It is NOT racism

Yes, "Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime" is indeed racist.
No. It is factual.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Because whites outnumber blacks. However as a percentage of their population, Blacks commit more.
black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

That’s BS. There are plenty of people living within these communities who DO care. You must not think much of black people to say none of them care their neighborhoods are complete shitholes with streets soaked in blood. Also black people and Black Lives Matters aren’t one in the same.

If back peiple founded BLM then why and how can you make this kind of comment?

Black Lives Matter is an ideology, not a race. You don’t need to be black to support their message and not all black people support their message.
Sane people call that SCIENCE.
Only retarded people call it science.

So says the expert on retardation who eschews FACTS because they do not agree with his myths, claims, innuendo, and hate-filled, racist propaganda that bleeds from his every post that he wishes WERE true.
White facts are like farts. They gas up your white heads and they stink. Just because I am an expert on your retardation that has nothing to do with real facts. Your OP is an exercise in ignorant bullshit designed to make you feel better about being from a race of criminals and savages.

You are just as racist as any of the racists I’ve seen on here. You don’t like/don’t trust/demonize and make assumptions about white people for no other reason than for the color of their skin. If I went around saying the things you say about whites about POC, I would accurately be dubbed a racist. Perhaps every time you type out the word “white” in reference to skin color, put “black” in its place and see how it sounds. Maybe that would be a reality check for you but I highly doubt it.
Whites were last to civilization....Cant put Black in place of white there.
Whites smell like wet dogs....Cant put Black there either
Whites started chattel slavery.....Still cant put Black there.
Whites needed to guarantee themselves a head start here in the US so they enslaved, Jim Crowed, and imprisoned millions of Blacks....Nope not here either.
Theres your reality check.

You’re racist and a moron and the only people who agree with you are also racist and moronic. I’m not stupid enough to believe you’ll believe me here even though it’s the truth. Now get lost.
White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
Does racism exist ?
Yes it does. On both sides. You make the assumption that all whites are racist and supremacists.
OK. So how are black people practing racism to white people ?
White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
Does racism exist ?
Yes it does. On both sides. You make the assumption that all whites are racist and supremacists.
OK. So how are black people practing racism to white people ?
We have had this discussion over and over. I'm not about to show you yet again. You don't think it does. I will never convince you.
Yes, "Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime" is indeed racist.
No. It is factual.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.
I dont care if there are 100 x more whites. The white race commits the vast majority of crime.
Yes, "Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime" is indeed racist.
No. It is factual.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Because whites outnumber blacks. However as a percentage of their population, Blacks commit more.
Where talking totals. Real numbers. Whites commit 69% of all crime. Thats way more than the 28%. You dont have to be a math major to figure out 69>28.
White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
Does racism exist ?
Yes it does. On both sides. You make the assumption that all whites are racist and supremacists.
OK. So how are black people practing racism to white people ?
We have had this discussion over and over. I'm not about to show you yet again. You don't think it does. I will never convince you.
Show me because I dont get how Black on Black crime makes Black people be able to practice racism against whites? You do realize that in order to practice racism as a group your racial group has to be in control of the system?
Only retarded people call it science.

So says the expert on retardation who eschews FACTS because they do not agree with his myths, claims, innuendo, and hate-filled, racist propaganda that bleeds from his every post that he wishes WERE true.
White facts are like farts. They gas up your white heads and they stink. Just because I am an expert on your retardation that has nothing to do with real facts. Your OP is an exercise in ignorant bullshit designed to make you feel better about being from a race of criminals and savages.

You are just as racist as any of the racists I’ve seen on here. You don’t like/don’t trust/demonize and make assumptions about white people for no other reason than for the color of their skin. If I went around saying the things you say about whites about POC, I would accurately be dubbed a racist. Perhaps every time you type out the word “white” in reference to skin color, put “black” in its place and see how it sounds. Maybe that would be a reality check for you but I highly doubt it.
Whites were last to civilization....Cant put Black in place of white there.
Whites smell like wet dogs....Cant put Black there either
Whites started chattel slavery.....Still cant put Black there.
Whites needed to guarantee themselves a head start here in the US so they enslaved, Jim Crowed, and imprisoned millions of Blacks....Nope not here either.
Theres your reality check.

You’re racist and a moron and the only people who agree with you are also racist and moronic. I’m not stupid enough to believe you’ll believe me here even though it’s the truth. Now get lost.
I did as you asked and now youre mad because you dislike the results. Let me guess. Youre white?
White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
Does racism exist ?
Yes it does. On both sides. You make the assumption that all whites are racist and supremacists.
OK. So how are black people practing racism to white people ?
On a daily basis. There are racists on both sides. You know that. you will try and make a weak argument about you can only be a racist if you have power. That isn't the case not the definition of racism. You blindly hide yourself to the facts. When someone calls you out on it and shows your excuses to be weak and incorrect, you disappear and then show up in another conversation and start it all over again. Ideology is a bad thing.
black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

That’s BS. There are plenty of people living within these communities who DO care. You must not think much of black people to say none of them care their neighborhoods are complete shitholes with streets soaked in blood. Also black people and Black Lives Matters aren’t one in the same.

If back peiple founded BLM then why and how can you make this kind of comment?

Black Lives Matter is an ideology, not a race. You don’t need to be black to support their message and not all black people support their message.
Who said BLM was a race? Why did you even mention that?
No. It is factual.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.
I dont care if there are 100 x more whites. The white race commits the vast majority of crime.


