It is NOT racism

Why are you asking me that dumbass when we are talking about which group has more total apples? Are you really that stupid that you couldnt understand the question?
No we are not we are talk per capita retard.
No stupid. This is the question I asked you.

"Which group still has the most apples?"
And I answered per the point of this conversation I did not ask totals i ask per capita. and you keep trying to change that, I won't agree to that per capita the 12 percent as evidenced by your own post have 2 apples to every one the 70 percent group has.
I know you didnt ask my totals. I asked you about totals. I didnt allow you to change to per capita. That was never the conversation. My claim was that whites commit the vast majority of crime.
No they don't the way one compares races is per capita and per capita Blacks commit a LOT more crime then whites as proven by your own post and I started this thread and I established what it was about NOT you.
You keep saying per capita when that had jack shit to do with my claim or question. 69% of the crimes is more than 28% of the crimes in every numbering system known to mankind.
No we are not we are talk per capita retard.
No stupid. This is the question I asked you.

"Which group still has the most apples?"

No, the question is randomly picking a member of each group, which one is likely to have an apple?
No that was never my question unless you cant read.

I didn't say it was your question, I said it was THE question.
I dont care what you didnt say. My question was THE question.
Wrong STUPID this is MY thread I established the only question that is pertinent in THIS thread.
No we are not we are talk per capita retard.
No stupid. This is the question I asked you.

"Which group still has the most apples?"
And I answered per the point of this conversation I did not ask totals i ask per capita. and you keep trying to change that, I won't agree to that per capita the 12 percent as evidenced by your own post have 2 apples to every one the 70 percent group has.
I know you didnt ask my totals. I asked you about totals. I didnt allow you to change to per capita. That was never the conversation. My claim was that whites commit the vast majority of crime.
No they don't the way one compares races is per capita and per capita Blacks commit a LOT more crime then whites as proven by your own post and I started this thread and I established what it was about NOT you.
You keep saying per capita when that had jack shit to do with my claim or question. 69% of the crimes is more than 28% of the crimes in every numbering system known to mankind.
Not per capita dumb ass, you even proved it with your apple question every one of the 12 percent have over 2 apples while every member of the 70 percent have less than 1. On an individual basis the 12 percent have more apples.
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
The previous statement is correct. It is also supported by national statistics. Your example is one person ( yes it was horrible and devastating ) it was however one person that you are trying to use as a national statistic. Your statement “ can you imagine a Black man Stealli 65 bil”? What is your point? Bernie went to jail, so would a Black person. As far as it being glorified in the movies, be honest with yourself and look at the glorification of Black thugs/gangstas in movies as well. Your response always ring hollow.
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

It is racist. It's poor statistics and inaccurate. And your comment about black communities not caring is a lie. This is another racist troll thread that needs to be closed.
It is correct statistics about the percentages. Please look it up. The fact that you do not want to acknowledge them does not mean they are false. It simply means you are disengenuous.
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Sane people call that SCIENCE.
Only retarded people call it science.

So says the expert on retardation who eschews FACTS because they do not agree with his myths, claims, innuendo, and hate-filled, racist propaganda that bleeds from his every post that he wishes WERE true.

These are not facts. This is a bunch of white racist bullshit that needs to be moved to the rubber room but it gets allowed to stay because people here who have responsibility believe the same crap.
The crime statistics are facts. The neighborhood statement is observations. To look at the neighborhoods honestly, one must look at the inner city as opposed to affluent black suburbs just as we should for white inner city or very poor rural areas. The crime stats however are given from police departments all over the country. They are also supported by statistics from the U.S. Government.
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
what are you saying?? people haven't heard of Madoff???
they made movies/documentaries/etc of him

difference is the violence used
Hey, Mojambo, I've not put forth any facts claimed, I'm not the OP. Nor have I argued those facts are not facts. I'm still waiting for the proof from one of you clowns that the OP statements many times proven over and over are NOT facts. Get with the program.
But here's the thing about racism.

Racism is not logical.

That makes it hard to disprove logically.

You can confirm it by facts (One black robber) but never disprove it (a hundred black people who don't rob).

Racism works in a part of the brain that deals with feeling, not thought.

See most people believe in racism not because they read it in a book or because they read some stats but because they experienced it first-hand.

