It Is Time to Present Real and Credible Evidence of Election fraud or Admit Reality, Trump is lying about Voter fraud that never happened

They can't and they won't. They know they've been lied to. They know this is scam. There is NO WAY that they DON'T.

So now, they're just acting out of either pure SPITE or pure DELUSION. That's it. One or the other.
Just like Putin's fan boi Trump they're willing to blow the whole thing up rather then admit that Trump is a no good lying corrupt thieving bastard who lied to them.
The Big Lie is the total undoing of all credibility for republicans. Still to this day, they can't man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud despite losing all court cases and all audits and all the people at Fox News admitting behind the scens that Trump is lying about fraud that never happened, these people still cling to the Big Lie.

Any so called evidence presented has been fake news lies that got completely rejected by all courts with Trump appointed judges rejecting it and saying it is all lies.
Sydney Powell and Giuliani have been outed as frauds with their bold and fabricated claims of Dominion voting machine fraud that is about to cost Fox News $1.8 B in a defamation law suit.

It is time for Trump supporters to either present this evidence of fraud or shut up and admit that there was no fraud.
I fully expect all trump supporters to not be able to present any credible evidence of fraud (per usual) and still not admit there was no fraud. They are in too deep and married to the big lie.
If Americans believed 2020 was clean and pure, the NWO wouldn't need to send their shillbots/NPCs here to make threads about it daily.
The only reason anybody even mentions the big lie is because trump keeps repeating it, and his MAGA drones believe him.
'It's getting old? That's a problem for you?
Look, mon ami, here's a clue for the clue-full: Don't open his posts. Move on. Problem solved.
Signed, Captain Obvious.


Ah, no.
It ain't a question of some anonymous chatterati on some narrow-gauge social media site 'ignoring' evidence.
Rather, it is multiple courts....over 60, and nearly 100 judges, some of them Trump appointed .....who have ruled the 'evidence' presented is faulty, is fake, or ain't really evidence.
THAT is your problem. Not some bloke using a fake name to post on a gossipboard.

Get it now?


Your opinions?
Those folks on "the Left" don't have faith in your opinions?
Well, Buttercup, suck it up. Quit whining.
It is ONLY your friggin' ...'O-P-I-N-I-O-N'!

So rather than weep over your ignored opinion, do this: Povide to a ruling court your evidence of any fraud significant enough to change the results of the election.

And quit whining.
It is unmanly.....regardless if you are a man, a woman, or your choice.

Ah, sincere and earnest poster, Old 'bout you quit hissyfitting here and gather up the Cyber Ninja's $9,000,000 worth of investigations on Maricopa's election and bring it to the forum?

Or, dig up the Arizona AG's own staff's investigation?

You know, this one:
".... investigators with the Arizona Attorney General’s Office reported beginning in March 2022 that they could find no evidence of any widespread fraud in the 2020 election.
Then-AG Mark Brnovich, who was at the time courting the Republican vote for the U.S. Senate, kept the results of the investigation private."

So do those two little due-diligence requirements.
Share with the forum the results of those two serious and costly investigations. One paid for by Trump-aligned PACs, and the other by the people of Arizona.

Both the us that there is no there there.

But good luck. Go do your due diligence.
It is the responsible thing to do by adults who wish to contribute in a productive and serious manner.
And I think you really do know that already.

Best2u. ;)
so you are now bankers spokes person?....and mon ami if you dont like what i say in response to your boyfriends posts....dont open them up....move on...problem solved...your welcome...
" you are now bankers spokes person?"
Ah, no. My avatar hasn't made the acquaintance of that avatar.
But we are always open to any poster here. Even those we can sometimes mildly disagree with.

However, that's irrelevant to the real reality.
Rather, it works like this: If one posts on a public forum then one can expect, should expect, that the posts can be, and likely will be, commented on by other posters.
It is sort of expected on the public byway. Confidentially, I really do suspect you already know that. Probably.

Now, if that expectation discombobulates the good poster Harry, well, we can recommend he simply PM any avatar who he wishes to address privately.