READ IT AND WEEP, Loser. You're a fricking liar in every word that comes out of your mouth, and you are fricking stupid as all get out. Not only are you a racist of the worst kind, but you run, lie and hide from the actual truth and would lie about it if it hit you right in the face (it just did).
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.
I dont care if there are 100 x more whites. The white race commits the vast majority of crime.

View attachment 205197 View attachment 205198

READ IT AND WEEP, Loser. You're a fricking liar in every word that comes out of your mouth, and you are fricking stupid as all get out. Not only are you a racist of the worst kind, but you run, lie and hide from the actual truth and would lie about it if it hit you right in the face (it just did).
Why would I weep when you cherry picked one of the few categories Whites dont lead in? Are you stupid and you dont understand that crime is more than one category? Whites commit the vast majority of crime. Even the FBI agrees with that.

Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.
I dont care if there are 100 x more whites. The white race commits the vast majority of crime.

View attachment 205197 View attachment 205198

READ IT AND WEEP, Loser. You're a fricking liar in every word that comes out of your mouth, and you are fricking stupid as all get out. Not only are you a racist of the worst kind, but you run, lie and hide from the actual truth and would lie about it if it hit you right in the face (it just did).
Why would I weep when you cherry picked one of the few categories Whites dont lead in? Are you stupid and you dont understand that crime is more than one category? Whites commit the vast majority of crime. Even the FBI agrees with that.

View attachment 205199

STUPID JACKASS, your own unsourced, unqualified data shows that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of the crime and you're too stupid to even realize it! :1peleas:
Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.
I dont care if there are 100 x more whites. The white race commits the vast majority of crime.

View attachment 205197 View attachment 205198

READ IT AND WEEP, Loser. You're a fricking liar in every word that comes out of your mouth, and you are fricking stupid as all get out. Not only are you a racist of the worst kind, but you run, lie and hide from the actual truth and would lie about it if it hit you right in the face (it just did).
Why would I weep when you cherry picked one of the few categories Whites dont lead in? Are you stupid and you dont understand that crime is more than one category? Whites commit the vast majority of crime. Even the FBI agrees with that.

View attachment 205199

STUPID JACKASS, your own unsourced, unqualified data shows that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of the crime and you're too stupid to even realize it! :1peleas:
My source shows whites commit 69% of the crime. Thats more than half and vastly more than 28% of the crime. Dont get angry. Just find a better argument.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.
I dont care if there are 100 x more whites. The white race commits the vast majority of crime.

View attachment 205197 View attachment 205198

READ IT AND WEEP, Loser. You're a fricking liar in every word that comes out of your mouth, and you are fricking stupid as all get out. Not only are you a racist of the worst kind, but you run, lie and hide from the actual truth and would lie about it if it hit you right in the face (it just did).

I don't know about the first one, but that second chart seems to say it is showing the numbers of the victims, not the perpetrators. In other words, 54.5% of hate crime victims were black, while 16.3% of victims were white.
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Pointing out stats is not inherently racist. However, the context those stats are presented in, the intention behind pointing them out, certainly can be racist.

Saying black communities do not care and do nothing to help themselves may not be racist, but it certainly is a generalization or stereotype at the least.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.
I dont care if there are 100 x more whites. The white race commits the vast majority of crime.

View attachment 205197 View attachment 205198

READ IT AND WEEP, Loser. You're a fricking liar in every word that comes out of your mouth, and you are fricking stupid as all get out. Not only are you a racist of the worst kind, but you run, lie and hide from the actual truth and would lie about it if it hit you right in the face (it just did).

I don't know about the first one, but that second chart seems to say it is showing the numbers of the victims, not the perpetrators. In other words, 54.5% of hate crime victims were black, while 16.3% of victims were white.
The point is that even if it were true its only one category. This clown is cherry picking one category and not addressing the fact that whites commit more than half the total crime at 69%.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.
I dont care if there are 100 x more whites. The white race commits the vast majority of crime.

View attachment 205197 View attachment 205198

READ IT AND WEEP, Loser. You're a fricking liar in every word that comes out of your mouth, and you are fricking stupid as all get out. Not only are you a racist of the worst kind, but you run, lie and hide from the actual truth and would lie about it if it hit you right in the face (it just did).

You are dumb! You posted up 2 graphs, none of them mention the perpetrators of the crimes. The top chart was the number of racial hate crimes by race. The lower one was the percentage of victims of hate crimes. Read em and weep loser. Your top chart was from 2010 so let us look at that.

In 2010, the races of the 6,008 known hate crime offenders were as follows:

  • 58.6 percent were white.
  • 18.4 percent were black.
  • 8.9 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group).
  • 1.1 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander.
  • 1.0 percent were American Indian/Alaskan Native.
  • 12.0 percent were of unknown race.

I'm using your 2010 chart as basis. 70 percent of the victims were black, attacked by people with an anti black bias. Guess who that would be? WHITES!.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.
I dont care if there are 100 x more whites. The white race commits the vast majority of crime.

View attachment 205197 View attachment 205198

READ IT AND WEEP, Loser. You're a fricking liar in every word that comes out of your mouth, and you are fricking stupid as all get out. Not only are you a racist of the worst kind, but you run, lie and hide from the actual truth and would lie about it if it hit you right in the face (it just did).
You were too illiterate to see that whites lead at 58%.
  • Thanks
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