It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

They were bad enough before, but now that they know they've been conned by people they trust, they're off the rails.

We tried to tell you. Sorry.
Twitter files? You have been lied to and still repeat those lies. You tell no one a fucking thing. Why can't you understand that?
Presented alone is meaningless, The only time conclusions can occur is with presentation PLUS examination. But there has been only presentation, so there is no determination regarding the evidence.

As for all these claims you are making, :link:......

and just from some laughable leftist rag.
yup nice try, now you are backpedaling and still scared of me and my question.

I am asking you, which obviously you are scared to answer:

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Trump appointed judges said no fraud.

Either answer or admit defeat.
Imagine thinking 70 judges are part of "the conspiracy". That's next-level paranoia right there.
It's not a conspiracy. They just all went along with the precedent set by the SCOTUS to not have politics be brought into the courtroom. Incredible how ignorant these liberals are.

Information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media. :rolleyes:
yup nice try, now you are backpedaling and still scared of me and my question.

I am asking you, which obviously you are scared to answer:

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Trump appointed judges said no fraud.

Either answer or admit defeat.
1. WHAT question ?

2. You are in no position to be asking questions here, you little pipsqueak. You still haven't answered MY QUESTIONS. THAT is what you need to do >>

Who are these people ? >>>
What's their connection to fraud evidence ?

1, Alexandra Seely
2. Zachary Larsen
3. Jesse Jacob
4. Robert Cushman
5. Steven Miller
6. Phill Kline
7. Russell Ramsland

And I've already shot down your :lame2: brain "court" talking point, which was as airworthy as the Hindenburg
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It's not a conspiracy. They just all went along with the precedent set by the SCOTUS to not have politics be brought into the courtroom. Incredible how ignorant these liberals are.

Information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media. :rolleyes:
LIES !!!

What precedent did the SCOTUS set when they were the last to rule in this case. All the courts rejected Trump's fake evidence before the SCOTUS did the same.

You still have not answered my question, you are getting killed here. I have shut you up quick mothafucker.

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Trump appointed judges said no fraud.
They want to be lied to.

They should be insulted by what their media has done, but they're not.
This guy is a joke, he is clearly scared of me and my hard nose simple question that I asked him 10 times.

He can't answer it.

They need to be lied to and the Dominion law suit is proof, these people stop watching Fox when Fox tells them the truth.
This guy is a joke, he is clearly scared of me and my hard nose simple question that I asked him 10 times.

He can't answer it.

They need to be lied to and the Dominion law suit is proof, these people stop watching Fox when Fox tells them the truth.
Reality is beginning to seep into their world, and they're reacting.

All those "facts" they've been swallowing all this time were lies. That has to hurt.
They want to be lied to.

They should be insulted by what their media has done, but they're not.
You and the banker have been challenged to show that you have even the slightest bit of knowledge about this subject. You both have shown beyond any doubt, that you are as clueless as you could be.

You both have gotten your asses handed to you here, and this thing is OVER. Game, set, match.
Reality is beginning to seep into their world, and they're reacting.

All those "facts" they've been swallowing all this time were lies. That has to hurt.
You don't know what those facts are. You got asked. You didn't reply.
No one is scared of you. You better take some time off nutbag.
You little bitches are scared AF

None of you can even answer my simple question.
Here is how you shut up the weak trash mothafuckers, just ask them this:

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Trump appointed judges said no fraud.


Now take your little runt bitch Protectionist and tuck tale and run like a bitch !
You and the banker have been challenged to show that you have even the slightest bit of knowledge about this subject. You both have shown beyond any doubt, that you are as clueless as you could be.

You both have gotten your asses handed to you here, and this thing is OVER. Game, set, match.
What an absolute joke
You have done nothing and presented nothing at all

You won't even answer my simple question
Either answer this question that you are too scared to answer or shut the fuck up and admit defeat. This is where the debate is at.
Time to answer the question, which you are scared to do.

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Trump appointed judges said no fraud.

I am openly challenging you, and you are scared. I have answered all you weak bull shit questions. You won;'t answer mine because you are scared.
What an absolute joke
You have done nothing and presented nothing at all

You won't even answer my simple question
Either answer this question that you are too scared to answer or shut the fuck up and admit defeat. This is where the debate is at.
Time to answer the question, which you are scared to do.

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Trump appointed judges said no fraud.

Two Wisconsin Supreme Court rulings say there was fraud.

So suck on that, kook.
Reality is beginning to seep into their world, and they're reacting.

All those "facts" they've been swallowing all this time were lies. That has to hurt.
Notice how both these 2 bitches are too scared to answer my simple question, but they both try to claim they are tough and that they have somehow "won"

They both tremble at this question !!!!!!!!

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Trump appointed judges said no fraud.

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