That way his most questionable beliefs can be better protected and nurtured.

boy did you jump into something you had no idea of why i said what i said...first off i dont believe the election was stolen even though some shit did look fishy....and no 2... banker in just about every thread mentions this stolen election,its getting old.....and no 3....are you bankers mouthpiece this week?...the guy is a grown man,let him defend himself....
He takes care of my light work.

If you don't like election fraud threads then don't read them. Simple as that...

PS tell the pathetic weak republicans to admit the election was not stolen
Ah, no. My avatar hasn't made the acquaintance of that avatar.
But we are always open to any poster here. Even those we can sometimes mildly disagree with.

However, that's irrelevant to the real reality.
Rather, it works like this: If one posts on a public forum then one can expect, should expect, that the posts can be, and likely will be, commented on by other posters.
It is sort of expected on the public byway. Confidentially, I really do suspect you already know that. Probably.

Now, if that expectation discombobulates the good poster Harry, well, we can recommend he simply PM any avatar who he wishes to address privately.

That way his most questionable beliefs can be better protected and nurtured.

He takes care of my light work.

If you don't like election fraud threads then don't read them. Simple as that...

PS tell the pathetic weak republicans to admit the election was not stolen have admitted to me your party sucks too BUT...we never see you here bad mouthing them for anything.... come on banker at least be honest....if you dont think they are as wonderful as some lefties here think they are lets see you say something about the incompetent asswipes who run that circus there are enough of them....
YES.... I posted videos of how it was stolen, yet you still say that my EYES were lied to, while i am supposed to believe a Marxist who has his head shoved way up Uranus.
Well, you now know that your media has been lying to you about this. That means your videos really don't show what you've been told. You know that you have Steve Bannon, on tape, describing before the election how Trump was going to lie. You have everything you need to grow up and admit that you have been conned.

And you don't have to believe "a Marxist", although I'm a better capitalist than you could ever dream of being. You choose not to believe Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas. This isn't about ME. It's about YOU.

It's on you now. It's time to grow up.
Just like Putin's fan boi Trump they're willing to blow the whole thing up rather then admit that Trump is a no good lying corrupt thieving bastard who lied to them.
That's exactly right. And it's because this is about far more than politics to them.

They sold their soul to this guy. They made him a lifestyle. Now they know what I've been saying all along: This has never been about Trump. This has been about THEM.
Well, you now know that your media has been lying to you about this. That means your videos really don't show what you've been told. You know that you have Steve Bannon, on tape, describing before the election how Trump was going to lie. You have everything you need to grow up and admit that you have been conned.

And you don't have to believe "a Marxist", although I'm a better capitalist than you could ever dream of being. You choose not to believe Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas. This isn't about ME. It's about YOU.

It's on you now. It's time to grow up.
My media? Bwaaahahaaaaa.......

Here is YOUR media, you dumb fucking asswipe.

The Big Lie is the total undoing of all credibility for republicans. Still to this day, they can't man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud despite losing all court cases and all audits and all the people at Fox News admitting behind the scens that Trump is lying about fraud that never happened, these people still cling to the Big Lie.

Any so called evidence presented has been fake news lies that got completely rejected by all courts with Trump appointed judges rejecting it and saying it is all lies.
Sydney Powell and Giuliani have been outed as frauds with their bold and fabricated claims of Dominion voting machine fraud that is about to cost Fox News $1.8 B in a defamation law suit.

It is time for Trump supporters to either present this evidence of fraud or shut up and admit that there was no fraud.
I fully expect all trump supporters to not be able to present any credible evidence of fraud (per usual) and still not admit there was no fraud. They are in too deep and married to the big lie.

Evidence has repeatedly been presented, in the form of evidence, testimony, and convictions; however, we still have to endure the same, continuous 'Denial' threads demanding the same evidence be presented over and over.


1. 'Ozzie'
Ex-Democratic congressman sentenced to prison in yearslong Pennsylvania election fraud scheme | CNN Politics

2. More Votes Cast Than Citizens / Registered Voters

3. There were 53 (at least) successful voter fraud convictions stemming from the 2020 election with anorher (at least) 156 cases referred for prosecution in Florida alone but were not pursued

** This is the point, when faced with undeniable evidrnce election fraud exists / took place, where Democrats / snowflakes change their argument from 'no election fraud exists / occured' to 'NOT ENOUGH TO MATTER occured'.

