It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
Why not? If being incapable of producing offspring makes an illegitimate marriage, how does health issue change the fact they are incapable of producing offspring?

Either producing offspring is a vital component of marriage or it is not...which is it?

You cannot have it both ways.
Sure you can. Because in one case (homosexuals), they are biologically incapable because nature never intended it. It's an abomination, dimwit. In the other case, they can reproduce biologically. They are just hampered by some sort of health issue.

The why they cannot reproduce is irrelevant, since according to you and your butt buddy, the sole reason for marriage is reproduction. Anyone that cannot do that is in a fake marriage and is living a lie.

And once the reproduction is over, people should no longer be married since the only purpose of marriage is reproduction.
That means Trump is in a fake marriage to Melanie.
And once the reproduction is over, people should no longer be married since the only purpose of marriage is reproduction.
Well that’s an idiotic position to have. But, we’ve come to expect that from you progressives. As Bripat clearly stated - the marriage includes raising the children.
Why not? If being incapable of producing offspring makes an illegitimate marriage, how does health issue change the fact they are incapable of producing offspring?

Either producing offspring is a vital component of marriage or it is not...which is it?

You cannot have it both ways.
Sure you can. Because in one case (homosexuals), they are biologically incapable because nature never intended it. It's an abomination, dimwit. In the other case, they can reproduce biologically. They are just hampered by some sort of health issue.

You're attempting to compare apples to oranges. It's not working.

Look...we get it. You love a penis up your butt. Just because you enjoy something that is an abomination doesn't mean you can "normalize" it. Try all you want - two men were never meant to be together and two women were never meant to be together. There is a reason that you will never see two male horses having sex or two female panda's going down on each other. It violates all of natures most basic laws. Deal with it.

Cracks me up how the 5 year old mentality of the right thinks anyone who defends gays’ equal rights must themselves be gay.

Remember, the most vocal gay bigots almost always turn out to be gay themselves.

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Remember, the most vocal gay bigots almost always turn out to be gay themselves.
Remember - the homosexuals who push the whole “reverse psychology” stuff the most almost always turn out to be the most flaming among the homosexual community.

It does not bother me one bit if you think I am gay. But history has shown the most vocal bigots are that way because they are trying to over compensate for their failings, as they view them.

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ROFL! They have a fake marriage. A husband and wife are a reproductive unit. Maddow and her "wife" can't reproduce.
Fucking moron, marriage is more than reproducing.
It's not intended to be a package of government benefits for anyone with a fuck buddy.
It’s intended for anyone who wants to enter into a legally binding life long commitment. Gender plays no role in that.
Wrong. Marriage exists to facility the task of raising healthy children to adulthood. The claim that "Gender plays no role" couldn't be more idiotic or fatuous. It's homosexual propaganda.

Ok, then we are back to square one. People that are not facilitating the task of raising healthy children to adulthood are in a fake marriage, to use your terms.

And anyone that has already facilitated the task of raising healthy children to adulthood is now in a fake marriage as the sole purpose of their marriage is now over.

Going by your definition of marriage, only those in the process of the task of raising healthy children to adulthood are in real marriages, every other marriage is a fake one.

Glad we got that straight (forgive the pun)
That's the imbeciles conception of what I said. Apparently you believe that for what I said to be true the government is required to annul the marriages of people who have been together for 20-30 years after their children leave home and force the mother to live in poverty because she doesn't have any professional skills. Your "analysis" of the arrangement only shows what a completely dishonest imbecile you are. I could spend all day explaining why your theories are idiotic and just plain dishonest, but that should be sufficient.

People who claim marriage isn't about reproduction are just plain sleazy lying douchebags.
Wrong, dumbass. Society holds the view it does for very sound reasons. Gay marriage was created solely to appease a very small minority of Americans. Society still says marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The government simply overroad what society decided.

Nope, society has moved on past you bigots and statist. Most of society does not care who someone is living with and what they call their relationship. This is even more true with younger generations. Lucky people like you will die off and in the future people will look back and wonder why people like you gave a fuck.

So it is none of our business if you are sleeping with your daughter then is that right golfing gator?

If both are adults and mentally capable of consenting to such acts, it is nobody's business at all.

Why should you care? Why would you care?
So you think it's OK if a man marries his adult daughter?

Ok, no.

Is it my

Would I rail against it like you bigots do against gay

There are lots of things that I do not find ok that other people do...not really my place to judge them or try and make them live by my standards...I leave that up to you faux-conservatives.
If you admit that's not OK, then you admit that marriage is about reproduction. Otherwise, why would anyone object?
Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
They applied the 14th amendment.
Thats literally as idiotic and immature as Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris claiming “we applied the 2nd Amendment”.

