It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Now we're going to let the GOP start a war with North Korea? I hope not
Funny - you celebrated like hell when Barack Insane Obama started a war with Egypt to oust Hosni Mubarak. And you celebrated like hell when Barack Insane Obama started a war with Libya to oust Muammar Qaddafi. And you celebrated like hell when Barack Insane Obama started a war with Syria to oust Al Assad.

But you're suddenly soooooo worried about war with North Korea? Please...
Fk Putin Netanyahu and trump You repubs are nothing but low life scum,,,,traitors
You Dumbocrats are the anti-American fascists. You Dumbocrats are the traitors who hate the U.S. Constitution and do everything in your power to bring down this great country.
President Obama is still respected around the globe
Respected by whom? Vladimir Putin laughed Obama right off of the world stage. Being too stupid to learn his lesson, he turned right around and experienced the same thing when Mahmoud Amadinejad laughed him off the world stage as well.

One of the world's finest leaders - Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel - hates Obama. The only people who like him are mindless minions in Europe. Who cares if some unemployed schlep in Greece respects a fellow marxist?
You're known by the people who like you also by those who don't,,, Fk Putin Netanyahu and trump You repubs are nothing but low life scum,,,,traitors

Cup of cocoa?
Israel didn't like Obama because he didn't carry on bushs war on the middle East. Remember Lieberman supported bush? That's not a Democrat. Fuck Israel.

And Russia didn't like Obama because they couldn't fuck with him. Obama didn't play.

Now we're going to let the GOP start a war with North Korea? I hope not

1. Israel didn't like Obama because he was intent on signing a stupid thoughtless nuclear agreement with Iran. What Russia didn't like about Obama is he didn't deliver on what he told Putin he would. Because of Obama's political cowardice he failed to give the Russians what they really wanted. Our increased disarmament.
2. Don't forget Russia made it's advancements on Crimea during Obama's presidency. Obama sat on his hands as usual.

1. Israel didn't like Obama because Obama wants to stop the illegal building of new homes inside the occupied territories and supports 2 states policy.
1.1 Bibi wants Obama to start bombing Iran. Without the nuclear deal the ayatollah could have completed their hard water facility in Arak by now. After that there is no way to stop Iran from completing their missile program except if we go to war.
2. Didn't Obama slap Putin thug with crippling economic sanctions, sent largest military machinery and deployment of US troops next to Putin ass?
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srael didn't like Obama because Obama wants to stop the illegal building of new homes inside the occupied territories and supports 2 states policy
There is nothing wrong with building homes. Why do liberals that claim to be in favor of diversity and in favor of the people of the world excepting others of a different faith color and creed support the end of Jews in Jerusalem?

Why is it that liberals feel only the Palestinians can say they will not live next to people of another faith? If truth be told the land in question is a waste land without the new home development.

Get on a plane and go see for yourself. It's Palestinian contractors and their Palestinian workers for the most part that are doing the construction stupid. Turn off the fake news.
Now we're going to let the GOP start a war with North Korea? I hope not
Funny - you celebrated like hell when Barack Insane Obama started a war with Egypt to oust Hosni Mubarak. And you celebrated like hell when Barack Insane Obama started a war with Libya to oust Muammar Qaddafi. And you celebrated like hell when Barack Insane Obama started a war with Syria to oust Al Assad.

But you're suddenly soooooo worried about war with North Korea? Please...
Obama started wars? How are those wars going? How many USA troops died in lybia Egypt and Syria?
President Obama is still respected around the globe
Respected by whom? Vladimir Putin laughed Obama right off of the world stage. Being too stupid to learn his lesson, he turned right around and experienced the same thing when Mahmoud Amadinejad laughed him off the world stage as well.

One of the world's finest leaders - Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel - hates Obama. The only people who like him are mindless minions in Europe. Who cares if some unemployed schlep in Greece respects a fellow marxist?

Obama brought Putin to his knees with global economic sanctions

Trump conspired with him to gain the Presidency
Fk Putin Netanyahu and trump You repubs are nothing but low life scum,,,,traitors
You Dumbocrats are the anti-American fascists. You Dumbocrats are the traitors who hate the U.S. Constitution and do everything in your power to bring down this great country.
thanks to your latest schmuck in our WH America is going down hill and fast Now no more Paris climate deal ?? What next for the trump moron The republican mistake But I repeat myself
President Obama is still respected around the globe
Respected by whom? Vladimir Putin laughed Obama right off of the world stage. Being too stupid to learn his lesson, he turned right around and experienced the same thing when Mahmoud Amadinejad laughed him off the world stage as well.

One of the world's finest leaders - Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel - hates Obama. The only people who like him are mindless minions in Europe. Who cares if some unemployed schlep in Greece respects a fellow marxist?

Obama brought Putin to his knees with global economic sanctions

Trump conspired with him to gain the Presidency
wonder what Putin has on Trump? Something there


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