It Must Be Only About Mexicans And Muslims

Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace 'Imploding' Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

Watch the video in that link. See the New York Democrat say in his own words he will release a replacement for ObamaCare the moment his health secretary is confirmed.

Trump's health secretary was confirmed five months ago.

Why aren't you cucks demanding Trump release his replacement for ObamaCare?

Why are you letting him get away with hoaxing you?

Because ObamaCare isn't what you care about.

Just Mexicans and Muslims.

Your actions, and inaction, betray your motives.
We've been hoaxed because in six months he hasn't done everything he promised? Tell us.. how does he sign off on legislation that Congress hasn't passed?
Trump said he had his own replacement for ObamaCare. That was a lie. He has never produced one.

And you dumb shits didn't even ask to see it. That's how we know only Mexicans and Muslims matter to you.

If ObamaCare mattered to you, you would have demanded to see Trump's replacement plan long before now.

He promised "repeal and replace" and Congress has set about he task of "repeal and replace". The feckless GOP can't get their shit together because they are too scared of the lie that 22 million people will be "thrown off" their insurance. That i hardly Trump's fault.
Here's a shocker for the low information, low IQ, Trump cucks: It is possible to be a Republican and hate Trump at the same time!

I hope that doesn't blow your alleged minds too much.

In fact, it is a moral obligation for every Republican to hate Trump.
Obama is not my boy, liar.

And what kind of low self esteem you must have to be okay with being lied to by Trump "because Obama".

Holy shit, cuck! Grow a spine!

Who said "because Obama"? I'm just laughing at you crapping you pants because Trump hasn't accomplished everything in six months when your boy hoaxed you on a shitload of stuff for eight years and you said nothing.

"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"....

You're such a fraud.
Here's a shocker for the low information, low IQ, Trump cucks: It is possible to be a Republican and hate Trump at the same time!

I hope that doesn't blow your alleged minds too much.

In fact, it is a moral obligation for every Republican to hate Trump.

Hate him for what?

Typical leftwinger... all emotion, no thinking.
Since Trump has massively hoaxed his Chumps on just about everything, I can't help but wonder why they still like him. Since he has gone back on almost all of his promises, I can't help but wonder what it was his Chumps were actually voting for.

Tear up the Iran Nuclear Agreement? Trump told the Jews during the campaign that was going to be his "number-one priority".

Nope. Trump just certified the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

Repeal and Replace ObamaCare? I thought that was a big one! Trump said during the campaign he was going to do that on day one. Then he said after his inauguration he was going to submit a replacement the second his health secretary was confirmed.

Nope. The secretary was confirmed five months ago, and the bills Trump and the GOP have offered up do not repeal, much less replace, ObamaCare. And Trump has never personally revealed the beautiful replacement he claimed to have which his Chumps stupidly never asked to see.

There's a clue. When the Chumps never even asked to see Trump's replacement for ObamaCare, that's a YUGE tip they didn't give a fuck about health care reform or ObamaCare.

No, there was something else which was the only thing which matters to them. Clearly.

Now Trump is saying he is going to keep ObamaCare around and let America suffer.

Hell, Hillary could have kept ObamaCare around! Trump was hired to replace it! What an a-hole!

Is Trump working hard? Nope. I've posted his daily schedule from time to time. It's the lightest workday schedule you ever saw. Trump doesn't even start his day until 10:30! On most days, he has a lunch and then dinner, and that's all that's on his schedule. Trump also said he was going to be too busy to golf.

Nope. He's on track to shatter all past Presidents' golfing trips. At great expense to the American taxpayer.

So it wasn't any of those things his Chumps voted for, obviously. They make it clear every day they don't care those were all hoaxes.

What's left?

Oh, yeah. That shit Trump spewed on day one of his campaign that got the Tard Herd jizzing in their pants.


And Muslims.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims.

Watch. As more and more Trump hoaxes get exposed, Trump will still ride high with his Chumps just so long as he doesn't renege on the Mexican and Muslim stuff.

Mark my words. These cucks will even swallow single payer healthcare and ask for more.
Actually, I was just doing some research and reading this morning, and it seems, we will be going to war with Iran. That deal is as good as dead. Pay attention.

