It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

So it is none of our business if you are sleeping with your daughter then is that right golfing gator?

If both are adults and mentally capable of consenting to such acts, it is nobody's business at all.

Why should you care? Why would you care?
So you think it's OK if a man marries his adult daughter?

Ok, no.

Is it my

Would I rail against it like you bigots do against gay

There are lots of things that I do not find ok that other people do...not really my place to judge them or try and make them live by my standards...I leave that up to you faux-conservatives.
If you admit that's not OK, then you admit that marriage is about reproduction. Otherwise, why would anyone object?

I find it creepy, that is why it not ok with me personally.

I have a friend from work that just got married and she and her husband never plan to have kids as they both have autoimmune disease and do not want to pass them along. By your standard their marriage will be fake.

My SIL/BIL cannot have their own children, so by your standard, their marriage is fake.
What's "creepy" about it? According to you, whatever turns you on is fine.

There's a difference, moron. hetero sexual couples are theoretically capable of having children. If you wanted to change the law so that they would have to have children or have their marriage annulled, and the would have to undergo a fertility test, even turds like you would be against it. However, no one except the militant queers are outraged that Adam and Steve can't get government benefits because nature didn't intend them to reproduce.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
It is a very real and legitimate concern. Norms of protocol, transparency, ethics, etc. have been jettisoned-and they haven't been robust enough in recent years to begin with. It can't become the new normal or this country is in big trouble.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.
Remember, the most vocal gay bigots almost always turn out to be gay themselves.
Remember - the homosexuals who push the whole “reverse psychology” stuff the most almost always turn out to be the most flaming among the homosexual community.
Nah, stop projecting. Here you are posting about your favorite gay sex toy, while trying to pick up men on the forum...

Same sex marriage was passed according to the rules
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
See how it works?
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.
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For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Perhaps if Obama had looked a more pictures of he horrors his policies created he wouldn't have been so indifferent to the devastation he caused in Iraq and Syria. Anything that makes world leaders more sensitive to the impact of their policies has to be considered a good thing.

That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.

I understand the 14th Amendment perfectly. I don't twist it to suit my agenda as you do.

Sorry, but "equally" doesn't make distinctions based on sexual orientation. Before the Supreme Court stuck its nose where it doesn't belong, all people had the same rights according to the marriage laws under the book. We know all the leftwing bleating about "equal treatment" is bogus because none of you gives a damn about polygamists having the right to marry who they want, or people who want to marry their siblings.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.

Clinton was good, obummer was awful. I never thought I would see a worse POTUS than Carter, but it happened. obummer will go down as one of the worst two POTUS ever.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.
Clinton and Obama had the kind of "experience" this country doesn't need. Experience at skullduggery, lying, backslapping, dirty dealing, smearing and selling out your constituents isn't of any value to the voters. The ratings of propagandists on the government payroll are utterly meaningless.
Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.

Clinton was good, obummer was awful. I never thought I would see a worse POTUS than Carter, but it happened. obummer will go down as one of the worst two POTUS ever.

I doubt that.
Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.
Clinton and Obama had the kind of "experience" this country doesn't need. Experience at skullduggery, lying, backslapping, dirty dealing, smearing and selling out your constituents isn't of any value to the voters. The ratings of propagandists on the government payroll are utterly meaningless.

Except that's what Trump is doing.
Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.

Clinton was good, obummer was awful. I never thought I would see a worse POTUS than Carter, but it happened. obummer will go down as one of the worst two POTUS ever.
I see Obama as overrated by people that love Obama or democrats but don't see him as awful at all. Clinton is more overrated than Obama imo.
You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.

I understand the 14th Amendment perfectly. I don't twist it to suit my agenda as you do.

Sorry, but "equally" doesn't make distinctions based on sexual orientation. Before the Supreme Court stuck its nose where it doesn't belong, all people had the same rights according to the marriage laws under the book. We know all the leftwing bleating about "equal treatment" is bogus because none of you gives a damn about polygamists having the right to marry who they want, or people who want to marry their siblings.

And you really think this makes sense.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.

Clinton was good, obummer was awful. I never thought I would see a worse POTUS than Carter, but it happened. obummer will go down as one of the worst two POTUS ever.
I see Obama as overrated by people that love Obama or democrats but don't see him as awful at all. Clinton is more overrated than Obama imo.

Obama faced one of the worst situations a president had to face upon entering office in history. Only one faced a worse situation and that was FDR. He saved us from a depression and I don't think people can say he's overrated when we consider the truth relative to his time in office.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.
Clinton and Obama had the kind of "experience" this country doesn't need. Experience at skullduggery, lying, backslapping, dirty dealing, smearing and selling out your constituents isn't of any value to the voters. The ratings of propagandists on the government payroll are utterly meaningless.

Except that's what Trump is doing.
Tell it to someone gullible enough to swallow your sleazy snowflake lies.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.

I understand the 14th Amendment perfectly. I don't twist it to suit my agenda as you do.

Sorry, but "equally" doesn't make distinctions based on sexual orientation. Before the Supreme Court stuck its nose where it doesn't belong, all people had the same rights according to the marriage laws under the book. We know all the leftwing bleating about "equal treatment" is bogus because none of you gives a damn about polygamists having the right to marry who they want, or people who want to marry their siblings.

And you really think this makes sense.
Says the moron who thinks an oxymoron like "gay marriage" makes sense.
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I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.

Clinton was good, obummer was awful. I never thought I would see a worse POTUS than Carter, but it happened. obummer will go down as one of the worst two POTUS ever.
I see Obama as overrated by people that love Obama or democrats but don't see him as awful at all. Clinton is more overrated than Obama imo.

Obama faced one of the worst situations a president had to face upon entering office in history. Only one faced a worse situation and that was FDR. He saved us from a depression and I don't think people can say he's overrated when we consider the truth relative to his time in office.
Utter horseshit. The records shows the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was innaugurated. Obama's only talent was being in the right place at the right time.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.

Clinton was good, obummer was awful. I never thought I would see a worse POTUS than Carter, but it happened. obummer will go down as one of the worst two POTUS ever.
I see Obama as overrated by people that love Obama or democrats but don't see him as awful at all. Clinton is more overrated than Obama imo.

Obama faced one of the worst situations a president had to face upon entering office in history. Only one faced a worse situation and that was FDR. He saved us from a depression and I don't think people can say he's overrated when we consider the truth relative to his time in office.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.

Clinton was good, obummer was awful. I never thought I would see a worse POTUS than Carter, but it happened. obummer will go down as one of the worst two POTUS ever.
I see Obama as overrated by people that love Obama or democrats but don't see him as awful at all. Clinton is more overrated than Obama imo.

Obama faced one of the worst situations a president had to face upon entering office in history. Only one faced a worse situation and that was FDR. He saved us from a depression and I don't think people can say he's overrated when we consider the truth relative to his time in office.
Utter horseshit. The records shows the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was innaugurated. Obama's only talent was being in the right place at the right time.

No it does not.

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