It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

bull shit
None of that helped Biden or affected the outcome of the election at all. Trump lost fair and square

Meanwhile back in reality and the real world Trump appointed judges destroy you:

Ludwig added: “This court allowed the plaintiff the chance to make his case, and he has lost on the merits. In his reply brief, plaintiff ‘asks that the Rule of Law be followed.’ It has been.”

“Charges of unfairness are serious,” Bibas wrote on behalf of a three-judge panel. “But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

Trump appointed judges have spoken, and they said there is no evidence of fraud.
Ha Ha

You're just a little bitch too weak to admit that Trump is lying about election fraud that the majority of the world knows didn't happen.

Really the Washtington Compost as your fact checking? That is like putting a child molester as the head of a day care center.....
Has Fox been lying to you about the rigged election? Yes or no?

Let's see if you can answer my question without trying to change the subject or with personal insults.
Dude, did Joe Biden lie about having the greatest voter fraud organization? If so he is a liar and should be impeached for perjury.
Did the suitcases come out at all the Republican watchers went home and all the ballots continue to be scanned after 2 am?

Yes, the Democrooks are Marxists and Marxists do whatever is necessary to lie, steal and cheat to win an election. There is no "Democracy" when Marxists are in charge. Dumbass mother fucker.
Dude, did Joe Biden lie about having the greatest voter fraud organization? If so he is a liar and should be impeached for perjury.
Did the suitcases come out at all the Republican watchers went home and all the ballots continue to be scanned after 2 am?

Yes, the Democrooks are Marxists and Marxists do whatever is necessary to lie, steal and cheat to win an election. There is no "Democracy" when Marxists are in charge. Dumbass mother fucker.
So you won't answer my question.

Good. That's all I need to know.
The Big Lie is the total undoing of all credibility for republicans. Still to this day, they can't man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud despite losing all court cases and all audits and all the people at Fox News admitting behind the scens that Trump is lying about fraud that never happened, these people still cling to the Big Lie.

Any so called evidence presented has been fake news lies that got completely rejected by all courts with Trump appointed judges rejecting it and saying it is all lies.
Sydney Powell and Giuliani have been outed as frauds with their bold and fabricated claims of Dominion voting machine fraud that is about to cost Fox News $1.8 B in a defamation law suit.

It is time for Trump supporters to either present this evidence of fraud or shut up and admit that there was no fraud.
I fully expect all trump supporters to not be able to present any credible evidence of fraud (per usual) and still not admit there was no fraud. They are in too deep and married to the big lie.
So you won't answer my question.

Good. That's all I need to know.
Why should i answer your dumbass question when i saw the big steal with my own eyes? Now everyone is paying for your stupidity with higher energy prices, high food prices, baby formula shortages, and other things, the previous President never allowed to happen. You have bitten off your nose just to spite your face.

Biden voter.jpg
Why should i answer your dumbass question when i saw the big steal with my own eyes? Now everyone is paying for your stupidity with higher energy prices, high food prices, baby formula shortages, and other things, the previous President never allowed to happen. You have bitten off your nose just to spite your face.

View attachment 761850
Yeah, I didn't think so.

You know your media is lying to you, and you don't care.
Really the Washtington Compost as your fact checking? That is like putting a child molester as the head of a day care center.....
Yea nice try after Fake Fox news admitted to lying to you sheep because when you are told the truth by Fox (that there was no election fraud) you stopped watching.

I provided quotes from judges, so yes that is the fact check. If you are trying to say those quotes aren't accurate then good luck with that.

Nice swing and miss.

Wash Post is substantially more credible than Fake Fox News in every way possible because the people at Fox News have admitted they lie to you. Deal with it
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Yeah, I didn't think so.

You know your media is lying to you, and you don't care.
I used to live in Washington DC metro area and all the time the Marxist newspaper Washington Compost started losing their subscribers because of all the lies they kept spewing. So you are cordially invited to play in a busy intersection of very fast cars. Yes , you really are that stupid.
Yea nice try after Fake Fox news admitted to lying to you sheep because when you are told the truth by Fox (that there was no election fraud) you stopped watching.

I provided quotes from judges, so yes that is the fact check. If you are trying to say those quotes aren't accurate then good luck with that.

Nice swing and miss.

Wash Post is substantially more credible than Fake Fox News in every way possible because the people at Fox News have admitted they lie to you. Deal with it
You also are a very stupid person. You and Mac go back to ignore again.

