It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

As far as I remember all the way from Carter administration it's always been the US policy to get the Israelis off from occupied territories and stop building new houses. That hasn't change till today
If that were really true the territory would be barren and empty. The US says a lot of things but our actions are what you need to pay attention to. The construction only goes forward because of our back channel blessing.

It doesn't matter you don't own the land. How do you feel if they do the same to your property?
Trump supposed to come in and fix this problem but he made it worse. Meaning there will be no peace.
I don't blame Iran and Syria supporting terrorism and the hatred towards Israel and hypocrite Trump.

Sean Spicer Claims Covfefe Is A Secret Trump Code Word Then Abruptly Ends Briefing

As the nation tries to figure out Trump meant when he tweeted covfefe, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer claimed that it was code word understood by Trump and a few people.…
TY you're killing me
Trump Talked About Banning Lobbyists, Now He Might Put Them In Charge | HuffPost
Is that like him draining the swamp and putting them all in the WH?
The one guy I like is rex tillerson. He's a serious man and wants to stay in the paris deal. The rest seem shady. Rwnj's.

Know why they won't get most of what they want? Bad ideas. Bad policies. Unpopular legislation.

Even Senate GOP hate trumpcare
Now I know not to take you seriously. Bush 1 handed Clinton a recession. Do you know what a recession is first of all? It's a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters. Bush 1 had one July 1990 to March 1991. 8 months of recession.


And Bush 2's recession started in March 2001. Clinton did not have a recession. Let me remind you a recession is a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.

Clinton left office with an ARM on the nation, leaving a toxic balloon payment on the interest of the national debt, fucking crook, coupled with the dot com bust


{The current Bush administration's claim that it inherited a recession from Clinton became somewhat more credible last week, when the Commerce Department revised its estimates of GDP, the broadest measure of economic growth, in the first, second and third quarters of 2001, showing that it shrank in all three quarters.}

Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002

So in fact the recession began in January of 2001.

GW Bush had 2 fucking recessions. March 2001-November 2001 and then the Great Recession 2007-2009.

There is no question GW Bush caused the 2nd. I'll give him the 1st one was not his fault but what did he do to get us out of the recession? The things he did caused the Great Recession. He's a double fuck up.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia

You are in fact a hack, Bush came into office with a recession, followed by a major terror attack that occurred because of the gross negligence and malfeasance of the Clinton administration.

Also, how did what Bush did (tax rebates to the middle class) cause the central banks to commodore mortgage backed securities and intertwine solvent and non-solvent assets?

Explain precisely what Bush did? I mean, I only ask because we both know you're lying, and that I have shredded you on lies like this a dozen times.

Now let's review Silly Bonobo, the MBS goes back to the Carter years of the mid-70's. Bush had nothing to do with it, nor did any Republicans since the democrats held all branches of government at the time. What really changed was the use of tranche cross pollination in the 90's. Prior to the fast and lose Clinton years, a Bbb tranche contained higher risk MBS packaging that was shopped to home buyers at higher interest rates to offer a higher reward commensurate with that risk. But during the wild west years of no oversight under Clinton,the big guys started "securitizing" MBS' by creating trusts. Aaa tranches were combined with Bbb tranches made primarily of subprime mortgages with the myth that the Aaa tranche mitigated the risk. So we have a MBS that is really high risk sold as Aaa because the 50% Bbb tranche is diversified by 50% Aaa, with Wall Street suddenly declaring the entire securitized package Aaa through Standards and Poor, et al..

Soon the REAL crooks came out (Todd disagrees with me on this, he holds that CDO's are legitimate. We have agreed to disagree) by introducing the CDO. A CDO takes an MBS and adds other securities. The CDO goes way beyond a securitized MBS, Take a toxic MBS and add non-mortgage securities such as bonds and then write a prospectus touting the package as low risk - hence a collateralized debt obligation. CDO's were in fact often toxic, which is why the really smart guys started shorting them. Shorting a stock is simply a wager that a stock will drop in value, or in this case a CDO. Party A grants a stock to party B with an agreed upon date that party B will return the stock. Party B then sells the stock on the market. Say the stock is worth $50 a share at the time of the sale and the return date is 20 days. Party B puts the $50 into escrow and waits for 20 days, then he buys the same stock and returns it to party A. If the stock drops to $30, then party B makes $20 on the deal and party A gets the stock back, though it is now at a lower value. If the stock rises to $100 then party B loses $50 and party A gets the stock back. As I said, a short is a gamble, but one that is based on research. Generally the party A is willing to do this because they want short term cash, and party B in fact makes a compensatory payment against the return of the stock, ie floats a loan against the stock value. The cash must be returned after the agreed date.

