It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

Basically you live a life void of fact and fact based reality.
When you hear facts you get scared and do everything possible to try and spin or outright ignore these facts.
You have been told repeatedly and backed up by fact:
Numerous courts all heard Trump's fake evidence and all shot it down as fake
You can;t admit this because the truth is too harsh for you to accept.
This happened and we know it happened because we can look at those cases, which I referenced a few.

I say again:
Its absolutely laughable to suggest that somehow Trump has evidence of fraud, but the courts won't hear it. That is such a joke and 100% false and completely debunked, because we know what was said in court and we know what the judges said in court, on top of that election fraud is a very very serious claim so if there was some form of validity to that claim courts would recognize and hear it, which they all said no evidence of fraud at all. (with Trump appointed judges ruling that)

Its pretty simple, plenty of courts heard Trump's fake evidence and said it was not credible at all.

There is not 1 person in America or the world with credibility, that has said Trump has any evidence of fraud at all.

You election deniers are the most pathetic people in US history, you're just too weak to admit Trump lost the elction. You have no credible evidence of fraud at all, and all courts rejected Trump's claims, plenty of which heard Trump's fake evidence. You are in too deep and can;t admit Trump lost because then it makes you look even stupider.
What I have been posting for 2 years is what is "fact". After you read it, you'll begin to know what we're talking about here.

So "There is not 1 person in America or the world with credibility, that has said Trump has any evidence of fraud at all." huh ?

Oh no ? How about >>
1, Alexandra Seely
2. Zachary Larsen
3. Jesse Jacob
4. Robert Cushman
5. Steven Miller

And all the things they have said ? (UNDER OATH)

Well, Mr Banker, along with all your worthless HOT AIR, what's your answer to those questions ?????
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Basically you live a life void of fact and fact based reality.
When you hear facts you get scared and do everything possible to try and spin or outright ignore these facts.
That's exactly what YOU ARE DOING right now, by running away fom the links I've given you to read 5 posts, all extremly longggggggg, with tons of information to go into your empty head. Here it is again >>>

Posts 754......755.....756.....757.....758

FIGHT or FLIGHT ...choice is yours. 😐
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Basically you live a life void of fact and fact based reality.
When you hear facts you get scared and do everything possible to try and spin or outright ignore these facts.
You've been defeated in this debate, because you came in with nothing but hot air talk from CNN, MSNBS, et al of that ilk, and suddenly you have run into FACTS, which you know nothing about.

And I could supply MANY MORE FACTS, proper names, companies, govt agencies, NGOs etc., deepening your defeat much more. Maybe you should quit while you can still "lose with dignity", and avoid a total thrashing.
You've been defeated in this debate, because you came in with nothing but hot air talk from CNN, MSNBS, et al of that ilk, and suddenly you have run into FACTS, which you know nothing about.

And I could supply MANY MORE FACTS, proper names, companies, govt agencies, NGOs etc., deepening your defeat much more. Maybe you should quit while you can still "lose with dignity", and avoid a total thrashing.
Your links are fake news.
You act like Sydney Powell has some form of credibility when her and all the others have been proven totally insane. Even the people at Fox news said there was no fraud and Sydney Powell and Trump are lying.

Your list of people are all uncredible partisan hacks like Rudy Gulianni.

I say again, Trump presented his fake evidence before plenty of courts and got rejected. On top of that any court that rejected his claims for procedural errors also stated that the evidence provided is not credible.

You post a bunch of lies and bull shit from completely uncredible people and somehow think that is evidence??

I have the be all end all: All US courts rejected trump's claims with plenty seeing his bullshit evidence and saying it was bullshit.

There is nothing you can say to trump this statement and it is the show stopper.

You lose, good night.

Its absolutely laughable to suggest that somehow Trump has evidence of fraud, but the courts won't hear it. If you think that you live in an alterante reality void of fact, which pretty much sums you up.
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In Pennsylvania, a federal appeals panel of three judges — each appointed by Republican presidentsrejected one of the Trump campaign’s election challenges Nov. 27, 2020.

"Charges of unfairness are serious," wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas, who was appointed by Trump. "But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."
They can't and they won't. They know they've been lied to. They know this is scam. There is NO WAY that they DON'T.

So now, they're just acting out of either pure SPITE or pure DELUSION. That's it. One or the other.
Nice try hack. They know no such thing,
You're saying that Fox has not been lying to you?

