It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

Rupert fucking Murdoch himself, of all people, admits what Fox has been doing. Why? Because he was under oath.

But the rubes? Nah. They're going to cling to their little world and believe the cowards who are pleading the Fifth.
Nobody gives a rats ass about Rupert or some people on Fox News . The election workers themselves have testfied under oath they saw, and in some cases, were involved in the frauds themselves. You are all a bunch of liars, and everybody knows it.
Let's just agree to this:

I'll side with the people who are testifying under oath.

You side with the people who are pleading the Fifth.

I am the one who is siding with the people who are testifying under oath. As I just told you - DOZENS of them. If you were not ignorant of the content of my MANY PAGES of evidences (that you won't read), you would know that.
Hey Mac, you know anything about math?

There's a guy named Gauss, pretty famous guy, scientist type - he kinda invented probability theory centuries before the Russians.

Specifically, he defined mathematically what is a "normal" distribution. Normal statistical distributions are called Gaussian in his honor.

You can MEASURE how far outcomes (any outcomes) deviate from normal. The distance between two statistical distributions is called the Kullback-Leibler divergence.

If you have a normal distribution, concepts like mean and variance are straightforward. If you don't have a normal distribution, you have to calculate them using integrals, it's a lot.more complicated.

The good news is, the Russians came up with formulas, to calculate ANY statistical moment, from ANY distribution.

The math says, that the chances of 2020 being a fair election, are LESS THAN one in a million. They're 6 to 7 standard deviations out. Probability theory and game theory and many.other branches of math, define EXACTLY what "fair" means. There is no "interpretation by judges". It's MATH. And unlike leftards, math never ever lies.
Psychologists ought to look at your posts. Thy might find a pathology that is rare and might need to come up with a new name for it. You devise a combination of scenarios in your mind, and then dump them in the pages of this thread.

Let's look at them individually >>
1. You talk about some question that you claim you are asking, but you won't say what it is (yes I did ask - so far no answer)
2. While you keep yammering about this so-called "question" of yours, you have run away from my multiple question asked of you many hours ago -because you don't want to reveal that you don't know the answers (and your too just plain stupid to realize that we all KNOW why you don't answer those questions, because you don't have the foggiest idea who the people connected with the election fraud issue are, or much of anything else about this subject.
3. Nobody said anything about an expose' of fraud "making Trump be president" (except you).
4. Nobody said anything about judges "all in on election fraud" (another of your concoctions)
5. Talk about "batshit crazy". Wow! You said >> "nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud" In the meantime, thousands of reputable people (congressmen, senators, governors, mayors, ex-govt officials, election workers, etc., go on Newsmax and OAN every night for 2 years, and talk about it, as well as people calling in to talk radio shows, and journalists writing articles.
6. In a previous post, I asked for LINKS to the statements you made, but you refuse to produce any.
7., I think you need psychological help. I mean really. Is ther a doctor in the house ? Pheeeew! :rolleyes:
You have been totally destroyed here and are absolutely delusional

I asked you and Lastmander repeatedly, 10+ times, and now you are going to claim you don't even know what my question is???
Are you stupid or something?

You are scared, you can't answer my question at all, because it destroys you.
I have answered all you questions, everyone, more than once, you can't answer my question and you keep running from it

You are the Surrenderists, the typical weak little bitch trying to be tough, running your mouth like a punk.
You are a weakling

The judges clearly saw Trump's bullshit evidence and numerous judges all declared it bullshit, AG Barr declared it Bullshit, the people at Fox News declared it bullshit, Ivanka Trump declared it bullshit, GOP election officials declared it bullshit. So according to you, these people are all in on the steal?
Ivanka Trump is in on the steal !!!!!!
Good luck with that...

Judges have sat you down and shut you up, they have all said there is no credible evidence of fraud. Game over, you lose again.

You present a bunch of Sydney Powell associates or Josh Hawley liars or fake News on OAN and somehow act like they have credibility. These people are not credible at all. Nobody has presented credible evidence of fraud at all in anyway, and nothing they say has held up in court or will hold up in court.

Its laughable to think that Trump has some form of evidence of fraud and should be made president, but there is some grand conspiracy amongst all the judges in America to not recognize Trump's evidence ?!?!

All the judges in America, even conservative judges appointed by trump, are in on the steal ! Trump has the magic evidence of election fraud, but these criminal judges won't look at it!
That's what you are going with !!!

You lose again, per usual. You have been totally destroyed here and have not made 1 valid point yet. You have not provided any factual evidence to support anything you said.
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Hey Mac, you know anything about math?

