It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

They are in their own world. They have their own reality.

The very source of their "information" has now admitted it was a lie, and they STILL don't care.

There is no communicating with them. We can just hope that some of them grow up before it's too late.
How many times have you talked about a different world. We are in the same world and the same country Biden has turned to shit. I hope this post is not deleted too.
From the CNN link that poster Blaster provide the forum in post #258:

“This defendant used his position, knowledge of the process, and connections to fix elections for his preferred candidates, which demonstrates a truly flagrant disregard for the laws which govern our elections. He will now spend 30 months in prison as penalty for his crimes.”

That message was echoed by Jacqueline Maguire, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Philadelphia division. “Protecting the legitimacy of elections is critical to ensuring the public’s trust in the process,” she said.

“Through his actions, Ozzie Myers pointedly disdained both the will of Philadelphia voters and the rule of law. He’s now a federal felon twice over, heading back behind bars, with time to consider the great consequence of free and fair elections,” Maguire added."

Spank that sucker, hard!
Or any other Dick or Karen who tries to flim-flam our elections. Every big elections has incidences of fraud, i.e., voting for the dead wife, for the dementia'd mother, voting more than one jurisdiction, etc. It has been ever such. With 160 million+ voters voting across at least 5 times zones, and 90,000+ voting precincts......and thousands of candidates, and even more thousands of poll workers........ there will always be a level of fraud. It's a people thing, a human thing.

But that is 'retail' nickel-dime fraud. It is other events that involve more people or a wider reach that must command our attention.

There was in this last 2022 election in Michigan a scheme to get candidates on the ballot by submitting thousands of fake signatures. The popular Detroit police chief employed such a scammer in his attempt to run for the GOP gubernatorial. It is also the insidious attempt to insert phony 'electors' in the Electoral College fraud in the 2020 election. It is any attempt to subvert the vote of millions by throwing out their vote on mere suspicion, or conspiracy, or faulty or insufficient supposed 'evidence'.

Voting a single ballot for one's long dead wife is one thing.....but what we experienced with the attempts by Don Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Krakenpot Powell, Jeffrey Clark, all those fabricated EC 'electors', and far far more dangerous to America. And far more dangerous to the electorate's faith in a free and fair election.

The 'Stop-the-Steal' effort (a term coined by none other than upstanding Roger Stone)......has done serious damage to America.

The steal IS being stopped for 2024, and "Karen" is racist word, no better thn the N word. Re-examine.
yea nice try.
Get back to me when you have actual evidence. You are the one making the claim of fraud, you are the one that needs evidence to back that claim up.

You don't seem to understand how the big boy world works.

Go look up burden of proof because you obviously have no clue what that is.
You got your evidence X 100. You're just too chicken shit to look at it.
All the judges in America's rulings are not opinion, they are evidence.
And again you are the one who needs to provide evidence of fraud, you don't seem to understand how the burden of proof works

You seem to think you can just proclaim "the election was stolen" without having any evidence. You need to provide the credible evidence of fraud or admit there was no fraud.
Shows like Newsmax have judges on the screen all the time, who say the 2020 election was a steal. And some judges gave victories to Trump. The ones that didn't were Democrat & Republican Trump haters, many of them set up by Democirat judge shopping. US courts are a shambles.

And Trump did have some court victories concerning the 2020 fraud >>

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Shows like Newsmax have judges on the screen all the time, who say the 2020 election was a steal. And some judges gave victories to Trump. The ones that didn't were Democrat & Republican Trump haters, many of them set up by Democirat judge shopping. US courts are a shambles.

And Trump did have some court victories concerning the 2020 fraud >>

Yea nice try at spin with that court case BS, that has nothing to do with the election or election fraud.

All you have is whiney little bitch excuses.
Waaaa !
Waaaaa !!
The conservative judges are corrupt !
Waaaaa !!!!

Do you people even realize how weak and pathetic you are?

The whole basis of your argument is that trump somehow has this magic evidence of fraud, that will make him president, but the US courts are all against him and all the judges are anti trumpers so he can't get a fair court case to present his magic evidence !! That might be the dumbest and most pathetic argument ever. That is next level stupid.

