It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

For a while I thought you were ignorant of Nazis. Now I know, you'e just lying.

Ignorant of Nazis? Hardly, which is why the rise of the Soros Reich in America is so shocking. You democrats are virtually identical to the Nazis of 1925. Same tactics, same goals - even socialized medicine, same hatred of Jews, same hatred of free speech.

No, I do know Nazis, and you democrats are undeniably Nazis.

Oh, what did you claim I was lying about, Brown Shirt?


democrat in action

You have to go back to when the movement started, not to when it presented itself. It's like the argument that 9-11 was Clintons fault because it was planned prior to Bush, even though it occurred on Bush's watch.

The "movement" started in 570 AD.

However, Obama provided military, financial, and logistical support to the Al Qaeda groups in 2010-2011. Helping to overthrow the government of Libya, Egypt, and Yemen, all of whom were actively helping to fight the war on Terrorism.

Obama sided with ISIS/Al Qaeda, simple fact.

The lines are drawn, ISIS and the democrats on one side, Israel and decent Americans on the other.
For a while I thought you were ignorant of Nazis. Now I know, you'e just lying.

Ignorant of Nazis? Hardly, which is why the rise of the Soros Reich in America is so shocking. You democrats are virtually identical to the Nazis of 1925. Same tactics, same goals - even socialized medicine, same hatred of Jews, same hatred of free speech.

No, I do know Nazis, and you democrats are undeniably Nazis.

Oh, what did you claim I was lying about, Brown Shirt?


democrat in action

My God, You don't even know you're lying .. pitiful.
^^ SoundCloud have banned a leading white supremacist

Richard Spencer has had his podcast banned from SoundCloud because it violates the audio platform’s terms of use which explicitly forbid hate speech.

The leading white supremacist, who rose to fame for being punched at an anti-Trump protest, is credited with coining the term “alt-right” and used his podcast to discuss his controversial views with guests.

Noting that Mr Spencer’s “alt-right Radio” show did not fit with SoundCloud’s community guidelines, a freelance investigative journalist alerted the streaming site, which has 175 million monthly listeners, to the clash in ethics.

In a lengthy post on Twitter addressed to SoundCloud, Alex Kotch outlined Spencer’s political background and listed inflammatory statements he has made and controversies he had been involved in. He also shared a screen shot of an anti-Semitic response he himself had received since penning the public post in which the user asked: “What do you want SoundCloud to do? Mark his content with a star?”

“There is no question that Spencer & the 'Alt-right' traffic in hate speech. It is what they do to make themselves feel better,” Mr Kotch wrote.

It was Spencer who proclaimed "Hail Trump" at DC event he coordinated & several audience members gave Nazi salute
However, Obama provided military, financial, and logistical support to the Al Qaeda groups in 2010-2011. Helping to overthrow the government of Libya, Egypt, and Yemen, all of whom were actively helping to fight the war on Terrorism..

Democracy Domino Theory 'Not Credible'

A State Department report disputes Bush's claim that ousting Hussein will spur reforms in the Mideast, intelligence officials say.
March 14, 2003

"Electoral democracy, were it to emerge, could well be subject to exploitation by anti-American elements."

Wolfowitz has said that Iraq could be "the first Arab democracy" and that even modest democratic progress in Iraq would "cast a very large shadow, starting with Syria and Iran but across the whole Arab world."

PBS: Think Tank: Transcript for "Domino Democracy in the Middle East"

In America, some supporters of regime change in Iraq are arguing that removing Saddam Hussein could bring democracy in that country, and have a similar effect on other tyrannies in the Middle East--a kind of democratic Domino Effect.