There's a guy named Gauss, pretty famous guy, scientist type - he kinda invented probability theory centuries before the Russians.

Specifically, he defined mathematically what is a "normal" distribution. Normal statistical distributions are called Gaussian in his honor.

You can MEASURE how far outcomes (any outcomes) deviate from normal. The distance between two statistical distributions is called the Kullback-Leibler divergence.

If you have a normal distribution, concepts like mean and variance are straightforward. If you don't have a normal distribution, you have to calculate them using integrals, it's a lot.more complicated.

The good news is, the Russians came up with formulas, to calculate ANY statistical moment, from ANY distribution.

The math says, that the chances of 2020 being a fair election, are LESS THAN one in a million. They're 6 to 7 standard deviations out. Probability theory and game theory and many.other branches of math, define EXACTLY what "fair" means. There is no "interpretation by judges". It's MATH. And unlike leftards, math never ever lies.
I'm sure you have the peer-reviewed study on this.

Please provide and I'll take a look.
I'm not a judge. And YOUR "evidence" only paints one side of the picture. REAL judges are throwing your weak "evidence" out.

The following people agree with me: Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas

Meanwhile, you have been lied to, and you now you KNOW it. Rupert Murdoch himself says so.

He says so because he was under oath. Something your orange thugs are running from. As you ALSO know.
This guy is a joke

He tries to act like Trump and Sydney Powell have some magic evidence that will prove fraud and make him president, yet all judges across America and all credible people across America have all said the evidence is bullshit.

Nobody in America with credibility has said there is evidence of fraud, he must think all the judges in America are "in on the steal."

I totally shut him up with my question, which he was too scared to answer.
This guy is a joke

He tries to act like Trump and Sydney Powell have some magic evidence that will prove fraud and make him president, yet all judges across America and all credible people across America have all said the evidence is bullshit.

Nobody in America with credibility has said there is evidence of fraud, he must think all the judges in America are "in on the steal."

I totally shut him up with my question, which he was too scared to answer.
They are in their own world. They have their own reality.

The very source of their "information" has now admitted it was a lie, and they STILL don't care.

There is no communicating with them. We can just hope that some of them grow up before it's too late.
They are in their own world. They have their own reality.

The very source of their "information" has now admitted it was a lie, and they STILL don't care.

There is no communicating with them. We can just hope that some of them grow up before it's too late.
Its a pretty simple situation

Either present real deal credible evidence of fraud that will hold up in court, or shut the fuck up and admit Trump is lying about fraud that never happened.

They can't do either, but they cling to their bullshit lies that they have this magic evidence of fraud and all the judges in America are in on the steal and won't look at the evidence!
oh and Ivanka Trump and AG Barr are also in on the steal.

These people are the epitome of weak little bitches, I love how they all try to act so tough and have wanna be bad ass names like "Protectionist" yet cower like little weakling when you ask them the tough questions that they have no answer to.
Its a pretty simple situation

Either present real deal credible evidence of fraud that will hold up in court, or shut the fuck up and admit Trump is lying about fraud that never happened.

They can't do either, but they cling to their bullshit lies that they have this magic evidence of fraud and all the judges in America are in on the steal and won't look at the evidence!
oh and Ivanka Trump and AG Barr are also in on the steal.
Can you produce evidence that there wasn't any voter fraud?
Can you produce evidence that there wasn't any voter fraud?
All the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, have all said there is no credible evidence of fraud and they stated that any bullshit evidence that Sydney Powell and Giuliani and others have presented has not been credible at all.

On top of that AG Barr, GOP election officials, the Dept of Homeland security, the people at Fox news, and hundreds more people have all said there was no fraud or any evidence of fraud.

On top of that you are the ones that need to prove fraud. The burden of proof is on Trump.
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but but but
the people on News max and OAN said there was fraud mommy !

I got some magic beans to sell ya, if you plant them in the ground a magic vine grows and it leads you to the evidence of election fraud that will make Trump president !

I sell em to ya for real cheap only $1M, send it to my crypto wallet.
All the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, have all said there is no credible evidence of fraud and any bullshit evidence that Sydney Powell and Giuliani and others have presented has not been credible at all.

On top of that AG Barr, GOP election officials, the Dept of Homeland security, the people at Fox news, and hundreds more people have all said there was no fraud or any evidence of fraud.

On top of that you are the ones that need to prove fraud. The burden of proof is on Trump.
These are just opinions by some people and not actual evidence.
These are just opinions by some people and not actual evidence.
The ruling of all judges is evidence.

