It is NOT racism

Sane people call that SCIENCE.
Only retarded people call it science.

So says the expert on retardation who eschews FACTS because they do not agree with his myths, claims, innuendo, and hate-filled, racist propaganda that bleeds from his every post that he wishes WERE true.
White facts are like farts. They gas up your white heads and they stink. Just because I am an expert on your retardation that has nothing to do with real facts. Your OP is an exercise in ignorant bullshit designed to make you feel better about being from a race of criminals and savages.

You are just as racist as any of the racists I’ve seen on here. You don’t like/don’t trust/demonize and make assumptions about white people for no other reason than for the color of their skin. If I went around saying the things you say about whites about POC, I would accurately be dubbed a racist. Perhaps every time you type out the word “white” in reference to skin color, put “black” in its place and see how it sounds. Maybe that would be a reality check for you but I highly doubt it.
Whites smell like wet dogs...
Subjective nonsense. Wanna know what YOU smell like?
Whites started chattel slavery...
The fate of the inferior in any universe.
Whites needed to guarantee themselves a head start here in the US so they enslaved, Jim Crowed, and imprisoned millions of Blacks....
People do what they can do. You are also free today because of a White! And Whites could make you a slave again if they wanted. Thank us for your freedom.
Whites were last to civilization....
You mean Whites were last on the evolutionary tree. Whites invented civilization. It's a matter of history which cannot be disputed. First there was the ape, then came Homo Habilis, and so on. Homo was black and hairy at first with a a small brain then became white, less hairy, good looking with a big brain as he moved away from the equator and developed civilization and culture. Just like a car. White is the new and improved model on the block. Nature always replaces its first tries with better models---- even a bacteria evolves forward with superior resistance, etc.
Theres your reality check.
There is yours.
It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Your post is an example of racism. I know that's too abstract for a NonCom, but I learned long ago not to post why, since the response is always some form of denial.

Ya according to you RETARDS on the left admitting to facts is racist. Hell you got the papa Johns guy fired for simply recounting a story of someone ELSE using a racial slur.

What was your intent for posting a thread which singled out African Americans? What other factors might explain how the numbers posted related to geography, poverty, employment opportunities, age, and compared to other ethnic groups in different regions of the country, as well as the size of the community in land mass and population.
Crime and the fact that black crime is rampant in black communities And that when black criminals are shot by police for BEING criminals black communities riot.

Not fact. It's white racist bullshit
Yes, "Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime" is indeed racist.
No. It is factual.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.
It doesn't concern me because I never see crime personally. Crime isn't rampant in white neighborhoods. Most white people will never hear gun shots where they live.
OK. So are you claiming that white people are less criminal than black people ? Do you stand by that statement ?
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.

That's untrue, unless the 68 percent of the crime committed by whites is all committed in black communities.
Im talking about comparing one neighborhood against another, but if you want to include everything, i can throw in Africas crime stats. Either way, you still lose the debate.

This is a debate you can't win. You are trying to argue using fake news.
Yes, "Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime" is indeed racist.
No. It is factual.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.

Once again for the extremely stupid whites, the only way to measure crime by race is by the number of people committing the crime by each race.
No. It is factual.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.

Once again for the extremely stupid whites, the only way to measure crime by race is by the number of people committing the crime by each race.
That's right Per capita.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.

Once again for the extremely stupid whites, the only way to measure crime by race is by the number of people committing the crime by each race.
That's right Per capita.

That means whites commit more crime per capita. Because 68 percent of the participants in all crimes committed are whites.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.

Once again for the extremely stupid whites, the only way to measure crime by race is by the number of people committing the crime by each race.
That's right Per capita.

That means whites commit more crime per capita. Because 68 percent of the participants in all crimes committed are whites.

And here I thought I was bad at
White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
Does racism exist ?
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
what are you saying?? people haven't heard of Madoff???
they made movies/documentaries/etc of him

difference is the violence used
A white man Bernie Madoff has stole more money (65 billion) than all the black robberies combined. One white man.
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
what are you saying?? people haven't heard of Madoff???
they made movies/documentaries/etc of him

difference is the violence used
A white man Bernie Madoff has stole more money (65 billion) than all the black robberies combined. One white man.
one robber vs many black robbers-many violent black robbers--
I ask you, who would you want to live by..many violent black robbers or Bernie??
I do not even have to ask---I know the answer
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
Hes in prison. What more do you want?
Show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
what are you saying?? people haven't heard of Madoff???
they made movies/documentaries/etc of him

difference is the violence used
A white man Bernie Madoff has stole more money (65 billion) than all the black robberies combined. One white man.
one robber vs many black robbers-many violent black robbers--
I ask you, who would you want to live by..many violent black robbers or Bernie??
I do not even have to ask---I know the answer
Who are these violent black robbers ? Do you know any ?

But your moving the argument again because you know you can't claim that black people rob the most

OK. So are you claiming that white people are less violent than black people ?
White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
Does racism exist ?
Yes it does. On both sides. You make the assumption that all whites are racist and supremacists.
No. It is factual.
Nope, not in the slightest. Talk or act racialistic, you will be called out on it.
Check the stats. You are being called out

Stats show that whites commit more than double the crime.
Once again for the slow and stupid there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. They would have to commit 5 times the amount of crime to be equal per capita to black crime.

Once again for the extremely stupid whites, the only way to measure crime by race is by the number of people committing the crime by each race.
Extremely stupid whites? Thank you Mr. Racist.

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