Hey everyone Trump has magic evidence of voter fraud, that will make him president, but the judges in America (and AG barr and Ivanka Trump and the people at Fox news) are all corrupt anti-trumpers, that is why they all ruled against him and his bullshit evidence. But but but its all the judges fault...

You epitomize crybaby weakness, your screen name is a joke and the classic insecure weakling trying to be tough. No way you fight and you don't know shit about violence at all.

If you lived my life you'd be extorted robbed and killed, and I am not going to explain that statement, but I 1000% stand by it.
and "Karen" is racist word, no better thn the N word.
Ah, no. It ain't.

The ones that didn't were Democrat & Republican Trump haters, many of them set up by Democirat (sic) judge shopping.
"Democrat judge shopping"?
Umm, earnest poster 'protectionist'....maybe re-think that one a bit. You are trying too hard.

After all, in all of those 60+ suits that got sh*t-canned.....Rudy, KrakenpotPowell, and the Arizona GOP, et al, were.......hold for it.....the friggin' P-L-A-I-N-T-I-F-F-S!.

That means they got to choose which jurisdictions, which courts they wanted to bring their action to.
Democrats, or Independents, or Libertarians, or Rastafarians, or Nigerians, or Artisians.....had zero to do with 'judge shopping' for the "Elite Strike Force Team's" actions before the courts.

Hell, ain't we all surprised that they didn't take it before the Intergalactic Supreme Klingon Council?
And if they failed there.....why didn't they simply present a solid brief outlining their complaint to, ah, say Courtyards by Marriot?

Do this, good poster Protectionist, watch Ben Ginsberg's testimony before the J6 Committee. I think it was the 2nd day of hearings. It was compelling.

Ginsberg is a REPUBLICAN elections expert and lawyer. He was clear. He was emphatic. And he was decisive......Trump and his enablers had their day in court. 60+ times. They blew it. Google up any number of sources for Ginsberg's testimony on Day 2 of the Hearings. Listen to him. Listen carefully. Learn stuff.

I'm sure you have the peer-reviewed study on this.

Please provide and I'll take a look.
You ask for a cite, and I'm talking about math.

Math doesn't really require a cite. It just needs you and me to verify it.

For instance, look here, in the section called Turnout Statistics. In the table, look at the last column, called Turnout as % of VEP (voting eligible population). It's a short column, it starts in 1980.

Looking carefully at that data, one notices the distribution is bimodal, which means there are two clusters, one from 1980 thru 2000, and another from 2004 thru 2016. The first mean is around 55, the second around 60. But in 2020 we're about 67%, which is 20% larger than the delta between the first two means.

That number, is much larger than the number of new teenagers. The first delta corresponds with the advent of motor voter laws. The second does not.
Yea nice try at spin with that court case BS, that has nothing to do with the election or election fraud.

All you have is whiney little bitch excuses.
Waaaa !
Waaaaa !!
The conservative judges are corrupt !
Waaaaa !!!!

Do you people even realize how weak and pathetic you are?

The whole basis of your argument is that trump somehow has this magic evidence of fraud, that will make him president, but the US courts are all against him and all the judges are anti trumpers so he can't get a fair court case to present his magic evidence !! That might be the dumbest and most pathetic argument ever. That is next level stupid.

Hey everyone Trump has magic evidence of voter fraud, that will make him president, but the judges in America (and AG barr and Ivanka Trump and the people at Fox news) are all corrupt anti-trumpers, that is why they all ruled against him and his bullshit evidence. But but but its all the judges fault...

You epitomize crybaby weakness, your screen name is a joke and the classic insecure weakling trying to be tough. No way you fight and you don't know shit about violence at all.

If you lived my life you'd be extorted robbed and killed, and I am not going to explain that statement, but I 1000% stand by it.
What will make Trump president is simply that he is BY FAR, the most popular candidate for the presidency in 2024. He is the only one in the rac with EXPERIENCE as POTUS, and his success record is enormous.

The only thing that could stop Trump in 2024, is FRAUD, as it obviously did in 2020. It's up to Republicans to stamp out this cancer, and not let unscrupulous Democrats steal from the American people again. It's not just Trump that would be victimized, it is all of us.
Ah, no. It ain't.

"Democrat judge shopping"?
Umm, earnest poster 'protectionist'....maybe re-think that one a bit. You are trying too hard.

