It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

I have already shot down all your silly "court" talk multiple times. No need to go through it again. And stop pretending that you read all that Georgia fraud information. Wanna take a QUIZ ? You FLUNKED the last one.

Affidavits and statistical analyses allege more than 318,000 illegal ballots were counted, 15,000 mail-in ballots were lost, 18,000 were “fraudulently recorded” in the name of voters who never asked for mail-in ballots, 7,000 ineligible voters who had moved out of state voted illegally, Biden over performed in places using Dominion voting machines, and elections officials directed workers to "cure" or fix ballots with no witness address, or with voter certification missing on absentee ballot certificates and envelopes even though the law states such ballots are not to be counted, according to a lawsuit filed by Sidney Powell.

Read Sidney Powell lawsuit

A USPS subcontractor claims he was told the postal service planned. to improperly backdate tens of thousands of ballots after the Nov. 3 election.

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Elections officials twice found batches of missing ballots in voting machines.

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A disability service coordinator who works with adults in assisted living facilities and group homes in and around Milwaukee, says every one of her more than 20 clients told her that they were either pressured to vote for Biden or had a vote cast for Biden before they ever had a chance to see their ballot.

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There were illegally altered and illegally issued absentee ballots; and government officials gave illegal advice to voters. That’s according to a Trump campaign filing.

The Trump campaign questions an estimated 238,420 ballots from two counties, Dane and Milwaukee, where election clerks filled in missing information on the certification envelope; where voters declared themselves “indefinitely confined”; and roughly 69,000 absentee ballots cast in person before Election Day. Biden won Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes.

There was a suspicious spike in voters registering as “indefinitely confined,” which allows them to be exempt from presenting a photo ID to vote. Year to year, the number of voters calling themselves "indefinitely confined” increased 238% from 72,000 to 243,900. UPDATE: Wisconsin's Supreme Court ruled in favor of Republicans in a lawsuit stating that coronavirus and stay-at-home orders were not legitimate reasons for voters to vote without ID as "indefinitely confined."

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Nearly 400 absentee ballots that were not initially counted were later found. Officials blame "human error.”

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A trickle of votes that had Trump in the lead all night suddenly shifted when 170,000 votes, 5% of the total state count, came in one giant dump 17 times larger than average. Before the dump, Trump was ahead by 108,000 votes. He fell behind by 9,000 votes an instant later.
You have shot absolutely nothing down at all

You have whined and cried and claimed all the judges in all the courts in America are "against Trump" and "in on the steal" A laughable joke claim. A total joke. That is not "shooting" anything down at all, that is crying like a bitch.

That's your big grand argument. All the courts in the entire country are against Trump, showing total desperation.

Your big star witness is Sydney Powell, another absolute joke, with no credibility at all.

So according to you AG Barr, and the head of Dept of Homeland Security are also "in on the steal" and "paid off" right ???

What a desperate joke.

Like i said, get back to me when you have real and credible evidence backed by real and credible people beyond Sydney Powell and the My Pillow guy.

Really all you have is a bunch of whining and crying like a weak little bitch.
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What a babbling rant of stupidity. Are you drunk??? You just made a fool of yourself.

Either present real and credible evidence of fraud that will hold up in court or admit that there was no fraud. You are just too weak to admit Trump lost the election.

You represent the weak of America, the little babies that can't admit Trump lost the election, just like a little child that loses a game and throws a tantrum.

You people have no credible evidence at all.

You have to be a stone cold idiot to post what you just posted.

You have to be a stone cold idiot to post what you just posted.

Yea great comeback, especially after the drunken babbling rant you wrote.

How about you get back to me when you have actual evidence of fraud that will hold up in court, instead of the bullshit lies that you have now. Bullshit that got shot down in all US courts across the entire country. But wait, you can't accept that at all and you just whine and cry and claim all these courts are "in on the steal" even though some judges were appointed by Trump.

That is the level of total joke you and Protectionist are on, two weaklings crying like losers because every single court in the US has ruled that trump is lying.
I have already shot down all your silly "court" talk multiple times. No need to go through it again. And stop pretending that you read all that Georgia fraud information. Wanna take a QUIZ ? You FLUNKED the last one.

