It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

You have absolutely nothing and keep avoiding my question:

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Psychologists ought to look at your posts. Thy might find a pathology that is rare and might need to come up with a new name for it. You devise a combination of scenarios in your mind, and then dump them in the pages of this thread.

Let's look at them individually >>
1. You talk about some question that you claim you are asking, but you won't say what it is (yes I did ask - so far no answer)
2. While you keep yammering about this so-called "question" of yours, you have run away from my multiple question asked of you many hours ago -because you don't want to reveal that you don't know the answers (and your too just plain stupid to realize that we all KNOW why you don't answer those questions, because you don't have the foggiest idea who the people connected with the election fraud issue are, or much of anything else about this subject.
3. Nobody said anything about an expose' of fraud "making Trump be president" (except you).
4. Nobody said anything about judges "all in on election fraud" (another of your concoctions)
5. Talk about "batshit crazy". Wow! You said >> "nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud" In the meantime, thousands of reputable people (congressmen, senators, governors, mayors, ex-govt officials, election workers, etc., go on Newsmax and OAN every night for 2 years, and talk about it, as well as people calling in to talk radio shows, and journalists writing articles.
6. In a previous post, I asked for LINKS to the statements you made, but you refuse to produce any.
7., I think you need psychological help. I mean really. Is ther a doctor in the house ? Pheeeew! :rolleyes:
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Always an excuse. Always the victim. You're angels, everyone else is corrupt.

Time to grow up.
No, the time is not for me to grow up, the time is for you to stop DODGING the evidence that I posted 2 years ago, and have been posting it ever since. You got the link. I even specified the post numbers.

But you won't look at it, because you know it would blow your fraud denial narrative to smithereens.
LIES !!!

What precedent did the SCOTUS set when they were the last to rule in this case. All the courts rejected Trump's fake evidence before the SCOTUS did the same.

You still have not answered my question, you are getting killed here. I have shut you up quick mothafucker.

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Trump appointed judges said no fraud.
The courts ruling came longggg after members of the court had stated their opinions publicly, which was well before any of your judges got involved.

And it doesn't do you any good to copy/paste your own previously posted posts, which I have blown to bits.

Now go wash your mouth out with soap, little boy, and be thankful that we are only on the internet, so you are spared the ordeal of going to the woodshed for a severe spanking. :spank: :whip: :slap:

This guy is a joke, he is clearly scared of me and my hard nose simple question that I asked him 10 times.

He can't answer it.

They need to be lied to and the Dominion law suit is proof, these people stop watching Fox when Fox tells them the truth.
Funny how you say you asked this "question" of yours 10 times, but nobody knows what it is. Could it be because there IS NO "question", and this is just another one of your concoctions ? For a "question" that has allegedly been in this thread "10 times", it sure is hard to find. :laughing0301:
Notice how both these 2 bitches are too scared to answer my simple question, but they both try to claim they are tough and that they have somehow "won"

They both tremble at this question !!!!!!!!

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Trump appointed judges said no fraud.
You call that a "question" ? LOL. More like a warped concoction, from a seriously deranged mind.
That time came and went a long time ago.

The rubes will never accept reality, and are in fact becoming more and more deeply mentally ill.
Another information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media. The information is here in USMB (has been here for 2 years). Read and learn >>

Posts 754......755......756......757......758 >>

And don't skip over the links and sublinks.
They are a sad pathetic bunch.

The worst part is they kept running they mouth about fake news, lies, fake scandals galore, and it turns out they are they ones that are full of shit with the fake news station (thank you Dominion law suit!), and their scandals are all bullshit with no credible evidence to support them.
Exactly the OPPOSITE of the truth, as usual, with leftist loon talk.
Ho hum. yawn**** :slap:
So did Trump appointed judges, GoP secretary of states. Oh, and a whole slew of Fox News anchors (in private texts and emails).

