peace talks and normalization talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Because a peace treaty between these two (without religious lines) leaves Iran as "odd man out".
Israel's and Saudis economy and militaries together can always mop up Iran every day of the week....nukes or no nukes.

Iran's Government has a huge problem....their people are growing weary of them and their constant extremist views. But the average person is more of a sheep than warrior. They put up with all kinds of Government abuse as they always have. But if the Government was gone tomorrow they would be losing the hijabs and wearing miniskirts in a month.
The far right wing in Israel will like him. But a ton of people in Israel, including some people on the right do not agree with blowing up buildings left and right. Killing tens of thousands of people.

Most Palestinians, Iranian and Israeli’s want to live in peace, and have a good life.

Everybody knows there’s no way Israel can lose. This isn’t World War II anymore. There’s no more German or Ukrainian Nazis and they’re not see Ally is trying to exterminate Jews. At least there’s no more people with high powered weapons in capability of doing that. Not 1000 militants from Gaza there can’t do anything more than an invasion over Israel, which they might have been allowed to get through by rogue elements of the IDF. An investigation hopefully we’ll get to the bottom of that.
The far right wing rules Israel.

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