After all, in all of those 60+ suits that got sh*t-canned.....Rudy, KrakenpotPowell, and the Arizona GOP, et al, were.......hold for it.....the friggin' P-L-A-I-N-T-I-F-F-S!.

That means they got to choose which jurisdictions, which courts they wanted to bring their action to.
Democrats, or Independents, or Libertarians, or Rastafarians, or Nigerians, or Artisians.....had zero to do with 'judge shopping' for the "Elite Strike Force Team's" actions before the courts.

Hell, ain't we all surprised that they didn't take it before the Intergalactic Supreme Klingon Council?
And if they failed there.....why didn't they simply present a solid brief outlining their complaint to, ah, say Courtyards by Marriot?

Do this, good poster Protectionist, watch Ben Ginsberg's testimony before the J6 Committee. I think it was the 2nd day of hearings. It was compelling.

Ginsberg is a REPUBLICAN elections expert and lawyer. He was clear. He was emphatic. And he was decisive......Trump and his enablers had their day in court. 60+ times. They blew it. Google up any number of sources for Ginsberg's testimony on Day 2 of the Hearings. Listen to him. Listen carefully. Learn stuff.

Ah, yes it is. Just as racist as the N word, and you are a racist, if you use it.

I don't have to watch some guy named Ginsberg or anybody else. I've been watching US politics since 1954, and there hasn't been a month in all that time, that Democrats were not fervently engaged in judge shopping. It is hard-wired into Democrats, and always has been.

How do I know that ? I WAS A DEMOCRAT for 40 years, and I was involved in judge shopping myself, with other Democrat activists, in 3 different states. HA HA. What a laugh when young people come along and think they can tell us what's going on.

As for the JAn. 6 political theater hearings, if I want to see a clown show, I can go to the circus.
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You ask for a cite, and I'm talking about math.

Math doesn't really require a cite. It just needs you and me to verify it.

For instance, look here, in the section called Turnout Statistics. In the table, look at the last column, called Turnout as % of VEP (voting eligible population). It's a short column, it starts in 1980.

Looking carefully at that data, one notices the distribution is bimodal, which means there are two clusters, one from 1980 thru 2000, and another from 2004 thru 2016. The first mean is around 55, the second around 60. But in 2020 we're about 67%, which is 20% larger than the delta between the first two means.

That number, is much larger than the number of new teenagers. The first delta corresponds with the advent of motor voter laws. The second does not.
Liberals are study-fetish. This comes from their university (left-wing factories) backgrounds. If a "study" told them fish actually can't swim, they'd believe it.
Evidence has repeatedly been presented, in the form of evidence, testimony, and convictions; however, we still have to endure the same, continuous 'Denial' threads demanding the same evidence be presented over and over.


1. 'Ozzie'
Ex-Democratic congressman sentenced to prison in yearslong Pennsylvania election fraud scheme | CNN Politics

2. More Votes Cast Than Citizens / Registered Voters

3. There were 53 (at least) successful voter fraud convictions stemming from the 2020 election with anorher (at least) 156 cases referred for prosecution in Florida alone but were not pursued

** This is the point, when faced with undeniable evidrnce election fraud exists / took place, where Democrats / snowflakes change their argument from 'no election fraud exists / occured' to 'NOT ENOUGH TO MATTER occured'.

This scenario has played out dozens of times in dozens of discussions in multiple threads over time on this board alone...

... proving Democrats / snowflakes will NEVER accept the truth, will NEVER stop arguing tbat it does not exist / never happened, no matter how many times their claims are denunked...

... proving Democrats / snowflakes WANT voter / election fraud ... as long as it benefits them / their candidates.


Turn out the lights and lock the door on your way out ... this thread is now closed.

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Ah, no. It ain't.

"Democrat judge shopping"?
Umm, earnest poster 'protectionist'....maybe re-think that one a bit. You are trying too hard.

After all, in all of those 60+ suits that got sh*t-canned.....Rudy, KrakenpotPowell, and the Arizona GOP, et al, were.......hold for it.....the friggin' P-L-A-I-N-T-I-F-F-S!.

That means they got to choose which jurisdictions, which courts they wanted to bring their action to.
Democrats, or Independents, or Libertarians, or Rastafarians, or Nigerians, or Artisians.....had zero to do with 'judge shopping' for the "Elite Strike Force Team's" actions before the courts.

