It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Yes, that is my place. Society and logic define what marriage is, not some favored political constiuency. The constitution gives us that power.

Please quote the part of the constitution dealing with the definition of marriage.

You have supported the government having such power.

Actually, my position is that the government should not be in the marriage business at all.

You simply wanted government to come to a differenct decision than the one it came to hundreds and thousands of years ago. Who are you to tell society what marriage is?

You really are a special kind of stupid, ya know it?

I love people who defeat their own arguments. If society dictates what marriage is, then there is no one correct answer and the definition will ever be changing as society changes. The fact that society 1000 years ago held a view is totally irrelevant to what society today holds.
Wrong, dumbass. Society holds the view it does for very sound reasons. Gay marriage was created solely to appease a very small minority of Americans. Society still says marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The government simply overroad what society decided.
Fucking moron.... most people are in favor of allowing SSM. Most states had already changed their laws to allow it. As always, you don’t know what the fuck you’re yappin’ about.
Anyone with a brain knows that removing Saddam is what allowed ISIS to rise into power.
And not for nothing - but anyone with a brain knows that Barack Insane Obama arming Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Libya to fight Assad and Gadaffi is what lead to ISIS’s rise to power.

Poor, Buttplug, virtually always wrong. ISIS started early in the Iraq war after we invaded...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -
Bush wasn't arming Al Queda and ISIS, dumbass.
Fucking moron, Bush’s invasion inspired their formation.

Al Queda existed before Bush became president, moron. ISIS may have formed while Bush was president, but it was entirely toothless until the mulatto messiah ascended the throne.
Fucking moron... we’re talking about ISIS.
And not for nothing - but anyone with a brain knows that Barack Insane Obama arming Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Libya to fight Assad and Gadaffi is what lead to ISIS’s rise to power.

Poor, Buttplug, virtually always wrong. ISIS started early in the Iraq war after we invaded...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -
Bush wasn't arming Al Queda and ISIS, dumbass.
Fucking moron, Bush’s invasion inspired their formation.

Al Queda existed before Bush became president, moron. ISIS may have formed while Bush was president, but it was entirely toothless until the mulatto messiah ascended the throne.
Fucking moron... we’re talking about ISIS.

Common tactic of the zealots is to change the subject when they cannot refute what was being said.
She is happily married

Trump? Not so much
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

They have a better marriage than Trump ever had
ROFL! They have a fake marriage. A husband and wife are a reproductive unit. Maddow and her "wife" can't reproduce.
Fucking moron, marriage is more than reproducing.
It's not intended to be a package of government benefits for anyone with a fuck buddy.
It’s intended for anyone who wants to enter into a legally binding life long commitment. Gender plays no role in that.
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No, I say that everytime you post something that sounds like a drunk text, which you just did.
What is “drunk” about the reality that healthy adults are capable of reproducting? :lmao:

What is drunk is that their health was not part of the discussion, it was some random thing you threw in. But then why should I expect anything different from someone that thinks biology defines marriage?

I need to adjust my expectations for you, thinking you could follow along a thread was giving you way too much credit.
Common tactic of the zealots is to change the subject when they cannot refute what was being said.
You mean like you did when you started talking about “drunk texts” because I owned your pitiful little ass with the fact that healthy adults can reproduce? Come on snowflake, tell all of us how that isn’t true. :laugh:
A joke to you who thinks it is your place to tell other people what is a real and what is a fake marriage.

Why the hell do you think you have the right or power?

Why do you even fucking care?
Yes, that is my place. Society and logic define what marriage is, not some favored political constiuency. The constitution gives us that power. You have supported the government having such power. You simply wanted government to come to a differenct decision than the one it came to hundreds and thousands of years ago. Who are you to tell society what marriage is?

You really are a special kind of stupid, ya know it?
Society did decide

You lost

Wrong. One man on the Supreme court made the decision, and society lost.
That’s how our government functions. Not to mention, by the time that decision was rendered, some 2/3rds of the states had already passed SSM.

Yes, government often overrides the wishes of society. That is how it functions, which is one reason government is destructive to society.

It's pure horseshit that 2/3rd of the states passed same-sex marriage. My recollection is that only a couple of them passed it, and it was done by the legislature, not by popular vote. If the later occured, it always went down to defeat.
Fucking moron... we have representative government at the state and federal level. With 2/3rds of the states passing it, they represent the people. Dayam, you’re fucking ignorant.
What is drunk is that their health was not part of the discussion
God, you are a special kind of fuck’n stupid. You can’t even remember what you said. Here you are bringing up health in post #1223:


You clearly state “inability to reproduce”. That is a health issue, ignorant liberal. Healthy adults can reproduce.

I would ask you how it feels to be my personal bitch on USMB, but sadly Gaytor enjoys being a man’s bitch.
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You clearly stats “inability to reproduce”. That is a health issue, ignorant liberal. Healthy adults can reproduce.

The claim was that a marriage was a fake marriage because they could not reproduce. There was no exception made for people that could not reproduce due to health issues. The claim was that the inability to reproduce made a marriage fake, period

No, go back to your coloring books and maybe get your mommy to explain why biology does not define marriage.
The claim was that a marriage was a fake marriage because they could not reproduce. There was no exception made for people that could not reproduce due to health issues.
There is no other reason a person would not be able to reproduce other than a health issue. :lmao:

What is the health issue that is keeping Rachel Maddow and her spouse from reproducing?
Anyone with a brain knows that removing Saddam is what allowed ISIS to rise into power.
And not for nothing - but anyone with a brain knows that Barack Insane Obama arming Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Libya to fight Assad and Gadaffi is what lead to ISIS’s rise to power.

