It Gets Even More Remarkable!

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Sunni Man, you truly are an evil and vile person. Why are you even still talking about the Holocaust? It was just yesterday that you said you were sick of hearing about it. You said "enough is enough already"
Sunni Man, you truly are an evil and vile person. Why are you even still talking about the Holocaust? It was just yesterday that you said you were sick of hearing about it. You said "enough is enough already"
Sunniman exhibits all the traits of being a good Mohammadian.
But go visit Auschwitz... just once. Please.
Yes, the jews were rounded up and put in work camps.

Yes, many died of starvation, disease, and over work.

Yes, it was a tragedy.

No, there wasn't mass killing buy gas chambers.

No, the 6 million number is an extremely inflated.

Oh Sunni....

Come on man. Swap shoes dude. What if it was 5 million of your people? What if it was only 4 million of your people? What if it was only 1 million of your relatives Sunni? Would it be so much better? Would you be claiming it wasn't a big deal? Would you tolerate some western yuppies claiming only a million Sunni innocents wasn't a holocaust?

If the death toll in Syria reached 1 Million, and we were down playing that, would you buy it?

I grasp you'll never be part of the Israeli tourism info network... but come on... how do you explain the soot falling from the skies around the camps? It was from them baking bread and cookies!

Why did even the Muslims of that day risk their lives to protect the Jews? Tunisia, Albania, Algeria, all have numerous examples of the Islamic public showing real mercy from Allah, protecting the Jews.

Why? Why did they risk their lives on the account of these Jews? And to protect them from what? They just didn't want them baking bread and cookies, in those smelly ovens with all that soot falling everywhere.....

Come on Sunni. From one person of faith, to another... do you really believe that? Really believe it?

Go to Auschwitz. Just one time. Just once. Have you made your trip to Mecca yet? Fly to Poland on the way back. Stop over for one day. Round trip ticket is just $1,200. Make a point of it.
Sunni Man, you truly are an evil and vile person.
Why all of the personal attacks?

I'm not attacking you. .... :cool:

I'm with you on this one Sunni Man. I will fight for you to be here against any Zionists who wants you removed or call you derrogatory names. Praise be to Mohammed for you being one of his followers & bless you for showing the world on the internet what Israel has for enemies & why the USA will always support Israel. Please post here more often, bring some of your friends & if anyone has you removed please advise me so I can fight to get you back. Sincerely MJB.
I'm with you on this one Sunni Man. I will fight for you to be here against any Zionists who wants you removed or call you derrogatory names. Praise be to Mohammed for you being one of his followers & bless you for showing the world on the internet what Israel has for enemies & why the USA will always support Israel. Please post here more often, bring some of your friends & if anyone has you removed please advise me so I can fight to get you back. Sincerely MJB.
You're welcome........ :cool:
My Dad's friend ordered turtle soup for everyone at the table, and I wouldn't eat it. It made my dad's friend a little upset with me. Later my dad told me that Ed had been captured toward the end of the war and was held in one of the concentration camps and nearly starved to death.
Sorry Sunni, but your lying garbage won't fly. And you look like a real idiot for trying to sell your hatred of Jews by convincing the world that they were never persecuted by Hitler. How stupid are you?
So you make up a story about turtle soup.

And that's supposed to convince people that the Holohoax story is true? ..... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

I'm sure a lot of people that had family that grew up during the depression, nazi camps,that came from war torn countries or lived on the streets for a time have similar stories.
My family used to remind me of the african children that were hungry or starving when I did not want to eat all my food.
Turtle soup is not for every one. It has a rather strong flavor and it also depends on how it is made.

I'm personally upset by the amount of food restaurants have to throw away at the end of the day. I'd like to see it go to those in need instead. Grocery stores are also very wasteful.

The flesh from a dying mule isn't for everyone either, but it kept Ed alive another day. He had the death camp experience, which is different than eat your peas, because someone somewhere doesn't have peas.
The point is He survived the concentration camps that Sunni has turned into a Jewish Club Med for the sake of his ridiculous argument. Taste wasn't the issue. Nearly starving to death was. And telling his children about the experience means they'll never buy Sunni's, "it never happened" bullshit. Nor will I, nor will my children. And hopefully, neither will theirs.
I'm with you on this one Sunni Man. I will fight for you to be here against any Zionists who wants you removed or call you derrogatory names. Praise be to Mohammed for you being one of his followers & bless you for showing the world on the internet what Israel has for enemies & why the USA will always support Israel. Please post here more often, bring some of your friends & if anyone has you removed please advise me so I can fight to get you back. Sincerely MJB.
You're welcome........ :cool:

Please bring others here like you to honor Mohammed. And just think of all the virgins you will have earned in the next life.
My Dad's friend ordered turtle soup for everyone at the table, and I wouldn't eat it. It made my dad's friend a little upset with me. Later my dad told me that Ed had been captured toward the end of the war and was held in one of the concentration camps and nearly starved to death.
Sorry Sunni, but your lying garbage won't fly. And you look like a real idiot for trying to sell your hatred of Jews by convincing the world that they were never persecuted by Hitler. How stupid are you?
So you make up a story about turtle soup.