Affidavits and statistical analyses allege more than 318,000 illegal ballots were counted, 15,000 mail-in ballots were lost, 18,000 were “fraudulently recorded” in the name of voters who never asked for mail-in ballots, 7,000 ineligible voters who had moved out of state voted illegally, Biden over performed in places using Dominion voting machines, and elections officials directed workers to "cure" or fix ballots with no witness address, or with voter certification missing on absentee ballot certificates and envelopes even though the law states such ballots are not to be counted, according to a lawsuit filed by Sidney Powell.

Read Sidney Powell lawsuit

A USPS subcontractor claims he was told the postal service planned. to improperly backdate tens of thousands of ballots after the Nov. 3 election.

Read More

Elections officials twice found batches of missing ballots in voting machines.

Read More

A disability service coordinator who works with adults in assisted living facilities and group homes in and around Milwaukee, says every one of her more than 20 clients told her that they were either pressured to vote for Biden or had a vote cast for Biden before they ever had a chance to see their ballot.

Read More

There were illegally altered and illegally issued absentee ballots; and government officials gave illegal advice to voters. That’s according to a Trump campaign filing.

The Trump campaign questions an estimated 238,420 ballots from two counties, Dane and Milwaukee, where election clerks filled in missing information on the certification envelope; where voters declared themselves “indefinitely confined”; and roughly 69,000 absentee ballots cast in person before Election Day. Biden won Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes.

There was a suspicious spike in voters registering as “indefinitely confined,” which allows them to be exempt from presenting a photo ID to vote. Year to year, the number of voters calling themselves "indefinitely confined” increased 238% from 72,000 to 243,900. UPDATE: Wisconsin's Supreme Court ruled in favor of Republicans in a lawsuit stating that coronavirus and stay-at-home orders were not legitimate reasons for voters to vote without ID as "indefinitely confined."

Read More

Nearly 400 absentee ballots that were not initially counted were later found. Officials blame "human error.”

Read More

A trickle of votes that had Trump in the lead all night suddenly shifted when 170,000 votes, 5% of the total state count, came in one giant dump 17 times larger than average. Before the dump, Trump was ahead by 108,000 votes. He fell behind by 9,000 votes an instant later.
Here ya go:

It keeps escalating to even more pathetic heights. As if the Jan 6th Insurrection was not bad enough, Trumpers have taken it to another level.

Trumpers are now reduced to defending The Big Lie, with another Grand Lie:
The Entire US court system is "In on the Steal" and "Paid Off", along with all the other checks and balances in our government and country like: AG Barr, Ivanka Trump, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland Security, GOP Election officials, people at Fox News who revealed in personal emails that they think "Trump is lying" (thank you Dominion lawsuit !!!), and many many other people.

Trump has lost all his court cases, Trump appointed judges ruled they saw the evidence and determined it not credible at all. No real judge or credible person has said there is credible evidence of fraud. In cases where judges dismissed it due to technicality, they also commented that the evidence is a joke, and not credible at all. Trumpers, can't handle this fact so they need to move on to the next lie, the lie they need to still cling to the Big Lie. So they have the Big Lie, and the now the new Grand Lie.
The Grand lie that all the courts in America and all the people I listed above are all "In on the steal" and "Paid off".

This is the next level the Trumpers now have to go to in order for them to still cling to the Big Lie, because you can't have the Big Lie, with out the Grand Lie to defend said Big Lie. Trumpers need the Grand Lie to justify and explain all the repeated losses they had in all their court cases (and audits), because Trump has lost all his court cases and has no credible evidence of fraud at all.
Here ya go:

It keeps escalating to even more pathetic heights. As if the Jan 6th Insurrection was not bad enough, Trumpers have taken it to another level.

Trumpers are now reduced to defending The Big Lie, with another Grand Lie:
The Entire US court system is "In on the Steal" and "Paid Off", along with all the other checks and balances in our government and country like: AG Barr, Ivanka Trump, Dept of Justice, Dept of Homeland Security, GOP Election officials, people at Fox News who revealed in personal emails that they think "Trump is lying" (thank you Dominion lawsuit !!!), and many many other people.