The burden of proof is on Trump, he is the one that needs to provide evidence of fraud, which he can't do.

Its very very simple:
Either present real deal credible evidence of fraud that will hold up in court, or shut the fuck up and admit Trump is lying about fraud that never happened.

You are just too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud, and you can't present credible evidence of fraud at all and its very very pathetic, and pure weakness.
The ruling of all judges is evidence.

The burden of proof is on Trump, he is the one that needs to provide evidence of fraud, which he can't do.

Its very very simple:
Either present real deal credible evidence of fraud that will hold up in court, or shut the fuck up and admit Trump is lying about fraud that never happened.

You are just too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud, and you can't present credible evidence of fraud at all and its very very pathetic, and pure weakness.
Once again you are giving other people's opinions on this and not actual evidence.
Once again you are giving other people's opinions on this and not actual evidence.
All the judges in America's rulings are not opinion, they are evidence.
And again you are the one who needs to provide evidence of fraud, you don't seem to understand how the burden of proof works

You seem to think you can just proclaim "the election was stolen" without having any evidence. You need to provide the credible evidence of fraud or admit there was no fraud.
All the judges in America's rulings are not opinion, they are evidence.
And again you are the one who needs to provide evidence of fraud, you don't seem to understand how the burden of proof works

You seem to think you can just proclaim "the election was stolen" without having any evidence. You need to provide the credible evidence of fraud or admit there was no fraud.
Still no evidence but plenty of opinions. Get back to me when you have actual evidence.
Still no evidence but plenty of opinions. Get back to me when you have actual evidence.
yea nice try.
Get back to me when you have actual evidence. You are the one making the claim of fraud, you are the one that needs evidence to back that claim up.

You don't seem to understand how the big boy world works.

Go look up burden of proof because you obviously have no clue what that is.
Democrats have honed the skill of setting up judges favorable to them. It was California Democrats who coined the term "judge shopping" in the 1990s, when they got handpicked judges to overrule the will of the people.

Californians filed petitions with over a Million signatures to put Proposition 187 on the ballot. It would have ended welfare benefit$$$ to illegal aliens.
62 % of California voters supported it. Should have been a slum-dunk.

Then enter the open-borders nuts. They found a federal judge to annul the voters' victory, and obliterate the will of the people.

Same with faggot 'marriage' scams, which were nothing but a gimmick to scam insurance companies into paying for their self-inflicted 'AIDS Crisis', and other judicial fiat 'rulings'. They found a faggot judge to strike down the voters on Prop 8.
From the CNN link that poster Blaster provide the forum in post #258:

“This defendant used his position, knowledge of the process, and connections to fix elections for his preferred candidates, which demonstrates a truly flagrant disregard for the laws which govern our elections. He will now spend 30 months in prison as penalty for his crimes.”

That message was echoed by Jacqueline Maguire, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Philadelphia division. “Protecting the legitimacy of elections is critical to ensuring the public’s trust in the process,” she said.

“Through his actions, Ozzie Myers pointedly disdained both the will of Philadelphia voters and the rule of law. He’s now a federal felon twice over, heading back behind bars, with time to consider the great consequence of free and fair elections,” Maguire added."

Spank that sucker, hard!
Or any other Dick or Karen who tries to flim-flam our elections. Every big elections has incidences of fraud, i.e., voting for the dead wife, for the dementia'd mother, voting more than one jurisdiction, etc. It has been ever such. With 160 million+ voters voting across at least 5 times zones, and 90,000+ voting precincts......and thousands of candidates, and even more thousands of poll workers........ there will always be a level of fraud. It's a people thing, a human thing.

But that is 'retail' nickel-dime fraud. It is other events that involve more people or a wider reach that must command our attention.

There was in this last 2022 election in Michigan a scheme to get candidates on the ballot by submitting thousands of fake signatures. The popular Detroit police chief employed such a scammer in his attempt to run for the GOP gubernatorial. It is also the insidious attempt to insert phony 'electors' in the Electoral College fraud in the 2020 election. It is any attempt to subvert the vote of millions by throwing out their vote on mere suspicion, or conspiracy, or faulty or insufficient supposed 'evidence'.

Voting a single ballot for one's long dead wife is one thing.....but what we experienced with the attempts by Don Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Krakenpot Powell, Jeffrey Clark, all those fabricated EC 'electors', and far far more dangerous to America. And far more dangerous to the electorate's faith in a free and fair election.

The 'Stop-the-Steal' effort (a term coined by none other than upstanding Roger Stone)......has done serious damage to America.


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