It looks as if the American People will finally get their crumbling infrastructure repaired and renewed!


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
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"We have a great plan and we are going to rebuild our infrastructure.
By the way, her [Hillary Clinton] numbers [$275 billion] is a fraction of what we’re talking about,
we need much more money than that to rebuild our infrastructure.
Well I would say at least double her numbers and you’re going to

really need more than that. We have bridges that are falling down!"
Trump, August 2, 2016

Americans finally have a President who can achieve what the former guy only blew gas about:

We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives.,, Rebuild the US first!
— Trump, March 1, 2013
We should have a speedy withdrawal. Why should we keep wasting our money -- rebuild the U.S.!
Trump, January 14, 2013
Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! Rebuild the USA!
Trump, January 11, 2013
Get out now and re-build U.S.!
Trump, December 6, 2012

As Congress debates, most Americans back Biden's trillion-dollar spending bills

The ambitious and expensive Democratic spending bills being debated on Capitol Hill have a big advantage: Most Americans support them.
The $1 trillion infrastructure bill was backed by 63% of Americans in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll. And the $3.5 trillion budget plan, the most significant expansion of the social safety net since LBJ's Great Society, was endorsed by 52%.
The infrastructure bill, which has passed the Senate and is scheduled to be voted on by the House late next month, was forged across partisan lines and is backed by 36% of Republicans as well as nearly all Democrats. The massive budget reconciliation measure, which so far has drawn only Democratic votes, was supported by 9 of 10 Democrats, 1 in 5 Republicans and close to half of independents.
View attachment 530502
"We have a great plan and we are going to rebuild our infrastructure.
By the way, her [Hillary Clinton] numbers [$275 billion] is a fraction of what we’re talking about,
we need much more money than that to rebuild our infrastructure.
Well I would say at least double her numbers and you’re going to

really need more than that. We have bridges that are falling down!"
Trump, August 2, 2016

Americans finally have a President who can achieve what the former guy only blew gas about:

As Congress debates, most Americans back Biden's trillion-dollar spending bills

The ambitious and expensive Democratic spending bills being debated on Capitol Hill have a big advantage: Most Americans support them.
The $1 trillion infrastructure bill was backed by 63% of Americans in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll. And the $3.5 trillion budget plan, the most significant expansion of the social safety net since LBJ's Great Society, was endorsed by 52%.
The infrastructure bill, which has passed the Senate and is scheduled to be voted on by the House late next month, was forged across partisan lines and is backed by 36% of Republicans as well as nearly all Democrats. The massive budget reconciliation measure, which so far has drawn only Democratic votes, was supported by 9 of 10 Democrats, 1 in 5 Republicans and close to half of independents.
Well President Trump was right.

The problem is this “infrastructure bill” doesn’t do much for infrastructure and is nothing but pork from Democrats. We also don’t have the money and all they will do is print another $3.5 trillion, which will lead to further inflation and destroy the middle class.
We Americans ain't gonna get jackshit. Only a small portion of the bill will actually go for infrastructure.

The filthy Democrat special interest groups will get all the graft and corruption their little hearts desires.

The greedy unions will get their bloated wages and pensions.

American children will get more debt with nothing to show for it.

American citizens will get even more inflation.

Democrat leaders will get bigger mansions.
Whatever we might happen to get repaired will be blown up by terrorist attacks thanks to Beijing's bitch showing his belly to every wanna be jihadist out there,
trillion-dollar spending bills
infrastructure bill
The infrastructure bill,

All talk from the Left's mouth. While Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan years before he was in office, Joe waits 20 years then turns it into one massive boondoggle.

While Trump wanted to invest billions into rebuilding our cities, the left is now trying to steal trillions to waste on rebuilding the DNC and advance their politically-motivated green plans.

Too bad there is no infrastructure in your infrastructure bill.

It will never get passed.

No bill for you.

No infrastructure, no reconciliation, no nothing.
Way to go Dems!!!

About time we got this done.