And that's supposed to convince people that the Holohoax story is true? ..... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

I'm sure a lot of people that had family that grew up during the depression, nazi camps,that came from war torn countries or lived on the streets for a time have similar stories.
My family used to remind me of the african children that were hungry or starving when I did not want to eat all my food.
Turtle soup is not for every one. It has a rather strong flavor and it also depends on how it is made.

I'm personally upset by the amount of food restaurants have to throw away at the end of the day. I'd like to see it go to those in need instead. Grocery stores are also very wasteful.

The flesh from a dying mule isn't for everyone either, but it kept Ed alive another day. He had the death camp experience, which is different than eat your peas, because someone somewhere doesn't have peas.
The point is He survived the concentration camps that Sunni has turned into a Jewish Club Med for the sake of his ridiculous argument. Taste wasn't the issue. Nearly starving to death was. And telling his children about the experience means they'll never buy Sunni's, "it never happened" bullshit. Nor will I, nor will my children. And hopefully, neither will theirs.

Are you talking about this Holocaust survivor?

My Dad's friend ordered turtle soup for everyone at the table, and I wouldn't eat it. It made my dad's friend a little upset with me. Later my dad told me that Ed had been captured toward the end of the war and was held in one of the concentration camps and nearly starved to death.
Sorry Sunni, but your lying garbage won't fly. And you look like a real idiot for trying to sell your hatred of Jews by convincing the world that they were never persecuted by Hitler. How stupid are you?
So you make up a story about turtle soup.

And that's supposed to convince people that the Holohoax story is true? ..... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

I'm sure a lot of people that had family that grew up during the depression, nazi camps,that came from war torn countries or lived on the streets for a time have similar stories.
My family used to remind me of the african children that were hungry or starving when I did not want to eat all my food.
Turtle soup is not for every one. It has a rather strong flavor and it also depends on how it is made.

I'm personally upset by the amount of food restaurants have to throw away at the end of the day. I'd like to see it go to those in need instead. Grocery stores are also very wasteful.

The flesh from a dying mule isn't for everyone either, but it kept Ed alive another day. He had the death camp experience, which is different than eat your peas, because someone somewhere doesn't have peas.
The point is He survived the concentration camps that Sunni has turned into a Jewish Club Med for the sake of his ridiculous argument. Taste wasn't the issue. Nearly starving to death was. And telling his children about the experience means they'll never buy Sunni's, "it never happened" bullshit. Nor will I, nor will my children. And hopefully, neither will theirs.

syrian have had to eat lions, horses, rats and sadly even human bodies to stay alive. They too will be passing on stories to remind their children and grandchildren about the hard times of civil war.
The flesh from a dying mule isn't for everyone either, but it kept Ed alive another day. He had the death camp experience, which is different than eat your peas, because someone somewhere doesn't have peas.
So later he upgraded from turtles to mules?

I can hardly wait for the 3rd installment of this delightful culinary tale.

Let me guess.........cannibalism?? .... :cool:
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I'm with you on this one Sunni Man. I will fight for you to be here against any Zionists who wants you removed or call you derrogatory names. Praise be to Mohammed for you being one of his followers & bless you for showing the world on the internet what Israel has for enemies & why the USA will always support Israel. Please post here more often, bring some of your friends & if anyone has you removed please advise me so I can fight to get you back. Sincerely MJB.
You're welcome........ :cool:

Please bring others here like you to honor Mohammed. And just think of all the virgins you will have earned in the next life.

What is wrong with you Zionists? Over & over you gripe about Israel's enemies on this board. You call them liars & derrogatory names & you wish them misfortune & report them to be removed. Fact is, it is they who guarantee continued US financial aid to Israel & a continuing booming economy with increased world investments. The Zionists should plant trees in Israel to honor each & every one of them for keeping Israel strong. How can we get more of them here?
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