It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

YES.... I posted videos of how it was stolen, yet you still say that my EYES were lied to, while i am supposed to believe a Marxist who has his head shoved way up Uranus.
Can you repost them or provide a link to what 'you posted'.

I'd love to see that evidence.
Can you repost them or provide a link to what 'you posted'.

I'd love to see that evidence.
Why dont you fucking scroll up some, or is it too technical for you to find? I had you on ignore for a long time, i wont hesistate to put you on it again, because i dont deal with stupid people like you.
Of course you didn't because you didn't care about those people anyway.
That is a lie. Many Republican voters live in these areas and want people to do well. It keeps the taxes and extra changes in insurances and utilities and many other things lower. The funny thing is, that there are endless Progs who get out of Dodge when African Americans start moving into white neighborhoods. Many of the white neighborhoods are ethnic. They move from the city to the suburbs. The biggest hypocrites out of a nation where we all can be that to degree.
no 2... banker in just about every thread mentions this stolen election,its getting old.....and no 3....are you bankers mouthpiece this week?...the guy is a grown man,let him defend himself....
'It's getting old? That's a problem for you?
Look, mon ami, here's a clue for the clue-full: Don't open his posts. Move on. Problem solved.
Signed, Captain Obvious.

It HAS been presented. You ignore it.
Ah, no.
It ain't a question of some anonymous chatterati on some narrow-gauge social media site 'ignoring' evidence.
Rather, it is multiple courts....over 60, and nearly 100 judges, some of them Trump appointed .....who have ruled the 'evidence' presented is faulty, is fake, or ain't really evidence.
THAT is your problem. Not some bloke using a fake name to post on a gossipboard.

Get it now?

We understand that those on the Left will NEVER accept our opinions on this.........
Your opinions?
Those folks on "the Left" don't have faith in your opinions?
Well, Buttercup, suck it up. Quit whining.
It is ONLY your friggin' ...'O-P-I-N-I-O-N'!

So rather than weep over your ignored opinion, do this: Povide to a ruling court your evidence of any fraud significant enough to change the results of the election.

And quit whining.
It is unmanly.....regardless if you are a man, a woman, or your choice.

11K difference in election. just a couple of findings. If you moved out? Who collected your mail-in ballot and submitted it?
When they had enough....they said "no more to count". If you moved........your old ballots were used. Just one example.
Ah, sincere and earnest poster, Old 'bout you quit hissyfitting here and gather up the Cyber Ninja's $9,000,000 worth of investigations on Maricopa's election and bring it to the forum?

Or, dig up the Arizona AG's own staff's investigation?

You know, this one:
".... investigators with the Arizona Attorney General’s Office reported beginning in March 2022 that they could find no evidence of any widespread fraud in the 2020 election.
Then-AG Mark Brnovich, who was at the time courting the Republican vote for the U.S. Senate, kept the results of the investigation private."

So do those two little due-diligence requirements.
Share with the forum the results of those two serious and costly investigations. One paid for by Trump-aligned PACs, and the other by the people of Arizona.

Both the us that there is no there there.

But good luck. Go do your due diligence.
It is the responsible thing to do by adults who wish to contribute in a productive and serious manner.
And I think you really do know that already.

Best2u. ;)
That is a lie. Many Republican voters live in these areas and want people to do well. It keeps the taxes and extra changes in insurances and utilities and many other things lower. The funny thing is, that there are endless Progs who get out of Dodge when African Americans start moving into white neighborhoods. Many of the white neighborhoods are ethnic. They move from the city to the suburbs. The biggest hypocrites out of a nation where we all can be that to degree.
The republicans have always been the party of rich folk, and Democrats helped the working man. Who gave us a middle class, a 5day work week, better safety on the job, and ended child labor?
The FACTS are hidden by corrupt Courts or they refuse the case. The searches for PAST articles are controlled by LW GOOGLE and everything is buried or removed completely.

Asking for proof is asking too much of regular working folks. State Politicians would have to summarize and put it out constantly. But they don't? they do nothing about 2020 and we had a repeat in 2022 (AZ for certain, with a few new methods).
I did not watch 2000 Mules (that was PROOF) as Netflix took it off before I could get to it. I did not need to see it as I had read every article about Election Fraud 2021-2023. 100s' of Whistleblower stories were sanitized from internet archives by LW loons in Silicon Valley working with the commee DEMS installed into DC.
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The FACTS are hidden by corrupt Courts. The searches for PAST articles are controlled by LW GOOGLE and everything is buried or removed completely.

Asking for proof is asking too much of regular working folks. State Politicians have to summarize and put it out constantly. But they don't.
I did not even watch 2000 Mules (that was PROOF) as Netflix took it off before I could get to it. I did not need to see it as I had read every single article about Election Fraud over 2021-2023. 100s' of Whistleblower stories were sanitized from internet archives by LW loons in Silicon Valley working with the commee DEMS installed into DC.
All that? You went deep into that conspiracy theory rabbit hole, didn't you? Was any of it provable? If so, you should tell rudy. He's been looking for a long time.
All that? You went deep into that conspiracy theory rabbit hole, didn't you? Was any of it provable? If so, you should tell rudy. He's been looking for a long time.

Go search for something douchebag. Google bought up Duck Duck. They own BRAVE. MS or YAHOO is Leftist cabal. Truth is buried or removed. Get off me punk.
What evidence you got that you can share?

Evidence is stuff like a recorded phone call where someone says:

"I need you to do me a favor, though."
"I just want to find 11,870 votes, which is one more than we have."

Classic shit stain deflection. Never answer the question. That might give your traitor ass a clue as to why I rarely ever engage with you lying scum in debate. There's no point.
Does either westwall or miketx understand that hitting the dislike button is not showing evidence. You hit the dislike button because you can't supply any actual Evidence.

The key word is : Evidence.
I don't ever use the dislike button, scumbag.
Go search for something douchebag. Google bought up Duck Duck. They own BRAVE. MS or YAHOO is Leftist cabal. Get off me punk.
Ok, but I'm serious. If you find any credible proof that your claims are true, then let me know.
Ok, but I'm serious. If you find any credible proof that your claims are true, then let me know.

Look above at what I already posting you troublemaking bag of human waste. 20K-50K illegal ballots without even breaking a sweat. Do the math, Notstradamous.
Look above at what I already posting you troublemaking bag of human waste. 20K-50K illegal ballots without even breaking a sweat. Do the math, Notstradamous.
No credible proof has been presented showing 20K to 50K illegal ballots. If you got something then show it.

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