For blacks ? The experience is direct.
For whites ? It comes through seeing family, friends or lovers subjected to racism but 90% even then they'll still discount it for many reasons such as the fact that white supremacists control the most the most powerful places that shape people's idea of what the truth is.

The press, FBI, universities, scientific journals, museums, schoolbooks, so from this comes the denial “
Get over it!”, “Blacks are racist too!”, “Africans sold their own into slavery!”, “Go back to Africa”, “You are the racist one!” etc

White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
Hey, Mojambo, I've not put forth any facts claimed, I'm not the OP. Nor have I argued those facts are not facts. I'm still waiting for the proof from one of you clowns that the OP statements many times proven over and over are NOT facts. Get with the program.
But here's the thing about racism.

Racism is not logical.

That makes it hard to disprove logically.

You can confirm it by facts (One black robber) but never disprove it (a hundred black people who don't rob).

Racism works in a part of the brain that deals with feeling, not thought.

See most people believe in racism not because they read it in a book or because they read some stats but because they experienced it first-hand.

For blacks ? The experience is direct.
For whites ? It comes through seeing family, friends or lovers subjected to racism but 90% even then they'll still discount it for many reasons such as the fact that white supremacists control the most the most powerful places that shape people's idea of what the truth is.

The press, FBI, universities, scientific journals, museums, schoolbooks, so from this comes the denial “
Get over it!”, “Blacks are racist too!”, “Africans sold their own into slavery!”, “Go back to Africa”, “You are the racist one!” etc

White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
all whites that don't agree with Paul are evil supremacists
Don't you have some aboriginals to beat down or something? Liberals cannot stand to be told the truth about blacks and crime and that is a fact.
And where do you get your facts from about black people and crime ?
Police stats from all over the country, the U.S. Government. Let me give your next statement and false argument. “ those are all white supremacist organizations”.
Hey, Mojambo, I've not put forth any facts claimed, I'm not the OP. Nor have I argued those facts are not facts. I'm still waiting for the proof from one of you clowns that the OP statements many times proven over and over are NOT facts. Get with the program.
But here's the thing about racism.

Racism is not logical.

That makes it hard to disprove logically.

You can confirm it by facts (One black robber) but never disprove it (a hundred black people who don't rob).

Racism works in a part of the brain that deals with feeling, not thought.

See most people believe in racism not because they read it in a book or because they read some stats but because they experienced it first-hand.

For blacks ? The experience is direct.
For whites ? It comes through seeing family, friends or lovers subjected to racism but 90% even then they'll still discount it for many reasons such as the fact that white supremacists control the most the most powerful places that shape people's idea of what the truth is.

The press, FBI, universities, scientific journals, museums, schoolbooks, so from this comes the denial “
Get over it!”, “Blacks are racist too!”, “Africans sold their own into slavery!”, “Go back to Africa”, “You are the racist one!” etc

White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
all whites that don't agree with Paul are evil supremacists
You can leave out the “ that don’t agree with”. His history of posts are very clear.
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
We did have a black man that stole millions of dollars. In fact it was a lot more than 65 mil. And this thief named barack obama gave it all to iran. So yes, I can imagine it.
how come the Asians today are not treated the same way--if the whites are so racist!!??
Do you have any that shows that most murders DO NOT occur in black neighborhoods? I have proof that most do as evidenced by the fact that of the known cases 50 percent are black cases.





Can you tell me why you white people don't concern yourselves with the nonsense in your own community ?
We do on a daily basis.
I wonder why if blacks are so superior why they have next to no infrastructure created by them?

we wuz kangs.jpg
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.
O dear,O dear...So you take NO responsibility for your historic and horrific treatment of Black people...From slavery to lynching to degredation to pauperism to exclusion to TOTAL RACISM....just sell them a Gun and then EXECUTE THEM


Get back with us after posting a history of how penal colony ex-prisoners treated the Aborigines, ok?

Nothing in America parallels with that.

No sir, kiwi boy. Go ahead and import more Muslims to do some pennance and get yourself decapitated, k?

Blacks were in America, and fought in the Revolution. No comparison, whatsoever.

There have been freed blacks, and black slaveowners here. IOW, blacks have been in America since its inception.
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There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
Hes in prison. What more do you want?

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