US Imperils Nuclear Deal With New Iran Sanctions
Iran FM Complains of Continuing US Violations of Pact
US Imperils Nuclear Deal With New Iran Sanctions
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif expressed anger at the latest round of moves, noting that the US has been in repeated violation of the P5+1 deal in preventing companies doing business with Iran. He noted Iran has had to repeatedly take the US to the joint commission on the deal to seek redress, and warned that major US violations could ultimately force Iran to withdraw from the deal.

That’s likely the goal of the Trump Administration’s moves, as they are very well aware that the US “ripping up” the deal, as Trump has promised to do, would alienate Europe, and hoping that if they continue to violate the deal Iran might just give up and withdraw, allowing them to shift the blame for a failure that’s still very much the fault of the US government.

Iran’s Nuclear Deal a Battleground Between Trump and His Cabinet

Trump Placed 'Conditions' on Recertifying Iran Deal
Iran’s Nuclear Deal a Battleground Between Trump and His Cabinet
OPINION | Trump must withdraw from Iran nuclear deal — now

OPINION | Trump must withdraw from Iran nuclear deal — now

Since Trump has massively hoaxed his Chumps on just about everything, I can't help but wonder why they still like him. Since he has gone back on almost all of his promises, I can't help but wonder what it was his Chumps were actually voting for.

Tear up the Iran Nuclear Agreement? Trump told the Jews during the campaign that was going to be his "number-one priority".

Nope. Trump just certified the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

Repeal and Replace ObamaCare? I thought that was a big one! Trump said during the campaign he was going to do that on day one. Then he said after his inauguration he was going to submit a replacement the second his health secretary was confirmed.

Nope. The secretary was confirmed five months ago, and the bills Trump and the GOP have offered up do not repeal, much less replace, ObamaCare. And Trump has never personally revealed the beautiful replacement he claimed to have which his Chumps stupidly never asked to see.

There's a clue. When the Chumps never even asked to see Trump's replacement for ObamaCare, that's a YUGE tip they didn't give a fuck about health care reform or ObamaCare.

No, there was something else which was the only thing which matters to them. Clearly.

Now Trump is saying he is going to keep ObamaCare around and let America suffer.

Hell, Hillary could have kept ObamaCare around! Trump was hired to replace it! What an a-hole!

Is Trump working hard? Nope. I've posted his daily schedule from time to time. It's the lightest workday schedule you ever saw. Trump doesn't even start his day until 10:30! On most days, he has a lunch and then dinner, and that's all that's on his schedule. Trump also said he was going to be too busy to golf.

Nope. He's on track to shatter all past Presidents' golfing trips. At great expense to the American taxpayer.

So it wasn't any of those things his Chumps voted for, obviously. They make it clear every day they don't care those were all hoaxes.

What's left?

Oh, yeah. That shit Trump spewed on day one of his campaign that got the Tard Herd jizzing in their pants.


And Muslims.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims.

Watch. As more and more Trump hoaxes get exposed, Trump will still ride high with his Chumps just so long as he doesn't renege on the Mexican and Muslim stuff.

Mark my words. These cucks will even swallow single payer healthcare and ask for more.

Secret plan to defeat Isis? Nope
So much winning? Nah
Repeal and replace Obamacare? Yay!
Let's Obamacare die? Yay!
Since Trump has massively hoaxed his Chumps on just about everything, I can't help but wonder why they still like him. Since he has gone back on almost all of his promises, I can't help but wonder what it was his Chumps were actually voting for.

Tear up the Iran Nuclear Agreement? Trump told the Jews during the campaign that was going to be his "number-one priority".

Nope. Trump just certified the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

Repeal and Replace ObamaCare? I thought that was a big one! Trump said during the campaign he was going to do that on day one. Then he said after his inauguration he was going to submit a replacement the second his health secretary was confirmed.

Nope. The secretary was confirmed five months ago, and the bills Trump and the GOP have offered up do not repeal, much less replace, ObamaCare. And Trump has never personally revealed the beautiful replacement he claimed to have which his Chumps stupidly never asked to see.

There's a clue. When the Chumps never even asked to see Trump's replacement for ObamaCare, that's a YUGE tip they didn't give a fuck about health care reform or ObamaCare.

No, there was something else which was the only thing which matters to them. Clearly.

Now Trump is saying he is going to keep ObamaCare around and let America suffer.

Hell, Hillary could have kept ObamaCare around! Trump was hired to replace it! What an a-hole!

