It is NOT racism

Meanwhile theliq you fuckers were banished to an island where black people were the natives.

There simply is no comparison between the US and Oz. Straight up.

One of the 2 is not a member of the British Empire and stronger, which one is that? Hmm?
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.
O dear,O dear...So you take NO responsibility for your historic and horrific treatment of Black people...From slavery to lynching to degredation to pauperism to exclusion to TOTAL RACISM....just sell them a Gun and then EXECUTE THEM


Get back with us after posting a history of how penal colony ex-prisoners treated the Aborigines, ok?

Nothing in America parallels with that.

No sir, kiwi boy. Go ahead and import more Muslims to do some pennance and get yourself decapitated, k?

Blacks were in America, and fought in the Revolution. No comparison, whatsoever.

There have been freed blacks, and black slaveowners here. IOW, blacks have been in America since its inception.


We didnt do those things. Some people who used to live here did that, but they dont live here anymore, in fact, they are all dead now. Youll find that the new tenants dont do any of that stuff. We mostly just make all the coolest inventions that everyone around the world enjoys. Youre welcome.
The racialistic right wing defense that leftist supposition or belief "that all whites in charge are supremacists" is either from a person woefully educated, mentally feeble, or malignantly motivate, or any or all three combined..

When a racialist protests being called out a racialist, you have in a corner cowering.
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black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

That’s BS. There are plenty of people living within these communities who DO care. You must not think much of black people to say none of them care their neighborhoods are complete shitholes with streets soaked in blood. Also black people and Black Lives Matters aren’t one in the same.
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Sane people call that SCIENCE.
Only retarded people call it science.

So says the expert on retardation who eschews FACTS because they do not agree with his myths, claims, innuendo, and hate-filled, racist propaganda that bleeds from his every post that he wishes WERE true.
White facts are like farts. They gas up your white heads and they stink. Just because I am an expert on your retardation that has nothing to do with real facts. Your OP is an exercise in ignorant bullshit designed to make you feel better about being from a race of criminals and savages.

You are just as racist as any of the racists I’ve seen on here. You don’t like/don’t trust/demonize and make assumptions about white people for no other reason than for the color of their skin. If I went around saying the things you say about whites about POC, I would accurately be dubbed a racist. Perhaps every time you type out the word “white” in reference to skin color, put “black” in its place and see how it sounds. Maybe that would be a reality check for you but I highly doubt it.
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

I fear you’ll reget this post in a few years...
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Your post is an example of racism. I know that's too abstract for a NonCom, but I learned long ago not to post why, since the response is always some form of denial.
black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

That’s BS. There are plenty of people living within these communities who DO care. You must not think much of black people to say none of them care their neighborhoods are complete shitholes with streets soaked in blood. Also black people and Black Lives Matters aren’t one in the same.

If back peiple founded BLM then why and how can you make this kind of comment?
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Your post is an example of racism. I know that's too abstract for a NonCom, but I learned long ago not to post why, since the response is always some form of denial.
Ya according to you RETARDS on the left admitting to facts is racist. Hell you got the papa Johns guy fired for simply recounting a story of someone ELSE using a racial slur.
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Your post is an example of racism. I know that's too abstract for a NonCom, but I learned long ago not to post why, since the response is always some form of denial.

Ya according to you RETARDS on the left admitting to facts is racist. Hell you got the papa Johns guy fired for simply recounting a story of someone ELSE using a racial slur.

What was your intent for posting a thread which singled out African Americans? What other factors might explain how the numbers posted related to geography, poverty, employment opportunities, age, and compared to other ethnic groups in different regions of the country, as well as the size of the community in land mass and population.
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You cannot substute the words whites for black and make equivalences to try claiming a POC is racist..The major problem with that belief is that for the claim to be true or valid whites must have the same history as blacks. We can't substitute the word white because that would not be the reality of how things have gone. Had blacks done everything whites have done then they could say what these things. What these people are doing is using a false equivalence to build a straw man. You can't just exchange the words white and black like everything has been the same. Whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. This must be recognized because it appears that at even in the 21st Century, there are whites who have caught a severe case of amnesia.

We as blacks don't like what whites keep doing. It's not about disliking whites only because of color. And when we talk to white individuals about racism we are not talking about all whites. Like it or not, whites gave done bad thigs to us since this nation was founded. It has not stopped so you are not being blamed for thigs you weren't around to see. You are being blamed for denying what you see now and making what seems to be no attempt to end it.
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Your post is an example of racism. I know that's too abstract for a NonCom, but I learned long ago not to post why, since the response is always some form of denial.
Ya according to you RETARDS on the left admitting to facts is racist. Hell you got the papa Johns guy fired for simply recounting a story of someone ELSE using a racial slur.

But those are not facts.
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Sane people call that SCIENCE.
Only retarded people call it science.

So says the expert on retardation who eschews FACTS because they do not agree with his myths, claims, innuendo, and hate-filled, racist propaganda that bleeds from his every post that he wishes WERE true.
White facts are like farts. They gas up your white heads and they stink. Just because I am an expert on your retardation that has nothing to do with real facts. Your OP is an exercise in ignorant bullshit designed to make you feel better about being from a race of criminals and savages.

You are just as racist as any of the racists I’ve seen on here. You don’t like/don’t trust/demonize and make assumptions about white people for no other reason than for the color of their skin. If I went around saying the things you say about whites about POC, I would accurately be dubbed a racist. Perhaps every time you type out the word “white” in reference to skin color, put “black” in its place and see how it sounds. Maybe that would be a reality check for you but I highly doubt it.
Whites were last to civilization....Cant put Black in place of white there.
Whites smell like wet dogs....Cant put Black there either
Whites started chattel slavery.....Still cant put Black there.
Whites needed to guarantee themselves a head start here in the US so they enslaved, Jim Crowed, and imprisoned millions of Blacks....Nope not here either.
Theres your reality check.
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Your post is an example of racism. I know that's too abstract for a NonCom, but I learned long ago not to post why, since the response is always some form of denial.

Ya according to you RETARDS on the left admitting to facts is racist. Hell you got the papa Johns guy fired for simply recounting a story of someone ELSE using a racial slur.

What was your intent for posting a thread which singled out African Americans? What other factors might explain how the numbers posted related to geography, poverty, employment opportunities, age, and compared to other ethnic groups in different regions of the country, as well as the size of the community in land mass and population.
Crime and the fact that black crime is rampant in black communities And that when black criminals are shot by police for BEING criminals black communities riot.

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