You also are a very stupid person. You and Mac go back to ignore again.

View attachment 761857
Funny how I crush you with rock solid facts, and you respond with childish insults.

Par for the course with you trash. I have destroyed you and you have no response.

Get back to me when you can man up and admit trump is lying about election fraud.
The Big Lie is the total undoing of all credibility for republicans. Still to this day, they can't man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud despite losing all court cases and all audits and all the people at Fox News admitting behind the scens that Trump is lying about fraud that never happened, these people still cling to the Big Lie.

Any so called evidence presented has been fake news lies that got completely rejected by all courts with Trump appointed judges rejecting it and saying it is all lies.
Sydney Powell and Giuliani have been outed as frauds with their bold and fabricated claims of Dominion voting machine fraud that is about to cost Fox News $1.8 B in a defamation law suit.

It is time for Trump supporters to either present this evidence of fraud or shut up and admit that there was no fraud.
I fully expect all trump supporters to not be able to present any credible evidence of fraud (per usual) and still not admit there was no fraud. They are in too deep and married to the big lie.
No, stupid, it is NOT time to do that. The time was 2 YEARS ago, and I "presented" MANY PAGES of it then, + numerous times afterward.

Get your head out of your ass. And quit mouthing off YOUR BIG LIE.
No, stupid, it is NOT time to do that. The time was 2 YEARS ago, and I "presented" MANY PAGES of it then, + numerous times afterward.

Get your head out of your ass. And quit mouthing off YOUR BIG LIE.
You have no real credible evidence that will hold up in court.

All you fake evidence has been completely debunked and rejected by the highest courts and all audits. Sydney Powell just fabricated your fake evidence out of thin air. and you believed it because you are gullible and will believe any lie you are told.

“Charges of unfairness are serious,” Bibas wrote on behalf of a three-judge panel. “But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

Ludwig added: “This court allowed the plaintiff the chance to make his case, and he has lost on the merits. In his reply brief, plaintiff ‘asks that the Rule of Law be followed.’ It has been.”
In ARIZ if you can't go into the Envelope SIG match.....then you can't root out the #1 source of Fraud used in 2020. 2022 had new methods....19" ballots etc.

Do they have 1.9 million envelope scans? did they keep the originals? Where are they? Why does 3rd party Runbeck get to handle that in the cover of darkness? One time they said "don't worry all were computer scanned"....then they say staff of 32 humans. HUH? which is it?
Whistleblowers say 10s' of thousands rejected per shift.....disappeared later that night with "Stupidvisors" pushing them through one way or another.

This is easily where tens of thousands of Harvested or Extra printed ballots were dumped in drop boxes (with BS or no Signature at all). This is where the same Voter names were used tens of thousand of times to vote more than once. Many showed up day of voting only to hear uh...."you alread voted".

Do they have a scan for all 1.9mil mail-in? Why no accounting of this key element in the long drawn out phony FANN gang Audit in 2021? Because MCBOS would not allow it? Banks Audits don't just trust those to say, "we have $11million in boxA" but we can't show it to you.
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Considering that the duopoly has managed to co-opt candidate selection, it is not unreasonable to say elections are rigged. That 2020 was more so than other is not apparent.
You have no real credible evidence that will hold up in court.

All you fake evidence has been completely debunked and rejected by the highest courts and all audits. Sydney Powell just fabricated your fake evidence out of thin air. and you believed it because you are gullible and will believe any lie you are told.

“Charges of unfairness are serious,” Bibas wrote on behalf of a three-judge panel. “But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

Ludwig added: “This court allowed the plaintiff the chance to make his case, and he has lost on the merits. In his reply brief, plaintiff ‘asks that the Rule of Law be followed.’ It has been.”
:puhleeze:First of all, courts don't necessarily mean squat. Court decisions often come out contradictory to each other, making their decision nebulous at best.

Secondly, even if one were to consider the courts as valid, that would not present anything meaningful in this scenario, since the courts simply declined to examine evidence, on the basis that they did not wish to bring politics into the courtroom.

Your contention of "debunked" is what has been debunked by me 100 times in this forum. What took you so long to show up ?

Neither the judges you blabber about, nor you, have seen the MANY evidences I have presented, so you don't even have the first idea what you're talking about. Come back in a WEEK after reading the evidences I posted+ their links + their sublinks.