This scenario has played out dozens of times in dozens of discussions in multiple threads over time on this board alone...

... proving Democrats / snowflakes will NEVER accept the truth, will NEVER stop arguing tbat it does not exist / never happened, no matter how many times their claims are denunked...

... proving Democrats / snowflakes WANT voter / election fraud ... as long as it benefits them / their candidates.
Evidence has repeatedly been presented, in the form of evidence, testimony, and convictions; however, we still have to endure the same, continuous 'Denial' threads demanding the same evidence be presented over and over.


1. 'Ozzie'
Ex-Democratic congressman sentenced to prison in yearslong Pennsylvania election fraud scheme | CNN Politics

2. More Votes Cast Than Citizens / Registered Voters

3. There were 53 (at least) successful voter fraud convictions stemming from the 2020 election with anorher (at least) 156 cases referred for prosecution in Florida alone but were not pursued

** This is the point, when faced with undeniable evidrnce election fraud exists / took place, where Democrats / snowflakes change their argument from 'no election fraud exists / occured' to 'NOT ENOUGH TO.MATTER occured'.

This scenario has played out dozens of times in dozens of discussions in multiple threads over time on this board alone...

... proving Democrats / snowflakes will NEVER accept the truth, will NEVER stop arguing tbat it does not exist / never happened, no matter how many times their claims are denunked...

... proving Democrats / snowflakes WANT voter / election fraud ... as long as it benefits them / their candidates.
bull shit
None of that helped Biden or affected the outcome of the election at all. Trump lost fair and square

Meanwhile back in reality and the real world Trump appointed judges destroy you:

Ludwig added: “This court allowed the plaintiff the chance to make his case, and he has lost on the merits. In his reply brief, plaintiff ‘asks that the Rule of Law be followed.’ It has been.”

“Charges of unfairness are serious,” Bibas wrote on behalf of a three-judge panel. “But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

Trump appointed judges have spoken, and they said there is no evidence of fraud.
Ha Ha

You're just a little bitch too weak to admit that Trump is lying about election fraud that the majority of the world knows didn't happen.

bull shit
None of that helped Biden or affected the outcome of the election at all.



1st you demand proof (again) of election fraud, claiming there was none.

Its provided.

You then say, as predicted, "there wasn't ENOUGH" / "none of that had anything to do with affecting the outcome" ... which you don't know / can't prove.

Also, think of 'election fraud' as 'illegal border crossings' - its not the ones you CATCH that are as important as the ones you DON'T catch.

View attachment 761822

1st you demand proof (again) of election fraud, claiming there was none.

Its provided.

You then say, as predicted, "there wasn't ENOUGH" / "none of that had anything to do with affecting the outcome" ... which you don't know / can't prove.

Also, think of 'election fraud' as 'illegal border crossings' - its not the ones you CATCH that are as important as the ones you DON'T catch.
You provided little fluff proof.
Every single election there are small isolated incidents, but none of it remotely changes the results or outcome. There were plenty of republicans charged with election fraud too, and plenty of incidents of GOP election fraud in 2020, but none of it had an effect on the election results.

Trump appointed judges said it best, there is no proof of fraud.
The Big Lie is the total undoing of all credibility for republicans. Still to this day, they can't man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud despite losing all court cases and all audits and all the people at Fox News admitting behind the scens that Trump is lying about fraud that never happened, these people still cling to the Big Lie.

Any so called evidence presented has been fake news lies that got completely rejected by all courts with Trump appointed judges rejecting it and saying it is all lies.
Sydney Powell and Giuliani have been outed as frauds with their bold and fabricated claims of Dominion voting machine fraud that is about to cost Fox News $1.8 B in a defamation law suit.

It is time for Trump supporters to either present this evidence of fraud or shut up and admit that there was no fraud.
I fully expect all trump supporters to not be able to present any credible evidence of fraud (per usual) and still not admit there was no fraud. They are in too deep and married to the big lie.
Democrats have told the big lie for decades, denying election results.
My media? Bwaaahahaaaaa.......

Here is YOUR media, you dumb fucking asswipe.

Has Fox been lying to you about the rigged election? Yes or no?

Let's see if you can answer my question without trying to change the subject or with personal insults.

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