Go ahead and challenge me on this Bonobo. Go for it.
As far as I remember all the way from Carter administration it's always been the US policy to get the Israelis off from occupied territories and stop building new houses. That hasn't change till today
If that were really true the territory would be barren and empty. The US says a lot of things but our actions are what you need to pay attention to. The construction only goes forward because of our back channel blessing.

It doesn't matter you don't own the land. How do you feel if they do the same to your property?
Trump supposed to come in and fix this problem but he made it worse. Meaning there will be no peace.
I don't blame Iran and Syria supporting terrorism and the hatred towards Israel and hypocrite Trump.
And what did bush teach them with Iraq? Give up your weapons and Republicans will eventually invade you. Look what we did to Saddam.

So what's Trump going to do about Iran if they start making a bomb? Go to war? North Korea? Remember Trump knows more than the generals.

You guys talked shit about Obama well fix it. But you'll make it worse
Now I know not to take you seriously. Bush 1 handed Clinton a recession. Do you know what a recession is first of all? It's a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters. Bush 1 had one July 1990 to March 1991. 8 months of recession.


And Bush 2's recession started in March 2001. Clinton did not have a recession. Let me remind you a recession is a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.

Clinton left office with an ARM on the nation, leaving a toxic balloon payment on the interest of the national debt, fucking crook, coupled with the dot com bust


{The current Bush administration's claim that it inherited a recession from Clinton became somewhat more credible last week, when the Commerce Department revised its estimates of GDP, the broadest measure of economic growth, in the first, second and third quarters of 2001, showing that it shrank in all three quarters.}

Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002

So in fact the recession began in January of 2001.

GW Bush had 2 fucking recessions. March 2001-November 2001 and then the Great Recession 2007-2009.

There is no question GW Bush caused the 2nd. I'll give him the 1st one was not his fault but what did he do to get us out of the recession? The things he did caused the Great Recession. He's a double fuck up.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia

You are in fact a hack, Bush came into office with a recession, followed by a major terror attack that occurred because of the gross negligence and malfeasance of the Clinton administration.

Also, how did what Bush did (tax rebates to the middle class) cause the central banks to commodore mortgage backed securities and intertwine solvent and non-solvent assets?

Explain precisely what Bush did? I mean, I only ask because we both know you're lying, and that I have shredded you on lies like this a dozen times.

Now let's review Silly Bonobo, the MBS goes back to the Carter years of the mid-70's. Bush had nothing to do with it, nor did any Republicans since the democrats held all branches of government at the time. What really changed was the use of tranche cross pollination in the 90's. Prior to the fast and lose Clinton years, a Bbb tranche contained higher risk MBS packaging that was shopped to home buyers at higher interest rates to offer a higher reward commensurate with that risk. But during the wild west years of no oversight under Clinton,the big guys started "securitizing" MBS' by creating trusts. Aaa tranches were combined with Bbb tranches made primarily of subprime mortgages with the myth that the Aaa tranche mitigated the risk. So we have a MBS that is really high risk sold as Aaa because the 50% Bbb tranche is diversified by 50% Aaa, with Wall Street suddenly declaring the entire securitized package Aaa through Standards and Poor, et al..