Poor, Buttplug, virtually always wrong. ISIS started early in the Iraq war after we invaded...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -
Bush wasn't arming Al Queda and ISIS, dumbass.

Fucking moron, Bush’s invasion inspired their formation.

So 9/11 that was done by Al Queda was done AFTER Iraq was liberated? Is that what you are saying? Or maybe you are one of conspiracy nuts that says GWB under direction of
the "war hawk" Cheney, personally planted C-4 in WTC bldgs. causing collapse and there never were Al-Queda piloted planes?
World Trade Center | Marvin Bush and the Planting of Explosives

See I helped you confirm your propeller-head thesis... Bush under direction of Cheney in order to make more money for Halliburton had his brother plant C-4 and this in turn caused
WTC collapses and then this allowed Bush/Cheney to go ahead and Liberate Iraq as Bill Clinton ordered! Right?
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy stating that "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia
Wrong, dumbass. Society holds the view it does for very sound reasons. Gay marriage was created solely to appease a very small minority of Americans. Society still says marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The government simply overroad what society decided.

Nope, society has moved on past you bigots and statist. Most of society does not care who someone is living with and what they call their relationship. This is even more true with younger generations. Lucky people like you will die off and in the future people will look back and wonder why people like you gave a fuck.

So it is none of our business if you are sleeping with your daughter then is that right golfing gator?
Wrong, dumbass. Society holds the view it does for very sound reasons. Gay marriage was created solely to appease a very small minority of Americans. Society still says marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The government simply overroad what society decided.

Nope, society has moved on past you bigots and statist. Most of society does not care who someone is living with and what they call their relationship. This is even more true with younger generations. Lucky people like you will die off and in the future people will look back and wonder why people like you gave a fuck.

So it is none of our business if you are sleeping with your daughter then is that right golfing gator?

If both are adults and mentally capable of consenting to such acts, it is nobody's business at all.

Why should you care? Why would you care?
The claim was that a marriage was a fake marriage because they could not reproduce. There was no exception made for people that could not reproduce due to health issues.
There is no other reason a person would not be able to reproduce other than a health issue. :lmao:
And barring such medical issues, even a man or a woman in a SSM, can reproduce.
Anyone with a brain knows that removing Saddam is what allowed ISIS to rise into power.
And not for nothing - but anyone with a brain knows that Barack Insane Obama arming Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Libya to fight Assad and Gadaffi is what lead to ISIS’s rise to power.

Poor, Buttplug, virtually always wrong. ISIS started early in the Iraq war after we invaded...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -
Bush wasn't arming Al Queda and ISIS, dumbass.

Fucking moron, Bush’s invasion inspired their formation.

So 9/11 that was done by Al Queda was done AFTER Iraq was liberated? Is that what you are saying? Or maybe you are one of conspiracy nuts that says GWB under direction of
the "war hawk" Cheney, personally planted C-4 in WTC bldgs. causing collapse and there never were Al-Queda piloted planes?
World Trade Center | Marvin Bush and the Planting of Explosives

See I helped you confirm your propeller-head thesis... Bush under direction of Cheney in order to make more money for Halliburton had his brother plant C-4 and this in turn caused
WTC collapses and then this allowed Bush/Cheney to go ahead and Liberate Iraq as Bill Clinton ordered! Right?
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy stating that "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia
^^^ another imbecile.

We were talking about when ISIS formed, not AlQaeda
Wrong, dumbass. Society holds the view it does for very sound reasons. Gay marriage was created solely to appease a very small minority of Americans. Society still says marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The government simply overroad what society decided.

Nope, society has moved on past you bigots and statist. Most of society does not care who someone is living with and what they call their relationship. This is even more true with younger generations. Lucky people like you will die off and in the future people will look back and wonder why people like you gave a fuck.

So it is none of our business if you are sleeping with your daughter then is that right golfing gator?

And since you are such a Trump zealot and he has talked repeatedly about how hot is daughter is, I think it is safe to assume you have no issues with such things.
A joke to you who thinks it is your place to tell other people what is a real and what is a fake marriage.

Why the hell do you think you have the right or power?

Why do you even fucking care?
Yes, that is my place. Society and logic define what marriage is, not some favored political constiuency. The constitution gives us that power. You have supported the government having such power. You simply wanted government to come to a differenct decision than the one it came to hundreds and thousands of years ago. Who are you to tell society what marriage is?

You really are a special kind of stupid, ya know it?
Society did decide

You lost

Wrong. One man on the Supreme court made the decision, and society lost.
And Trump failed to get a majority of the vote and was still elected
He won according to the rules. Do you support rules or chaos?
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules

See how it works?
What is the health issue that is keeping Rachel Maddow and her spouse from reproducing?
Which was BriPats point on why they were never legally able to marry throughout history. Holy shit are you struggling to follow along here. :laugh:

Seriously Gaytor, I see why you mooch off of government now. You simply cannot function in the professional world.

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