We also know that autocracy like Syria and Iraq, in the most extreme, but even Saudi Arabia and Egypt,

Now there was a liberalization trend in Egypt and Morocco and a few places in the Eighties, but didn’t really go anywhere. So you do have this odd situation in the world. You have one region which, except for Israel, which is solidly non-democratic in a world in which most countries are at least trying; they’re not all making it but there at least trying.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms


The "retard" word distasteful. I prefer cerebrally challenged.
srael didn't like Obama because Obama wants to stop the illegal building of new homes inside the occupied territories and supports 2 states policy
There is nothing wrong with building homes. Why do liberals that claim to be in favor of diversity and in favor of the people of the world excepting others of a different faith color and creed support the end of Jews in Jerusalem?

Why is it that liberals feel only the Palestinians can say they will not live next to people of another faith? If truth be told the land in question is a waste land without the new home development.

Get on a plane and go see for yourself. It's Palestinian contractors and their Palestinian workers for the most part that are doing the construction stupid. Turn off the fake news.

As far as I remember all the way from Carter administration it's always been the US policy to get the Israelis off from occupied territories and stop building new houses. That hasn't change till today.
I've been to Israel and yes Palestinian workers are doing the constructions and dirty low paying jobs but that doesn't mean they own the houses that they are building.
There will be no peace till Israel vacate the occupied territories. These are facts since the 60s not fake news.

Remember Fake News only came up when that undesirable president came to political arena in last 22 months only because he didn't like it. But not before that.
That doesn't changed the topic.
It is confirmed----- Trump is a retard.

Confirmed? By you fascists who lie about virtually everything?


Okay Brown Shirt.....

Look at his first foreign trip a disaster. They are launching at us, shoving a prime minister just to get in front of. camera, pissing contest with Merkel, embarrassed entire America, scolding leaders in public ------- That is very low. Only a rookie, unprofessional, no experience and retard will do that. Not a US president.
For a while I thought you were ignorant of Nazis. Now I know, you'e just lying.

Ignorant of Nazis? Hardly, which is why the rise of the Soros Reich in America is so shocking. You democrats are virtually identical to the Nazis of 1925. Same tactics, same goals - even socialized medicine, same hatred of Jews, same hatred of free speech.

No, I do know Nazis, and you democrats are undeniably Nazis.

Oh, what did you claim I was lying about, Brown Shirt?


democrat in action

My God, You don't even know you're lying .. pitiful.

What am I "lying" about, Brown Shirt?

Let's look at the platform of today's democratic party:


The Program of the Democratic Party is a program for our time.

We therefore demand:

The abolition of all income obtained without labor or effort.

Breaking the Servitude of Interest.

In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

We demand the nationalization of all enterprises (already) converted into corporations (trusts).

We demand profit-sharing in large enterprises.

We demand the large-scale development of old-age pension schemes.

We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle class; the immediate communalization of the large department stores, which are to be leased at low rates to small tradesmen. We demand the most careful consideration for the owners of small businesses in orders placed by national, state, or community authorities.

We demand land reform in accordance with our national needs and a law for expropriation without compensation of land for public purposes. Abolition of ground rent and prevention of all speculation in land.

We demand ruthless battle against those who harm the common good by their activities. Persons committing base crimes against the People, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished by death without regard to religion or race.

In order to make higher education – and thereby entry into leading positions – available to every able and industrious Democrat, the State must provide a thorough restructuring of our entire public educational system. The courses of study at all educational institutions are to be adjusted to meet the requirements of practical life. Understanding of the concept of the State must be achieved through the schools (teaching of civics) at the earliest age at which it can be grasped. We demand the education at the public expense of specially gifted children of poor parents, without regard to the latters’ position or occupation.

The State must raise the level of national health by means of mother-and-child care, the banning of juvenile labor, achievements of physical fitness through legislation for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and maximum support for all organizations providing physical training for young people.

We demand laws to fight against deliberate political lies (fake news) and their dissemination by the press, particularly Fox News.

a) all editors and editorial employees of newspapers appearing in America must be registered Democrats

b) non-Democrat newspapers require express permission from the State for their publication.