Soon the REAL crooks came out (Todd disagrees with me on this, he holds that CDO's are legitimate. We have agreed to disagree) by introducing the CDO. A CDO takes an MBS and adds other securities. The CDO goes way beyond a securitized MBS, Take a toxic MBS and add non-mortgage securities such as bonds and then write a prospectus touting the package as low risk - hence a collateralized debt obligation. CDO's were in fact often toxic, which is why the really smart guys started shorting them. Shorting a stock is simply a wager that a stock will drop in value, or in this case a CDO. Party A grants a stock to party B with an agreed upon date that party B will return the stock. Party B then sells the stock on the market. Say the stock is worth $50 a share at the time of the sale and the return date is 20 days. Party B puts the $50 into escrow and waits for 20 days, then he buys the same stock and returns it to party A. If the stock drops to $30, then party B makes $20 on the deal and party A gets the stock back, though it is now at a lower value. If the stock rises to $100 then party B loses $50 and party A gets the stock back. As I said, a short is a gamble, but one that is based on research. Generally the party A is willing to do this because they want short term cash, and party B in fact makes a compensatory payment against the return of the stock, ie floats a loan against the stock value. The cash must be returned after the agreed date.

Go ahead and challenge me on this Bonobo. Go for it.
Before I read the rest, remember the stock market went up when Trump won? Well sorry consumer confidence went down on bushs watch.

Imagine if Obama got 9_11ed
Nah the only risk is to those where that bomb is dropped.
if Trump is a retard, then what is Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren?

They both know how to read

So does Trump. I'm sure he reads quite well probably better than you.

If you read the OP you can see that obviously he doesn't. Even his staff covers for him. Trump has a short attention span and has poor academic skills

Anyone who has seen him speak or read his tweets can see he operates at a fourth grade level
Tramp insists on pictures being included in his written briefings and to be only one page!
If there's more important information to be given: tough shit.
He's gotta get back to what he does MOST of the day and that's watching TV ( as corroborated by WH aides)
Fox News is setting US policy
It doesn't matter you don't own the land. How do you feel if they do the same to your property?
Trump supposed to come in and fix this problem but he made it worse. Meaning there will be no peace.
I don't blame Iran and Syria supporting terrorism and the hatred towards Israel and hypocrite Trump
Then who's land is it? Before you answer I'll give you a hint, it's not the Palestinians land. It is land won in a battle / 7 day war Israel did not start. Does Mexico own California?
Look at his first foreign trip a disaster.

Oh? Did he fail to bow? Did he not apologize for America existing?

They are launching at us, shoving a prime minister just to get in front of. camera, pissing contest with Merkel, embarrassed entire America, scolding leaders in public ------- That is very low. Only a rookie, unprofessional, no experience and retard will do that. Not a US president.

Are they now?

Look, you leftists hate Trump almost as much as you hate America. That includes leftists in Europe. But decent people like Trump.

So yes, you tell lies to smear the object of your hatred, but that doesn't change the FACT that his trip was a major success, repairing the serious damage that pile of shit Obama caused with Israel and the UK. Regaining respect in Saudi Arabia, etc..

Now granted, our position with Hezbollah and ISIS is not as friendly, still..

Don't forget only 63 millions voted for this rookie childish president. You should ask Trump why high percentage of Americans hate Trump.

Trump came back pissing off maybe all of the G7 countries. How can you tell it's a access when he is in the middle of pissing contest with foreign leaders? Shoving a Prime Minister. I never seen a US president that behave like a retard.

What repair did he do with Israel? NOTHING but photo op, same bulcrap and build more houses in occupied territories. You cannot call that a success. Trump violated the long time US policy of 2 states. In short he bend over for Bibi.
What did he do in UK? NOTHING but photo op.

Obama is well respected around the world. Trump is not popular here what made you think he is popular overseas? A laughingstock and total embarrassment to all Americans.

President Obama Leaves Office with High Worldwide Approval Ratings – But Global Expectations for Trump Are More Pessimistic

Barack Obama still liked around the world, survey suggests

Now I know not to take you seriously. Bush 1 handed Clinton a recession. Do you know what a recession is first of all? It's a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters. Bush 1 had one July 1990 to March 1991. 8 months of recession.


And Bush 2's recession started in March 2001. Clinton did not have a recession. Let me remind you a recession is a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.