Thank you Joe

Thank you Speaker Pelosi

This means jobs and major infrastructure repairs that are sorely needed.
I can already hear Biden after all that money is spent. Well those shovel ready jobs wasn't so shovel ready.
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We'll see what the conservadems in the Senate do with the larger bill but the one trillion dollar smaller package has passed both Houses
View attachment 530502
"We have a great plan and we are going to rebuild our infrastructure.
By the way, her [Hillary Clinton] numbers [$275 billion] is a fraction of what we’re talking about,
we need much more money than that to rebuild our infrastructure.
Well I would say at least double her numbers and you’re going to

really need more than that. We have bridges that are falling down!"
Trump, August 2, 2016

Americans finally have a President who can achieve what the former guy only blew gas about:

As Congress debates, most Americans back Biden's trillion-dollar spending bills

The ambitious and expensive Democratic spending bills being debated on Capitol Hill have a big advantage: Most Americans support them.
The $1 trillion infrastructure bill was backed by 63% of Americans in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll. And the $3.5 trillion budget plan, the most significant expansion of the social safety net since LBJ's Great Society, was endorsed by 52%.
The infrastructure bill, which has passed the Senate and is scheduled to be voted on by the House late next month, was forged across partisan lines and is backed by 36% of Republicans as well as nearly all Democrats. The massive budget reconciliation measure, which so far has drawn only Democratic votes, was supported by 9 of 10 Democrats, 1 in 5 Republicans and close to half of independents.

B. Hussein O promised to repair the infrastructure in 2009 as well. Just pissed away the trillion dollars.
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$3.5 one shot. Wow.

Democrats always raid the treasury when they get into power. The money never goes for anything useful but to line the pockets of the filthy Democrat special interest groups. For instance, this bill is loaded with handouts to the Negroes, illegals and environmental wackos.
View attachment 530502
"We have a great plan and we are going to rebuild our infrastructure.
By the way, her [Hillary Clinton] numbers [$275 billion] is a fraction of what we’re talking about,
we need much more money than that to rebuild our infrastructure.
Well I would say at least double her numbers and you’re going to

really need more than that. We have bridges that are falling down!"
Trump, August 2, 2016

Americans finally have a President who can achieve what the former guy only blew gas about:

As Congress debates, most Americans back Biden's trillion-dollar spending bills

The ambitious and expensive Democratic spending bills being debated on Capitol Hill have a big advantage: Most Americans support them.
The $1 trillion infrastructure bill was backed by 63% of Americans in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll. And the $3.5 trillion budget plan, the most significant expansion of the social safety net since LBJ's Great Society, was endorsed by 52%.
The infrastructure bill, which has passed the Senate and is scheduled to be voted on by the House late next month, was forged across partisan lines and is backed by 36% of Republicans as well as nearly all Democrats. The massive budget reconciliation measure, which so far has drawn only Democratic votes, was supported by 9 of 10 Democrats, 1 in 5 Republicans and close to half of independents.
Obama already took care of that. Or are you saying he used that money to buy off unions?
All talk from the Left's mouth. While Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan years before he was in office, Joe waits 20 years then turns it into one massive boondoggle.

While Trump wanted to invest billions into rebuilding our cities, the left is now trying to steal trillions to waste on rebuilding the DNC and advance their politically-motivated green plans.

Too bad there is no infrastructure in your infrastructure bill.

It will never get passed.

No bill for you.

No infrastructure, no reconciliation, no nothing.

Now that the Republicans know that the Democrat filth will lose the House and Senate next year because of President Potatohead's fuck ups in Afghanistan then they will be less likely to compromise in the Senate.
Biden assumed office 8 months ago. Former Guy had 4 years to honor his words.
And he did. He worked out a viable deal in Afghanistan last year. Too bad you tied him up so long with empty investigations and impeachments. And Biden had TWENTY FUCKING YEARS plus EIGHT FUCKING YEARS in the White House asshole to get it done, but Bidden and Obama never even made leaving Afghanistan a priority. They were more concerned about flooding our country with undocumented illegals.

The bipartisan support the President has achieved makes the prospect quite realistic.
In a pig's eye. 75% of what the Infra Bill calls for is nothing but pork spending for the Left's personal pet projects.

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We'll see what the conservadems in the Senate do with the larger bill but the one trillion dollar smaller package has passed both Houses
Trump's failures to get out of Afghanistan or pass an infrastructure bill - both of which he incessantly raved about doing - means that diehard trumpers will now revile both.

A pragmatic assessment is that both are positive achievements for the nation. Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude.

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