Newspapers which violate the public interest are to be banned. We demand laws against trends in art and literature which have a destructive effect on our national life, and the suppression of performances that offend against the above requirements. Or which promote the Christian culture of oppressive white

We demand freedom for all religious denominations, provided that they do not endanger the existence of the State or offend the concepts of decency and morality of Islam or infringe on secular privilege.

To carry out all the above we demand: the creation of a strong central authority. Unquestioned authority by the political central Parliament over the entire Federal Government and over its organizations in general. The establishment of trade and professional organizations to enforce the party basic laws in the individual states.
Nah. But I noticed Jews liked Bush's agenda. That makes them assholes.

Bush wasn't helping ISIS create a Caliphate and trying to wipe them from the face of the earth, the way you Nazicrats are.

Bush wiped out the governments that were keeping them in check
And Trump has a success under his belt He's managed to do in 5 months what russians couldn't do since WW2 Separate us from our allies
For a while I thought you were ignorant of Nazis. Now I know, you'e just lying.

Ignorant of Nazis? Hardly, which is why the rise of the Soros Reich in America is so shocking. You democrats are virtually identical to the Nazis of 1925. Same tactics, same goals - even socialized medicine, same hatred of Jews, same hatred of free speech.

No, I do know Nazis, and you democrats are undeniably Nazis.

Oh, what did you claim I was lying about, Brown Shirt?


democrat in action

My God, You don't even know you're lying .. pitiful.

What am I "lying" about, Brown Shirt?

Let's look at the platform of today's democratic party:


The Program of the Democratic Party is a program for our time.

We therefore demand:

The abolition of all income obtained without labor or effort.

Breaking the Servitude of Interest.

In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

We demand the nationalization of all enterprises (already) converted into corporations (trusts).

We demand profit-sharing in large enterprises.

We demand the large-scale development of old-age pension schemes.

We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle class; the immediate communalization of the large department stores, which are to be leased at low rates to small tradesmen. We demand the most careful consideration for the owners of small businesses in orders placed by national, state, or community authorities.

We demand land reform in accordance with our national needs and a law for expropriation without compensation of land for public purposes. Abolition of ground rent and prevention of all speculation in land.

We demand ruthless battle against those who harm the common good by their activities. Persons committing base crimes against the People, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished by death without regard to religion or race.

In order to make higher education – and thereby entry into leading positions – available to every able and industrious Democrat, the State must provide a thorough restructuring of our entire public educational system. The courses of study at all educational institutions are to be adjusted to meet the requirements of practical life. Understanding of the concept of the State must be achieved through the schools (teaching of civics) at the earliest age at which it can be grasped. We demand the education at the public expense of specially gifted children of poor parents, without regard to the latters’ position or occupation.

The State must raise the level of national health by means of mother-and-child care, the banning of juvenile labor, achievements of physical fitness through legislation for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and maximum support for all organizations providing physical training for young people.

We demand laws to fight against deliberate political lies (fake news) and their dissemination by the press, particularly Fox News.

a) all editors and editorial employees of newspapers appearing in America must be registered Democrats

b) non-Democrat newspapers require express permission from the State for their publication.

Newspapers which violate the public interest are to be banned. We demand laws against trends in art and literature which have a destructive effect on our national life, and the suppression of performances that offend against the above requirements. Or which promote the Christian culture of oppressive white

We demand freedom for all religious denominations, provided that they do not endanger the existence of the State or offend the concepts of decency and morality of Islam or infringe on secular privilege.

To carry out all the above we demand: the creation of a strong central authority. Unquestioned authority by the political central Parliament over the entire Federal Government and over its organizations in general. The establishment of trade and professional organizations to enforce the party basic laws in the individual states.
No link .. surprise.
Look at his first foreign trip a disaster.

Oh? Did he fail to bow? Did he not apologize for America existing?