Trump has lost all his court cases, Trump appointed judges ruled they saw the evidence and determined it not credible at all. No real judge or credible person has said there is credible evidence of fraud. In cases where judges dismissed it due to technicality, they also commented that the evidence is a joke, and not credible at all. Trumpers, can't handle this fact so they need to move on to the next lie, the lie they need to still cling to the Big Lie. So they have the Big Lie, and the now the new Grand Lie.
The Grand lie that all the courts in America and all the people I listed above are all "In on the steal" and "Paid off".

This is the next level the Trumpers now have to go to in order for them to still cling to the Big Lie, because you can't have the Big Lie, with out the Grand Lie to defend said Big Lie. Trumpers need the Grand Lie to justify and explain all the repeated losses they had in all their court cases (and audits), because Trump has lost all his court cases and has no credible evidence of fraud at all.
Nobody said that the court system is ""In on the Steal" and "Paid Off", EXCEPT YOU. I said the courts (who are not the bottom line here) simply didnt want to bring politics into the courtroom. There did seem to be some monkey see monkey do, as many judges FOLLOWED along with what they saw others do before them.

In any case, the courts and the judges (who did not examine the reports) are NOT THE CRITERIA. The place to look to find out about the fraud is from the reporters of the frauds, and their official sworn affidavits, as well as unofficial statements by witnesses to the fraud, some which I, et al, have posted VIDEOS of. So there's no doubt about the massive fraud that went on all across the country.

Everybody knew as soon as they woke up that Wednesday morning, hearing the news that Biden had won, when the news had announced Trump as the winner the night before, when they went to bed. Those big, strange Biden dumps said it all. Much more evidence came along day after day, but none of it was needed. Is there anybody really DUMB enough to think this was legit ? Legitimate votes come in as tiny increments in upward, diagonal lines, not perfectly straight, perfectly vertical, and large lines like this oddball thing >>


There's NO DOUBT what happened. And the "BIG LIE" catch-phrase that you are so fond of, and keep blabbering, is actually YOUR BIG LIE in denying that all this fraud took place.
Do you actually think you're fooling anybody ? You totally lost this debate days ago, and you're establishing yourself as one of this forum's biggest FOOLS. Ho hum. yawn****
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Nobody said that the court system is ""In on the Steal" and "Paid Off", EXCEPT YOU. I said the courts (who are not the bottom line here) simply didnt want to bring politics into the courtroom. There did seem to be some monkey see monkey do, as many judges FOLLOWED along with what they saw others do before them.

In any case, the courts and the judges (who did not examine the reports) are NOT THE CRITERIA. The place to look to find out about the fraud is from the reporters of the frauds, and their official sworn affidavits, as well as unofficial statements by witnesses to the fraud, some which I, et al, have posted VIDEOS of. So there's no doubt about the massive fraud that went on all across the country.

Everybody knew as soon as they woke up that Wednesday morning, hearing the news that Biden had won, when the news had announced Trump as the winner the night before, when they went to bed. Those big, strange Biden dumps said it all. Much more evidence came along day after day, but none of it was needed. Is there anybody really DUMB enough to think this was legit ? Legitimate votes come in as tiny increments in upward, diagonal lines, not perfectly straight, perfectly vertical, and large lines like this oddball thing >>


There's NO DOUBT what happened. And the "BIG LIE" catch-phrase that you are so fond of, and keep blabbering, is actually YOUR BIG LIE in denying that all this fraud took place.
Do you actually think you're fooling anybody ? You totally lost this debate days ago, and you're establishing yourself as one of this forum's biggest FOOLS. Ho hum. yawn****

Now you're back pedaling as you start to realize how ridiculous and pathetic your entire argument is. Notta good look.
AT the end of the day, the US courts are the deciding factor, and if there was real and credible evidence of fraud they would be very eager to make sure our election was not corrupted. The courts would never turn a blind eye to presidential election fraud, one of the most serious crimes in our country, if Trump actually had the slightest form of credible evidence. All the courts, every single one (70+ cases) and they all said No Fraud, and no evidence of fraud at all.
These courts saw Trump's fake bullshit evidence and ruled that is was not credible. Even in the cases that got thrown out on procedure, most of the judges still commented that Trump's evidence is not credible at all.