Is Trump working hard? Nope. I've posted his daily schedule from time to time. It's the lightest workday schedule you ever saw. Trump doesn't even start his day until 10:30! On most days, he has a lunch and then dinner, and that's all that's on his schedule. Trump also said he was going to be too busy to golf.

Nope. He's on track to shatter all past Presidents' golfing trips. At great expense to the American taxpayer.

So it wasn't any of those things his Chumps voted for, obviously. They make it clear every day they don't care those were all hoaxes.

What's left?

Oh, yeah. That shit Trump spewed on day one of his campaign that got the Tard Herd jizzing in their pants.


And Muslims.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims.

Watch. As more and more Trump hoaxes get exposed, Trump will still ride high with his Chumps just so long as he doesn't renege on the Mexican and Muslim stuff.

Mark my words. These cucks will even swallow single payer healthcare and ask for more.

It's primarily Mexicans and Muslims because they're the greatest threat. See, Trump is smart, while you're just a snowflake. ILMAO @ "Trump has gone back on almost all of his promises". You're ridiculous. You hate him because he hasn't, and doesn't reflect your snowflake views.
Since Trump has massively hoaxed his Chumps on just about everything, I can't help but wonder why they still like him. Since he has gone back on almost all of his promises, I can't help but wonder what it was his Chumps were actually voting for.

Tear up the Iran Nuclear Agreement? Trump told the Jews during the campaign that was going to be his "number-one priority".

Nope. Trump just certified the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

Repeal and Replace ObamaCare? I thought that was a big one! Trump said during the campaign he was going to do that on day one. Then he said after his inauguration he was going to submit a replacement the second his health secretary was confirmed.

Nope. The secretary was confirmed five months ago, and the bills Trump and the GOP have offered up do not repeal, much less replace, ObamaCare. And Trump has never personally revealed the beautiful replacement he claimed to have which his Chumps stupidly never asked to see.

There's a clue. When the Chumps never even asked to see Trump's replacement for ObamaCare, that's a YUGE tip they didn't give a fuck about health care reform or ObamaCare.

No, there was something else which was the only thing which matters to them. Clearly.

Now Trump is saying he is going to keep ObamaCare around and let America suffer.

Hell, Hillary could have kept ObamaCare around! Trump was hired to replace it! What an a-hole!

Is Trump working hard? Nope. I've posted his daily schedule from time to time. It's the lightest workday schedule you ever saw. Trump doesn't even start his day until 10:30! On most days, he has a lunch and then dinner, and that's all that's on his schedule. Trump also said he was going to be too busy to golf.

Nope. He's on track to shatter all past Presidents' golfing trips. At great expense to the American taxpayer.

So it wasn't any of those things his Chumps voted for, obviously. They make it clear every day they don't care those were all hoaxes.

What's left?

Oh, yeah. That shit Trump spewed on day one of his campaign that got the Tard Herd jizzing in their pants.


And Muslims.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims.

Watch. As more and more Trump hoaxes get exposed, Trump will still ride high with his Chumps just so long as he doesn't renege on the Mexican and Muslim stuff.

Mark my words. These cucks will even swallow single payer healthcare and ask for more.

It's primarily Mexicans and Muslims because they're the greatest threat. See, Trump is smart, while you're just a snowflake. ILMAO @ "Trump has gone back on almost all of his promises". You're ridiculous. You hate him because he hasn't, and doesn't reflect your snowflake views.

Trump could single handedly cure cancer and they'd whine that he hasn't sighted the sightless.

They've lost their minds.
Hoax after hoax after hoax after hoax.

And the Chumps sit there and take it.

It has to be the Mexicans and Muslims. That's the only explanation.
Happy to be a "chump" who voted for the man who brought down the Clintons and the Bushes and kept Hillary out of the White House. Happy to be a "chump" who will patiently allow President Trump to be president for a couple of YEARS before determining he has or has not fulfilled any campaign promises. Just like I gave Obama a couple of YEARS before I determined he was an anti-American subversive based on his speeches and policies.
Since Trump has massively hoaxed his Chumps on just about everything, I can't help but wonder why they still like him. Since he has gone back on almost all of his promises, I can't help but wonder what it was his Chumps were actually voting for.

Tear up the Iran Nuclear Agreement? Trump told the Jews during the campaign that was going to be his "number-one priority".

