It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

Election fraud didn't happen in 2020. 2016, 2004 or 2000. Does anyone agree with me?
Your "evidence" doesn't rise even to that level. You have been conned. The "evidence" is shit.

Sorry. Your media has been lying to you, and you know it.
How do YOU KNOW if the evidence is shit ? Have you seen it ?
Do you know it ? Caution: there could be a QUIZ.

I already put you half-baked "courts" rap to rest, and the laughs are on you.

So let's see you post something (more than your hot air rhetoric) here to show/prove that what
1, Alexandra Seely
2. Zachary Larsen
3. Jesse Jacob
4. Robert Cushman
5. Steven Miller
all said is, as you claim, "fake"...."bullshit".......and that they are "uncredible people". Well, how would YOU KNOW, because you don't even know what they said, and what is in their official sworn affidavits, DO YOU ?

And you didn't answer my questions from Post # 122. While you pretend to be all high & mighty, you are really low & weak, while you keep running away from my facts and questions like a scared rabbit.
I already said, those people are totally un-credible and just Giuliani and Sydney Powell lackeys.

Your big problem is this, you are in too deep. You have married yourself to the Big lie and now you can;t admit you are wrong despite the overwhelming evidence against you and complete lack of credible evidence to support you.

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.

They are all in on the steal??

You are digging youself a grave here. I get it, you are in too deep and don't know how to get out and save face. Talk about going down with the ship. Talk about riding the bus until the wheels fall off.

You have yet to post anything of real substantial merit beyond a bunch of lies from Sydney Powell and her associates.
I know. About 70 times now. Everyone is a corrupt liar but Trumpsters, who now know their media has been lying to them.

Got it.
How do YOU KNOW if anyone is lying ? Do you even know what has been said ? Can you state what the evidence is, that is on sworn affadavits. If so, show us.
You're saying that Fox has not been lying to you?

That Rupert Murdoch himself hasn't already admitted it? That there aren't texts and emails that prove it?

Is that what you're saying?
no matter how many times you post that tired old one cares about what information leak FOX MGT decides to give you to regurgitate.
no matter how many times you post that tired old one cares about what information leak FOX MGT decides to give you to regurgitate.
The people you trust for "facts" and "information" have been lying to you.

Sorry. We've been trying to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.
I already said, those people are totally un-credible and just Giuliani and Sydney Powell lackeys.

Your big problem is this, you are in too deep. You have married yourself to the Big lie and now you can;t admit you are wrong despite the overwhelming evidence against you and complete lack of credible evidence to support you.

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.

They are all in on the steal??

You are digging youself a grave here. I get it, you are in too deep and don't know how to get out and save face. Talk about going down with the ship. Talk about riding the bus until the wheels fall off.

You have yet to post anything of real substantial merit beyond a bunch of lies from Sydney Powell and her associates.
Yeah, we all know what you said. But talk is cheap. When I ask you to show/prove upon what you base your claims of > "fake"...."bullshit".......and "uncredible people". instead of showing up with any substance, you just keep repeating your laughable hot air, and you cut & run from the questions, which we here are all still waiting for you to answer.

The fact is, you don't even know who those 5 people I listed are, nor do you know anything about what they said, and what's in their affidavits. You are just running your mouth, and getting your ass handed to you in this thread.

Want me to present you with some MORE names connected to the evidences ? So you can show us how much MORE ignorant you are of this whole subject ? No problem.

How about Phill Kline > Know who he is ? Got a guess ? Got a clue ?
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Your "evidence" doesn't rise even to that level. You have been conned. The "evidence" is shit.

Sorry. Your media has been lying to you, and you know it.
In a corrupt system with corrupt judges what did you expect. All you have are the ioinions of judges. Nothing has been proven or disproven. You lose hack.
The people you trust for "facts" and "information" have been lying to you.

Sorry. We've been trying to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.
"Twitter Files" ring a bell? People died because of those lies. You have no argument except the one that shoots your credibility right in the ass. Give it up hack.
Yeah, we all know what you said. But talk is cheap. When I ask you to show/prove upon what you base your claims of > "fake"...."bullshit".......and "uncredible people". instead of showing up with any substance, you just keep repeating your laughable hot air, and you cut & run from the questions, which we here are all still waiting for you to answer.

The fact is, you don't even know who those 5 people I listed are, nor do you know anything about what they said, and what's in their affidavits. You are just running your mouth, and getting your ass handed to you in this thread.

Want me to present you with some MORE names connected to the evidences ? So you can show us how much MORE ignorant you are of this whole subject ? No problem.
I already said they are totally uncredible Sydney Powell and Rudy Giuliani lackeys.

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.

You keep running and hiding from the facts and my questions, then resort to your fake news, then try to claim victory. You need to grow up, and answer the question
I already said they are totally uncredible Sydney Powell and Rudy Giuliani lackeys.

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.

You keep running and hiding from the facts and my questions, then resort to your fake news, then try to claim victory. You need to grow up, and answer the question
When there is an evidentuary hearing get back to us. Until then none of this will ever be settled.
In a corrupt system with corrupt judges what did you expect. All you have are the ioinions of judges. Nothing has been proven or disproven. You lose hack.
"Twitter Files" ring a bell? People died because of those lies. You have no argument except the one that shoots your credibility right in the ass. Give it up hack.
Your behavior here isn't a surprise at all. You now know you've been lied to, fooled, conned, and all you know to do is attack.

Like your average caveman.
Your behavior here isn't a surprise at all. You now know you've been lied to, fooled, conned, and all you know to do is attack.

Like your average caveman.
Your projections have failed and you keep repeating them. Why? Is it because that is what hacks do?
When there is an evidentuary hearing get back to us. Until then none of this will ever be settled.
Yea nice try

They already presented their fake evidence and got rejected by the courts.

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Yea nice try

They already presented their fake evidence and got rejected by the courts.

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
No they have not. Trump never got an evidentiary hearing. A fact you will never change.
People at Fox News said no fraud.
As did Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas.

70 fails, because their "evidence" is shit. Assumptions. Guesses. One plus bucket equals frog.

They can't give an inch. They can't admit what has been done to them, with their blessing. They've sold their soul.
As did Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas.

70 fails, because their "evidence" is shit. Assumptions. Guesses. One plus bucket equals frog.

They can't give an inch. They can't admit what has been done to them, with their blessing. They've sold their soul.
No evidentiary hearing, no proof either way. Try the truth, hack,

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