On top of that AG Barr said no fraud, so he must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Ivanka Trump said no fraud, so she must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dept of Homeland Security said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dep of Justice said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Personal emails between Tucker Carlson and other Fox news people said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"

It has become very apparent that you have nothing here beyond tears and bullshit from highly biased people. You have no valid reason for Trump losing all court cases, you can't properly explain why all the judges have said Trump has no credible evidence at all, and you can't explain why so many credible people have said no evidence of fraud, beyond "they are biased against Trump" or "In on the steal"

You look really fuckin stupid. Get back to me when you can validly explain why Trump has lost all his court cases, all the judges said the evidence was bullshit, and why numerous other Trump loyalists like AG Barr and Ivanka Trump and the Fox News people all said no evidence of fraud. You have exposed yourself for a joke.
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AT the end of the day, the US courts are the deciding factor, and if there was real and credible evidence of fraud they would be very eager to make sure our election was not corrupted. The courts would never turn a blind eye to presidential election fraud, one of the most serious crimes in our country, if Trump actually had the slightest form of credible evidence. All the courts, every single one (70+ cases) and they all said No Fraud, and no evidence of fraud at all.
These courts saw Trump's fake bullshit evidence and ruled that is was not credible. Even in the cases that got thrown out on procedure, most of the judges still commented that Trump's evidence is not credible at all.

On top of that AG Barr said no fraud, so he must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Ivanka Trump said no fraud, so she must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dept of Homeland Security said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dep of Justice said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Personal emails between Tucker Carlson and other Fox news people said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"

It has become very apparent that you have nothing here beyond tears and bullshit from highly biased people. You have no valid reason for Trump losing all court cases, you can't properly explain why all the judges have said Trump has no credible evidence at all, and you can't explain why so many credible people have said no evidence of fraud, beyond "they are biased against Trump" or "In on the steal"

You look really fuckin stupid. Get back to me when you can validly explain why Trump has lost all his court cases, all the judges said the evidence was bullshit, and why numerous other Trump loyalists like AG Barr and Ivanka Trump and the Fox News people all said no evidence of fraud. You have exposed yourself for a joke.
NO, courts are not the deciding factor, and especially when they don't even examine evidence. The courts are meaningless in this whole subject. That was established long ago in his thread, and you prolonging a meaningless line, only show how inept you are as a poster. Better go back to your video games, kid.

The long, long list of evidences I posted is what counts. Here's some more of it - which you of course won't read, because you're scared stiff to do that.

Live online election results from Associated Press (AP) appear to show some sort of glitch, with Trump seeming to lose 6,000 votes in a span of two minutes.

A forensic analysis of two Antrim County Dominion voting machines reportedly shows: data from the election was improperly deleted on Nov. 4, the software is designed to have an unacceptably high "error" rate of 68% when federal law only allows a fractional error rate. An attorney representing a voter in a lawsuit says the high error rate allows for unsupervised "adjudication" of the bulk of the votes, which opens up the possibility of fraud. Dominon denies any impropriety.

Listen to interview with attorney here

Read Sidney Powell lawsuit

Read More

Forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst alleges proof of foreign interference and/or access in the election. It shows Dominion’s voting machine server connected to Iran, China and Serbia. Also, the analyst says records show HongKong Shanghai Bank became collateral agent for Dominion voting systems on Sept. 25, 2019. The declaration is contained in the lawsuit filed by attorney Sidney Powell and includes screen shots and a summary of the evidence.

Read analysis

Read more

Detroit worker Jessy Jacob states in a declaration that she and others were directed to backdate about 100,000 absentee ballots, or about 10,000 per day to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Voter File and had not arrived by the deadline. She also testified that leading up to Election Day, Detroit poll workers skipped voter ID checks.