They are launching at us, shoving a prime minister just to get in front of. camera, pissing contest with Merkel, embarrassed entire America, scolding leaders in public ------- That is very low. Only a rookie, unprofessional, no experience and retard will do that. Not a US president.

Are they now?

Look, you leftists hate Trump almost as much as you hate America. That includes leftists in Europe. But decent people like Trump.

So yes, you tell lies to smear the object of your hatred, but that doesn't change the FACT that his trip was a major success, repairing the serious damage that pile of shit Obama caused with Israel and the UK. Regaining respect in Saudi Arabia, etc..

Now granted, our position with Hezbollah and ISIS is not as friendly, still..
Nah. But I noticed Jews liked Bush's agenda. That makes them assholes.

Bush wasn't helping ISIS create a Caliphate and trying to wipe them from the face of the earth, the way you Nazicrats are.

Bush wiped out the governments that were keeping them in check
And Trump has a success under his belt He's managed to do in 5 months what russians couldn't do since WW2 Separate us from our allies

All Putin had to do was whisper in Trump's ear......."They are not paying as much as you"
For a while I thought you were ignorant of Nazis. Now I know, you'e just lying.

Ignorant of Nazis? Hardly, which is why the rise of the Soros Reich in America is so shocking. You democrats are virtually identical to the Nazis of 1925. Same tactics, same goals - even socialized medicine, same hatred of Jews, same hatred of free speech.

No, I do know Nazis, and you democrats are undeniably Nazis.

Oh, what did you claim I was lying about, Brown Shirt?


democrat in action

My God, You don't even know you're lying .. pitiful.

What am I "lying" about, Brown Shirt?

Let's look at the platform of today's democratic party:


The Program of the Democratic Party is a program for our time.

We therefore demand:

The abolition of all income obtained without labor or effort.

Breaking the Servitude of Interest.

In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

We demand the nationalization of all enterprises (already) converted into corporations (trusts).

We demand profit-sharing in large enterprises.

We demand the large-scale development of old-age pension schemes.

We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle class; the immediate communalization of the large department stores, which are to be leased at low rates to small tradesmen. We demand the most careful consideration for the owners of small businesses in orders placed by national, state, or community authorities.

We demand land reform in accordance with our national needs and a law for expropriation without compensation of land for public purposes. Abolition of ground rent and prevention of all speculation in land.

We demand ruthless battle against those who harm the common good by their activities. Persons committing base crimes against the People, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished by death without regard to religion or race.

In order to make higher education – and thereby entry into leading positions – available to every able and industrious Democrat, the State must provide a thorough restructuring of our entire public educational system. The courses of study at all educational institutions are to be adjusted to meet the requirements of practical life. Understanding of the concept of the State must be achieved through the schools (teaching of civics) at the earliest age at which it can be grasped. We demand the education at the public expense of specially gifted children of poor parents, without regard to the latters’ position or occupation.

The State must raise the level of national health by means of mother-and-child care, the banning of juvenile labor, achievements of physical fitness through legislation for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and maximum support for all organizations providing physical training for young people.

We demand laws to fight against deliberate political lies (fake news) and their dissemination by the press, particularly Fox News.

a) all editors and editorial employees of newspapers appearing in America must be registered Democrats

b) non-Democrat newspapers require express permission from the State for their publication.

Newspapers which violate the public interest are to be banned. We demand laws against trends in art and literature which have a destructive effect on our national life, and the suppression of performances that offend against the above requirements. Or which promote the Christian culture of oppressive white

We demand freedom for all religious denominations, provided that they do not endanger the existence of the State or offend the concepts of decency and morality of Islam or infringe on secular privilege.

To carry out all the above we demand: the creation of a strong central authority. Unquestioned authority by the political central Parliament over the entire Federal Government and over its organizations in general. The establishment of trade and professional organizations to enforce the party basic laws in the individual states.
No link .. surprise.