Look out! There could be a QUIZ. :biggrin:


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:puhleeze:First of all, courts don't necessarily mean squat. Court decisions often come out contradictory to each other, making their decision nebulous at best.

Secondly, even if one were to consider the courts as valid, that would not present anything meaningful in this scenario, since the courts simply declined to examine evidence, on the basis that they did not wish to bring politics into the courtroom.

Your contention of "debunked" is what has been debunked by me 100 times in this forum. What took you so long to show up ?

Neither the judges you blabber about, nor you, have seen the evidence I have presented, so you don't even have the first idea what you're talking about. Come back in a WEEK after reading the evidences I posted+ their links + their sublinks.

Look out! There could be a QUIZ. :biggrin:


nope utter lies per usual.

It definitely means something when every single court including high level courts, some with Trump appointed judges, all agree that there was no evidence of fraud.

second, you are lying and cherry picking, the majority of courts saw Guiliani's fake bullshit evidence and they all shot it down as not credible.

Its laughable and pathetic to suggest that Trump has evidence of fraud, but all the courts across America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear that evidence involving one of the most serious accusations in modern US history???
What a total joke, what a total joke claim. Its not even remotely plausible to think that would happen, especially when we know they did present their fake evidence and got rejected. Nice attempt at cherry picking a few select cases, but another big fail by you.

Trump allies "did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud," Russell wrote. The contestants failed to prove that illegal votes by ineligible or deceased voters were cast and counted, he wrote.

In Pennsylvania, a federal appeals panel of three judges — each appointed by Republican presidentsrejected one of the Trump campaign’s election challenges Nov. 27, 2020.

"Charges of unfairness are serious," wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas, who was appointed by Trump. "But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Sydney Powell fabricated total lies, and even the people at Fox news said they were lies. They are utter nonsense, with no facts behind them at all.
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nope utter lies per usual.

It definitely means something when every single court including high level courts, some with Trump appointed judges, all agree that there was no evidence of fraud.

second, you are lying and cherry picking, the majority of courts saw Guiliani's fake bullshit evidence and they all shot it down as not credible.

Its laughable and pathetic to suggest that Trump has evidence of fraud, but all the courts across America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear that evidence involving one of the most serious accusations in modern US history.
What a total joke, what a total joke claim. Its not even remotely plausible to think that would happen, especially when we know they did present their fake evidence and got rejected. Nice attempt at cherry picking a few select cases, but another big fail by you.

Trump allies "did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud," Russell wrote. The contestants failed to prove that illegal votes by ineligible or deceased voters were cast and counted, he wrote.

In Pennsylvania, a federal appeals panel of three judges — each appointed by Republican presidentsrejected one of the Trump campaign’s election challenges Nov. 27, 2020.

"Charges of unfairness are serious," wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas, who was appointed by Trump. "But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Sydney Powell fabricated total lies, and even the people at Fox news said they were lies. They are utter nonsense, with no facts behind them at all.
They DID NOT do that. They DID NOT conclude anything about evidence, and as I said (some people have to be told twice) - they (like you) know little or nothing about the evidence, because it wasn't admitted into the deliberations.

And you just said yourself >> "courts across America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear that evidence." Bingo! Now we've both said it.

Interesting though how you say that I cherry picked, and then you immediately present your cherry picked quotes, which are meaninglss, since the motivations of these judges are unknown.

And now, along with YOUR cherry picking, and since I've already been accused of it, I might as well do it and give you an example of the ridiculous BS of judges in this matter, in some of the cases where lying judges pretended to look at the evidence, and then just threw the case out. In doing so, some of these judges made assinine remarks, like in the cases where Trump's lawyers submitted sworn affidavits that poll watchers were not allowed to watch the vote counting, the judge said the lawyers had not submitted evidence that poll watchers were not allowed to watch the vote counting.

Well, YES they did. That's exactly what they submitted, Some of these cases were a joke, and the judges were not even trying to look impartial. Open, blatant bias.

Example : Judge Matthew Brann in Pennsylvania Supreme Court

There were two core allegations. First, that Republican observers had been prevented from properly watching the vote count. Second, that some voters (mostly in Democratic-leaning counties) had been given a chance to cure technical defects with their ballots, while others (mostly in Republican-leaning counties) had not.

So what does Brann come out and say ?

