It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

"Marriage" could have been left a term as it had been understood for a long time. Insisting upon using that word when the issue was really equal rights as if married. There could have been another name. The fight over the name was stupid on every side. The salient point in the whole debate is that words mean what the people using them decide, how they use them. When the majority understands marriage to mean applying to all conceivable combinations, silly to others or not, that's what it means. That is how all languages have always worked when not under some authoritarian régime with an agenda.
A lot of people here refuse to accept this simple fact. It is pure democracy. The dominant meaning of words is what they mean.
That's why, if you want a Constitution that isn't living, chisel it and those it governs in stone.
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
It might be pointed out how school segregation ended.
And not for nothing - but anyone with a brain knows that Barack Insane Obama arming Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Libya to fight Assad and Gadaffi is what lead to ISIS’s rise to power.

Poor, Buttplug, virtually always wrong. ISIS started early in the Iraq war after we invaded...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -
Bush wasn't arming Al Queda and ISIS, dumbass.

Fucking moron, Bush’s invasion inspired their formation.

So 9/11 that was done by Al Queda was done AFTER Iraq was liberated? Is that what you are saying? Or maybe you are one of conspiracy nuts that says GWB under direction of
the "war hawk" Cheney, personally planted C-4 in WTC bldgs. causing collapse and there never were Al-Queda piloted planes?
World Trade Center | Marvin Bush and the Planting of Explosives

See I helped you confirm your propeller-head thesis... Bush under direction of Cheney in order to make more money for Halliburton had his brother plant C-4 and this in turn caused
WTC collapses and then this allowed Bush/Cheney to go ahead and Liberate Iraq as Bill Clinton ordered! Right?
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy stating that "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia
^^^ another imbecile.

We were talking about when ISIS formed, not AlQaeda

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004, when the organization known as
al Qaeda in Iraq” formed.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was originally part of
Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda Network, founded this militant group.

ISIS - Facts & Summary -
So, please tell us what the health issue is of the couple in question.
How could I possibly know the health problems of Rachel Madcow and her dyke? :dunno:

What I do know, however, is that you just proved bripat9643 ’s point for us! Since two members of the same sex are incapable of producing offspring, that proves they shouldn’t be together (and sure as shit proves why they shouldn’t have a recognized marriage). Which is what Bri said when you attempted to argue that by bringing up people with legitimate health issues.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Buttplug is actually citing bripat9643 as evidence for why gay couples should not be allowed to marry.

Hey Buttplug, how about citing the law? See if you can establish a compelling reason for why the law should be allowed to discriminate against people based on their gender...?
ROFL! Only a snowflake believes the law should never discriminate based on gender. I'll bet you believe big fat hairy guys should be able to shower in the women's locker room to, eh?
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
It might be pointed out how school segregation ended.
Segregation obvlously violates the the 14th Amendment. Restricting marraige to heterosexual couples violates no amendment.
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
They applied the 14th amendment.
Thats literally as idiotic and immature as Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris claiming “we applied the 2nd Amendment”.

The 14th doesn’t apply. And even if it did, doesn’t change the fact the U.S. Constitution does not grant the Supreme Court the power to make law from the bench.
The court found that the 14th DID apply

Your denials are meaningless
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
It might be pointed out how school segregation ended.
Segregation obvlously violates the the 14th Amendment. Restricting marraige to heterosexual couples violates no amendment.
The court says you are wrong
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
They applied the 14th amendment.
Thats literally as idiotic and immature as Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris claiming “we applied the 2nd Amendment”.

The 14th doesn’t apply. And even if it did, doesn’t change the fact the U.S. Constitution does not grant the Supreme Court the power to make law from the bench.
Putz, the 14th Amendment does apply. We know that because the highest court in the land said so.

And again, they made no low — they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.

You’re truly ineducable.
They have a better marriage than Trump ever had
ROFL! They have a fake marriage. A husband and wife are a reproductive unit. Maddow and her "wife" can't reproduce.
Fucking moron, marriage is more than reproducing.
It's not intended to be a package of government benefits for anyone with a fuck buddy.
It’s intended for anyone who wants to enter into a legally binding life long commitment. Gender plays no role in that.
Wrong. Marriage exists to facility the task of raising healthy children to adulthood. The claim that "Gender plays no role" couldn't be more idiotic or fatuous. It's homosexual propaganda.
It does not “falicity” it, ya fucking moron.

Again.... millions upon millions of Americans have kids without getting married.

Millions upon millions get married and never have kids.

To the state, Marriage is a legal contract, binding 2 people together.

It has nothing to do with gender and it has nothing to do with kids. I have a marriage license... there is no requirement on there to have kids. As always, you’re simply out of your freakin’ mind. :cuckoo:
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
They applied the 14th amendment.
Thats literally as idiotic and immature as Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris claiming “we applied the 2nd Amendment”.

