It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

I've always been fairly close to a freedom of expression purist, so yes, I want them to speak/post freely.

I want to know who these people are, from where they're getting their opinions, exactly what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that unless they can express themselves freely. This is one of the primary reasons I've had so many battles with the Left over the years here regarding political correctness, which I think is abhorrent and destructive.

And that's exactly why I'm so goddamned concerned about this period, and its far-reaching implications. And I suspect I'll never forgive these people for making me question my lifelong commitment to freedom of expression. They won't be able to change my mind on it, but seeing them being so manipulated, and seeing them create and exist in their alternate reality, has been awful.
Where those on the right get their opinions, is from the actions of those on the left. Entire cities mired in crime, because of Democrat idiots who defund police, and let criminals back on the street, within hours of being arrested, might be good for starters.

An economy mired with record inflation, brought about by a Democrat president who goes to war with the fossil fuel industry, thereby cutting supply and increasing demand/prices, as manufacturers have to spend more to transport their goods.

From the actions of the left who rant about racial discrimination, but are perfectly comfortable with racial discrimination (Affirmative Action & American Rescue Plan) as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims.

From the support of the left given to LGBT nutjobs, complete with praise for the so-called loony "Pride" parades (what is there to be proud of ?), and lunatic tran MEN posing as women, and shamefully accepting "victories" in women's sports, that they were incapable of winning, competing against other men.

From the support of the left given to illegal immigration (until the migrants go to their neighborhoods), complete with sanctuary cities, calls for amnesty, and all with a long list of HARMS to the American people.

From the lack of ability of Democrats, and the left in general, to recognize that a society full of (law-abiding) armed people, is safer than one full of people who are disarmed, and thus vulnerable to criminals, + the lack of ability of the left to realize that Gun Free Zones are green light invitations to mass shooters.

I could add more to this list, but this is enough for starters. More than enough.
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"debunked" is one of leftists' favorite catchwords. Problem is, what they claim to be debunked, has not been.

You "think" ? No you don't think. You struggle and search for a way to avoid getting the crap beat out of you by me, et al, in these postings. So your latest pathology is to call me weak, and say I have problems "manning up".

HA HA. Well, if I do have any problems with that (none that I know of), it sure wouldn't be manning up and being weak where you are concerned, because I flat out kick your ass in this thread every single day, and everyone with a brain here, can easily see that. I said with a brain, so I guess that's why you can't seem to get a grasp.
You have presented nothing credible or of merit, you have just avoided my questions and proclaimed victory, all while failing to acknowledge that every credible source in America, the entire US court system, and the Dept of Justice, and the Dept of Homeland Security, have all said Trump is lying about fraud.

You have absolutely nothing to refute this at all accept to make the insane bullshit accusation that:
The entire US court system, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland security, and a lot of other people are all "paid off" and "in on the steal" and against Trump??

That is all you have, and you don't even have anything credible to prove that beyond a bunch of lies from Sydney Powell and Newsmax and OAN. Then you somehow proclaim that this weak punk childish bullshit is somehow:
getting the crap beat out of you by me, et al, in these postings.

an absolutely delusional and laughable claim. I say again, you represent the insecure weak bitches of America, the scared little punks that buy a gun, think they are somehow tough, then are too scared and weak to accept fact based reality.

Get back to me when you can present credible evidence of fraud that will hold up in court, which you can't do, because it has all been rejected by the courts, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland Security, GOP Election officials, and deemed uncredible.
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You have presented nothing credible or of merit, you have just avoided my questions and proclaimed victory, all while failing to acknowledge that every credible source in America, the entire US court system, and the Dept of Justice, and the Dept of Homeland Security, have all said Trump is lying about fraud.

You have absolutely nothing to refute this at all accept to make the insane bullshit accusation that:
The entire US court system, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland security, and a lot of other people are all "paid off" and "in on the steal" and against Trump??

That is all you have, and you don't even have anything credible to prove that beyond a bunch of lies from Sydney Powell and Newsmax and OAN. Then you somehow proclaim that this weak punk childish bullshit is somehow:

an absolutely delusional and laughable claim. I say again, you represent the insecure weak bitches of America, the scared little punks that buy a gun, think they are somehow tough, then are too scared and weak to accept fact based reality.

Get back to me when you can present credible evidence of fraud that will hold up in court, which you can't do, because it has all been rejected by the courts, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland Security, GOP Election officials, and deemed uncredible.
You have presented nothing credible or of merit, you have just avoided my questions, and laughably proclaimed victory, after lying about my long lists of evidence which you know nothing about, because you never looked at them.

You are one of the most assinine posters in the history of this forum. Fools like you tarnish a good forum like this.
You have presented nothing credible or of merit, you have just avoided my questions, and laughably proclaimed victory, after lying about my long lists of evidence which you know nothing about, because you never looked at them.