“None of these allegations claim that the Trump campaign’s watchers were treated differently than the Biden campaign’s watchers,” Judge Brann noted in his judgment, addressing the campaign’s first argument.

Huh ? That is EXACTLY what they alleged and claimed. And why should it matter if the Democrat poll watchers had been hindered ? (they werent) Even if poll watchers from both parties had been prevented from watching, this still should have invalidated the vote count process.

Lastly, you are showing yourself to be a irresponsible poster in this forum by saying things like >> "Its laughable and pathetic to suggest that Trump has evidence of fraud", when you (like the judges) have not examined that evidence. It's HERE in this forum, has been here for 2 years, and alongside that, your posts are a laughingstock. I gave you a link to my mountain of fraud evidence, and instead of going there and reading it (it would take a WEEK to go through it), you run away from it, and just spout empty, hot air.

Go read the posts in the link (754.....755......756......757.......758) and come back a week later and comment with knowledge. Until then, you are just another information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media. Ho hum.

They DID NOT do that. They DID NOT conclude anything about evidence, and as I said (some people have to be told twice) - they (like you) know little or nothing about the evidence, because it wasn't admitted into the deliberations.

And you just said yourself >> "courts across America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear that evidence." Bingo! Now we've both said it.

Interesting though how you say that I cherry picked, and then you immediately present your cherry picked quotes, which are meaninglss, since the motivations of these judges are unknown.

And now, along with YOUR cherry picking, and since I've already been accused of it, I might as well do it and give you an example of the ridiculous BS of judges in this matter, in some of the cases where lying judges pretended to look at the evidence, and then just threw the case out. In doing so, some of these judges made assinine remarks, like in the cases where Trump's lawyers submitted sworn affidavits that poll watchers were not allowed to watch the vote counting, the judge said the lawyers had not submitted evidence that poll watchers were not allowed to watch the vote counting.

Well, YES they did. That's exactly what they submitted, Some of these cases were a joke, and the judges were not even trying to look impartial. Open, blatant bias.

Example : Judge Matthew Brann in Pennsylvania Supreme Court

There were two core allegations. First, that Republican observers had been prevented from properly watching the vote count. Second, that some voters (mostly in Democratic-leaning counties) had been given a chance to cure technical defects with their ballots, while others (mostly in Republican-leaning counties) had not.

So what does Brann come out and say ?

“None of these allegations claim that the Trump campaign’s watchers were treated differently than the Biden campaign’s watchers,” Judge Brann noted in his judgment, addressing the campaign’s first argument.

Huh ? That is EXACTLY what they alleged and claimed. And why should it matter if the Democrat poll watchers had been hindered ? (they werent) Even if poll watchers from both parties had been prevented from watching, this still should have invalidated the vote count process.

Lastly, you are showing yourself to be a irresponsible poster in this forum by saying things like >> "Its laughable and pathetic to suggest that Trump has evidence of fraud", when you (like the judges) have not examined that evidence. It's HERE in this forum, has been here for 2 years, and alongside that, your posts are a laughingstock. I gave you a link to my mountain of fraud evidence, and instead of going there and reading it (it would take a WEEK to go through it), you run away from it, and just spout empty, hot air.

Go read the posts in the link (754.....755......756......757.......758) and come back a week later and comment with knowledge. Until then, you are just another information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media. Ho hum.
You have been told repeatedly and backed up by fact:
Numerous courts all heard Trump's fake evidence and all shot it down as fake
You can;t admit this because the truth is too harsh for you to accept.
This happened and we know it happened because we can look at those cases, which I referenced a few.

I say again:
Its absolutely laughable to suggest that somehow Trump has evidence of fraud, but the courts won't hear it. That is such a joke and 100% false and completely debunked, because we know what was said in court and we know what the judges said in court, on top of that election fraud is a very very serious claim so if there was some form of validity to that claim courts would recognize and hear it, which they all said no evidence of fraud at all. (with Trump appointed judges ruling that)

Its pretty simple, plenty of courts heard Trump's fake evidence and said it was not credible at all.

There is not 1 person in America or the world with credibility, that has said Trump has any evidence of fraud at all.

You election deniers are the most pathetic people in US history, you're just too weak to admit Trump lost the elction. You have no credible evidence of fraud at all, and all courts rejected Trump's claims, plenty of which heard Trump's fake evidence. You are in too deep and can;t admit Trump lost because then it makes you look even stupider.
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