The 14th doesn’t apply. And even if it did, doesn’t change the fact the U.S. Constitution does not grant the Supreme Court the power to make law from the bench.
The court found that the 14th DID apply

Your denials are meaningless
You mean they invented it. Marriage laws didn't discriminate based on gender, as you claim.

Furthermore, I don't give a damn what some estblishment douchebag on the court determined.
Soooo, if trump is a retard....what does that make the shrilary? A super dooper retard?
Soooo, if trump is a retard....what does that make the shrilary? A super dooper retard?
What kind of person is still obsessed with Hillary Clinton? I would suggest it indicates a mental illness. Maybe not a retard, but there is that possibility.
They have a better marriage than Trump ever had
ROFL! They have a fake marriage. A husband and wife are a reproductive unit. Maddow and her "wife" can't reproduce.
Fucking moron, marriage is more than reproducing.
It's not intended to be a package of government benefits for anyone with a fuck buddy.
It’s intended for anyone who wants to enter into a legally binding life long commitment. Gender plays no role in that.
Wrong. Marriage exists to facility the task of raising healthy children to adulthood. The claim that "Gender plays no role" couldn't be more idiotic or fatuous. It's homosexual propaganda.

Ok, then we are back to square one. People that are not facilitating the task of raising healthy children to adulthood are in a fake marriage, to use your terms.

And anyone that has already facilitated the task of raising healthy children to adulthood is now in a fake marriage as the sole purpose of their marriage is now over.

Going by your definition of marriage, only those in the process of the task of raising healthy children to adulthood are in real marriages, every other marriage is a fake one.

Glad we got that straight (forgive the pun)
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, dumbass. Society holds the view it does for very sound reasons. Gay marriage was created solely to appease a very small minority of Americans. Society still says marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The government simply overroad what society decided.

Nope, society has moved on past you bigots and statist. Most of society does not care who someone is living with and what they call their relationship. This is even more true with younger generations. Lucky people like you will die off and in the future people will look back and wonder why people like you gave a fuck.

So it is none of our business if you are sleeping with your daughter then is that right golfing gator?

If both are adults and mentally capable of consenting to such acts, it is nobody's business at all.

Why should you care? Why would you care?
So you think it's OK if a man marries his adult daughter?

Ok, no.

Is it my

Would I rail against it like you bigots do against gay

There are lots of things that I do not find ok that other people do...not really my place to judge them or try and make them live by my standards...I leave that up to you faux-conservatives.
"Marriage" could have been left a term as it had been understood for a long time. Insisting upon using that word when the issue was really equal rights as if married. There could have been another name. The fight over the name was stupid on every side. The salient point in the whole debate is that words mean what the people using them decide, how they use them. When the majority understands marriage to mean applying to all conceivable combinations, silly to others or not, that's what it means. That is how all languages have always worked when not under some authoritarian régime with an agenda.
A lot of people here refuse to accept this simple fact. It is pure democracy. The dominant meaning of words is what they mean.
That's why, if you want a Constitution that isn't living, chisel it and those it governs in stone.
In the eyes of the state, marriage is the legal union between two people. There’s no reason to call it something different for some people.

Poor, Buttplug, virtually always wrong. ISIS started early in the Iraq war after we invaded...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -
Bush wasn't arming Al Queda and ISIS, dumbass.

Fucking moron, Bush’s invasion inspired their formation.

So 9/11 that was done by Al Queda was done AFTER Iraq was liberated? Is that what you are saying? Or maybe you are one of conspiracy nuts that says GWB under direction of
the "war hawk" Cheney, personally planted C-4 in WTC bldgs. causing collapse and there never were Al-Queda piloted planes?
World Trade Center | Marvin Bush and the Planting of Explosives

See I helped you confirm your propeller-head thesis... Bush under direction of Cheney in order to make more money for Halliburton had his brother plant C-4 and this in turn caused
WTC collapses and then this allowed Bush/Cheney to go ahead and Liberate Iraq as Bill Clinton ordered! Right?
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy stating that "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia
^^^ another imbecile.

We were talking about when ISIS formed, not AlQaeda

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004, when the organization known as
al Qaeda in Iraq” formed.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was originally part of
Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda Network, founded this militant group.

ISIS - Facts & Summary -
Since two members of the same sex are incapable of producing offspring, that proves they shouldn’t be together...


So, it is your view that anyone incapable of producing offspring shouldn’t be together.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Soooo, if trump is a retard....what does that make the shrilary? A super dooper retard?
What kind of person is still obsessed with Hillary Clinton? I would suggest it indicates a mental illness. Maybe not a retard, but there is that possibility.

Hey, the OP is about how big a retard trump is. That means that the shrilary MUST be an even bigger one because she lost to him. Just pointing out the obvious.

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