You are one of the most assinine posters in the history of this forum. Fools like you tarnish a good forum like this.
yap yap yap

Your words have no meaning or credibility behind them at all.

You are the one that is claiming the US courts, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland security, and a lot of other people are all "paid off" and "in on the steal" and against Trump. And that is the most ridiculous bullshit in US history. A laughable claim made be the weak of America.

My argument is backed up by facts, your argument is backed up by Sydney Powell, Rudy Guiliani, and a whole bunch of absolute wackos that have no credibility at all.

Like i said, get back to me when you actually have real and credible evidence that will hold up in a US court of law, which you can't do !!!
Ha Ha
You lose again.

No go run around proclaiming victory, I think my post speaks for itself.

PS how'd that AZ audit go? oh yea big fail add it to the long list of other fails. Ha !
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yap yap yap

Your words have no meaning or credibility behind them at all.

You are the one that is claiming the US courts, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland security, and a lot of other people are all "paid off" and "in on the steal" and against Trump. And that is the most ridiculous bullshit in US history. A laughable claim made be the weak of America.

My argument is backed up by facts, your argument is backed up by Sydney Powell, Rudy Guiliani, and a whole bunch of absolute wackos that have no credibility at all.

Like i said, get back to me when you actually have real and credible evidence that will hold up in a US court of law, which you can't do !!!
Ha Ha
You lose again.

No go run around proclaiming victory, I think my post speaks for itself.

PS how'd that AZ audit go? oh yea big fail add it to the long list of other fails. Ha !
As I said to your dense head 100 times already, you don't have the foggiest idea about my argument, because you never looked at it. And when I quizzed you on it, you FLUNKED with flying colors, Here's the grade you got > ZERO.
As I said to your dense head 100 times already, you don't have the foggiest idea about my argument, because you never looked at it. And when I quizzed you on it, you FLUNKED with flying colors, Here's the grade you got > ZERO.

Your words have no meaning or credibility behind them at all.

You are the one that is claiming the US courts, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland security, and a lot of other people are all "paid off" and "in on the steal" and against Trump. And that is the most ridiculous bullshit in US history. A laughable claim made be the weak of America.

My argument is backed up by facts, your argument is backed up by Sydney Powell, Rudy Guiliani, and a whole bunch of absolute wackos that have no credibility at all.

Like i said, get back to me when you actually have real and credible evidence that will hold up in a US court of law, which you can't do !!!
The Big Lie is the total undoing of all credibility for republicans. Still to this day, they can't man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud despite losing all court cases and all audits and all the people at Fox News admitting behind the scens that Trump is lying about fraud that never happened, these people still cling to the Big Lie.

Any so called evidence presented has been fake news lies that got completely rejected by all courts with Trump appointed judges rejecting it and saying it is all lies.
Sydney Powell and Giuliani have been outed as frauds with their bold and fabricated claims of Dominion voting machine fraud that is about to cost Fox News $1.8 B in a defamation law suit.

It is time for Trump supporters to either present this evidence of fraud or shut up and admit that there was no fraud.
I fully expect all trump supporters to not be able to present any credible evidence of fraud (per usual) and still not admit there was no fraud. They are in too deep and married to the big lie.
OP is based on a false dichotomy fallacy, there are many other options.
Your words have no meaning or credibility behind them at all.

You are the one that is claiming the US courts, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland security, and a lot of other people are all "paid off" and "in on the steal" and against Trump. And that is the most ridiculous bullshit in US history. A laughable claim made be the weak of America.

My argument is backed up by facts, your argument is backed up by Sydney Powell, Rudy Guiliani, and a whole bunch of absolute wackos that have no credibility at all.

Like i said, get back to me when you actually have real and credible evidence that will hold up in a US court of law, which you can't do !!!
Not good for the forum for people to copy/paste their own previous posts, and it also shows you've run out of things to say, after I've nullified everything you've said. Your copy/pastes are a declaration of surrender. :rolleyes:
Not good for the forum for people to copy/paste their own previous posts, and it also shows you've run out of things to say, after I've nullified everything you've said. Your copy/pastes are a declaration of surrender. :rolleyes:
yup sure maybe on mars, but in the real world you can not address or refute my points at all so i will keep posting them until you can:

You are the one that is claiming the US courts, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland security, and a lot of other people are all "paid off" and "in on the steal" and against Trump. And that is the most ridiculous bullshit in US history. A laughable claim made be the weak of America.

My argument is backed up by facts, your argument is backed up by Sydney Powell, Rudy Guiliani, and a whole bunch of absolute wackos that have no credibility at all.

When you finally get some real facts that will be accepted by US court of law, which is the gold standard for facts in the USA, then you can claim victory, until then you are just another loser.
Actions Speak louder than words.

