It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Obama brought Putin to his knees with global economic sanctions


The lies you Nazis tell

Trump conspired with him to gain the Presidency

Get help Brown Shirt, you've lost any grip you once had on sanity, all due to hatred that festers inside your rotted soul.
Putin was trying to become relevant for 8 years Obama put him in his corner and now Republicans have given Putin front stage. All so you can gain power.

Senator McCain is right: Russia is a greater threat than ISIS
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Israel didn't like Obama because he didn't carry on bushs war on the middle East. Remember Lieberman supported bush? That's not a Democrat. Fuck Israel.

And Russia didn't like Obama because they couldn't fuck with him. Obama didn't play.

Now we're going to let the GOP start a war with North Korea? I hope not

Israel didn't like Obama because Obama sided with radical Islam against them. The rise of the Soros Reich is just as Anti-Semetic as Hitler's Reich was. The phrase "JOOOOO hating democrat" is redundant.

I don't like Christians or Jews so I can't argue with you.
Just wait for the Conservative spin machine to come up with evidence that covfefe is a word

After all, none of you Nazis have ever made a typo....

It is amazing just HOW petty you scumbags are.

You are such a fucking covfefe

covfefe is what your small little fat fingers type when Melania lets you fuck her while you tweet. Premature ejaculating POTUS.
You think he can still do it, or that would let him?
Nah. But I noticed Jews liked Bush's agenda. That makes them assholes.

Bush wasn't helping ISIS create a Caliphate and trying to wipe them from the face of the earth, the way you Nazicrats are.

Bush wiped out the governments that were keeping them in check
And Trump has a success under his belt He's managed to do in 5 months what russians couldn't do since WW2 Separate us from our allies
Trumps rules
The Known Donald Trump Rules of Acquisition
Compiled by
(with examples)
Last Updated on December 10, 2016

1. Once you have their money, you never give it back.
Example: Trump University
3. Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.
Examples: Presidential campaign, paying Polish workers and using H1B visas for his hotel and modelling businesses
6. Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.
Example: numerous divorces
7. Keep your ears open and your eyes on the mark.
Example: 2016 presidential campaign
9. Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
Example: real estate opportunity instinct
10. Greed is eternal.
Example: Trump’s ostentatious transportation and residences
16. A deal is a deal.
Example: numerous business examples where investors lose money while Trump enriches himself
17. A contract is a contract is a contract… but only between Trumps.
Example: various examples of Donald Trump refusing to pay subcontractors their earned contractual payments and Donald Trump’s numerous lawsuits enforcing the contracts that benefit him or to silence dissention
18. A Trump without profit is no Trump at all.
Example: obvious when you examine his children’s public profiles
21. Never place friendship above profit.
Example: see the bankers and investors who have lost money from Trump deals
22. A wise man can hear profit in the wind.
Example: numerous examples of the various types of businesses Donald Trump has embarked upon — clothing, schools, steaks and wine, among others
23. Nothing is more important than your health… except for your money.
Example: Donald Trump is fastidious about his health as evidenced by his numerous statements that he does not consume alcohol or smoke and yet his primary focus remains his business empire
31. Never make fun of a Donald Trump’s mother.
Example: although no examples are needed, it is important to note that he is very loving of his mother but has no problem discarding his wives as needed
33. It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
Example: his father, worked for him to get his financial support to get start his business empire
34. War is good for business.
Example: on again and off again support of the Iraq War
35. Peace is good for business.
Example: see rule number 34
45. Expand or die.
Example: Donald Trump’s continued expansion of his business empire
47. Don’t trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.
Example: evidenced by Trump’s dress in public and on the magazine covers
48. The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
Example: plenty of evidence
57. Good customers are as rare as gold. Treasure them.
Example: there are very few known examples of former customers and employees that publicly support Donald Trump
59. Free advice is seldom cheap.
Example: Donald Trump has profited from selling “advice,” even dubious ones
62. Profit is its own reward.
Example: evidenced by his focus on profiting by any means possible, i.e. bankruptcy and tax avoidance
74. Knowledge equals profit.
Example: Donald Trump’s books
75. Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of gold.
Example: Trump’s worldwide business empire
76. Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.
Example: Trump’s recent friendliness towards, Hillary Clinton (not keeping his promise to prosecute her), friendliness towards Barack Obama and meetings with Mitt Romney and other Republicans

God voters are dumb. They can't even afford to stay in a Trump hotel. It's $500-$650 a night. So clearly Donald Trump is looking out for millionaires and billionaires who will stay in his hotels.


Just wait for the Conservative spin machine to come up with evidence that covfefe is a word

After all, none of you Nazis have ever made a typo....

It is amazing just HOW petty you scumbags are.

You are such a fucking covfefe

covfefe is what your small little fat fingers type when Melania lets you fuck her while you tweet. Premature ejaculating POTUS.
You think he can still do it, or that would let him?

With a bottle of viagra she has no choice. Here is a night after him making her have sex

Just wait for the Conservative spin machine to come up with evidence that covfefe is a word

After all, none of you Nazis have ever made a typo....

It is amazing just HOW petty you scumbags are.

You are such a fucking covfefe

covfefe is what your small little fat fingers type when Melania lets you fuck her while you tweet. Premature ejaculating POTUS.
You think he can still do it, or that would let him?

With a bottle of viagra she has no choice. Here is a night after him making her have sex

Did you take classes to become such a fucking scumbag, Silly Bonobo?