Read More

Read Jacob Declaration

Wayne County Board of Canvassing member William Hartmann, a Republican, says in a sworn declaration that Michigan's largest county certified results knowing there were massive discrepancies between the approved voter files and the ballots cast and counted in Detroit. 71% of Detroit’s 134 absentee voter counting boards were “left unbalanced” and many unexplained, he said in a statement. He also said birth dates in voter ID files were “altered.”

Order "Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism" by Sharyl Attkisson today at Harper Collins, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, IndieBound, Bookshop!
In an Oakland County commissioner race, incumbent Republican Adam Kochenderfer was told he lost, but a later review determined he won. The director of elections blamed the mistake on “a computer issue” that caused Rochester Hills to incorrectly send in results for “seven precincts as both precinct votes and absentee votes” when they should only have been counted once, as absentees.

Results were reversed in Antrim County after it first appeared Biden beat Trump in a landslide by 6,000 votes there. Michigan officials later blamed “user error” for the incorrect results, and declared Trump actually won the county. The state blamed an Antrim County clerk for failing to properly “update software used to collect voting machine data.” The reason the information got a second look is because people who know the county thought the initial Biden landslide seemed unlikely. But officials say the mishap never affected totals.

Read More

An observer in Detroit told a Michigan State Senate hearing that numerous military ballots that looked like “Xerox copies” and were all marked for Democrat Joe Biden. She said election workers manually entered fake birthdates on the records of non registered voters to override the system and allow their votes.

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Michigan observer flags chain of custody issues, machines improperly collected to Internet, and other problems.

Watch for Details

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NO, courts are not the deciding factor, and especially when they don't even examine evidence. The courts are meaningless in this whole subject. That was established long ago in his thread, and you prolonging a meaningless line, only show how inept you are as a poster. Better go back to your video games, kid.

The long, long list of evidences I posted is what counts. Here's some more of it - which you of course won't read, because you're scared stiff to do that.

Live online election results from Associated Press (AP) appear to show some sort of glitch, with Trump seeming to lose 6,000 votes in a span of two minutes.

A forensic analysis of two Antrim County Dominion voting machines reportedly shows: data from the election was improperly deleted on Nov. 4, the software is designed to have an unacceptably high "error" rate of 68% when federal law only allows a fractional error rate. An attorney representing a voter in a lawsuit says the high error rate allows for unsupervised "adjudication" of the bulk of the votes, which opens up the possibility of fraud. Dominon denies any impropriety.

Listen to interview with attorney here

Read Sidney Powell lawsuit

Read More

Forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst alleges proof of foreign interference and/or access in the election. It shows Dominion’s voting machine server connected to Iran, China and Serbia. Also, the analyst says records show HongKong Shanghai Bank became collateral agent for Dominion voting systems on Sept. 25, 2019. The declaration is contained in the lawsuit filed by attorney Sidney Powell and includes screen shots and a summary of the evidence.

Read analysis

Read more

Detroit worker Jessy Jacob states in a declaration that she and others were directed to backdate about 100,000 absentee ballots, or about 10,000 per day to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Voter File and had not arrived by the deadline. She also testified that leading up to Election Day, Detroit poll workers skipped voter ID checks.

Read More

Read Jacob Declaration

Wayne County Board of Canvassing member William Hartmann, a Republican, says in a sworn declaration that Michigan's largest county certified results knowing there were massive discrepancies between the approved voter files and the ballots cast and counted in Detroit. 71% of Detroit’s 134 absentee voter counting boards were “left unbalanced” and many unexplained, he said in a statement. He also said birth dates in voter ID files were “altered.”

Order "Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism" by Sharyl Attkisson today at Harper Collins, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, IndieBound, Bookshop!
In an Oakland County commissioner race, incumbent Republican Adam Kochenderfer was told he lost, but a later review determined he won. The director of elections blamed the mistake on “a computer issue” that caused Rochester Hills to incorrectly send in results for “seven precincts as both precinct votes and absentee votes” when they should only have been counted once, as absentees.