Clinton left office with an ARM on the nation, leaving a toxic balloon payment on the interest of the national debt, fucking crook, coupled with the dot com bust


{The current Bush administration's claim that it inherited a recession from Clinton became somewhat more credible last week, when the Commerce Department revised its estimates of GDP, the broadest measure of economic growth, in the first, second and third quarters of 2001, showing that it shrank in all three quarters.}

Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002

So in fact the recession began in January of 2001.

GW Bush had 2 fucking recessions. March 2001-November 2001 and then the Great Recession 2007-2009.

There is no question GW Bush caused the 2nd. I'll give him the 1st one was not his fault but what did he do to get us out of the recession? The things he did caused the Great Recession. He's a double fuck up.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia

You are in fact a hack, Bush came into office with a recession, followed by a major terror attack that occurred because of the gross negligence and malfeasance of the Clinton administration.

Also, how did what Bush did (tax rebates to the middle class) cause the central banks to commodore mortgage backed securities and intertwine solvent and non-solvent assets?

Explain precisely what Bush did? I mean, I only ask because we both know you're lying, and that I have shredded you on lies like this a dozen times.

Now let's review Silly Bonobo, the MBS goes back to the Carter years of the mid-70's. Bush had nothing to do with it, nor did any Republicans since the democrats held all branches of government at the time. What really changed was the use of tranche cross pollination in the 90's. Prior to the fast and lose Clinton years, a Bbb tranche contained higher risk MBS packaging that was shopped to home buyers at higher interest rates to offer a higher reward commensurate with that risk. But during the wild west years of no oversight under Clinton,the big guys started "securitizing" MBS' by creating trusts. Aaa tranches were combined with Bbb tranches made primarily of subprime mortgages with the myth that the Aaa tranche mitigated the risk. So we have a MBS that is really high risk sold as Aaa because the 50% Bbb tranche is diversified by 50% Aaa, with Wall Street suddenly declaring the entire securitized package Aaa through Standards and Poor, et al..

Soon the REAL crooks came out (Todd disagrees with me on this, he holds that CDO's are legitimate. We have agreed to disagree) by introducing the CDO. A CDO takes an MBS and adds other securities. The CDO goes way beyond a securitized MBS, Take a toxic MBS and add non-mortgage securities such as bonds and then write a prospectus touting the package as low risk - hence a collateralized debt obligation. CDO's were in fact often toxic, which is why the really smart guys started shorting them. Shorting a stock is simply a wager that a stock will drop in value, or in this case a CDO. Party A grants a stock to party B with an agreed upon date that party B will return the stock. Party B then sells the stock on the market. Say the stock is worth $50 a share at the time of the sale and the return date is 20 days. Party B puts the $50 into escrow and waits for 20 days, then he buys the same stock and returns it to party A. If the stock drops to $30, then party B makes $20 on the deal and party A gets the stock back, though it is now at a lower value. If the stock rises to $100 then party B loses $50 and party A gets the stock back. As I said, a short is a gamble, but one that is based on research. Generally the party A is willing to do this because they want short term cash, and party B in fact makes a compensatory payment against the return of the stock, ie floats a loan against the stock value. The cash must be returned after the agreed date.

Go ahead and challenge me on this Bonobo. Go for it.
Before I read the rest, remember the stock market went up when Trump won? Well sorry consumer confidence went down on bushs watch.

Imagine if Obama got 9_11ed


You've gotten your ass handed to you in every discussion on economics by both Todster and I. When will you learn that your partisan idiocy is not a match for knowledge and facts?
Last edited:
Yo, Edward with an IQ of 37, since you think it's funny, go ahead and show us what I got wrong?

Come on smart boi, explain how Bush was the culprit in the housing bubble, I'm dying the hear it!

No? :dunno:
Now I know not to take you seriously. Bush 1 handed Clinton a recession. Do you know what a recession is first of all? It's a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters. Bush 1 had one July 1990 to March 1991. 8 months of recession.


And Bush 2's recession started in March 2001. Clinton did not have a recession. Let me remind you a recession is a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.

Clinton left office with an ARM on the nation, leaving a toxic balloon payment on the interest of the national debt, fucking crook, coupled with the dot com bust


{The current Bush administration's claim that it inherited a recession from Clinton became somewhat more credible last week, when the Commerce Department revised its estimates of GDP, the broadest measure of economic growth, in the first, second and third quarters of 2001, showing that it shrank in all three quarters.}

Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002

So in fact the recession began in January of 2001.