I mean, is there a DailyKOS preschool that you filth go to in order to learn the revised "Mein Kampf" that is the basis of your party?
Just wait for the Conservative spin machine to come up with evidence that covfefe is a word

After all, none of you Nazis have ever made a typo....

It is amazing just HOW petty you scumbags are.

You are such a fucking covfefe

covfefe is what your small little fat fingers type when Melania lets you fuck her while you tweet. Premature ejaculating POTUS.
You think he can still do it, or that would let him?

With a bottle of viagra she has no choice. Here is a night after him making her have sex

OMG, that look on her face.
After all, none of you Nazis have ever made a typo....

It is amazing just HOW petty you scumbags are.

You are such a fucking covfefe

covfefe is what your small little fat fingers type when Melania lets you fuck her while you tweet. Premature ejaculating POTUS.
You think he can still do it, or that would let him?

With a bottle of viagra she has no choice. Here is a night after him making her have sex

Did you take classes to become such a fucking scumbag, Silly Bonobo?

I mean, is there a DailyKOS preschool that you filth go to in order to learn the revised "Mein Kampf" that is the basis of your party?

We learned from watching you do it for 8 years. Now enjoy being in charge. Don't think we are going to let you lie us into another war or bankrupt us again.

And don't think we are going to let you forget Bush handed Obama a great recession, Obama handed Trump a good economy. Don't lie.

Same way Clinton handed Bush a surplus and he squandered it. And before you say he didn't hand him a surplus remember Bush admitted it when he handed out those ill advised tax cuts. Bush: Surplus Justifies Tax Cut

CHART: How The Clinton Surpluses Turned Into More Than $6 Trillion Worth Of Deficits
After all, none of you Nazis have ever made a typo....

It is amazing just HOW petty you scumbags are.

You are such a fucking covfefe

covfefe is what your small little fat fingers type when Melania lets you fuck her while you tweet. Premature ejaculating POTUS.
You think he can still do it, or that would let him?

With a bottle of viagra she has no choice. Here is a night after him making her have sex

Did you take classes to become such a fucking scumbag, Silly Bonobo?

I mean, is there a DailyKOS preschool that you filth go to in order to learn the revised "Mein Kampf" that is the basis of your party?
How are the folks on stormfront?
Just wait for the Conservative spin machine to come up with evidence that covfefe is a word

After all, none of you Nazis have ever made a typo....

It is amazing just HOW petty you scumbags are.

It's one thing to make a typo and another to leave an incomplete sentence that looks like he stroked out rather than simply edit it.



Petty little fucks gunna be democrats....
So you think Trumps doing a good job so far? Pretty low bar.
You are such a fucking covfefe

covfefe is what your small little fat fingers type when Melania lets you fuck her while you tweet. Premature ejaculating POTUS.
You think he can still do it, or that would let him?

With a bottle of viagra she has no choice. Here is a night after him making her have sex

Did you take classes to become such a fucking scumbag, Silly Bonobo?

I mean, is there a DailyKOS preschool that you filth go to in order to learn the revised "Mein Kampf" that is the basis of your party?

We learned from watching you do it for 8 years. Now enjoy being in charge. Don't think we are going to let you lie us into another war or bankrupt us again.

And don't think we are going to let you forget Bush handed Obama a great recession, Obama handed Trump a good economy. Don't lie.

Same way Clinton handed Bush a surplus and he squandered it. And before you say he didn't hand him a surplus remember Bush admitted it when he handed out those ill advised tax cuts. Bush: Surplus Justifies Tax Cut

CHART: How The Clinton Surpluses Turned Into More Than $6 Trillion Worth Of Deficits

So, even saying that you disagree with Trump on taxes is RACIST and you should lose your job? Just as anyone who disagreed with Obama on anything was racist?

Now Silly Bonobo, we both know you are not very well educated and have little knowledge of economics. Clinton handed Bush a recession, a fairly deep one after the dot com bubble burst. Clinton also handed him 9-11, which was a severe blow to the economy.

(I know, Bush had 5 months, he should have gone back in time and stopped the terrorist in 1996 as the Clinton administration was ignoring them.)

Now you lied that Clinton left office with a surplus? So the national debt was not only wiped out, but there was a surplus? Is that your claim?
So you think Trumps doing a good job so far? Pretty low bar.

Comparing him to Obama is a low bar indeed.

The DOW at record levels
Illegal Immigration down 63%
US Debt down by $100 Billion. The first drop in the debt since 1998.

Yeah, Trump is doing a stellar job.

That you fascists hate him and are in a perpetual fit of Tourettes just makes it all the better.
How are the folks on stormfront?

Why would you ask me? They are your buddies.

Democrat Underground.

All those shitty little hate sites that do your thinking for you, Brown Shirt.

Hey, you never did point out which parts of the 1925 Nazi Party platform deviate from the ideas that you and your fellow fascist democrats promote today?

That's because there is no difference, you are Nazicrats - it's a fact.
Israel didn't like Obama because he didn't carry on bushs war on the middle East. Remember Lieberman supported bush? That's not a Democrat. Fuck Israel.

And Russia didn't like Obama because they couldn't fuck with him. Obama didn't play.

Now we're going to let the GOP start a war with North Korea? I hope not

Israel didn't like Obama because Obama sided with radical Islam against them. The rise of the Soros Reich is just as Anti-Semetic as Hitler's Reich was. The phrase "JOOOOO hating democrat" is redundant.

I don't like Christians or Jews so I can't argue with you.

You hate all Americans, don't you?

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