Results were reversed in Antrim County after it first appeared Biden beat Trump in a landslide by 6,000 votes there. Michigan officials later blamed “user error” for the incorrect results, and declared Trump actually won the county. The state blamed an Antrim County clerk for failing to properly “update software used to collect voting machine data.” The reason the information got a second look is because people who know the county thought the initial Biden landslide seemed unlikely. But officials say the mishap never affected totals.

Read More

An observer in Detroit told a Michigan State Senate hearing that numerous military ballots that looked like “Xerox copies” and were all marked for Democrat Joe Biden. She said election workers manually entered fake birthdates on the records of non registered voters to override the system and allow their votes.

Read More

Michigan observer flags chain of custody issues, machines improperly collected to Internet, and other problems.

Watch for Details

You are acting like posting bull shit from Sydney Powell and other non credible conspiracy artists is doing something. Obviously you know nothing about how our government works if you don't realize the courts are the deciding factor, you must have failed 7th grade government.

Again the courts are the be all and all, and when the courts look at Trump's fake bull shit evidence and say it is not credible (70+ times), you lose. The US courts have spoken and they have all said no evidence of fraud. You make up proven lies, that somehow the courts did not see Trump's fake evidence, when they did and rejected it.

Again your big grand argument is that all the courts in the US are ignoring Trump's bullshit fake evidence because they are all "in on the steal" and "paid off". This is a non sensical laughable argument. Your whole entire argument revolves around the US courts being "paid off" a joke argument.

Reposting your fake hearsay bullshit evidence that got rejected by all the courts is nothing. The US courts saw the evidence and ruled (70+ times), and they have ruled that Trump's evidence is bullshit. When you find a real US court that says Sydney Powell's lies have credibility, then get back to me, but as it stands right now all US courts have seen and rejected your bullshit.
Enjoy !

You live in a fantasy land where you somehow think you can scream "election fraud"!!!! with no credible evidence that has been rejected by the US courts. You have nothing at all beyond that. You have made a total fool of yourself.
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NO, courts are not the deciding factor, and especially when they don't even examine evidence. The courts are meaningless in this whole subject. That was established long ago in his thread, and you prolonging a meaningless line, only show how inept you are as a poster. Better go back to your video games, kid.

The long, long list of evidences I posted is what counts. Here's some more of it - which you of course won't read, because you're scared stiff to do that.

Live online election results from Associated Press (AP) appear to show some sort of glitch, with Trump seeming to lose 6,000 votes in a span of two minutes.

A forensic analysis of two Antrim County Dominion voting machines reportedly shows: data from the election was improperly deleted on Nov. 4, the software is designed to have an unacceptably high "error" rate of 68% when federal law only allows a fractional error rate. An attorney representing a voter in a lawsuit says the high error rate allows for unsupervised "adjudication" of the bulk of the votes, which opens up the possibility of fraud. Dominon denies any impropriety.

Listen to interview with attorney here

Read Sidney Powell lawsuit

Read More

Forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst alleges proof of foreign interference and/or access in the election. It shows Dominion’s voting machine server connected to Iran, China and Serbia. Also, the analyst says records show HongKong Shanghai Bank became collateral agent for Dominion voting systems on Sept. 25, 2019. The declaration is contained in the lawsuit filed by attorney Sidney Powell and includes screen shots and a summary of the evidence.

Read analysis

Read more

Detroit worker Jessy Jacob states in a declaration that she and others were directed to backdate about 100,000 absentee ballots, or about 10,000 per day to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Voter File and had not arrived by the deadline. She also testified that leading up to Election Day, Detroit poll workers skipped voter ID checks.

Read More

Read Jacob Declaration

Wayne County Board of Canvassing member William Hartmann, a Republican, says in a sworn declaration that Michigan's largest county certified results knowing there were massive discrepancies between the approved voter files and the ballots cast and counted in Detroit. 71% of Detroit’s 134 absentee voter counting boards were “left unbalanced” and many unexplained, he said in a statement. He also said birth dates in voter ID files were “altered.”