Hell, ain't we all surprised that they didn't take it before the Intergalactic Supreme Klingon Council?
And if they failed there.....why didn't they simply present a solid brief outlining their complaint to, ah, say Courtyards by Marriot?

Do this, good poster Protectionist, watch Ben Ginsberg's testimony before the J6 Committee. I think it was the 2nd day of hearings. It was compelling.

Ginsberg is a REPUBLICAN elections expert and lawyer. He was clear. He was emphatic. And he was decisive......Trump and his enablers had their day in court. 60+ times. They blew it. Google up any number of sources for Ginsberg's testimony on Day 2 of the Hearings. Listen to him. Listen carefully. Learn stuff.

I admire your patience on this. I lost mine a while back.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

But patience is a virtue.
The steal IS being stopped for 2024, and "Karen" is racist word, no better thn the N word. Re-examine.

??? They had two yrs to prepare for 2022. They did nothing to “Stop the Steal” in AZ, in fact things got worse. Despite uncontrolled mail-in ballots with un-matched Signatures, they added in faulty 19” ballot printing in pro-Lake districts. Un-readable, “we’ll count them all later“. “Don’t worry“ say the Election folks (the same 2020 folks in place).

the damage is done (again). Mealy mouthed R run Election integrity “hearings” and beg for donations. Fetterman Warnock Kemp Ratt got thru. God only knows how bad in ATL PHI DET MIL Madison it really is?
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You epitomize crybaby weakness, your screen name is a joke and the classic insecure weakling trying to be tough. No way you fight and you don't know shit about violence at all.

If you lived my life you'd be extorted robbed and killed, and I am not going to explain that statement, but I 1000% stand by it.
I don't often respond to people obviously afflicted with mental illness, but once in a while I make an exception. I don't know where all this toughness talk came from, but my more than 50,000 posts in this forum including dozens of OPs shot down your bizarre claim of "insecure weakling" before you even typed it.

As for fighting and violence, I served 6 years in the US Army and Army National Guard, and later spent some time in Iraq during wartime. As for being "robbed and killed", my 12 gauge shotgun and my .380 pistol that I carry almost everywhere I go, will have something to say about that.

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??? They had two yrs to prepare for 2022. They did nothing to “Stop the Steal” in AZ, in fact things got worse. Despite uncontrolled mail-in ballots with un-matched Signatures, they added in faulty 19” ballot printing in pro-Lake districts. Un-readable, “we’ll count them all later“. “Don’t worry“ say the Election folks (the same 2020 folks in place).

the damage is done (again). Mealy mouthed R run Election integrity “hearings” and beg for donations. Fetterman Warnock Kemp Ratt got thru. God only knows how bad in ATL PHI DET MIL Madison it really is?
Yup. And all the time 2020-2022 I kept saying they better tighten it up. Sheeesh! Well they BETTER do that before Nov 2024 gets here or we are all sunk.

Everything getting done from the White House will be primarily for one thing > making Joe Biden and his family rich, while the whole country falls apart in the process.
"I admire your patience on this.......You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed jihadi on the streets of Damascus."

Ah well, thanks but... but patience is only a passingly small fraction of my visits here.
And, in truth, it ain't really patience that I need to respond to one post or another.

Rather, I will read a posted comment by a poster, such as the "Protectionist" in this thread and simply think of them as a foil to use in making a more expansive, or correcting point to whatever he or another of the non-serious posters are hissyfitting about at the time, their whine-du-jour.

Thus their participation here is not a bad thing. To be sure, many of them are just cranky ol' ne'er-do-wells who use some imagined uber 'patriotism' to crank on and on about what's wrong with their particular slice of America.

I ain't gonna name avatars as there are maybe a dozen here who struggle to complete a post without their go-to epithets of f-bombs, douchebags, Zionist traitors, morons, Commies, faggots, and on and on.

Their value....and it is that they serve as icons or spokesmen( and women) for the Branch Trumpidians, the QAnon loonery. The good examples of a bad example. And thus, the rest of us can readily see that there be RWNJobbery embedded in that segment of our political landscape.