GW Bush had 2 fucking recessions. March 2001-November 2001 and then the Great Recession 2007-2009.

There is no question GW Bush caused the 2nd. I'll give him the 1st one was not his fault but what did he do to get us out of the recession? The things he did caused the Great Recession. He's a double fuck up.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia

You are in fact a hack, Bush came into office with a recession, followed by a major terror attack that occurred because of the gross negligence and malfeasance of the Clinton administration.

Also, how did what Bush did (tax rebates to the middle class) cause the central banks to commodore mortgage backed securities and intertwine solvent and non-solvent assets?

Explain precisely what Bush did? I mean, I only ask because we both know you're lying, and that I have shredded you on lies like this a dozen times.

Now let's review Silly Bonobo, the MBS goes back to the Carter years of the mid-70's. Bush had nothing to do with it, nor did any Republicans since the democrats held all branches of government at the time. What really changed was the use of tranche cross pollination in the 90's. Prior to the fast and lose Clinton years, a Bbb tranche contained higher risk MBS packaging that was shopped to home buyers at higher interest rates to offer a higher reward commensurate with that risk. But during the wild west years of no oversight under Clinton,the big guys started "securitizing" MBS' by creating trusts. Aaa tranches were combined with Bbb tranches made primarily of subprime mortgages with the myth that the Aaa tranche mitigated the risk. So we have a MBS that is really high risk sold as Aaa because the 50% Bbb tranche is diversified by 50% Aaa, with Wall Street suddenly declaring the entire securitized package Aaa through Standards and Poor, et al..

Soon the REAL crooks came out (Todd disagrees with me on this, he holds that CDO's are legitimate. We have agreed to disagree) by introducing the CDO. A CDO takes an MBS and adds other securities. The CDO goes way beyond a securitized MBS, Take a toxic MBS and add non-mortgage securities such as bonds and then write a prospectus touting the package as low risk - hence a collateralized debt obligation. CDO's were in fact often toxic, which is why the really smart guys started shorting them. Shorting a stock is simply a wager that a stock will drop in value, or in this case a CDO. Party A grants a stock to party B with an agreed upon date that party B will return the stock. Party B then sells the stock on the market. Say the stock is worth $50 a share at the time of the sale and the return date is 20 days. Party B puts the $50 into escrow and waits for 20 days, then he buys the same stock and returns it to party A. If the stock drops to $30, then party B makes $20 on the deal and party A gets the stock back, though it is now at a lower value. If the stock rises to $100 then party B loses $50 and party A gets the stock back. As I said, a short is a gamble, but one that is based on research. Generally the party A is willing to do this because they want short term cash, and party B in fact makes a compensatory payment against the return of the stock, ie floats a loan against the stock value. The cash must be returned after the agreed date.

Go ahead and challenge me on this Bonobo. Go for it.
Bush thrived on negative GDP

What is that? Two years out of eight had negative GDP?

Thank god for Democrats
It doesn't matter you don't own the land. How do you feel if they do the same to your property?
Trump supposed to come in and fix this problem but he made it worse. Meaning there will be no peace.
I don't blame Iran and Syria supporting terrorism and the hatred towards Israel and hypocrite Trump.

How did he make the problem worse? And why do no one but you Nazi fucks know about this?

Oh,and of COURSE you hate Jews, you are a democrat, a modern Nazi.
Yo, Edward with an IQ of 37, since you think it's funny, go ahead and show us what I got wrong?

Come on smart boi, explain how Bush was the culprit in the housing bubble, I'm dying the hear it!

No? :dunno:
While I'm far from ashamed of my IQ it's your I WILL not your IQ but a repub wouldn't know what I'm talking about
While I'm far from ashamed of my IQ it's your I WILL not your IQ but a repub wouldn't know what I'm talking about

You WILL explain to us how Bush created the CDO and MBS? You WILL explain which Bush policies lead to securitization of cross tranche MBS'? Was Bush part of Solomon Brothers?

I'm just dying to hear this from one of you hacks...

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