It is Amazing How Little Anyone Cares about Biden

Today's MAINTSTREAM news, CNN:

Six stories Trump, all negative. There used to be FAR more daily, all negative.

Nine stories Biden, all passive & complimentary such as, "Watch Biden's Promise for stimulus checks" & "Puppy Bowl XVII to feature First Lady Jill Biden message". There used to be far fewer Biden stories, which are always passive, complimentary or a bad reflection on Trump only.

End of the day you PROGS have been had & continue to be. The Democrats and their PROG-elite know you're fools so they treat you as fools.
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Correct. He's just a public servant, not the figurehead of a cult of personality.

We respect him and appreciate him, and hope he does well.

Trump's sheep adore him and will put up with anything he does, no matter how embarrassing or destructive.

Big difference.
He's just a public servant,,,, no he is a corrupt senile socialist and a puppet of the CCP
One cannot respect a corrupt thief in the night, can only hope he chokes on his lies.
Correct. He's just a public servant, not the figurehead of a cult of personality.

We respect him and appreciate him, and hope he does well.

Trump's sheep adore him and will put up with anything he does, no matter how embarrassing or destructive.

Big difference.
All your posts consist of the same thing: usupported personal attacks against Trump that are unprovable. That's a sure symptom of mental imbalance.
They're only unprovable to Trumpsters. Normal people understand and agree.

If you don't like that, tough shit.

WTF do you say nothing & then suggest it's normal? I call it nothing but seeking validation because you're insecure with your disposition, sound about right?
I see very little about Biden anywhere. Trump still gets more coverage, especially on these chat rooms and msm.
Despite having a nearly 50 year career in politics Biden is a very uninteresting unimpressive person other than the sad tragedies in his personal life nothing about him stands out.
Correct. He's just a public servant, not the figurehead of a cult of personality.

We respect him and appreciate him, and hope he does well.

Trump's sheep adore him and will put up with anything he does, no matter how embarrassing or destructive.

Big difference.
All your posts consist of the same thing: usupported personal attacks against Trump that are unprovable. That's a sure symptom of mental imbalance.
They're only unprovable to Trumpsters. Normal people understand and agree.

If you don't like that, tough shit.

WTF do you say nothing & then suggest it's normal? I call it nothing but seeking validation because you're insecure with your disposition, sound about right?
Sure, okay!
Politics are boring again just like they should be.
You only say that because the media isnt telling you to freak out.
Nah, the Trump admin was a circus. Donnie treated the Presidency as a reality show as all he cared about were "ratings".

Yet he got more important stuff done in 4 years than the Carter and Obama admins combined. Including fixing most of their major mistakes.
The only thing Trump accomplished was getting kicked off Twitter. Laziest President ever.
Politics are boring again just like they should be.
You only say that because the media isnt telling you to freak out.
Nah, the Trump admin was a circus. Donnie treated the Presidency as a reality show as all he cared about were "ratings".

Yet he got more important stuff done in 4 years than the Carter and Obama admins combined. Including fixing most of their major mistakes.
The only thing Trump accomplished was getting kicked off Twitter. Laziest President ever.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha as compared to who, Pinochijoe? He barely moves even when his marionette strings are worked.
Trump's sheep adore him and will put up with anything he does, no matter how embarrassing or destructive.

Honest question - do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you post nonsense like that?
I don't care if you take me seriously or not, Trumpster.
Deal. Just trying to identify the serious posters up here. Thanks for being honest.
Mac is seriously stupid.
Of course, as would any of us real Americans to the uberelitist Gestapo regime. We merely pay for your welfare and SNAP bennies and bow to your supremity.
....and do what we say. That is the important part. Don't forget that part; ever.
I see very little about Biden anywhere. Trump still gets more coverage, especially on these chat rooms and msm.

Yes, Biden is boring.

He says the things that the President should say. He does the things that a President should do.

He's doing the job of the President very well - and that's BORING.

No more sh*t show by a spoiled brat, narcissistic, reality TV idiot!!!

Trump was intellectually and morally unqualified. Not moral in the sense of sexual or ethical or misuse of office for personal financial gain. Harding and Slick were not bad presidents. LBJ may have not used the presidency to gain financially, but he sure as hell did with public service.

Every issue was about him, personally. Trade … about him. He could never admit a mistake, and he was probably the least introspective potus ever. He could no more make JFK's bay of pigs mea culpa than he could run a mile. No matter what the merits of an issue (closed borders or unfair china trade) the merits came in second to his need for public adoration.

That's why when faced with the first crisis he didn't cause himself, covid, he chose to ignore it because it could make him look bad.

Whether Biden can succeed in getting us growing again and the virus controlled … who knows. But Biden will appear "boring" in comparison.

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