You spend way too much time whining and crying about bullshit that has been completely debunked by an overwhelming amount of highly credible sources.

Any weakling can buy a gun and think they are tough, but when all your actions are those of the weak, you are weak.

I think you have big problems manning up and accepting reality/life.
I think you're a deluded little lemming who is totally incapable of discerning reality anymore.

YOU just said ^^^, that if a lot of people say it, it must be true.

That's fucking DELUSIONAL, pal - and that kind of delusion will get you into big heapum trouble.

It'll get us ALL into a big heap of trouble.

You are very, VERY wrong. As wrong as the day is long.

The truth does not depend on how many people are lying.
yup sure maybe on mars, but in the real world you can not address or refute my points at all so i will keep posting them until you can:

You are the one that is claiming the US courts, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland security, and a lot of other people are all "paid off" and "in on the steal" and against Trump. And that is the most ridiculous bullshit in US history. A laughable claim made be the weak of America.

My argument is backed up by facts, your argument is backed up by Sydney Powell, Rudy Guiliani, and a whole bunch of absolute wackos that have no credibility at all.

When you finally get some real facts that will be accepted by US court of law, which is the gold standard for facts in the USA, then you can claim victory, until then you are just another loser.
In your warped fantasyland you live in,your supposed facts are your warped opinions, :abgg2q.jpg: y facts you do not want to come to grips with because we have had the most corrupt court system in the world with corrupt judges for decades and presidential elections have been rigged for decades,you don’t want to talk about facts like several thousands of people that were dems for decades have switched tothe Republican Party because of trump and rfk jr has said he ashamed of the dem party what it has become,nor FACTS many credible postal workers that were whistleblowers were willing to come forward and testify to the illegal mail in fraud knowing the penalty of perjury,were never called to court to present their evidence.

How much does the dnc pay you to lie and keep coming here to embarrass yourself?:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::rofl:
I think you're a deluded little lemming who is totally incapable of discerning reality anymore.

YOU just said ^^^, that if a lot of people say it, it must be true.

That's fucking DELUSIONAL, pal - and that kind of delusion will get you into big heapum trouble.

It'll get us ALL into a big heap of trouble.

You are very, VERY wrong. As wrong as the day is long.

The truth does not depend on how many people are lying.
Too bad all the US courts, the Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland Security, and numerous other people with credibility are all in agreement with me.

The only people on your side are total wackos and known liars like Sydney Powell, Rudy Gulianni, and the My Pillow guy.

Just because a bunch of known liars feed you lies you want to hear, doesn;t make it true. You are very gullible and got played by Trump.

Hey everyone the election was stolen ! Waaaa ! mommy !!! mommy !!!!!
I think you're a deluded little lemming who is totally incapable of discerning reality anymore.

YOU just said ^^^, that if a lot of people say it, it must be true.

That's fucking DELUSIONAL, pal - and that kind of delusion will get you into big heapum trouble.

It'll get us ALL into a big heap of trouble.

You are very, VERY wrong. As wrong as the day is long.

The truth does not depend on how many people are lying.
Well the entire board pretty much knows he is deluded the fact he thinks he has facts or credibility and runs off when you tell him rfk jr is ashamed to be a democrat the party he was once so proud of,he pretends this post of mine is never made when I bring that fact or facts that whistle blowers in the post office were willing to testify to the vote fraud never were called to present evidence of you can’t get anymore delusional than that saying there was no vote fraud and the Dems are cheating corrupt crooks.:rofl:reality is something he will never grasp.:abgg2q.jpg:
You have presented nothing credible or of merit, you have just avoided my questions and proclaimed victory, all while failing to acknowledge that every credible source in America, the entire US court system, and the Dept of Justice, and the Dept of Homeland Security, have all said Trump is lying about fraud.

You have absolutely nothing to refute this at all accept to make the insane bullshit accusation that:
The entire US court system, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland security, and a lot of other people are all "paid off" and "in on the steal" and against Trump??

That is all you have, and you don't even have anything credible to prove that beyond a bunch of lies from Sydney Powell and Newsmax and OAN. Then you somehow proclaim that this weak punk childish bullshit is somehow:

an absolutely delusional and laughable claim. I say again, you represent the insecure weak bitches of America, the scared little punks that buy a gun, think they are somehow tough, then are too scared and weak to accept fact based reality.

Get back to me when you can present credible evidence of fraud that will hold up in court, which you can't do, because it has all been rejected by the courts, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland Security, GOP Election officials, and deemed uncredible.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You have just proved in spades you are indeed the biggest fucking idiot on these boards.:auiqs.jpg::rofl::laughing0301:every living American that knows anything about politics knows the entire court system,dept of justice,dept of homeland security,is paid off by the elite and the most corrupt organizations in the world and have always served the elite instead of the people.