Order "Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism" by Sharyl Attkisson today at Harper Collins, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, IndieBound, Bookshop!
In an Oakland County commissioner race, incumbent Republican Adam Kochenderfer was told he lost, but a later review determined he won. The director of elections blamed the mistake on “a computer issue” that caused Rochester Hills to incorrectly send in results for “seven precincts as both precinct votes and absentee votes” when they should only have been counted once, as absentees.

Results were reversed in Antrim County after it first appeared Biden beat Trump in a landslide by 6,000 votes there. Michigan officials later blamed “user error” for the incorrect results, and declared Trump actually won the county. The state blamed an Antrim County clerk for failing to properly “update software used to collect voting machine data.” The reason the information got a second look is because people who know the county thought the initial Biden landslide seemed unlikely. But officials say the mishap never affected totals.

Read More

An observer in Detroit told a Michigan State Senate hearing that numerous military ballots that looked like “Xerox copies” and were all marked for Democrat Joe Biden. She said election workers manually entered fake birthdates on the records of non registered voters to override the system and allow their votes.

Read More

Michigan observer flags chain of custody issues, machines improperly collected to Internet, and other problems.

Watch for Details

AG Barr said no fraud, so he must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Ivanka Trump said no fraud, so she must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dept of Homeland Security said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dep of Justice said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
GOP election officials said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Personal emails between Tucker Carlson and other Fox news people said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
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You are acting like posting bull shit from Sydney Powell and other non credible conspiracy artists is doing something. Obviously you know nothing about how our government works if you don't realize the courts are the deciding factor, you must have failed 7th grade government.

Again the courts are the be all and all, and when the courts look at Trump's fake bull shit evidence and say it is not credible (70+ times), you lose. The US courts have spoken and they have all said no evidence of fraud. You make up proven lies, that somehow the courts did not see Trump's fake evidence, when they did and rejected it.

Again your big grand argument is that all the courts in the US are ignoring Trump's bullshit fake evidence because they are all "in on the steal" and "paid off". This is a non sensical laughable argument. Your whole entire argument revolves around the US courts being "paid off" a joke argument.

Reposting your fake hearsay bullshit evidence that got rejected by all the courts is nothing. The US courts saw the evidence and ruled (70+ times), and they have ruled that Trump's evidence is bullshit. When you find a real US court that says Sydney Powell's lies have credibility, then get back to me, but as it stands right now all US courts have seen and rejected your bullshit.
Enjoy !

You live in a fantasy land where you somehow think you can scream "election fraud"!!!! with no credible evidence that has been rejected by the US courts. You have nothing at all beyond that. You have made a total fool of yourself.
I don't think it's fair for me to keep on obliterating a silly little child. The solution is a combination of you, your parents, and the woodshed.

Doesnt USMB have an age requirement ? Have to be over 18 ?
The Big Lie is the total undoing of all credibility for republicans. Still to this day, they can't man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud despite losing all court cases and all audits and all the people at Fox News admitting behind the scens that Trump is lying about fraud that never happened, these people still cling to the Big Lie.

Any so called evidence presented has been fake news lies that got completely rejected by all courts with Trump appointed judges rejecting it and saying it is all lies.
Sydney Powell and Giuliani have been outed as frauds with their bold and fabricated claims of Dominion voting machine fraud that is about to cost Fox News $1.8 B in a defamation law suit.

It is time for Trump supporters to either present this evidence of fraud or shut up and admit that there was no fraud.
I fully expect all trump supporters to not be able to present any credible evidence of fraud (per usual) and still not admit there was no fraud. They are in too deep and married to the big lie.


I don't think it's fair for me to keep on obliterating a silly little child. The solution is a combination of you, your parents, and the woodshed.

Doesnt USMB have an age requirement ? Have to be over 18 ?
yea ok
You have obliterated yourself. i have never met somebody on here get so crushed and try to claim victory, without making 1 valid point. You are the joke of the board. A total joke

When you can come up with a logical explanation for all the courts across America seeing Trump's fake evidence and ruling it non-credible get back to me. because your explanation is 1) the courts don't matter 2) the courts are biased against Trump and "in on the steal"

You lose right there, but you can not explain this either:

AG Barr said no fraud, so he must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Ivanka Trump said no fraud, so she must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dept of Homeland Security said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dep of Justice said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
GOP election officials said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Personal emails between Tucker Carlson and other Fox news people said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"

Why are all these people saying there was no fraud, all of whom have more credibility than Sydney Powell? You have some serious explaining to do here and you have some serious serious holes in your argument. The whole basis of your argument is the courts are in on the fraud and bias against Trump, every court in all of America !!!