I mean, and I mean this absolutely sincerely, just how dumb do you guys have to be? Seriously? It's pathetic.
Post #242 goes for you too.
Sure, as soon as Democrats quit cherry picking judges to hear cases against themselves. That's really not asking for much.
So since you think someone else is breaking the rules, you think you're justified in lying.

Middle school mentality.

Sure, as soon as Democrats quit cherry picking judges to hear cases against themselves. That's really not asking for much.
Democrats have honed the skill of setting up judges favorable to them. It was California Democrats who coined the term "judge shopping" in the 1990s, when they got handpicked judges to overrule the will of the people.

Californians filed petitions with over a Million signatures to put Proposition 187 on the ballot. It would have ended welfare benefit$$$ to illegal aliens.
62 % of California voters supported it. Should have been a slum-dunk.

Then enter the open-borders nuts. They found a federal judge to annul the voters' victory, and obliterate the will of the people.
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No, the time is not for me to grow up, the time is for you to stop DODGING the evidence that I posted 2 years ago, and have been posting it ever since. You got the link. I even specified the post numbers.

But you won't look at it, because you know it would blow your fraud denial narrative to smithereens.
I'm not a judge. And YOUR "evidence" only paints one side of the picture. REAL judges are throwing your weak "evidence" out.

The following people agree with me: Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas

Meanwhile, you have been lied to, and you now you KNOW it. Rupert Murdoch himself says so.

He says so because he was under oath. Something your orange thugs are running from. As you ALSO know.
Rupert fucking Murdoch himself, of all people, admits what Fox has been doing. Why? Because he was under oath.

But the rubes? Nah. They're going to cling to their little world and believe the cowards who are pleading the Fifth.
I'm not a judge. And YOUR "evidence" only paints one side of the picture. REAL judges are throwing your weak "evidence" out.

The following people agree with me: Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas

Meanwhile, you have been lied to, and you now you KNOW it. Rupert Murdoch himself says so.

He says so because he was under oath. Something your orange thugs are running from. As you ALSO know.
I've already commented repeatedly about the flimsiness of relying on th courts as a source of validation. Time and again, they have been contradicted, one court against the other. One judge against the other. Overall, they are a mess. See post # 247

You're dodging the evidence because you know it refutes your narrative, and by a landslide. You can pop "the following people" into your posts until the moon turns blue, and not one of them can refute the MANY PAGES of evidences I posted.

Oh, "under oath" was he ? That's nice. My evidences contain the sworn affiadvits og DOZENS of people, UNDER OATH, most of them election workers who were involvd in the fraud.
I've already commented repeatedly about the flimsiness of relying on th courts as a source of validation. Time and again, they have been contradicted, one court against the other. One judge against the other. Overall, they are a mess. See post # 247

You're dodging the evidence because you know it refutes your narrative, and by a landslide. You can pop "the following people" into your posts until the moon turns blue, and not one of them can refute the MANY PAGES of evidences I posted.

Oh, "under oath" was he ? That's nice. My evidences contain the sworn affiadvits og DOZENS of people, UNDER OATH, most of them election workers who were involvd in the fraud.
Let's just agree to this:

I'll side with the people who are testifying under oath.

You side with the people who are pleading the Fifth.

Rupert fucking Murdoch himself, of all people, admits what Fox has been doing. Why? Because he was under oath.

Who cares? Media is media, they're ALL a bunch of fucking liars.

But the rubes? Nah. They're going to cling to their little world and believe the cowards who are pleading the Fifth.

Mac you dumbass leftard, you just don't get it. No one "believes" anything. There are only horses that ride and horses that don't.

Reps take the fifth, and Dems outright lie under oath. Same difference. Either way we're not getting the truth.

The RUBES are the ones who believed the lying fucktard media when it said Trump called Mexicans rapists. No such thing ever happened, the lying scumbag media MADE UP THE WHOLE THING.

You're a total fucking idiot if you think Murdoch is different from anyone else. That fucker married a Chinese spy, how hard can it be? You think the righties don't know that? Where the fuck you been?

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