That Rupert Murdoch himself hasn't already admitted it? That there aren't texts and emails that prove it?

Is that what you're saying?
Are you saying you have not been lied to? And you keep pushing those lies like they are fact. I guess that is what washed up hacks do.
You're saying that Fox has not been lying to you?

That Rupert Murdoch himself hasn't already admitted it? That there aren't texts and emails that prove it?

Is that what you're saying?
These people are in so fucking deep they are screwed.

A small amount of republicans can admit Trump is lying and there was no fraud, including people at Fox News, but most are too married to the Big Lie to ever admit its a lie.

This one guy up there thinks Trump has this magical evidence to prove fraud- which should give him the presidency- but the courts won't hear it I guess because all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, are all in on the steal !

What an absolute joke ! Even Ivanka can admit there was no fraud.

I think this shows how truly weak and pathetic republicans are as a group, they are the trash of America.
Are you saying you have not been lied to? And you keep pushing those lies like they are fact. I guess that is what washed up hacks do.
Okay, so you do know about the two examples I gave. And yet you still denied my post.

That's okay. I know you're doing what you have to do, given what has been done to you.

It's time for you people to grow up.
These people are in so fucking deep they are screwed.

A small amount of republicans can admit Trump is lying and there was no fraud, including people at Fox News, but most are too married to the Big Lie to ever admit its a lie.

This one guy up there thinks Trump has this magical evidence to prove fraud- which should give him the presidency- but the courts won't hear it I guess because all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, are all in on the steal !

What an absolute joke ! Even Ivanka can admit there was no fraud.

I think this shows how truly weak and pathetic republicans are as a group, they are the trash of America.
Yeah, this is really something. Even though they know their media -- the very place they get their "facts" and "information" -- has been lying to them, they're still on the attack.

As I've been saying, this is because this is about far more than politics for them. They've made this their life. And they know this isn't about Trump, it's about them.

Just fascinating.
What I have been posting for 2 years is what is "fact". After you read it, you'll begin to know what we're talking about here.

So "There is not 1 person in America or the world with credibility, that has said Trump has any evidence of fraud at all." huh ?

Oh no ? How about >>
1, Alexandra Seely
2. Zachary Larsen
3. Jesse Jacob
4. Robert Cushman
5. Steven Miller

And all the thing they have said ? (UNDER OATH)

Well, Mr Banker, along with all your worthless HOT AIR, what's your answer to those questions ?????

They've had the proof posted hundreds of times here. They're just trolling liars. 'Zone 1' farces were invented to protect these gimps from their BS being given its proper due and respect.
Your links are fake news.
You act like Sydney Powell has some form of credibility when her and all the others have been proven totally insane. Even the people at Fox news said there was no fraud and Sydney Powell and Trump are lying.

I say again, Trump presented his fake evidence before plenty of courts and got rejected. On top of that any court that rejected his claims for procedural errors also stated that the evidence provided is not credible.

You post a bunch of lies and bull shit from completely uncredible people and somehow think that is evidence??

I have the be all end all: All US courts rejected trump's claims with plenty seeing his bullshit evidence and saying it was bullshit.

There is nothing you can say to trump this statement and it is the show stopper.

You lose, good night.

Its absolutely laughable to suggest that somehow Trump has evidence of fraud, but the courts won't hear it. If you think that you live in an alterante reality void of fact, which pretty much sums you up.
I already put you half-baked "courts" rap to rest, and the laughs are on you.

So let's see you post something (more than your hot air rhetoric) here to show/prove that what
1, Alexandra Seely
2. Zachary Larsen
3. Jesse Jacob
4. Robert Cushman
5. Steven Miller
all said is, as you claim, "fake"...."bullshit".......and that they are "uncredible people". Well, how would YOU KNOW, because you don't even know what they said, and what is in their official sworn affidavits, DO YOU ?

And you didn't answer my questions from Post # 122. While you pretend to be all high & mighty, you are really low & weak, while you keep running away from my facts and questions like a scared rabbit.
In Pennsylvania, a federal appeals panel of three judges — each appointed by Republican presidentsrejected one of the Trump campaign’s election challenges Nov. 27, 2020.

"Charges of unfairness are serious," wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas, who was appointed by Trump. "But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."
You posted that judge crap earlier. Just as:lame2: now as it was then. :icon_rolleyes:

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