Is there anything in it that you personally disagree with? It even promotes "Obamacare" with Michelle Obama's diet rules.

{The State must raise the level of national health by means of mother-and-child care, the banning of juvenile labor, achievements of physical fitness through legislation for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and maximum support for all organizations providing physical training for young people.}
It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

how do you spell retard ?

As far as I remember all the way from Carter administration it's always been the US policy to get the Israelis off from occupied territories and stop building new houses. That hasn't change till today
If that were really true the territory would be barren and empty. The US says a lot of things but our actions are what you need to pay attention to. The construction only goes forward because of our back channel blessing.
Nah. But I noticed Jews liked Bush's agenda. That makes them assholes.

Bush wasn't helping ISIS create a Caliphate and trying to wipe them from the face of the earth, the way you Nazicrats are.

Bush wiped out the governments that were keeping them in check
And Trump has a success under his belt He's managed to do in 5 months what russians couldn't do since WW2 Separate us from our allies
Trumps rules
The Known Donald Trump Rules of Acquisition
Compiled by
(with examples)
Last Updated on December 10, 2016

1. Once you have their money, you never give it back.
Example: Trump University
3. Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.
Examples: Presidential campaign, paying Polish workers and using H1B visas for his hotel and modelling businesses
6. Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.
Example: numerous divorces
7. Keep your ears open and your eyes on the mark.
Example: 2016 presidential campaign
9. Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
Example: real estate opportunity instinct
10. Greed is eternal.
Example: Trump’s ostentatious transportation and residences
16. A deal is a deal.
Example: numerous business examples where investors lose money while Trump enriches himself
17. A contract is a contract is a contract… but only between Trumps.
Example: various examples of Donald Trump refusing to pay subcontractors their earned contractual payments and Donald Trump’s numerous lawsuits enforcing the contracts that benefit him or to silence dissention
18. A Trump without profit is no Trump at all.
Example: obvious when you examine his children’s public profiles
21. Never place friendship above profit.
Example: see the bankers and investors who have lost money from Trump deals
22. A wise man can hear profit in the wind.
Example: numerous examples of the various types of businesses Donald Trump has embarked upon — clothing, schools, steaks and wine, among others
23. Nothing is more important than your health… except for your money.
Example: Donald Trump is fastidious about his health as evidenced by his numerous statements that he does not consume alcohol or smoke and yet his primary focus remains his business empire
31. Never make fun of a Donald Trump’s mother.
Example: although no examples are needed, it is important to note that he is very loving of his mother but has no problem discarding his wives as needed
33. It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
Example: his father, worked for him to get his financial support to get start his business empire
34. War is good for business.
Example: on again and off again support of the Iraq War
35. Peace is good for business.
Example: see rule number 34
45. Expand or die.
Example: Donald Trump’s continued expansion of his business empire
47. Don’t trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.
Example: evidenced by Trump’s dress in public and on the magazine covers
48. The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
Example: plenty of evidence
57. Good customers are as rare as gold. Treasure them.
Example: there are very few known examples of former customers and employees that publicly support Donald Trump
59. Free advice is seldom cheap.
Example: Donald Trump has profited from selling “advice,” even dubious ones
62. Profit is its own reward.
Example: evidenced by his focus on profiting by any means possible, i.e. bankruptcy and tax avoidance
74. Knowledge equals profit.
Example: Donald Trump’s books
75. Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of gold.
Example: Trump’s worldwide business empire
76. Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.
Example: Trump’s recent friendliness towards, Hillary Clinton (not keeping his promise to prosecute her), friendliness towards Barack Obama and meetings with Mitt Romney and other Republicans
Nah. But I noticed Jews liked Bush's agenda. That makes them assholes.

Bush wasn't helping ISIS create a Caliphate and trying to wipe them from the face of the earth, the way you Nazicrats are.
Oh brother. I can see you are in the alternate reality world of fake news and rwnj spin. Gimme a break. You guys are nuts.

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