It May Be Time for the 25th Amendment Solution

Given the reports coming out of the White House and the TImes certainly looks like we have a President with severe mental issues.

I don't relish the idea of Pence...but at least he's not a raving lunatic

In case any of the White Supremacist/Anti-Semitic/Bigoted Followers of 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward 45 might somehow avoid legal action if he Resigns/Is Removed From Office guess again.

Once the Walking Orange Faced Pus Bag leaves office, he can faced prosecution for any actiion(s) he took while being illegally in the White House.

The State of New York is just waiting for this to happen. Putin's Blow Job Buddy could very well end up in Federal Prison for all of his corruption.

Fuck 45 and Russian Dick(tator) he sucks off.

Resistance is Futile.
Given the reports coming out of the White House and the TImes certainly looks like we have a President with severe mental issues.

I don't relish the idea of Pence...but at least he's not a raving lunatic

Oh Brother!!!

That's the only reply this tripe deserves.
The GDP is at 4.1 and the DOW is around 26,000 and Black unemployment is at a historic low. The crazy left threatened the President with arson, assault and even murder including the kidnapping of the Press Secretary's kids and a Sanders supporter and democrat activist opened fire on a republican baseball team just last year. With all this left wing craziness and insane hatred the left wants to amend the freaking Constitution because they think the President is incompetent? The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
The GDP is at 4.1 and the DOW is around 26,000 and Black unemployment is at a historic low. The crazy left threatened the President with arson, assault and even murder including the kidnapping of the Press Secretary's kids and a Sanders supporter and democrat activist opened fire on a republican baseball team just last year. With all this left wing craziness and insane hatred the left wants to amend the freaking Constitution because they think the President is incompetent? The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
You're wrong on the GDP. The Dow is where it was in January (actually it's lower). Black unemployment was trending that way before Trump and he certainly has done nothing to make it better.

As far as the rest of your insane rant...oh well. Maybe we need a 25th for posters on this board
The GDP is at 4.1 and the DOW is around 26,000 and Black unemployment is at a historic low. The crazy left threatened the President with arson, assault and even murder including the kidnapping of the Press Secretary's kids and a Sanders supporter and democrat activist opened fire on a republican baseball team just last year. With all this left wing craziness and insane hatred the left wants to amend the freaking Constitution because they think the President is incompetent? The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
You're wrong on the GDP. The Dow is where it was in January (actually it's lower). Black unemployment was trending that way before Trump and he certainly has done nothing to make it better.

As far as the rest of your insane rant...oh well. Maybe we need a 25th for posters on this board

What you need and what you get, in your case, are opposites.
Too bad
Hold on a want to allow authors of books and anonymously written short editorials to influence our democracy?
Do you people wonder why nobody takes you serious?

Books often influence the electorate (Clinton Cash ring a bell?)

And this anonymous source is in the Administration...and there are "dozens" more in the Admin that feel the sameway and have witnessed the same things.

That's fucking scary as hell
Given the reports coming out of the White House and the TImes certainly looks like we have a President with severe mental issues.

I don't relish the idea of Pence...but at least he's not a raving lunatic
so you have given up on your, ahem, legal recourses and are going straight to leftist opinion.
Hillary didn't win. Time to move on finally. 2020 is only 2 years away. The people will decide then.

Why wait that long? How much damage can this guy do in two years. What if he loses in two years (Despite Russia's best efforts) and he decides he doesn't want to give up power?

The 25th is there for a reason. If his own staff thinks he's so nuts they have to corrall him from doing something crazy after an hour of watching Fox News, we really do have a problem we can't wait two years to fix.

Except his staff doesn’t think that
Hold on a want to allow authors of books and anonymously written short editorials to influence our democracy?
Do you people wonder why nobody takes you serious?

Books often influence the electorate (Clinton Cash ring a bell?)

And this anonymous source is in the Administration...and there are "dozens" more in the Admin that feel the sameway and have witnessed the same things.

That's fucking scary as hell

“And this anonymous source is in the Administration“
This is true because you said so?

“That's fucking scary as hell”
Are you “scared” of all the awesome shit happening on Donny’s watch? None of that matters...right? You’re stuck on “he’s mean to bottom feeders and wetbacks”....right?
Given the reports coming out of the White House and the TImes certainly looks like we have a President with severe mental issues.

I don't relish the idea of Pence...but at least he's not a raving lunatic
It is definitely time to invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment.
Is that the I’m butt hurt and I lost the election and can’t stop crying about it section?

Did we amend the constitution after the election?
Given the reports coming out of the White House and the TImes certainly looks like we have a President with severe mental issues.

I don't relish the idea of Pence...but at least he's not a raving lunatic
It is definitely time to invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment.
Is that the I’m butt hurt and I lost the election and can’t stop crying about it section?

Did we amend the constitution after the election?
The left seems to think so.
Hillary didn't win. Time to move on finally. 2020 is only 2 years away. The people will decide then.

Why wait that long? How much damage can this guy do in two years. What if he loses in two years (Despite Russia's best efforts) and he decides he doesn't want to give up power?

The 25th is there for a reason. If his own staff thinks he's so nuts they have to corrall him from doing something crazy after an hour of watching Fox News, we really do have a problem we can't wait two years to fix.

I think many on the right will think the same thing when a liberal is in the White House again.

This will now be the way it goes. The party out of power will call for the 25th the first day in office and keep going until the end.

To be fair, our democrat adversaries have been suggesting we need to give Iran nuclear technology which could be considered insane
Hillary didn't win. Time to move on finally. 2020 is only 2 years away. The people will decide then.

Why wait that long? How much damage can this guy do in two years. What if he loses in two years (Despite Russia's best efforts) and he decides he doesn't want to give up power?

The 25th is there for a reason. If his own staff thinks he's so nuts they have to corrall him from doing something crazy after an hour of watching Fox News, we really do have a problem we can't wait two years to fix.
What if he wins in two years? Will you declare war on Russia all by your lonesome?
Given the reports coming out of the White House and the TImes certainly looks like we have a President with severe mental issues.

I don't relish the idea of Pence...but at least he's not a raving lunatic
It is definitely time to invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment.
Is that the I’m butt hurt and I lost the election and can’t stop crying about it section?

Did we amend the constitution after the election?
The left seems to think so.

I doubt that. They don’t do much thinking at all.

I’m sure they feel like it is though

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