It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

What is the health issue that is keeping Rachel Maddow and her spouse from reproducing?
Which was BriPats point on why they were never legally able to marry throughout history. Holy shit are you struggling to follow along here. :laugh:

Seriously Gaytor, I see why you mooch off of government now. You simply cannot function in the professional world.

You did not answer the question...What is the health issue that is keeping Rachel Maddow and her spouse from reproducing?
What is the health issue that is keeping Rachel Maddow and her spouse from reproducing?
Which was BriPats point on why they were never legally able to marry throughout history. Holy shit are you struggling to follow along here. :laugh:

Seriously Gaytor, I see why you mooch off of government now. You simply cannot function in the professional world.
And of course, the length of time SSM was illegal is irrelevant.
You did not answer the question..What is the health issue that is keeping Rachel Maddow and her spouse from reproducing?
Thank you for proving bripat9643 ’s point for us! :laugh:

According to you, there is no reason a person would not be able to reproduce other than a health issue.

So, please tell us what the health issue is of the couple in question.

Quit hiding behind bripats skirt, man up and back up what you said.
You did not answer the question..What is the health issue that is keeping Rachel Maddow and her spouse from reproducing?
Thank you for proving bripat9643 ’s point for us! :laugh:

According to you, there is no reason a person would not be able to reproduce other than a health issue.

So, please tell us what the health issue is of the couple in question.

Quit hiding behind bripats skirt, man up and back up what you said.
He’s not behind it... he’s up under it.
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So, please tell us what the health issue is of the couple in question.
How could I possibly know the health problems of Rachel Madcow and her dyke? :dunno:

What I do know, however, is that you just proved bripat9643 ’s point for us! Since two members of the same sex are incapable of producing offspring, that proves they shouldn’t be together (and sure as shit proves why they shouldn’t have a recognized marriage). Which is what Bri said when you attempted to argue that by bringing up people with legitimate health issues.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
So, please tell us what the health issue is of the couple in question.
How could I possibly know the health problems of Rachel Madcow and her dyke? :dunno:

What I do know, however, is that you just proved bripat9643 ’s point for us! Since two members of the same sex are incapable of producing offspring, that proves they shouldn’t be together (and sure as shit proves why they shouldn’t have a recognized marriage). Which is what Bri said when you attempted to argue that by bringing up people with legitimate health issues.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Buttplug is actually citing bripat9643 as evidence for why gay couples should not be allowed to marry.

Hey Buttplug, how about citing the law? See if you can establish a compelling reason for why the law should be allowed to discriminate against people based on their gender...?
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
They applied the 14th amendment.
Thats literally as idiotic and immature as Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris claiming “we applied the 2nd Amendment”.

The 14th doesn’t apply. And even if it did, doesn’t change the fact the U.S. Constitution does not grant the Supreme Court the power to make law from the bench.
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

They have a better marriage than Trump ever had
ROFL! They have a fake marriage. A husband and wife are a reproductive unit. Maddow and her "wife" can't reproduce.
Fucking moron, marriage is more than reproducing.
It's not intended to be a package of government benefits for anyone with a fuck buddy.
It’s intended for anyone who wants to enter into a legally binding life long commitment. Gender plays no role in that.
Wrong. Marriage exists to facility the task of raising healthy children to adulthood. The claim that "Gender plays no role" couldn't be more idiotic or fatuous. It's homosexual propaganda.
Yes, that is my place. Society and logic define what marriage is, not some favored political constiuency. The constitution gives us that power. You have supported the government having such power. You simply wanted government to come to a differenct decision than the one it came to hundreds and thousands of years ago. Who are you to tell society what marriage is?

You really are a special kind of stupid, ya know it?
Society did decide

You lost

Wrong. One man on the Supreme court made the decision, and society lost.
That’s how our government functions. Not to mention, by the time that decision was rendered, some 2/3rds of the states had already passed SSM.

Yes, government often overrides the wishes of society. That is how it functions, which is one reason government is destructive to society.

It's pure horseshit that 2/3rd of the states passed same-sex marriage. My recollection is that only a couple of them passed it, and it was done by the legislature, not by popular vote. If the later occured, it always went down to defeat.
Fucking moron... we have representative government at the state and federal level. With 2/3rds of the states passing it, they represent the people. Dayam, you’re fucking ignorant.
2/3rds of the states didn't pass it, moron.
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Wrong, dumbass. Society holds the view it does for very sound reasons. Gay marriage was created solely to appease a very small minority of Americans. Society still says marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The government simply overroad what society decided.

Nope, society has moved on past you bigots and statist. Most of society does not care who someone is living with and what they call their relationship. This is even more true with younger generations. Lucky people like you will die off and in the future people will look back and wonder why people like you gave a fuck.

So it is none of our business if you are sleeping with your daughter then is that right golfing gator?

If both are adults and mentally capable of consenting to such acts, it is nobody's business at all.

Why should you care? Why would you care?
So you think it's OK if a man marries his adult daughter?
What is the health issue that is keeping Rachel Maddow and her spouse from reproducing?
Which was BriPats point on why they were never legally able to marry throughout history. Holy shit are you struggling to follow along here. :laugh:

Seriously Gaytor, I see why you mooch off of government now. You simply cannot function in the professional world.
he's being deliberately obtuse because he knows he's full of shit.
Yes, that is my place. Society and logic define what marriage is, not some favored political constiuency. The constitution gives us that power. You have supported the government having such power. You simply wanted government to come to a differenct decision than the one it came to hundreds and thousands of years ago. Who are you to tell society what marriage is?

You really are a special kind of stupid, ya know it?
Society did decide

You lost

Wrong. One man on the Supreme court made the decision, and society lost.
And Trump failed to get a majority of the vote and was still elected
He won according to the rules. Do you support rules or chaos?
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules

See how it works?
It wasn't passed, moron. It was imposed on us by a few SC justices. They used invalid reasoning to justify it.
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?

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