In short, they finger the MAGA-Q's and help the rest of us promptly ID 'em, snark on 'em, and not really take seriously their screeching about "The Steal", about "TDS", about 'Groomers', about how unfair it is that America and the world won't trust their Jim Jones-like paladin, Don Trump.

So, their contribution here is not necessarily a bad thing.
They are, indeed, the good examples of a what a bad example can be.

Bless their little WWG1WGA-hearts.

Ah well, thanks but... but patience is only a passingly small fraction of my visits here.
And, in truth, it ain't really patience that I need to respond to one post or another.

Rather, I will read a posted comment by a poster, such as the "Protectionist" in this thread and simply think of them as a foil to use in making a more expansive, or correcting point to whatever he or another of the non-serious posters are hissyfitting about at the time, their whine-du-jour.

Thus their participation here is not a bad thing. To be sure, many of them are just cranky ol' ne'er-do-wells who use some imagined uber 'patriotism' to crank on and on about what's wrong with their particular slice of America.

I ain't gonna name avatars as there are maybe a dozen here who struggle to complete a post without their go-to epithets of f-bombs, douchebags, Zionist traitors, morons, Commies, faggots, and on and on.

Their value....and it is that they serve as icons or spokesmen( and women) for the Branch Trumpidians, the QAnon loonery. The good examples of a bad example. And thus, the rest of us can readily see that there be RWNJobbery embedded in that segment of our political landscape.

In short, they finger the MAGA-Q's and help the rest of us promptly ID 'em, snark on 'em, and not really take seriously their screeching about "The Steal", about "TDS", about 'Groomers', about how unfair it is that America and the world won't trust their Jim Jones-like paladin, Don Trump.

So, their contribution here is not necessarily a bad thing.
They are, indeed, the good examples of a what a bad example can be.

Bless their little WWG1WGA-hearts.
Well, aren't we lucky to have all this finely, aged, wisdom being bestowed upon us. :lol: :icon_rolleyes:
So, their contribution here is not necessarily a bad thing.
They are, indeed, the good examples of a what a bad example can be.
I've always been fairly close to a freedom of expression purist, so yes, I want them to speak/post freely.

I want to know who these people are, from where they're getting their opinions, exactly what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that unless they can express themselves freely. This is one of the primary reasons I've had so many battles with the Left over the years here regarding political correctness, which I think is abhorrent and destructive.

And that's exactly why I'm so goddamned concerned about this period, and its far-reaching implications. And I suspect I'll never forgive these people for making me question my lifelong commitment to freedom of expression. They won't be able to change my mind on it, but seeing them being so manipulated, and seeing them create and exist in their alternate reality, has been awful.
I don't often respond to people obviously afflicted with mental illness, but once in a while I make an exception. I don't know where all this toughness talk came from, but my more than 50,000 posts in this forum including dozens of OPs shot down your bizarre claim of "insecure weakling" before you even typed it.

As for fighting and violence, I served 6 years in the US Army and Army National Guard, and later spent some time in Iraq during wartime. As for being "robbed and killed", my 12 gauge shotgun and my .380 pistol that I carry almost everywhere I go, will have something to say about that.

View attachment 762370
Actions Speak louder than words.

You spend way too much time whining and crying about bullshit that has been completely debunked by an overwhelming amount of highly credible sources.

Any weakling can buy a gun and think they are tough, but when all your actions are those of the weak, you are weak.

I think you have big problems manning up and accepting reality/life.
Actions Speak louder than words.

You spend way too much time whining and crying about bullshit that has been completely debunked by an overwhelming amount of highly credible sources.

Any weakling can buy a gun and think they are tough, but when all your actions are those of the weak, you are weak.

I think you have big problems manning up and accepting reality/life.
"debunked" is one of leftists' favorite catchwords. Problem is, what they claim to be debunked, has not been.

You "think" ? No you don't think. You struggle and search for a way to avoid getting the crap beat out of you by me, et al, in these postings. So your latest pathology is to call me weak, and say I have problems "manning up".

HA HA. Well, if I do have any problems with that (none that I know of), it sure wouldn't be manning up and being weak where you are concerned, because I flat out kick your ass in this thread every single day, and everyone with a brain here, can easily see that. I said with a brain, so I guess that's why you can't seem to get a grasp.

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