Congrats on proving to the entire board you are indeed the biggest fucking idiot that has ever resided on these boards.:rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::yes_text12::TH_WAY~113:
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Too bad all the US courts, the Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland Security, and numerous other people with credibility are all in agreement with me.

See? ^^^

Authority fallacy 101.

Look it up.

The only people on your side are total wackos and known liars like Sydney Powell, Rudy Gulianni, and the My Pillow guy.

What the fuck do you know about my "side", you dumbass fucking asswipe?

Just because a bunch of known liars feed you lies you want to hear, doesn;t make it true. You are very gullible and got played by Trump.

Feeble brained leftard lemming. ^^^

Anyone with a different viewpoint got "played by Trump".

How old are you anyway? Ten?

Hey everyone the election was stolen ! Waaaa ! mommy !!! mommy !!!!!

Maybe nine.
Too bad all the US courts, the Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland Security, and numerous other people with credibility are all in agreement with me.

The only people on your side are total wackos and known liars like Sydney Powell, Rudy Gulianni, and the My Pillow guy.

Just because a bunch of known liars feed you lies you want to hear, doesn;t make it true. You are very gullible and got played by Trump.

Hey everyone the election was stolen ! Waaaa ! mommy !!! mommy !!!!!
:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Too bad for YOU that you cannot accept reality that presidential elections have been stolen for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents,you pretend this is the first time this has ever happened before.:auiqs.jpg:too bad YOU cannot accept reality that the dept of justice for decades has earned the honor by Americans of being called the dept of INJUSTICE that the dept of homeland security,and the court system are the last organizations on the planet with credibility,thst they are as much evil organizations as the cia and fbi.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::rofl:

There you go again living in a fantasyland ignoring many dozens of dozens of whistleblowers thst were postal workers that witnessed illegal mail in ballots,you somehow find them not credible people.seriously,how much is the dnc paying you to post this shit and embarrass yourself everyday.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Everytime we confront you with these facts you do this :scared1:knowing you have nowhere to run:rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::laughing0301::laughing0301:
See? ^^^

Authority fallacy 101.

Look it up.

What the fuck do you know about my "side", you dumbass fucking asswipe?

Feeble brained leftard lemming. ^^^

Anyone with a different viewpoint got "played by Trump".

How old are you anyway? Ten?

Maybe nine.

scruffy The entire board pretty much figured out from day one when he first arrived that he was ten years old at the most.:abgg2q.jpg:

Anybody who lauds the dept of justice,the dept of homeland security and the court system as their evidence of no vote fraud and lauds them as having credibility has got to be someone about ten years old or younger obviously.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301:

that’s why I don’t bother addressing any of his babble when he posts to me.children are not worth my time.

Banker kid is trying to convince everybody here the dept of justice err dept of injustice,dept of homeland security,judges,and the courts somehow have credibility but in his warped world he lives in,dozens of postal workers who said they witnessed vote fraud in the mail,and were willing to testify to the courts knowing the penalty for perjury,THEY do NOT have credibility. :laughing0301: Comedy gold,this is one fir the books and one so classic I plan to use it in my sig.:rofl:

Must suck to be this banker baby to deny reality there are thousands in even dem cities like New York chanting let’s go Brandon for their hero president, :rofl:
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See? ^^^

Authority fallacy 101.

Look it up.

What the fuck do you know about my "side", you dumbass fucking asswipe?

Feeble brained leftard lemming. ^^^

Anyone with a different viewpoint got "played by Trump".

How old are you anyway? Ten?

Maybe nine.
If your strategy is to make the extremely serious and bold proclamation "the election was stolen" without having credible evidence to back it up, you look stupid as fuck.

You don't seem to understand reality, you have no evidence, none, nothing credible that will hold up in court and numerous judges said there was no credible evidence of fraud.

You are trying to make the laughable claim that all the judges in US courts are "in on the steal" along with the Dept of Justice, Homeland security, and numerous other credible people. That is a laughable claim, worse still you don't have credible evidence at all.

Your 3 biggest supporters are Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and the My Pillow guy, 3 total jokes with out credibility.

You are just too much of a weakling to admit trump's lying, like always. You are gullible and weak, this proves that.
So what you are saying is that my EYES are lying to me?

Nothing to see here, move along, move along.

Idiots like you are the reason why this country is all fucked up with crime, and high prices.....

You're not wrong.
But not all the relevant.
They brought in exponentially more unverifiable mail in ballots right through the front door.
See? ^^^

Authority fallacy 101.

Look it up.

What the fuck do you know about my "side", you dumbass fucking asswipe?

Feeble brained leftard lemming. ^^^

Anyone with a different viewpoint got "played by Trump".

How old are you anyway? Ten?

Maybe nine.
He's a kid. Obvious from his posts. F'n brat.

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