Nope. Trump just certified the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

Repeal and Replace ObamaCare? I thought that was a big one! Trump said during the campaign he was going to do that on day one. Then he said after his inauguration he was going to submit a replacement the second his health secretary was confirmed.

Nope. The secretary was confirmed five months ago, and the bills Trump and the GOP have offered up do not repeal, much less replace, ObamaCare. And Trump has never personally revealed the beautiful replacement he claimed to have which his Chumps stupidly never asked to see.

There's a clue. When the Chumps never even asked to see Trump's replacement for ObamaCare, that's a YUGE tip they didn't give a fuck about health care reform or ObamaCare.

No, there was something else which was the only thing which matters to them. Clearly.

Now Trump is saying he is going to keep ObamaCare around and let America suffer.

Hell, Hillary could have kept ObamaCare around! Trump was hired to replace it! What an a-hole!

Is Trump working hard? Nope. I've posted his daily schedule from time to time. It's the lightest workday schedule you ever saw. Trump doesn't even start his day until 10:30! On most days, he has a lunch and then dinner, and that's all that's on his schedule. Trump also said he was going to be too busy to golf.

Nope. He's on track to shatter all past Presidents' golfing trips. At great expense to the American taxpayer.

So it wasn't any of those things his Chumps voted for, obviously. They make it clear every day they don't care those were all hoaxes.

What's left?

Oh, yeah. That shit Trump spewed on day one of his campaign that got the Tard Herd jizzing in their pants.


And Muslims.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims.

Watch. As more and more Trump hoaxes get exposed, Trump will still ride high with his Chumps just so long as he doesn't renege on the Mexican and Muslim stuff.

Mark my words. These cucks will even swallow single payer healthcare and ask for more.

It's primarily Mexicans and Muslims because they're the greatest threat. See, Trump is smart, while you're just a snowflake. ILMAO @ "Trump has gone back on almost all of his promises". You're ridiculous. You hate him because he hasn't, and doesn't reflect your snowflake views.

Trump could single handedly cure cancer and they'd whine that he hasn't sighted the sightless.

They've lost their minds.
Clearly your willful blindness will never be cured.

Trump could promise to cure cancer, and give you a lollipop instead and tweet, "Promise kept!", and you would drop to your knees and lick his feet.
Hoax after hoax after hoax after hoax.

And the Chumps sit there and take it.

It has to be the Mexicans and Muslims. That's the only explanation.
Happy to be a "chump" who voted for the man who brought down the Clintons and the Bushes and kept Hillary out of the White House. Happy to be a "chump" who will patiently allow President Trump to be president for a couple of YEARS before determining he has or has not fulfilled any campaign promises. Just like I gave Obama a couple of YEARS before I determined he was an anti-American subversive based on his speeches and policies.
Why do you have to wait for a couple of years to see if Trump is going to keep a promise he was supposed to fulfill last February?

My god, the dumb goes deep in you cucks!
Like I said, Hillary could have kept ObamaCare around for the next two years. We didn't need Trump for that.

You hired Trump to replace ObamaCare. He said he would on day one. Then he said he would provide a replacement in February.

He knows how you cucks tick. "I'll have that for you tomorrow", and then tomorrow never comes, but he knows you goldfish have already forgotten.

Your posts indicated you STILL haven't caught on to how Trump makes fools of you. You just sit there and take it.
Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace 'Imploding' Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

Watch the video in that link. See the New York Democrat say in his own words he will release a replacement for ObamaCare the moment his health secretary is confirmed.

Trump's health secretary was confirmed five months ago.

Why aren't you cucks demanding Trump release his replacement for ObamaCare?

Why are you letting him get away with hoaxing you?

Because ObamaCare isn't what you care about.

Just Mexicans and Muslims.

Your actions, and inaction, betray your motives.

How many videos would you like me to post of senator, and then president, Obama stating he was going to close Gitmo?




Candidates promise many things they believe they can get done if you elect them.

and find out when they take office, it ain't as easy as they thought
Hoax after hoax after hoax after hoax.

And the Chumps sit there and take it.

It has to be the Mexicans and Muslims. That's the only explanation.

That's good enough for me! :lol: :funnyface:

I prefer Western civilization ANY DAY over bring invaded by 3rd world denizens especially hordes of Muslims! Read below how Europe is committing SUICIDE by destroying their own culture & FUTURE with mass Islamic immigration!

Unable To Confront The Migrant Crisis, Europe Is Committing Suicide

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