The 14th doesn’t apply. And even if it did, doesn’t change the fact the U.S. Constitution does not grant the Supreme Court the power to make law from the bench.
The court found that the 14th DID apply

Your denials are meaningless
You mean they invented it. Marriage laws didn't discriminate based on gender, as you claim.

Furthermore, I don't give a damn what some estblishment douchebag on the court determined.
They failed to provide equal protection under the law
That's the imbeciles conception of what I said. Apparently you believe that for what I said to be true the government is required to annul the marriages of people who have been together for 20-30 years after their children leave home and force the mother to live in poverty because she doesn't have any professional skills. Your "analysis" of the arrangement only shows what a completely dishonest imbecile you are. I could spend all day explaining why your theories are idiotic and just plain dishonest, but that should be sufficient.

I am not speaking of what the government should or should not do, I am speaking of your views, how you view marriage.

By your own standards anyone not actively involved in raising children to adulthood are in a fake marriage.

That is the view you have put forth on this forum now multiple time, why do you keep trying to bring the government into it?

Why are you trying to hide from it now? Did you tell your parents after you moved out of the house (assuming you have moved out) that their marriage was fake since they were no longer raising children to adulthood?
Nope, society has moved on past you bigots and statist. Most of society does not care who someone is living with and what they call their relationship. This is even more true with younger generations. Lucky people like you will die off and in the future people will look back and wonder why people like you gave a fuck.

So it is none of our business if you are sleeping with your daughter then is that right golfing gator?

If both are adults and mentally capable of consenting to such acts, it is nobody's business at all.

Why should you care? Why would you care?
So you think it's OK if a man marries his adult daughter?

Ok, no.

Is it my

Would I rail against it like you bigots do against gay

There are lots of things that I do not find ok that other people do...not really my place to judge them or try and make them live by my standards...I leave that up to you faux-conservatives.
If you admit that's not OK, then you admit that marriage is about reproduction. Otherwise, why would anyone object?

I find it creepy, that is why it not ok with me personally.

I have a friend from work that just got married and she and her husband never plan to have kids as they both have autoimmune disease and do not want to pass them along. By your standard their marriage will be fake.

My SIL/BIL cannot have their own children, so by your standard, their marriage is fake.
Soooo, if trump is a retard....what does that make the shrilary? A super dooper retard?

Pretty much. What a great country we have...we had two retards to pick between for POTUS

Interesting comment in that here we have some anonymous supposedly wealthy successful person calling two people that for the most part had far more dirty laundry exposed
and Golfing Gator is calling them retards? Wow! What is so amazing is the lack of guts of people like Golfing Gator who can call two successful people retards...and he
doesn't see what a dummy he is! While I didn't vote for Hillary even I have to admit it takes a lot of balls to run for president and she obviously has more than Golfing Gator!
Frankly if I had to choose between her and Golfing Gator I'd choose her just because we don't know a thing about a guy who claims he is so successful!
Soooo, if trump is a retard....what does that make the shrilary? A super dooper retard?

Pretty much. What a great country we have...we had two retards to pick between for POTUS

Interesting comment in that here we have some anonymous supposedly wealthy successful person calling two people that for the most part had far more dirty laundry exposed
and Golfing Gator is calling them retards? Wow! What is so amazing is the lack of guts of people like Golfing Gator who can call two successful people retards...and he
doesn't see what a dummy he is! While I didn't vote for Hillary even I have to admit it takes a lot of balls to run for president and she obviously has more than Golfing Gator!
Frankly if I had to choose between her and Golfing Gator I'd choose her just because we don't know a thing about a guy who claims he is so successful!

And I will keep it that way. Too many crazy people like you out there on the net to be letting people know too much about you. The way you stalk me from thread to thread I can only imagine what you would do if you knew where I lived.
That's the imbeciles conception of what I said. Apparently you believe that for what I said to be true the government is required to annul the marriages of people who have been together for 20-30 years after their children leave home and force the mother to live in poverty because she doesn't have any professional skills. Your "analysis" of the arrangement only shows what a completely dishonest imbecile you are. I could spend all day explaining why your theories are idiotic and just plain dishonest, but that should be sufficient.

I am not speaking of what the government should or should not do, I am speaking of your views, how you view marriage.

By your own standards anyone not actively involved in raising children to adulthood are in a fake marriage.

That is the view you have put forth on this forum now multiple time, why do you keep trying to bring the government into it?

Why are you trying to hide from it now? Did you tell your parents after you moved out of the house (assuming you have moved out) that their marriage was fake since they were no longer raising children to adulthood?

That isn't what I said. You're inventing a position because you realize your theory of marriage is retarded. Anyone who claims that marriage wasn't created to facilitate the raising of health well adjusted children is simply an idiot.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.

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