You can not find 1 single court in the entire country that has said Trump's evidence is valid.
You are a joke and you have some serious explaining to do here, but you have nothing beyond crying about bias and trying to claim victory.
yea ok
You have obliterated yourself. i have never met somebody on here get so crushed and try to claim victory, without making 1 valid point. You are the joke of the board. A total joke

When you can come up with a logical explanation for all the courts across America seeing Trump's fake evidence and ruling it non-credible get back to me. because your explanation is 1) the courts don't matter 2) the courts are biased against Trump and "in on the steal"

You lose right there, but you can not explain this either:

AG Barr said no fraud, so he must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Ivanka Trump said no fraud, so she must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dept of Homeland Security said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dep of Justice said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
GOP election officials said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Personal emails between Tucker Carlson and other Fox news people said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"

Why are all these people saying there was no fraud, all of whom have more credibility than Sydney Powell? You have some serious explaining to do here and you have some serious serious holes in your argument. The whole basis of your argument is the courts are in on the fraud and bias against Trump, every court in all of America !!!

You can not find 1 single court in the entire country that has said Trump's evidence is valid.
You are a joke and you have some serious explaining to do here, but you have nothing beyond crying about bias and trying to claim victory.
Not appropriate to debate with children - particularly those who need psychological counseling.
Not appropriate to debate with children - particularly those who need psychological counseling.
Your surrender has been noted.

really you have no valid answer for anything I said beyond, all the courts in America are biased against trump and "in on the steal" or "paid off" and that is why they ruled his evidence is trash.

Get back to me when you can explain this:

AG Barr said no fraud, so he must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Ivanka Trump said no fraud, so she must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dept of Homeland Security said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dep of Justice said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
GOP election officials said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Personal emails between Tucker Carlson and other Fox news people said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"

Its easy to win debates when you have real facts like I do, see how that works.
Your surrender has been noted.

really you have no valid answer for anything I said beyond, all the courts in America are biased against trump and "in on the steal" or "paid off" and that is why they ruled his evidence is trash.

Get back to me when you can explain this:

AG Barr said no fraud, so he must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Ivanka Trump said no fraud, so she must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dept of Homeland Security said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dep of Justice said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
GOP election officials said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Personal emails between Tucker Carlson and other Fox news people said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"

Its easy to win debates when you have real facts like I do, see how that works.
This absurd child poster is now placed on ignore by me. I trust most posters in this forum will do likewise, after reading a couple of his posts.
This absurd child poster is now placed on ignore by me. I trust most posters in this forum will do likewise, after reading a couple of his posts.

The Surrenderist

Its not like you can answer any of my questions or provide credible evidence that would hold up in court to support anything you have said, so your only move here is to surrender or tap out.

I am still waiting for you to address my very simple questions/points, and you will not be respected at all until you do:

AG Barr said no fraud, so he must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Ivanka Trump said no fraud, so she must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dept of Homeland Security said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dep of Justice said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
GOP election officials said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Personal emails between Tucker Carlson and other Fox news people said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
How is it possible that Trump has magic evidence that will show voter fraud and make him president, but all the courts in America are too biased and "paid off" so they all rejected the evidence.

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The republicans have always been the party of rich folk, and Democrats helped the working man. Who gave us a middle class, a 5day work week, better safety on the job, and ended child labor?
Sorry, neither side of the isle has done a GOOD job.
if they had, we wouldn't be at war with each other.
I am the one who is siding with the people who are testifying under oath. As I just told you - DOZENS of them. If you were not ignorant of the content of my MANY PAGES of evidences (that you won't read), you would know that.
I haven't seen your many pages of evidence. If you want to repost them I'll have a look

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